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Duplicate Duke draft

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Posted (edited)

Any comments or suggestions. This chap has been in three threads and coming up for his fourth. 


He has a particularly irritating PL X (No real way of cleanly creating it). He is a low PL genius but his "transfer consciousness" power makes him a very slippery customer. He is more of a charming anti-villain than evil. 


The Duplicate Dukelarge.DuplicateDuke.jpg.7de698db4fe5fc07df64cda92dca6c43.jpg
Power Level: 9 (169/169) [PL 7 Defensively. Special Power X]
Unspent Power Points: 0
Trade-Offs: +4 Attack / -4 DC, +4 Defence / - 4 Toughness

In Brief: Master of cloning who wants to live forever!

Alternate Identity: Duke Jaap Cordang
Birthplace:  Amsterdam

Residence: Earth
Base of Operations: Earth
Occupation:  Cloner
Affiliations: None
Family:  None alive

Age: Born 01/01/1875
Gender:  Male
Ethnicity: European
Height:  5’2”
Weight: 75 Kgs
Eyes:  Blue
Hair: White (Or potentially red-brown in younger body)

Jaap is a short, rotund man with a well groomed flamboyant moustache. He dresses in equally ostentatious clothes;  normally purple/magenta in colour. His style usually consists of a suit, waistcoat, and wide brimmed hat, alongside a cane (with a concealed sword inside).


Jaap grew up in a mid-level noble family of the Netherlands. He lost his beloved mother at an early age and grew up with a cold father. The death of his mother filled him with a dread of dying himself.

Jaap had (and has) an exceptional mind, and combined with his motivation, he dedicated his life to both enjoying it (various acts of hedonism and extravagance) and prolonging it. He was able to slow his aging a little via biochemical means, but eventually he hit the jackpot – cloning.

His particular technique is unusual. Jaap has created countless clones of his body, secreted all over the world. Each clone is mindless, but Jaap can psychically transfer his consciousness to any one of them in the blink of an eye, making him effectively immortal!

Personality & Motivation:
Jaap is a lover of arts, music, parties, and anything flamboyant. His best friend was Oscar Wilde. He has slept with / loved both men and women, and experimented with every cuisine, fashion, and drug going. He is charming, charismatic, and friendly.

His primary motivation, however, is quite simple. Stay alive to enjoy life longer. He is able to do this with his clones, but the process is slowly degrading. His is always on the lookout for some enigmatic “life force” to re-invigorate his body and mind, and will perform heinous and manipulative deeds to do so.

Although he uses modern gadgets, Jaap has a fondness for the antique. He would prefer to use a crossbow than a rifle, prefer to ride a horse than drive car. He likes old style paintings and art.


Powers & Tactics:
Jaap has no powers other than the ability to instantly transfer his consciousness into any clone. This can make him slippery and vexatious, as if one body is defeated, he can slip away to another. He has even committed “suicide” before, if he needs to hurry across the world.

The practical difficulty is the tissue. A mindless body, left alone, will starve and rot. Even with medical care (i.v. feeding) it will eventually degrade. He has a number of bodies stored in cryogenic storage but this is potentially tricky as the storage unit must be programmed to “thaw out”.

Otherwise, Jaap prefers not to fight (there is rarely any need).  He is an expert with sword and crossbow, and surprisingly light on his feet (for a short fat man), but his real strength is his intelligence and broad scientific expertise.


Abilities: 10 + 4 + 4 + 12 + 6 + 8 = 34
Strength: 10
Dexterity: 14 (+2)
Constitution: 14 (+2)
Intelligence: 22 (+6)
Wisdom: 14 (+2)
Charisma: 10 (+0)

Combat: 22 + 22 = 44
Initiative: +10 (+2 Dex, Improved Initiative 2)
Attack: +11, +13 with crossbow
Defense: +11, +6 Flat Footed

Grapple: +11
Knockback: -1

Saving Throws: 4 + 4 + 9 = 17
Toughness: +2
Fortitude: +6 (+2 Con, +4)
Reflex: +6 (+2 Con, +4)
Will: +12 (+3 Wis, +9)

Skills: 144 Ranks = 36 PP

Acrobatics 4 (+6)

Bluff 8 (+12) SM

Computers 4 (+10)

Concentration 4 (+7)

Craft (Chemical) 10 (+16)

Craft (Electronic) 4 (+10)

Diplomacy 8 (+12)

Handle Animal 4 (+8)

Intimidate 4 (+8)

Knowledge (Art) 4 (+10)

Knowledge (Behavioural Sciences) 4 (+10)

Knowledge (History) 4 (+10)

Knowledge (life Sciences) 14 (+20)

Knowledge (Physical Sciences) 4 (+10)

Knowledge (Technology) 10 (+16)

Language 4 (Dutch [Native], English, French, German, Spanish)

Medicine 8 (+11) SM

Notice 8 (+11)

Perform (Dance) 2 (+6)

Perform (Keyboards) 4 (+8)

Ride 4 (+6) SM

Sense Motive 8 (+11)

Sleight of Hand 8 (+10) SM

Stealth 4 (+6)

Feats: 17 PP
Attack Specialisation 1 (Crossbow)

Benefit 1 (Nobility)

Benefit 2 (Wealth)

Defensive Attack

Equipment 3

Improved Initiative 2

Instant Up


Jack of all Trades

Precise Shot 2

Skill Mastery 1 (Bluff, Sleight of Hand, Medicine, Ride)



Equipment 3 PP = 15 EP

Concealable Microphone

Flash Goggles


Masterwork Club (Strike 2, Mighty, Thrown) [5 EP] “Cane”

Masterwork Sword (Strike 3, Improved Critical, Mighty, Concealed in Cane) [7 EP]


Powers: 21 + X = 21 PP

Device 7 (35 DP, Flaws: Easy to Lose) [21 PP] “Custom Crossbow”

                Linked “Poisoned Bolt”

                Blast 5 (Feats: Improved Critical 2) [12 PP]

                Fatigue 5 (Extras: Poison, Range, Feats: Improved Critical 2) [22 PP]

Feature X (Can, as a free action, transfer consciousness to any non-sentient clone of himself he has created)


Totals: Abilities 34 + Combat 44 + Saving Throws 17 + Skills 36 + Feats 17 + Powers 21 = 169/169

Edited by Supercape

I do not believe this needs to be PLX for his being able to transfer his consciousness to clone bodies. Overshadow is not PLX, as an NPC, it is more a story element for a GM that a true power.


Not PL X (he is PL 9) but its a power I didnt know how to simulate so it felt better to put that power down as an "X"


Open to suggestion how better to do it :)


And yes he might well have been Belgian - whoopsie!


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