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Free Falling (OOC)


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Things Star Knight would have been briefly briefed on. 


Tulpar 1 has a crew of about 100, split roughly 1/4each between engineering (keeping the base and mining running), science (studying the planet), military (security and pilot), and support (everything else such as medical, admin, command)


given the nature of the planet, Tulpar-1 itself is heavily shielded and weaponised, and had four battleships in escort. 


Other than that you can assume Tulpar-1 is equipped with everything a fortified space station has, including life vessels (which would not be hyperspace capable)


There is one other gas planet and a l0w-gravity desert planet (with breathable air) further in the system, both hot and dry!

  • 2 weeks later...

Your call what to do with the airlock but if you want to jury rig it, DC 20 Mechanical (or Disable Device). You can take 10 of course, or 20 if you want to take a long time...


Tik tok, tik tok. 


Of course any other ideas you have, shoot!

  • 2 weeks later...

Lightning Trap! (or more accurately, hazard!)


Its a damage 10 area effect so Reflex DC 20, Toughness DC 25/20


If you have some kind of super sense or that might conceivable help you spot the surge, sing out! :D

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