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Taylor Trim


Power Level: 8/10 (150/150PP)

Trade-Offs: Barrage: +2 Attack / -2 Damage, -2 Defense / +2 Toughness; Crusher: -2 Attack / +2 Damage, -4 Defense / +4 Toughness; Shadow: +2 Attack / -2 Damage, +2 Defense / -2 Toughness; Sprint: +2 Attack / -2 Damage, +2 Defense / -2 Toughness; Swoop: None




In Brief: Young entrepreneur super-seamstress.


Catchphrase: "That could use a little mending."


Theme: Material Girl




Public Identity

Birthplace: Emerald City


Residence: Family home in the Hanover neighborhood.

Base of Operations: Taylor is currently running her fledgling business: Taylor's Enhancement Services out of the basement in her parent's house.

Occupation: Young super-tailor entrepreneur and Claremont student

Affiliations: Ishen's Enhancements, Emerald University Physics Department, Claremont Academy, Taylor's Enhancement Services

Family: Diwei (grandmother), "Uncle" Ishen (mentor), Liam Trim (father), Chanxin Trim (mother), Fionn and Cadhla Trim (grandparents)





Age: 16 (10/31/2008)

Apparent Age: 16

Gender: Female

Ethnicity: Half Han Chinese, half Irish.

Height:  5' 7"

Weight:  110 pounds

Eyes:  Brown 

Hair:  Black


Most of Taylor's gross features are attributable to her Han ancestry, although a careful observer might see subtle hints of her Irish ancestry in her facial shape. A slender teenager, Taylor carries herself with a reserved swagger. Her personality and unusual off-world upbringing have helped to shape a unique blend of individuality and respect for tradition. Most of the clothes she wears she has made herself. Some you would never guess, and others are one-of-a-kind unique items.


To promote her business, Taylor has developed several Demonstration Suits for use in high-visibility acts of superheroics:


Barrage: Warm red, white, and gold with a traditional Chinese collar give nod to one side of Taylor's ancestry while also hinting at impressive "fireworks" this Demonstration Suit can command.


Crusher: Synthetic musculature seamlessly coordinated with Taylor's movements give the impression of an eight-foot-tall bodybuilder physique under a skin-tight suit of black, blue, purple, and gold.


Shadow: Carbon black optical paneling screams "stealth-capable", until the suit completely vanishes.


Sprint: Bright blue with gold and red accents grab the viewers attention for Taylor's super-speedster Demonstration Suit.


Swoop: "Look good as you soar over the city" is Taylor's style philosophy, which this flashy black and yellow bodysuit aptly fulfills.





Taylor was born in Emerald City to Chanxin and Liam Trim, two too-busy software engineers. She spent much of her early years being looked after by her grandmother, Diwei, a semi-retired seamstress.


One day, while walking along the beach with her grandmother, little Taylor picked up a strange, beautiful object that had washed up from the sea. At her touch, the thing began to glow and levitate, scanning her with a blue-green light beam and attempting to communicate with her in an alien language. Something in the extradimensional energy leaking from the device interacted with a hidden potential, deep in Taylor's DNA, and the young girl's mind began to operate at an accelerated rate.


Diwei grabbed Taylor to protect her, but the hovering glowing thing was now speaking to them in English. "Unbelievable! You found my grkkschtik! After all these blanfals! I'll be right over to pick it up in a smezel . . . Which is about . . . 50 of your Earth days! Keep it safe, won't you?" And the thing went silent and dark, falling to the ground.


Chanxin and Liam were pretty skeptical of Diwei and Taylor's story. But there was no denying something had changed with Taylor. The girl had always been clever, but now she was figuring things out so quickly, her two parents didn't know whether to feel proud or scared.


Fifty days of waiting proved Diwei and Taylor weren't liars, when the Trim house front door was visited by a pale blue impossibly thin creature calling themselves Ishen. The family stood flabbergasted as Ishen explained they had been visiting Earth to research some materials produced by aquatic invertebrates when they had misplaced their grkkschtik, which turned put to be something like a glorified personal organizer. Ishen was quite thankful and polite, and was excited to learn that Diwei was a seamstress, the alien being in a similar trade themself. After an interesting evening of conversation , the alien bid the Trims farewell, and returned to their spacecraft, hovering jarringly right above the family home. All seemed well. And then everybody started to wonder where Taylor was.


Stowed away on Ishen's spacecraft, four-year-old genius Taylor Trim began to explore and experiment with all of the wonderful devices on board. She was being as sneaky as she could about it. But it turns out that even genius four-year-olds are no match for the environmental diagnostic system and advanced computer of an interstellar-capable alien spacecraft. If Ishen wasn't taking a nap, Taylor would have been caught immediately. Ishen is of a species with a 96-hour sleep cycle. 


Reasonably concluding Taylor was the victim of an alien abduction, the Trims had alerted authorities, very skeptical authorities, and were at their wit's end when a self-conscious Ishen returned with their daughter, explaining apologetically that she had snuck aboard. After suspicions finally abated, they all laughed about it. All except Taylor, who was frankly pretty miffed that she had been caught so early. Ishen, for their part, had been impressed with how clever Taylor was, and gave the Trim family a sub-space communicator with which they could keep in touch.


Ishen ran a business that kept them moving about our little corner of the galaxy. They made bespoke personal enhancement suits for extremely wealthy clientele. Whenever their business took them within a reasonable detour of Earth (maybe once every few years or so), they would swing by to tell jokes with Diwei and to check in on Taylor.


For her part, Taylor soaked up everything she could about being a seamstress from her Gran. School was really boring intellectually, but, when she got a little older, Taylor's parents worked out for her to help out Professor Krishnamurti at Emerald University with theoretical physics problems.


When Taylor was ten, Ishen proposed the idea of her spending a year traveling the stars with them in apprenticeship. Sort of like a study abroad type situation. Liam and Chanxin were initially skeptical, but eventually relented, and Taylor was to spend her twelfth year cruising the galaxy and learning from Ishen.


Taylor absolutely loved working for Ishen and traveling the stars. As the year drew near a close, she began to dread returning to Earth.


Fate intervened, however, and the Supreme Warlord Kiffinul of planet Grimrock took the pair under a compulsory work contract, an arrangement also referred to loosely as "kidnapping". Ishen explained that this sometimes happened in their line of work, and apologized for the inconvenience. Taylor's parents were understandably beside themselves, but there really wasn't much they could do about it.


At first, Taylor was secretly delighted by the surprise extension of her space adventure. But as time stretched on into three Earth years, she began to get truly homesick. That, and she had a feeling Prince Grevrobbil had his eye on her to be one of his wives, which was just gross!


Sensing the impending crisis for Taylor, Ishen took uncharacteristic risks to have them both smuggled out of Kiffinul's Gloom Palace and the pair managed a daring escape of the system.


Returning to Earth, Taylor was overjoyed to be reunited with Diwei, Chanxin, and Liam, who had all moved to Freedom City (Liam's childhood home), which put them closer to Liam's parents. Taylor had earned her own set of alien-tech tools working for Ishen, and she announced that she was going to start her own little business on Earth, now that she was back. 



Personality & Motivation:

Taylor is plucky. And clever, really clever. For the most part, she loved her adventure in space, but now she's really glad to be home and able to experience our planet as a teen. She's passionate about her craft and throws herself into her new business venture. 




Powers & Tactics:

Besides her accelerated intellect and specialized crafting skills, Taylor is an ordinary human. She has an advanced alien technology cleverly disguised to look like an ordinary tailor's apron, which speeds her body up to keep pace with her mind and can produce virtually any crafting tool she could need at will.


Taylor is a genius invetor obsessed with super-suits. Her quickness increases the practicality of designing and building an Invention in-game. If she takes a -5 penalty to rush, she can design an Invention in about 1 minute per Power Point, and build it in about 4 to 5 minutes per Power Point. She is also constantly prototyping new super suit elements, which she will ask her superhero friends to trial and review in-game. Using her Apron, she can summon these prototype devices from z-space storage and fit them to allies in a full turn action. The abilities of these prototype devices can be quite diverse, although they don't stack with existing bonuses, are limited to a feature or other 1 PP Rank 1 Power, and only last for one scene. 


To promote her new business, Taylor has crafted five Demonstration Suits which can each be instantly summoned onto her body from their Z-Space storage wardrobe using her Apron.


Demonstration Suit: Barrage showcases offensive weaponry with ranged selective indirect area plasma attacks, super-senses for spotting targets, and impervious protection. Combat strategy involves taking cover and raining plasma projectiles down on enemies.


Demonstration Suit: Crusher increases Taylor's size, strength and stamina, providing impervious toughness and regeneration. Combat strategy involves damage resistance, demoralizing foes, punching, throwing things, and grappling.


Demonstration Suit: Shadow provides multi-sense concealment, enhanced dexterity, a magnetism-based melee attack, and super-senses and super-movements designed for stealthy infiltration. Combat strategy involves sneaking up on someone, shanking them, and slipping away. 


Demonstration Suit: Sprint greatly increases Taylor's speed, the range of her vision, and her healing rate. She can run up walls, across water, or all around bad guys, punching or tripping them repeatedly, or she can slam right into some unlucky thing at 5,000 mph. Ouch!


Demonstration Suit: Swoop takes Taylor to the sky, with eyes of an eagle. All of the suit's powers and maneuvers are centered around flight: fast overruns, sonic boom trail area attack, and slams - as well as immunities suited to high-flying.


Power Descriptions:

Taylor's mental Quickness is a Mutation triggered by exposure to Ishen's grkkschtik when she was a young child. Her Apron is actually an advanced alien technology time dilation and z-space manipulation device she uses to work more quickly and to summon her Demonstration Suits.


Her Demonstration Suits are all crafted of advanced materials and all feature the use of advanced AI to allow optimal use of their abilities. To "get her face out there" for advertizing purposes, none of Taylor's suits cover any part of her head. Instead, they feature force shielding over the head region for protection. Several of the Demonstration Suits feature super-senses that are achieved with optic manipulations immediately in front of Taylor's eyes, and not visible externally.


Suit: Barrage summons and commands swarms of glowing yellow balls of plasma and is protected by a personal force-field.


Suit: Crusher flexes an 8-foot tall frame of carbon nanotube synthetic actin, which behaves as if it were Taylor's own musculature and actively interfaces with her body to promote homeostasis under extremely adverse conditions.


Suit: Shadow super-charges Taylor's nervous system, can enter Stealth mode with alien signal-less technology, energizes a touchless melee-range magnetic projection, and can temporarily partially dimension shift to pass through solid obstacles.


Suit: Sprint uses high density time dilation materials to dramatically increase Taylor's speed and healing, as well as collison-responsive force shielding.


Suit: Swoop flies at high speed through a self-telekinetic effect, which can also be tweaked to create a powerful close-range shockwave trail. With Extra Effort, Taylor can enhance radiation shielding for short-range space flight (like a grueling 24-hour marathon to the moon) or adjust the pressure equilibriator for underwater travel.






Space Bias: Comparing her childhood in Emerald City (which is much less superhuman-dense than Freedom City) to her adolescence in outer space can lead Taylor to assume that Earthling opponents will be totally over-matched by her Demonstration Suits, possibly getting her into a pickle if she badly underestimates foes.


Vulnerable Family: Taylor's family has no special defenses and, since Taylor has no secret identity, could be put at risk in order to influence her actions.



Abilities: 0 + 4 + 4 + 16 + 8 + 0 = 32PP

Strength: 10 (+0)/30 (+10 Crusher)

Dexterity: 14 (+2)/26 (+8 Shadow)

Constitution: 14 (+2)/30 (+10 Crusher)/18 (+4 Sprint)

Intelligence: 26 (+8)

Wisdom: 18 (+4)

Charisma: 10 (+0)



Combat: 6 (2PP / Base Attack) + 6 (2PP / Base Defense) = 12PP


Taylor Trim:

Initiative: +2

Attack: +3 Base

Defense: +3 (+3 Base, +0 Dodge Focus), +1 Flat-Footed


Grapple: +3

Knockback: -2



Initiative: +2

Attack: +4 Base, +10 Plasma Barrage

Defense: +6 (+3 Base, +3 Dodge Focus), +4 Flat-Footed


Grapple: +4

Knockback: -3



Initiative: +2

Attack: +2 Base, +6 Melee, +6 Throwing

Defense: +4 (+2 Base, +2 Dodge Focus), +3 Flat-Footed


Grapple: +26

Knockback: -10



Initiative: +12

Attack: +4 Base, +10 Neural Spike

Defense: +10 (+4 Base, +6 Dodge Focus), +7 Flat-Footed (Uncanny Dodge)


Grapple: +12

Knockback: -3



Initiative: +18

Attack: +4 Base, +10 Super-Speed

Defense: +10 (+4 Base, +6 Dodge Focus), +7 Flat-Footed (Uncanny Dodge)


Grapple: +4

Knockback: -3



Initiative: +6

Attack: +3 Base, +8 Flying

Defense: +3 (+3 Base, +5 Dodge Focus), +5 Flat-Footed


Grapple: +5

Knockback: -3


Saving Throws: 2 (1PP / Fortitude) + 2 (1PP / Reflex) + 4 (1PP / Will) = 8PP


Taylor Trim:

Toughness: +4 (+2 Con, +2 Defensive Roll)

Fortitude: +4 (+2 Con, +2)

Reflex: +4 (+2 Dex, +2)

Will: +8 (+4 Wis, +4)



Toughness: +10 (+2 Con, +2 Defensive Roll, +6 Protection, [+8 Impervious])

Fortitude: +4 (+2 Con, +2)

Reflex: +10 (+2 Dex, +8)

Will: +8 (+4 Wis, +4)



Toughness: +12 (+10 Con, +2 Defensive Roll, [+8 Impervious])

Fortitude: +12 (+10 Con, +2)

Reflex: +4 (+2 Dex, +2)

Will: +8 (+4 Wis, +4)



Toughness: +6 (+2 Con, +4 Defensive Roll)

Fortitude: +4 (+2 Con, +2)

Reflex: +12 (+7 Dex, +4)

Will: +8 (+4 Wis, +4)



Toughness: +6 (+4 Con, +2 Defensive Roll)

Fortitude: +6 (+4 Con, +2)

Reflex: +13 (+2 Dex, +11)

Will: +8 (+4 Wis, +4)



Toughness: +6 (+2 Con, +4 Defensive Roll)

Fortitude: +4 (+2 Con, +2)

Reflex: +10 (+2 Dex, +8)

Will: +8 (+4 Wis, +4)


Skills: 52R = 13PP


Acrobatics 0 (+2)/12 (+14 in Sprint Suit)

Computers 2 (+10)

Craft: Electronic 12 (+20), Inventor

Craft: Mechanical 12 (+20), Inventor

Disable Device 7 (+15)

Drive 1 (+3)

Intimidation 0 (+0)/12 (+14 in Crusher Suit)

Knowledge: Physical Sciences 7 (+15)

Knowledge: Technology 7 (+15)

Language 2 (English, Standard Galactic, Mandarin)

Notice 1 (+5)/9 (+13 In Barrage Suit)

Pilot 1 (+3)



Feats: 6PP

All-out Attack

Beginner's Luck

Defensive Roll 1


Luck 2



Powers: 2 + 82 = 84PP


Quickness Rank 4 (Fast Mind, 25x speed; Flaws: Mental Only) [2PP] (Mutation)


Device Rank 20 (Taylor's Apron; 100PP Container; Flaws: Hard-To-Lose; Feats: Restricted 2 - Taylor Only) [82PP] (Looks like an apron, Technological, Z-Space Instrument)


• Feature Rank 10 (Shareable Wearables) As a Full Action, Taylor can fit a Hard-to-Lose Prototype Device on a willing person (but not herself). This Device has most of the Limitations of Equipment: No Bonus Stacking, No Extra Effort, and Vulnerability to Damage or Loss, as well as most of the Limitations of Inventions: good for use in 1 encounter, +1 additional encounter per Hero Point spent. This Prototype Device grants the wearer 1 Feature or other 1 PP Rank 1 Power, determined at the time of the attachment. Taylor can only fit a Prototype Device during times of peace and calm, unless she spends a Hero Point. Taylor can have up to 5 of these devices attached to people at any one time, but only one device can be fitted to any one person. [10PP] (Technological, Z-Space Accessory Stash)


• Improvised Tools (Ready Tools) [1PP] (Technological, Z-Space Tool Stash)


• Power Attack [1PP] (Technological, AI-Enhanced Neural-Material Link)


• Quickness Rank 4 (Fast Hands, 25x speed; Flaws: Physical Only) [2PP] (Technological, Time Dilation)


• Speed Rank 2 (Fast Feet, 25 mph base speed) [2PP] (Technological, Time Dilation)


• Array Rank 40 (Demonstration Suit Wardrobe, Feats: Alternate Power 4) [84PP] (Technological, Z-Space Outfit Stash)


Base Power: Alternate Form Rank 16 (Demonstration Suit: Barrage; 80/80 PP Container) [80PP] (technological, super-suit)


• Damage Rank 6 (Plasma Barrage, Feats: Accurate 3, Affects Insubstantial 1, Homing 1, Improved Critical 2, Improved Range 1 - 150' Increments, Indirect 3, Precise, Progression 1: Range - Max Range 1,500 feet, Progression1: Area - 60' Radius Burst; Extras: Area: Targeted Burst, Penetrating 2, Range, Selective Attack) [40PP] (Plasma)


• Enhanced Trait: Attack 1 (AI-Enhanced Neural-Material Link) [2PP] (technological)


• Enhanced Trait: Feats Rank 8 (AI-Enhanced Neural-Material Link; Dodge Focus 3, Evasion 2, Improved Aim, Precise Shot, Ranged Pin) [8PP] (technological)


• Enhanced Trait: Notice Rank 8 (AI-Enhanced Neural-Material Link) [2PP] (technological)


• Enhanced Trait: Reflex Save Rank 6 (AI-Enhanced Neural-Material Link) [6PP] (technological)


• Protection Rank 6 (Personal Force-field, Extras: Impervious Toughness 8) [14PP] (technological, force-field)


• Super Senses Rank 8 (X-Ray Vision, Extended Vision 2 - 100x, Vison Counters Concealment) [8PP] (technological, X-Ray Vision blocked by gold or denser material)


Alternate Power: Alternate Form Rank 16 (Demonstration Suit: Crusher; 80/80 PP Container) [80PP] (technological, super-suit)


• Enhanced Trait: Constitution Rank 6 (Reactive Homeostasis Support, +12 Constitution Score) [12XPP] (technological)


• Enhanced Trait: Feats Rank 15 (AI-Enhanced Neural-Material Link; Attack Focus: Melee 4, Attack Specialization: Thrown Object 2, Challenge: Fast Demoralize, Dodge Focus 2, Improved Critical: Unarmed Strike 2, Improved Grab, Improved Grapple, Improved Pin, Interpose) [15PP] (technological)


• Enhanced Trait: Intimidation Rank 12 (AI-Enhanced Neural-Material Link) [3PP] (technological)


• Enhanced Trait: Strength Rank 6 (Carbon Nanotube Synthetic Actins, +12 Strength Score) [12PP] (technological, material)


• Growth Rank 4 (Extras: Duration - Continuous, Flaws: Permanent) [12PP] (Large Suit, +8 Strength, +4 Constitution, +4 Grapple, + 2 Intimidation, +5 Lift/Carry, -1 Combat, -4 Stealth)


• Impervious Toughness Rank 8 [8PP] (technological, material, force-field)


• Regeneration Rank 5 (Reactive Homeostasis Support; Recovery Rate: Bruised 3 - No Action, Staggered 1 - 20 Minutes, Unconscious 1 - 1 Round) [5PP] (technological)


• Super Strength Rank 6 (Lift/Carry 65, Feats: Shockwave) [13PP] (technological, material)


Alternate Power: Alternate Form Rank 16 (Demonstration Suit: Shadow; 80/80 PP Container) [80PP] (technological, super-suit)


• Concealment Rank 8 (Gone, All Visual, All Auditory, All Olfactory, Feats: Close Range) [17XPP] (Technological)


• Damage Rank 6 (Neural Spike, Feats: Accurate 3, Improved Critical 2; Extras: Penetrating 2) [13XPP] (Magnetism)


• Enhanced Trait: Attack 1 (AI-Enhanced Neural-Material Link) [2PP] (technological)


• Enhanced Trait: Defense 1 (AI-Enhanced Neural-Material Link) [2PP] (technological)


• Enhanced Trait: Dexterity 6 (AI-Enhanced Neural-Material Link, +12 Dexterity Score) [12PP] (technological)


• Enhanced Trait: Feats Rank 17 (AI-Enhanced Neural-Material Link; Defensive Roll 1, Dodge Focus 6, Elusive Target, Evasion 2, Grappling Finesse, Improved Initiative 1, Instant Up, Move-by Action, Second Chance - Triggering Traps, Takedown Attack 2) [17PP] (technological)


• Enhanced Trait: Reflex Save 2 (AI-Enhanced Neural-Material Link) [2PP] (technological)


• Super Movement Rank 4 (Permeate 1, Trackless, Wall-Crawling 2) [8PP] (technological)


• Super Senses Rank 7 (Snake Eyes; Darkvision, Danger Sense - Auditory, X-Ray Vision) [7PP] (technological, X-Ray Vision blocked by gold or denser material)


Alternate Power: Alternate Form Rank 16 (Demonstration Suit: Sprint; 80/80 PP Container) [80PP] (technological, super-suit)


• Damage Rank 6 (Hit 'em All, Feats: Progression: Area 3; Extras: Area: Targeted Super-Speed Melee: Shapeable - 60 contiguous 5-foot cubes) [15XPP] (bludgeoning)


• Enhanced Trait: Acrobatics 12 (AI-Enhanced Neural-Material Link) [3PP] (technological, time dilation)


• Enhanced Trait: Attack 1 (AI-Enhanced Neural-Material Link) [2PP] (technological, time dilation)


• Enhanced Trait: Constitution 2 (Reactive Homeostasis Support, +4 Constitution Score) [4PP] (technological, time dilation)


• Enhanced Trait: Defense 1 (AI-Enhanced Neural-Material Link) [2PP] (technological, time dilation)


• Enhanced Trait: Feats Rank 26 (AI-Enhanced Neural-Material Link; Acrobatic Bluff, Attack Specialization 3: Super-Speed, Challenge: Fast Acrobatic Bluff, Dodge Focus 6, Elusive Target, Evasion 2, Fast Overrun, Improved Defense, Improved Overrun, Improved Initiative 4, Improved Trip, Move-by Action, Redirect, Sieze Initiative, Uncanny Dodge - Vision) [26PP] (technological)


• Enhanced Trait: Reflex Save Rank 9 (AI-Enhanced Neural-Material Link) [9PP] (technological, time dilation)


• Regeneration Rank 3 (Reactive Homeostasis Support, Recovery Rate Bruised 2 - Standard Action, Recovery Rate Unconscious 1 - 1 Round) [3PP] (technological, time dilation)


• Speed Rank 6 (Stacks with Taylor's Apron to Speed 8, 2,500 mph base) [6PP] (technological, time dilation)


• Immunity Rank 5 (Slam Damage) [5PP] (technological, material, force-field)


• Super Movement Rank 2 (Wall-crawling 1, Water-walking; Flaws: Limited to while running only) [2PP] (technological, time dilation)


• Super Senses Rank 3 (Extended Vision 2 - 100x, Radius Vision) [3PP] (technological)


Alternate Power: Alternate Form Rank 16 (Demonstration Suit: Swoop; 80/80 PP Container) [80PP] (technological, super-suit)



• Damage Rank 8 (Blast Trail, Feats: Progression: Area; Extras: Area, Targeted Flight Melee: Trail - 200' Trail) [17XPP] (force)


• Enhanced Trait: Feats Rank 17 (AI-Enhanced Neural-Material Link; Attack Focus: Melee, Attack Specialization 2: Flight, Defensive Roll 1, Dodge Focus 5, Evasion 2, Fast Overrun, Favored Environment: Aerial, Improved Overrun, Improved Initiative 1, Improved Trip, Move-by Action) [17PP] (technological)


• Enhanced Trait: Reflex Save Rank 6 (AI-Enhanceded Neural-Material Link) [6PP] (technological)


• Flight Rank 8 (2,500 mph base speed) [16PP] (technological, telekinetic)


• Immunity Rank 14 (Cold, Falling Damage, Slam Damage, All Suffocation, Vacuum) [14PP] (technological, material, force-field)


• Protection Rank 2 (Personal Force-field) [2PP] (technological, material, force-field)


• Super Strength Rank 2 (Increased Payload) [4PP] (technological, material)


• Super Senses Rank 4 (Raptor Eyes; Darkvision, Extended Vision 2 - 100x) [4PP] (technological)


Drawbacks: (-5) = -5PP


Normal Identity (Without Taylor's Apron, she is a normal human, aside from the accelerated Intellect; Frequency: Common; Intensity: Major)[-5PP]




DC Block



Plasma Targeted Ranged Burst

DC 21 Toughness       Damage


Unarmed   Touch

DC 25 Toughness       Damage

Thrown Object Ranged

DC 25 Toughness Damage


Neural Spike Touch

DC 21 Toughness Damage


Hit 'em All Targeted Melee Shapeable

DC 21 Toughness Damage


Blast Trail Targeted Melee Trail

DC 23 Toughness Damage




Totals: Abilities (32) + Combat (12) + Saving Throws (8) + Skills (13) + Feats (6) + Powers (84) - Drawbacks (5) = 150/150 Power Points



Edited by FlyingFresh
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