RocketLord Posted November 23 Posted November 23 Levity Power Level: PL 12 @ PL 10 Caps (180/180PP) Unspent Power Points: 0PP Tradeoffs: None defensive, Offensive: Gravity Strike +2DC/-2ATK, otherwise none In Brief: Test Pilot hit by mysterious radiation beam gains the ability to show criminals the gravity of their situation. Catchphrases: "Never fear, rescue's near!", "Tally-ho!", "You really don't know the gravity of your situation, don't you?" Theme: "Sogno di Volare (Dream of Flight)" by Christopher Tin Alternate Identity: Anne "Silk" Mistral (Public) Birthplace: Oceanside, Emerald City, Oregon Residence: Oceanside, Emerald City, Oregon Base of Operations: Nolan Aeronautics Airfield Occupation: Test Pilot, Nolan Emergency Aid and Response Member Affiliations: Nolan Aeronautics, Nolan Emergency Aid and Response Family: David "Gale" Mistral (55, Father, Now the Ghostworks Supervillain "Heatseeker"), Jane "Sunshine" Mistral (56, Mother, Declared Deceased), Jaime "Puffy" Williams (25, Significant Other, Junior Testpilot) Description Age: 28 (August 12, 1991) Apparent Age: 28 Gender: Female Ethnicity: Human Caucasian Height: 5'7" Weight: 158 Lbs Eyes: Green Hair: Black Levity has a physique like she works out regularly with a defined form, her skin a pale peach. When in "costume" she wears an advanced version of the flightsuits Nolan Aeronautics pilots wear, that is blue in color, with the vest kit and backpack and flight harness a yellow color that is high visibility, with reflective tape on the life preserver collar. The flightsuit has a hood that she pulls up over her head before putting her helmet on, which has a couple reflective tape stripes. Her flight helmet is the same shade of blue, which connects to the suit's private life support. The helmet's faceplate is mostly transparent, in a greenish color with a slight glow from the HUD system built into it that displays the current oxygen level, current flight speed, any data from flying an aircraft, status of any survival equipment built into the suit, it's integrity, and the status of the communication system. When "out of costume", Anne wears a comfortable T-shirt, denim jeans, and well worn sneakers. When at work she either wears a Nolan Aeronautics blue business suit that has white trim, or a pair of coveralls (with break-away snaps so she can easily strip down and put on her flightsuit). History: Anne always wanted to be a pilot since she ever knew about the subject, like her parents - both of whom were her idols. Both were employed as Test Pilots as Nolan Aviation. Her father, David "Gale" Mistral suffered an Ejection-related back injury that put him on pain medications and in a desk job training new pilots, while her mother Jane "Sunshine" Mistral a couple years later was declared dead when she bailed out over the ocean and wasn't found due to her rescue beacon malfunctioning. These two events didn't really sway Anne at all from becoming a pilot at 18, showing great promise in the process. Later getting in under her Father's sponsorship as a test pilot trainee, moving through the competetive environment until getting into the coveted military development division. About a year ago, while on a "routine" test flight testing out Nolan Aeronautics' G11 VTOL engine, she was engulfed by a strange green light that knocked out her plane's flight systems and caused it to shut down losing control of it's dlight stabilization. She couldn't get it started again, and she was losing conciousness from G-forces as the plane started to lose enough flight speed to start to stall. She barely managed to eject over the Pacific miles off shore. When she was rescued she was floating in the water, under her chute, barely responsive. Blood trickling from her nose. While she was recovering at the hospital, strange things started happening... hovering over her bed, or causing objects to move erratically. Some of the brains at Nolan knew what was what... whatever zapped her plane, also caused subtle mutations, particularly ones that activated a dormant metahuman gene in her body. After getting out of the hospital, and showing off her flight powers to her friends at the airfield, Nolan Aeronautics gave her a proposition. Being a Superhero wasn't something Anne thought she would be doing, but with the training she would recieve and the patronage of NA, it would provide an interesting change of pace, between her test flights of course. It still puzzles her about her Father's recent disappearance, no one in the company would say what really happened to protect her father's pride: the gang at the airfield tried to give an intervention to him to try to help him with his addiction to painkillers, but he quit and stormed out... he hasn't been seen for the past 6 months. Personality & Motivation: Anne is your classic test pilot personality, a hair-thread balance of reckless abandon kept in check with a by the numbers discipline. She'll toss out a heat-seeker of a joke or pun when the mood could use it, and seems to always face a challenge with a smile. As Levity, she tones down the more Alpha-nature of the pilot in her, showing a youthful exuberance combined with a kind heart. Powers & Tactics: She generally prefers to engage the bandit at range, throwing out gravity pulses at her quarry, but if the dogfight closes to where she can clearly see the whites of their eyes, she is not above tripping them up with a wave of gravity or just kicking or punching them right in the face with a gravity chaser. If needed she can louse them up keeping them in spot as the gravity around them strengthens like they're the one pulling 9Gs. Power Descriptions: Levity's Gravity attacks have a visual warping effect, like looking into a funhouse mirror, this effect is also apparent behind her when she flies forward, but hovering not so much. Her flightsuit costume looks like it's made of a waterproof and rugged material, with smooth lines. Her flight harness and vest have a yellow color, with red beaded toggles for the life preserver and a hose in the middle of the vest that's connected to the life support unit on the vest on the side and a toggle for her parachute near her right shoulder next to the right breast of the life preserver unit. The parachute itself is flush against the back of her suit's vest section, allowing her to have it even in the cockpit of her plane as a spare chute, or use it on her own if necessary, made of a breakthrough memory film polymer. Her personal jet, the "Peregrine" is an advanced tactical fighter, sporting a blue airframe with flourescent yellow leading edges making it look very much like a prototype test plane. It uses a swept-wing design, with forward canards to assist in tight and agile turns, allowing the plane to get to where she needs to go. Complications: 9 to 5'er: Anne/Levity is an employee of Nolan Aeronautics. While Anne as Levity recieves patronage from NA, not to mention is part of Nolan Aeronautics' personal rescue unit, she has to be careful as her employment also as a test pilot could jeopardize lucrative contracts, grounding her, and potentially leaving her in the dog house or out on her face if she gets out of line. Household Name: Levity/Anne are now well known thanks to NA's PR division, and she's becoming a popular sight in Emerald City. Of course as a public figure, this can create it's own drama. "Lost engines! Bailing!": Levity/Anne takes a risk going at double movement or all-out movement as her flight power could quit on her. She's not quite gotten the hang of focussing her ability to control gravity to fly at greater speeds... or perhaps there is a limit... who knows, this is flying without a plane stuff still new to her. It can take quite a while (at least a day) for her to re-focus and get flying again. "Here I am savin' you again, Jaime.": Jaime "Puffy" Williams is Anne's wingman, a younger pilot, who is also a significant other. Her line of work as a Test Pilot can put her into danger, as well as get entangled with any intrigues in EC. Particularly to bait out Levity/Anne. "D... Dad? What did they do to you?": Anne's father David was dependent on pain medications which were addictive in nature, causing his mental state to degrade. That was when Ghostworks seeing his debts mount to shady dealers came to make a deal. They would cybernetically enhance him and repair his damage and cover his debts, as long as he'd work for them. Her father was more than willing... as now he also gets to fly their craft... he was so bitter at the world that he accepted working for Ghostworks and became a loyal member. He hunts Anne, and tries to disrupt Nolan activities whenever ordered under the callsign of "Heatseeker". Abilities: 2 + 10 + 4 + 6 + 10 + 6 = 38PP STR: 12 (+1) DEX: 20 (+5) CON: 14 (+2) INT: 16 (+3) WIS: 20 (+5) CHA: 16 (+3) Combat: 8 + 8 = 16PP Initiative: +21 (+5 Dex, +16 (Improved Initiative 4)) Attack: +4 Base, +8 Gravity Strike, +10 Gravity Blast, +10 Gravity Bind, +10 Gravity Trip Defense: +10 (+4 Base, +6 Dodge Focus), +2 Flat-Footed Grapple: +5 Knockback: -5 Saving Throws: 8 + 5 + 3 = 16PP Toughness: +10 (+2 Con, +8 Protection) Fortitude: +10 (+2 Con, +8) Reflex: +10 (+5 Dex, +5) Will: +8 (+5 Wis, +3) Skills: 84 R = 21PP Acrobatics 5 (+10) Climb 4 (+5) Diplomacy 11 (+14) Drive 2 (+7) Escape Artist 1 (+6) Gather Information 7 (+10) Intimidate 2 (+5) Language 1 (+1) Medicine 5 (+10) Skill Mastery Notice 5 (+10) Pilot 15 (+20) Skill Mastery Search 7 (+10) Sense Motive 5 (+10) Sleight of Hand 1 (+6) Stealth 5 (+10) Skill Mastery Survival 5 (+10) Skill Mastery Swim 4 (+5) Feats: 25 PP Benefit: Atom Academy Member Benefit 2: Wealth Connected Contacts Dodge Focus 6 Elusive Target Evasion 2 Fearless Improved Initiative 4 Luck 3 Move-by Action Skill Mastery (Medicine, Pilot, Stealth, Survival) Uncanny Dodge 2 (Auditory, Visual) Veteran Rewards Equipment 15 Equipment need to be updated, including adding weapons to the Peregrine Jet Equipment: 7PP = 35EP Flight Harness (5EP, everything is considered mastercraft where appropriate) Distress Beacon Flashlight GPS Receiver Medkit (Basic) Multi-Tool XFA-41 Peregrine Jet (30EP) Power Level: 7 Equipment Points Spent: 30 Abilities: 2EP STR: 50 (+20) Saves: 1EP Toughness: +12 Combat: 3EP Size: Gargantuan Defense: -4 Features: 8EP 2 Ejection Seats Hidden Compartments Navigation System 2 (+10 to Navigation Checks) Remote Control Smokescreen Universal Rescue Pod Powers: 16EP Flight 8 (NA-G11 VTOL Engine System; Speed: 2500 mph, 22000 ft./rnd) (Mechanical, Technology) [16 EP] Totals: Abilities 2 + Features 6 + Powers 18 + Combat 3 + Saves 1 + Drawbacks 0 = 30 Powers: 20 + 7 + 28 + 1 + 8 = 64 Device 5 (NA-FS5 Flight Suit; 25PP Container; Hard to lose) (Technology, Mechanical) [20PP] Communication 6 (NA-C5 Personal Radio; sense type: radio; Extras: Omni-Directional Area; Feats: Selective, Subtle 2; Drawbacks: Power Loss (Doesn't work in storms)) (Technological) {14PP} Immunity 9 (NA-G6A Personal Flight Support Suite; Life Support)) (technology) {9PP} Super-Movement 1 (NA-LPU10 Life Preserver Unit; water walking; Power Loss (Air Bladders can be punctured/slashed)) (Mechanical, Technology) {1PP} Super-Movement 1 (NA-RS1 Micropolymer Reserve Parachute; slow fall; Unreliable [1-3 uses]) (Technology, Mechanical) {1PP} Flight 4 (Gravitic Flight; 100 mph, 1000 ft./rnd; Power Loss (When immersed in water)) (gravity, mutant) [7PP] Gravity Manipulation Array 12 (24PP Array, Feats: 4 Alternate Powers) (gravity, mutant) [28PP] Base Power: Blast 10 (Gravity Pulse; Feats: Accurate 3, Precise) {24PP} Alternate Power: Snare 10 (Gravity Bind; Feats: Accurate 3, Precise) {24PP} Alternate Power: Strike 10 (Gravity Strike; Extras: Area [Targeted Line]; Feats: Accurate 3, Improved Critical 1) (100x5 ft. area line) {24PP} Alternate Power: Trip 10 (Gravity Wave; Extras: Knockback; Feats: Accurate 3, Improved Throw) {24PP} Base Power: Blast 10 (Gravity Burst; Extras: Area [General Burst], Selective; Flaws: Action [Full Action], Range [Touch]; Feats: Progression [Area] 4) (50-1250 ft. radius) {24PP} Immunity 1 (G-Forces) [1PP] Protection 8 (Gravimetric Field) [8PP] Drawbacks: None DC Block Attack Range Save Effect Blast 10 (Gravity Blast) Ranged DC 25 Toughness Damage (Gravity) Strike 10 (Gravity Strike) Touch DC 25 Toughness Damage (Gravity) Snare 10 (Gravity Bind) Ranged DC 20 Reflex Snare (Gravity) Blast 10 (Gravity Burst) 50-1250 ft radius DC 20 Reflex Area Area Effect 50-1250 ft radius DC 20/25 Toughness Damage (Gravity) Unarmed Touch DC 16 Toughness Damage (Bludgeoning) Totals: Abilities (38) + Combat (16) + Saving Throws (16) + Skills (21) + Feats (2925+ Powers (64) + Drawbacks (0) = 180/180 Power Points
The Sailor Posted December 13 Posted December 13 (edited) Levity Power Level: PL 12 @ PL 10 Caps (180/180PP) (Bronze Veteran Reward) Unspent Power Points: 0PP Tradeoffs: None defensive, Offensive: Gravity Strike +2DC/-2ATK, otherwise none In Brief: Test Pilot hit by mysterious radiation beam gains the ability to show criminals the gravity of their situation. Catchphrases: "Going in hot", “Danger Close!”, "You really don't know the gravity of your situation, don't you?" Theme: The Unsung War - Ace Combat 5 OST Alternate Identity: Anne Mistral (Public) Birthplace: Oceanside, Emerald City, Oregon Residence: Freedom City, New Jersey Base of Operations: Atom Tower, Freedom City Occupation: Pilot, Adventurer, Would-be superhero. Affiliations: Atom Academy, AEGIS Nicknames: "Silk" (Original Callsign), "Trickster" (Online Games) Callsigns: "Levity", "Atom 5" Family: David "Gale" Mistral (60, Father, Now the Supervillain Mercenary "Heatseeker"), Jane "Sunshine" Mistral (61, Mother, Declared Deceased), Jaime "Puffy" Williams (25, Significant Other, Deceased) Description Age: 33 (August 12, 1991) Apparent Age: 28 Gender: Female Ethnicity: Human Caucasian, French-American descent. Height: 5'6" Weight: 159 Lbs Eyes: Green Hair: Black Appearance Levity has a physique like she works out regularly with a defined form, her skin a pale peach. When in "costume" she wears a customized flight suit designed with help from Atom Academy, that is blue and white in color, with her vest and kit the same blue as her suit. The flight suit has a variable cushioning hood that she pulls up over her head before putting her helmet on, which has a couple reflective tape stripes. Her flight helmet is the same shade of blue, which connects to the suit's private life support. The helmet's faceplate is transparent, with a slight glow from the HUD system built into it that displays the current oxygen level, current flight speed, any data from flying an aircraft, status of any survival equipment built into the suit, it's integrity, and the status of the communication system. Casually she’ll wear a t-shirt, jeans, and comfortable shoes that double as ankle boots, with a bomber jacket. Formally she switches to something akin to a pilot’s uniform, but in Atom Academy blue. History Anne always wanted to be a pilot since she ever knew about the subject, like her parents - both of whom were her idols. Both were employed as Test Pilots as Nolan Aviation. Her father, David "Gale" Mistral suffered an Ejection-related back injury that put him on pain medications and in a desk job training new pilots, while her mother Jane "Sunshine" Mistral a couple years later was declared dead when she bailed out over the ocean and wasn't found due to her rescue beacon malfunctioning. These two events didn't really sway Anne at all from becoming a pilot at 18, showing great promise in the process. Later getting in under her Father's sponsorship as a test pilot trainee, moving through the competitive environment until getting into the coveted military development division. About a year ago, while on a "routine" test flight testing out Nolan Aeronautics' G11 VTOL engine, she was engulfed by a strange green light that knocked out her plane's flight systems and caused it to shut down losing control of it's flight stabilization. She couldn't get it started again, and she was losing consciousness from G-forces as the plane started to lose enough flight speed to start to stall. She barely managed to eject over the Pacific miles off shore. When she was rescued she was floating in the water, under her chute, barely responsive. Blood trickling from her nose. While she was recovering at the hospital, strange things started happening... hovering over her bed, or causing objects to move erratically. Some of the brains at Nolan knew what was what... whatever zapped her plane, also caused subtle mutations, particularly ones that activated a dormant metahuman gene in her body. Nolan Aeronautics experimented with their own in-house team of rescue trained personnel and Levity leading the way, but after their team got the attention of the Terrorists working with Ghostworks, they shut down the project. Not to mention as it coincided with Levity losing the first Peregrine when the supervillains attacked her aircraft wile in flight, killing her backseat, her fiancee Jaime, Nolan decided to release Anne from her contract. While the severance was good, it wouldn’t last. She traveled to Freedom City but before getting there she had one more tangle with the now independent mercenary super-terrorists now calling themselves “Lightning Outcomes”. It was there she discovered her father was the one who killed her closest confidant and love. She managed to steal the prototype craft they stole, tore up their operations base, shoot down their other flying assets and made her way to Freedom City. After explaining herself to AEGIS, someone there knowing her pedigree made a suggestion about a certain Academy who put out a help wanted over super channels for an experienced pilot. Personality & Motivation Anne now is a no-nonsense individual. While friendly she will always want to get to the point of a matter. She'll toss out a heat-seeker of a joke or pun when the mood could use it, although her humor is a shield for her guilt over losing Jaime. As Levity, she tones down the more directness of the pilot in her, bringing out the Levity of old. “In Costume” she feels she has the best chance to make a positive difference. Powers & Tactics: She generally prefers to engage the bandit at range, throwing out gravity pulses at her quarry, but if the dogfight closes to where she can clearly see the whites of their eyes, she is not above tripping them up with a wave of gravity or just kicking or punching them right in the face with a gravity chaser. If needed she can louse them up keeping them in spot as the gravity around them strengthens like they're the one pulling 9Gs. And she has a filthy trick if they start coming in greater numbers, yet leaving her friends safe. Do not engage her in an actual dogfight… unless you’re a match for what she has, you’re riding silk. Power Descriptions Levity's Gravity attacks have a visual warping effect, like looking into a funhouse mirror, this effect is also apparent behind her when she flies forward, but hovering not so much. Her flightsuit costume looks like it's made of a waterproof and rugged material, with smooth lines, with all it’s life support systems now built into the suit. Her flight harness and vest are blue color, with red beaded toggles for the life preserver and a toggle for her parachute near her right shoulder next to the right breast of the life preserver unit. The parachute itself is flush against the back of her suit's vest section, allowing her to have it even in the cockpit of her plane as a spare chute, or use it on her own if necessary, made of a breakthrough memory film polymer. Her personal jet, the "Peregrine II" is an advanced tactical fighter, sporting a blue airframe with white trim making it look very much like her personal statement. Capable of high-speed turns and VTOL flight, and bristling with the latest in defensive and offensive capabilities, The Peregrine II is a fighter pilot’s dream made form. Complications Household Name: While her fame had faded in Emerald City after the Ghostworks incident, Levity in Freedom City has started to make waves as a hero, and at airshows with the Atom Academy livery her current plane now enjoys. "Lost engines! Bailing!": Levity/Anne takes a risk going at double movement or all-out movement as her flight power could quit on her. She's not quite gotten the hang of focussing her ability to control gravity to fly at greater speeds... or perhaps there is a limit... who knows, this is flying without a plane stuff still new to her. It can take quite a while (at least a day) for her to re-focus and get flying again. "Not losing anyone again, not on my watch": After the murder of Jaime, Anne has been torn in regards to working with others, particularly as superheroes. She is keenly focused on covering everyone’s back, even if it would mean taking the hits herself. This has led to a self-sacrificial mindset. "So this is what my dad became...": Anne's father David was dependent on pain medications which were addictive in nature, causing his mental state to degrade. That was when Ghostworks seeing his debts mount to shady dealers came to make a deal. They would cybernetically enhance him and repair his damage and cover his debts. But he made far more money than what would keep him in their grasp and went independent with others, forming a mercenary pilot group that has become a scourge. And now knowing Anne knows of his activities, he’s doubled his efforts rebuilding his capabilities on the black market and regrouping. Abilities: 2 + 10 + 4 + 6 + 10 + 6 = 38PP STR: 12 (+1) DEX: 20 (+5) CON: 14 (+2) INT: 16 (+3) WIS: 20 (+5) CHA: 16 (+3) Combat: 8 + 8 = 16PP Initiative: +21 (+5 Dex, +16 (Improved Initiative 4)) Attack: +4 Base, +10 Gravity Strike, +10 Gravity Blast, +10 Gravity Bind, +10 Gravity Trip, +10 Machinegun, +10 Homing Micro Missiles Defense: +10 (+4 Base, +6 Dodge Focus), +2 Flat-Footed Grapple: +5 Knockback: -5 Saving Throws: 8 + 5 + 3 = 16PP Toughness: +10 (+2 Con, +8 Protection) Fortitude: +10 (+2 Con, +8) Reflex: +10 (+5 Dex, +5) Will: +8 (+5 Wis, +3) Skills: 84 R = 21PP Acrobatics 5 (+10) Climb 4 (+5) Diplomacy 11 (+14) Drive 2 (+7) Escape Artist 1 (+6) Gather Information 7 (+10) Intimidate 1 (+4) Language 1 (French) (English Native) Medicine 5 (+10) Skill Mastery Notice 5 (+10) Pilot 15 (+20) Skill Mastery Search 7 (+10) Sense Motive 5 (+10) Sleight of Hand 1 (+6) Stealth 5 (+10) Skill Mastery Survival 5 (+10) Skill Mastery Swim 4 (+5) Feats: 25 PP Benefit: Atom Academy Member Benefit 2: Wealth Connected Contacts Dodge Focus 6 Elusive Target Evasion 2 Fearless Improved Initiative 3 Luck 3 Move-by Action Skill Mastery (Medicine, Pilot, Stealth, Survival) Uncanny Dodge 2 (Auditory, Visual) Veteran Reward (Silver) Equipment 15 Flight Harness (5 EP, everything is considered mastercraft where appropriate) Distress Beacon Flashlight GPS Receiver Medkit (Basic) Life Raft XFA-41-B Peregrine Fighter Jet Power Level: 10 Equipment Points Spent: 70 EP Abilities: 2EP STR: 50 (+15) Saves: 1EP Toughness: +12 Combat: 4EP Size: Gargantuan Defense: 6(-4) Powers: 53 EP Array (Weapons Suite, Accurate: 3 (+6 Attack) (34 EP) • BP Blast 10 ("Machinegun", Autofire +1) 30 EP • AP Blast 10 ("Homing Micro Missiles", Homing 2) 22 EP Super Sense: Radar (Radar) (1EP) Concealment 1: Infrared (“Engine Heat Baffling”, Passive) (1EP) Concealment 1: Radar (“Stealth Faceting and Radar Absorbent paint”, Passive) (1EP) Flight 8 (“MK-II Nolan Aerospace VTOL Engine GS-1B”)(2500 MPH) (16 EP) Features: 10EP 2 Ejection Seats (“AA MK-6 Ejection Seats”) Navigation System 2 (“Advanced GPS Networking”) (+10 to Navigation Checks) Remote Control (“Remote Aircraft Transit System”) Radio Hidden Compartments 3 (DC 30 Search to find) Totals: Abilities 2 + Features 10 + Powers 53 + Combat 4 + Saves 1 + Drawbacks 0 = 70 Powers: 20 + 7 + 28 + 1 + 8 = 64 Device 5 (AA Fieldwork Flight Suit; 25PP Container; Hard to lose) (Technology, Mechanical) [20PP] • Communication 6 (NA-C5 Personal Radio; sense type: radio; Extras: Omni-Directional Area; Feats: Selective, Subtle 2; Drawbacks: Power Loss (Doesn't work in storms)) (Technological) {14PP} • Immunity 9 (AA-MK11 Personal Flight Support Suite; Life Support)) (technology) {9PP} • Super-Movement 1 (“AA-LPU41 Life Preserver Unit”; water walking; Power Loss (Air Bladders can be punctured/slashed)) (Mechanical, Technology) {1PP} • Super-Movement 1 (AA-ARS1 Micropolymer Reserve Parachute; slow fall; Unreliable [1-3 uses]) (Technology, Mechanical) {1PP} Flight 4 (Gravitic Flight; 100 mph, 1000 ft./rnd; Power Loss (When immersed in water)) (gravity, mutant) [7PP] Gravity Manipulation Array 12 (24PP Array, Feats: 4 Alternate Powers) (gravity, mutant) [28PP] Base Power: Blast 10 (Gravity Pulse; Feats: Accurate 3, Precise) {24PP} Alternate Power: Snare 10 (Gravity Bind; Feats: Accurate 3, Precise) {24PP} Alternate Power: Strike 10 (Gravity Strike; Extras: Area [Targeted Line]; Feats: Accurate 3, Improved Critical 1) (100x5 ft. area line) {24PP} Alternate Power: Trip 10 (Gravity Wave; Extras: Knockback; Feats: Accurate 3, Improved Throw) {24PP} Alternate Power: Blast 10 (Gravity Burst; Extras: Area [General Burst], Selective; Flaws: Action [Full Action], Range [Touch]; Feats: Progression [Area] 4) (50-1250 ft. radius) {24PP} Immunity 1 (G-Forces) [1PP] Protection 8 (Gravimetric Field) [8PP] Drawbacks: None DC Block Attack Range Save Effect Blast 10 (Gravity Blast) Ranged DC 25 Toughness Damage (Gravity) Strike 10 (Gravity Strike) Touch DC 25 Toughness Damage (Gravity) Snare 10 (Gravity Bind) Ranged DC 20 Reflex Snare (Gravity) Blast 10 (Gravity Burst) 50-1250 ft radius DC 20 Reflex Area Area Effect 50-1250 ft radius DC 20/25 Toughness Damage (Gravity) Blast 10 (Machine Gun)* Ranged DC 25 Toughness Damage Blast 10 (Homing Micro Missiles)* Ranged DC 25 Toughmess Damage Unarmed Touch DC 16 Toughness Damage (Bludgeoning) Attacks with * are only availiable with the aircraft. Totals: Abilities (38) + Combat (16) + Saving Throws (16) + Skills (21) + Feats (25)+ Powers (64) + Drawbacks (0) = 180/180 Power Points Edited December 13 by The Sailor Correction to Improved Initiative
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