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Character Edits 2025

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When you submit an edit request, please do not just submit a new code-blocked sheet for us to copy & paste. You must tell us specifically what you're adding/editing. For minor edits - updating a bit of math or adding a couple new skills or powers - a full sheet is not required, but for extensive edits or re-writes a sheet will make the job significantly easier. To avoid clutter and to make the thread easier to go through, please put your sheets in spoiler tags.


When submitting edits for multiple characters, please make one post per character - it helps with the bookkeeping and make sure that an issue with one character edit doesn't affect another's. Also please try to limit the number of characters you post at once.


While we endeavor to do these as quickly as possible we're only human, so don't be afraid to contact us if we've not gotten to your edits in a while.


Fabled by RocketLord


Pretty big update for King Cole.


Changed her bio and added a new complication to fit her new abilities


+6 PP to Charisma

+7 PP to Various Skills;

  • Craft Artistic +5
  • Knowledge: Art +2
  • Perform: Oratory +1
  • Perform: Acting, Comedy, Dance, Singing all to +5

+0 PP of Feats Total, but specific changes:

  • -2 Attack Specialization (Staff)
  • +2 Skill Mastery (Bluff, Craft: Artistic, Knowledge: Arcane Lore, Knowledge: Art, Perform: Acting, Dance, Singing, Oratory

+13 PP to Powers, but significantly changed; now has a Magic Array instead of just a stick, and a new Complication related to it.

  • It's a 14 point array with 2 AP, totaling 16 (3 + 13)
  • Her Strike is still there but has extra modifiers on it: Accurate 2, Affects Insubstantial 2, and Extended Reach as the Base Effect
  • She has a new Move Object 7 Power, no special modifiers, as AP1
  • She has Fatigue 6 with the Sleep +0 Extra, Alternate Save (Will) +0 Extra, and 2 Accurate power feats.


New Sheet in Spoiler.



Power Level:
8 (141/141PP)
Unspent Power Points: 0pp
Trade-Offs: +2/-2 on both Attack and Defense


In Brief: Granddaughter of the Original King Cole trying to rebuild the 'Good Name' of her grandfather.

Catchphrase: "I've already written the ending to this story!"

Theme: Royalty- Kat Meoz


Alternate Identity: Renee Cole King (Secret)
Freedom City

Residence: Her Parent's House in the suburbs/Claremont High
Occupation:  Student
Affiliations: Her Family, Claremont, King Cole

Family: Her parents and older siblings


Age: 16 (DoB: 2008)
Gender:  Female
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Height:  5'6
Weight:  120lbs
Eyes:  Brown, but Purple when Superheroing


Renee is a somewhat mousy woman when she isn't Superheroing; she has a habit of slouching to look shorter than she is, of wearing baggy clothes to hide herself, of trying to not make a scene. She doesn't walk with confidence ever, and is the kind of person that someone's eyes would generally pass over. It's not that she is secretly beautiful and hiding it; she is a pretty girl, but she doesn't emphasize it or work to make it noticeable.


This all changes when she's King Cole III. Confident and determined to be the center of any situation, her voice echoes with confidence and she stands straight backed, as ready as could be to make the biggest impact she can to make people know who she is. Wearing a costume reminiscent of the original King Cole's, with a crown, a trimmed fur cape, and a royal purple outfit, carrying a royal staff, and with bright purple eyes and a domino mask, she presents herself as the royalty she claims to be.



Renee Cole King. Straight A Student. Voracious Reader. Massive fan of theater and fairy-tales.


And total wallflower. 


She loves video games, musical theater, plays and books. She’d spend hours at the library, or watching plays, but she’d never make the leap to get on stage herself. She’d recite the plays she watched line by line, writing anonymous reviews that she kept in a secret folder on her computer; judging performers and comparing their improvements over time. But she’d never offer this information to anyone, and she’d never reach out to try and make a friend who wasn’t behind a screen. She had a likely chance of having a nice job as an adult, but her refusal to ever go out and meet others was always going to hamper her. It made her parents worry.


The King family was, after all, well known in their neighborhood for their good humor and respectability. Ever since Cole King had moved in in the late 60s, up until the present day, the Kings had always been well known for their outgoing and gregarious nature in the neighborhood; as the years had worn on, the kids who had grown up listening to Uncle Cole’s stories and puppet shows had become adults who took those stories and enjoyment to their own kids, and the King family continued to host barbeques and summer puppet shows.


But Renee would simply sit in her room, playing on her computer, looking out at the parties through the slits in her blinds, always too self-conscious to step out onto the stage herself. 


That changed one fateful day that she wandered into the basement of their family home to flip a breaker that had tripped. While fumbling around in the dark basement for the breaker box, she hit a different switch, and part of the wall slid away to reveal the costume and assorted magical trinkets of the original King Cole, the leader of the Fable Gang and a member of the Golden Age Crime Syndicate. 


It took a little research, but with enough newspaper studying and confirmations, she was certain that her deceased grandfather was the individual in question, not just a collector. It became her new obsession; instead of playing video games and going to plays, she would sneak into the basement and go over her grandfather’s ancient spellbook; translating magical formulas, practicing spells, playing with the puppets and wearing the costume that was a bit too big for her. And one day, while reading through the book, decrypting her Grandfather’s cipher on some of his magical potions, she came upon one that promised to ‘reveal the true self’ of the person that took it. 


Too curious to put it away, Renee gathered up the ingredients, stewed the potion according to her grandfather’s notes, and, when it was finished, drank it. 


It turned her eyes purple, and she felt empowered by the confidence of her true self; she wasn’t really just some wallflower, she was the inheritor of the King Cole mantle. And her grandfather had been a beloved member of his community, even if she’d never met him. Certainly there had been another King Cole, King Cole II, but he was nothing like the stories she had been told of her grandfather post his supervillainy, and even when he was a super villain. 


Renee, brimming with newfound confidence, decided she was going to set the record straight, because she could finally feel like she could be herself.


It took a little while longer to make a new King Cole outfit; tailoring the original’s outfit for more activity, learning more about his magic spells and artifact creations, and learning how to use his magically enchanted staff. When she was finally finished, King Cole III was ready to go out on the streets and reclaim the name of her grandfather.


Her Mastery of the magic arts has been expanding rapidly at Claremont, as has her comfort in her own skin. Putting herself through the wringer to keep up with her classmates and push through to live up to her ideal of her Grandfather, she's learned to cast magic herself, while her ability as a stage presence is expanding, getting her places in several local plays as both a performer and as a writer and director.


Personality & Motivation:
Renee is a quiet girl who doesn't want to stand out, but loves her family and wants to do right by them. She never got to meet her grandfather due to him having kids late in life, but she grew up on stories of how he was a major part of the neighborhood and all the current adults grew up with his stories. She wants to do something good, and she feels like she's never had the confidence or ability to do so in her own life.

Taking the potion changes her, even though it doesn't really work; she thinks it does, and it's enough to give her the confidence to do things. When she's being King Cole III, she gets into her favorite concepts; playing a boisterous, bold actor, acting larger than life. She wants to be a famous hero and reclaim the name that she feels was tarnished, to make the idea of King Cole live up to what she heard about her grandfather from her parents and the adults around her; they never spoke about him as a villain, but rather as an entertainer, a person that everyone loved for his puppet shows and plays


Powers & Tactics:
King Cole III doesn't ever take the first strike, because she opens every encounter with a monologue. She is always acting like she's an actor on a stage giving a performance, so when she confronts a villain, she is prone to announcing their evildoing to any bystanders- even if there are none- and announcing herself. She loves to declare herself 'The True Heir to the Fable Gang' or 'The Future Hero King', gesturing loudly and often accompanying this with small magical tricks like smoke bombs or fireworks. When she gets into combat, she's surprisingly competent with her grandfather's staff in ways that he wasn't necessarily, bashing opponents over the head and keeping them at bay.


Now that she's learned how to cast rudimentary spells,


Power Descriptions:
King Cole III doesn't really have powers, but she is a magical scholar in the same vein as King Cole I; given time, she can mix up and create magical potions or objects for a limited period of time that can mimic the potions and items used by her grandfather thanks to her access to his notes. While she is not quite as good at this as her Grandfather yet, it's only a matter of time.




Heavy Legacy: Renee is actively courting the legacy of King Cole, which can be a bad thing; she is intentionally taking the moniker of a famous villain to try and rebrand it as a hero, and intentionally trying to bring it more in focus to the first of the two King Coles. This means it's completely reasonable for individuals to view Renee with suspicion, and that individuals may have complicated feelings for what she wants to do

Magic Feather: The potion that Renee thinks 'reveals her true self' doesn't actually do anything other than change her eye color. But she thinks it's the only reason she can present herself as King Cole III. If she hasn't taken it, she's reluctant to do anything dangerous or scary, thinking she doesn't have the ability to do so.

Not So Secret: For individuals with connections to the proper authorities or who would otherwise be aware of it, it's not too hard to figure out who King Cole III would be, if they knew who the original King Cole was.

Not So Masterful Magic: Renee can cast spells without her staff medium, but she's not exactly the best at it; her spells can have absolutely unexpected effects and blowback in her face if she tries casting something without her medium

Abilities: 8 + 8 + 8 + 10 + 6 + 10 = 50PP
Strength: 18 (+4)
Dexterity: 18 (+4)
Constitution: 18 (+4)
Intelligence: 20 (+5)
Wisdom: 16 (+3)
Charisma: 20 (+5)

Combat: 12 + 12  = 24PP
Initiative: +4
Attack: +10: John Henry's Hammer and Carabosse's Spike. +6 Melee, +6 Ranged
Defense: +10 (+6 Base, +4 Dodge Focus), +3 Flat-Footed

Grapple: +9
Knockback: -2/-3

Saving Throws: 2 + 2 + 3 = 7PP
Toughness: +6 (+4 Con, +2 Defensive Roll)
Fortitude: +6 (+4 Con, +2)
Reflex: +6 (+4 Dex, +2)
Will: +6 (+3 Wis, +3)

Skills: 96R = 24PP

  • Acrobatics 4 (+8)
  • Bluff 8 (+13) (SM)
  • Computers 4 (+9)
  • Craft (Artistic) 9 (+14) (SM)
  • Disable Device 4 (+9)
  • Escape Artist 4 (+8)
  • Gather Information 4 (+6)
  • Investigation 3 (+8)
  • Knowledge (Arcane Lore) 3 (+8) (SM)
  • Knowledge (Art) 5 (+10) (SM)
  • Knowledge (Current Events) 3 (+8)
  • Notice 4 (+7)
  • Perform (Acting) 5 (+10) SM
  • Perform (Comedy) 5 (+10)
  • Perform (Dance) 5 (+10) SM
  • Perform (Oratory) 5 (+10) SM
  • Perform (Singing) 5 (+10) SM
  • Search 4 (+9)
  • Sense Motive 4 (+7)
  • Sleight of Hand 4 (+8)
  • Stealth 4 (+8)

Feats: 20PP

  • Accurate Attack
  • Artificer
  • Beginner's Luck
  • Challenge (Fast Bluff)
  • Defensive Roll
  • Distract (Bluff)
  • Dodge Focus 4
  • Jack of All Trades
  • Luck 1
  • Power Attack
  • Quick Change 2
  • Skill Mastery 2 (Bluff, Craft: Artistic, Knowledge: Arcane Lore & Art, Perform: Acting, Dance, Oratory, Singing)
  • Takedown Attack 2
  • Uncanny Dodge (Auditory)


Powers: 16 = 16PP

Powers are Magic and Fairy Tale descriptors


Fairy Tale Magic 7 (Magic Array; 14pp, Feats; Alternate Power 2) [16pp]

  • Strike 2 (John Henry's Hammer) (Feats; Mighty, Accurate 2, Improved Crit 2, Extended Reach, Affects Insubstantial 2) (Blunt) (10/14)
  • Move Object 7 (Big Bad Wolf's Breath) (Effective Strength 35) (14/14)
  • Fatigue 6 (Carabosse's Spike) (Extras: Alternate Save (Will), Sleep Feats; Accurate 2) (14/14)



Drawbacks: (-0) + (-0) = -0PP



DC Block

ATTACK              RANGE      SAVE                           EFFECT
Unarmed             Touch      DC 19 Toughness                Damage

John Henry's Hammer Touch      DC 21 Toughness                Damage (Affects Insub, Improved Crit 2, Extended Reach)

Carabosse's Spike   Touch      DC 17 Will                     Fatigue




Abilities (50) + Combat (24) + Saving Throws (7) + Skills (24) + Feats (20) + Powers (16) - Drawbacks (0) = 141/141 Power Points



Saddled up by Poncho


Dust Devil II


Spending 2PP to increase the rank of his Dust Array to rank 15, updating the individual powers like this:


Dust Array 15 (30PP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 4) [34PP]

BP: Blast 12 (Feats: Accurate 4, Variable Descriptor [Any weapon formed of sand]) {30/30} (DescriptorsSand Weapons)

APDamage 12 (Extras: Area [General Burst]; Feats: Affects Insubstantial 2, Progression [Area Size] 3) (60-600 ft. radius) {29/30} (DescriptorsDust Storm)

APDrain Toughness 12 (Extras: Ranged; Feats: Accurate 4, Improved Critical 2) {30/30} (DescriptorsDust Devil's Touch)

APHealing 13 (Extras: Affects Objects (+0), Total; Flaws: Personal; Feats: Persistent, Regrowth) {29/30} (DescriptorsPutting Myself Together)

AP: Snare 12 (Feats: Accurate 4, Variable Descriptor [Any shape formed of sand]) {30/30} (DescriptorsSand Trap)


Discussing edits with player, Thev


Gamma Buzz


6 PP to spend


2 PP: +2 to Reflex to bring it to Reflex +14 (+9 Dex, +5)


2 PP to feats: Power attack, Defensive attack


2 PP to skills:

2 Ranks of Stealth to bring to 14 (+23) and skill mastery

2 Ranks of Notice to bring to 6 (+6)

4 Ranks of Disable Device to bring to 8 (+10)




Asked to put in Character Bank by RocketLord


This one is going to be a full, extensive re-write which will replace the current Torpedo Lass II's character sheet, and have her moved to one of my PL 10 slots from her current PL 7 slot. She will be at PL 9 caps.



Torpedo Lass II
Power Level: 9/10 (150/150PP)
Unspent Power Points: 0
Trade-Offs: TOU+1/DEF-1


In Brief: Powerful nautical brawler, ready to take on the legacy of the first Torpedo Lass who saved her life, sacrificing themselves in the process.


Catchphrase: “Full Speed Ahead!”
Theme: "The Winner"
Nicknames: “TL” “Mizzy” “Sailor”

Alternate Identity: Mizuki Iwasaki (Public)
Birthplace:  Pearl Harbor, Hawaii

Residence: Claremont Academy
Base of Operations: Old Rowing Team shed, Claremont Academy Campus
Occupation:  Student, Adventurer, Mechanical Engineer
Affiliations: Claremont Academy
Family: Father: Cmdr Akira “Mud” Iwasaki, US Navy (Deceased), Mother: Dr. Akiko Wentworth-Iwasaki (Deceased), Uncle: Jake Iwasaki (Computer Programmer).


Age: 17 (DoB: April 30th, 2007)
Gender: Female (She/Her/Her’s)
Ethnicity: Asian (Japanese American)
Height:  5’7”
Weight:  145
Eyes:  Blue
Hair:  Dark Blue


Mizuki tends to keep her blue hair short, in a pixiecut style, and wears comfortable, loose fitting clothing. Due to her not being affected by the cold she tends to dress less than others in winter which causes her to stand out more. Her costume is a custom-designed drysuit that she patterned off of Torpedo Lass’ last costume, but in different muted shades of blue with white trim. She kept Torpedo Lass I’s sailor collared design, and added pouches on a belt, and redesigned a diving vest originally designed for tactical divers into a vest to carry useful equipment. All of which are built into the suit, now.

Torpedo Lass II had much going for her, entering a STEM related track that would eventually get her into industrial design, her goal was to design equipment for people who work on the ocean to keep them safe, and for rescuers to keep them safe and sound. But while on a cruise with her family a mad scientist attacked, trying to steal a valuable piece of jewelry. In the process her parents were killed, and Mizuki was next in line if it wasn’t for the First Torpedo Lass intercepting a beam from a death-ray intended for her.


Personality & Motivation
Mizuki tends to be quiet and analytical, but around peers she opens up. She tends to be interested in geeky pursuits (mostly gaming and putting together models of giant robots), and her room tends to also have pictures of her favorite SCUBA vacation where she earned her certification with her folks. She tends to be protective of her friends and family, which is magnified now with her powers.

As for her new life with super powers, she feels more and more she has to live up to the standards of her predecessor. While not much is availiable in public record in regards to the first Torpedo Lass, what little is there provides a thumbnail she could build on. She feels she needs to act when there is a crisis, and protect the people. Unlike the first Torpedo Lass she isn’t motivated by Patriotism, but for community and people across the world, as well as all in distress on the sea.


Powers & Tactics
Torpedo Lass II leverages her strength into the battle, while closing the distance to engage in melee combat as soon as possible. Although her punches somehow create a plasma sheath around her fist or foot that can hit with the same force as her punch or kick. She now no longer has to worry about any pressure as she is just as much at home anywhere from the depths of the ocean to the edge of space with zero worries. Torpedo Lass II has shown signs of taking the lead, or at least advising whoever has taken the lead, in what steps to take in a crisis.

Power Descriptions
Her powers tend to generate a bluish-green light phosphorescence making her abilities more visible at night or in low-light conditions.

The Next Generation: A need to match the legacy of her predecessor, the first Torpedo Lass, and to live up to her legacy.


Duty Calls: Torpedo Lass II feels she has to use her powers for the right reasons and for the greater good whenever possible.


Survivor’s Guilt: Knowing she got her powers from Torpedo Lass, and that the first TL was wiped from existence in the process has caused TLII to feel from time to time that it should have been her who got hit by the beam, not the first Torpedo Lass.


Enemy: The power armored mad scientist, wanted in Russia for treason and theft, Sea Wolf (Морской волк), was the one responsible for the death of her parents and the murder of the first Torpedo Lass, and she wants to tie up a loose end. Only a matter of time before the next Torpedo Lass gets to run it back against her.


The Eyes Have It: Due to her new mutation for her eyes, they glow in an ever increasing and color shifting color from a phosphorescent green to a bright blue to near white depending on how she stresses herself with her powers, and at any level it's obvious enough where anyone can see them in the dark.


Abilities: 2 + 2 + 6 + 4 + 2 + 2 = 18 PP
Strength: 12 (+1)
Dexterity: 12 (+1)
Constitution: 16 (+3)
Intelligence: 14 (+2)
Wisdom: 12 (+1)
Charisma: 12 (+1)

Combat: 6 + 8 = 14 PP
Initiative: +5 (+4 Improved Initiative)
Attack: +3
Hull Breaking Strike: +9 (Accurate 3 (+6))
Phosphorescent Sphere: +9 (Accurate 2(+6))
Defense: +8 (+4 Base, +4 Dodge Focus), +2 Flat-Footed
Grapple: +5/+8 [Hyperdense Muscles (Super Strength)]
Knockback: -5

Saving Throws: 6 + 6 + 6 = 18 PP
Toughness: +10 (+3 Con, +7 [Pressure Toughened Skin (Toughness +8)])
Fortitude: +9 (+3 Con, +6)
Reflex: +7 (+1 Dex, +6)
Will: +7 (+1 Wis, +6)


Skills: 104R = 26PP
Climb 1 (+2)
Computers 4 (+6)
Craft (mechanical) 4 (+6)sm
Diplomacy 3 (+4)
Drive 4 (+5)
Gather Information 4 (+5)
Investigate 4 (+6)
Knowledge (Physics) 8 (+10)

Knowledge (Tactics) 8 (+10)
Knowledge (Technology) 8 (+10)
Language 2 (English [Native], Japanese, Russian)
Medicine 10 (+11)sm
Notice 6 (+9)sm
Pilot 4 (+5)
Search 8( +10)sm
Sense Motive 6 (+7)
Survival 4(+5)
Swim 14(+15)
(sm marks skills with Skill Mastery)


Feats: 17PP

Benefit: Wealth 1 (Wealthy)
Dodge Focus 4

Environmental Adaption (Underwater)

Equipment 1
Improved Grapple

Improved Initiative 1 (+4 Initiative)
Luck 3
Move-By Action
Precice Shot 2
Quick Change 1
Skill Mastery 1 (Medicine, Craft(Mechanical), Notice, Search)


Equipment  1pp = 5EP

Dive Suit 5EP

  • Binoculars
  • Life Preserver
  • Smartphone
  • First Aid Kit
  • Multi-Tool

Powers: 22+13+7+7+2+6 = 57PP


Array 10.5 ("Phosphorescent Manipulation"; 21PP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 1) 22pp (Mutation, Plasma)

Strike 9 ("Hull Breaking Strike", Extras: Autofire 1; Feats: Accurate 3) (DC 24) {21/21}

Blast 9 ("Phosphorescent Sphere"; Feats: Accurate 3) (DC 23) {21/21}


Array 6 ("Warp Bubble Travel", 12PP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 1) 13pp (Mutation)

Flight 6 ("Warp Bubble Flight", 500mph, 5,000 ft/rnd) {12/12} 
Swimming 12 ("Supercavitating Warp Bubble", 10,000 mph, 100,000 ft/round) {12/12}


Immunity 7 ("Sealed Environment", Environmental Conditions (All), Suffocating (All)) 7pp (Mutation)


Protection 7 ("Pressure Toughened Skin") 8pp (Mutation)


Super-Senses 2 ("Abyssal Vision", Darkvision) 2pp (Mutation)


Super-Strength 3 (“Hyper-dense Muscles”) 6PP (Mutation)


Drawbacks: 0


DC Block
ATTACK                RANGE       SAVE             EFFECT
Unarmed                  Touch        DC 16 Toughness    Bludgeoning
Hull Breaking Strike     Touch        DC 24 Toughness    Damage, Autofire, Plasma
Phosphorescent Sphere    Ranged       DC 24 Toughness    Damage, Plasma


Totals: Abilities (18) + Combat (14) + Saving Throws (18) + Skills (26) + Feats (17) + Powers (57) - Drawbacks (0) = 150/150


Also would like to swap the current image for TLII in her current character sheet for this image.

Posted (edited)

Update for Peak: 28 PP to spend, bringing him up to PL 8


Change Picture


Remove finger complication - doesnt work for a climber!



8 PP +2 Def, +2 Att



8 PP: +6 Reflex, +2 Will



9 PP: +4 to Bluff, Diplomacy, Drive, Intimidate, Kn: Behavioural Sciences, Kn: Earth Sciences, Medicine, Notice Pilot, Stealth



3 PP:

1 PP: Equipment +1 (Camo+Thermal Clothes, Binocular+NV combo, MWork Climbing Gear)

1 PP: Precise Shot

1 PP: Second Chance [Reflex vs Falling]




Power Level: 7 (107/135pp )

Unspent Power Points: 28pp

Trade-Offs: +3 Attack/-3 DC, +3 Defence/-3 Toughness

In Brief: Mountain Rescue Hero

Alternate Identity: Rocky Rambeaux

Birthplace: Alaska

Residence: Freedom City, Around the world

Base of Operations: Freedom City, Around the world

Occupation: Rescue

Affiliations: UNISON

Family: Rochelle Rambeaux (WHO Infectious Diseases Consultant), Rema Rambeaux (Swimmer)

Age: 35

Gender: Male

Ethnicity: Primarily Caucasian

Height: 6’1”

Weight: 95gs

Eyes: Green

Hair: Brown




Rocky looks like a powerful built, athletic man. He has a square jaw and sparkling eyes, but he wouldn’t be called handsome – he has a broken nose, thin lips and bags under his eyes. He is a practical man, and wears whatever suits the mission/environment. Given his affinity for mountains, this is often a white thermal costume with a belt of tools and trusted pistol. 



Rocky was born to a well to do, adventurous family. His mother was a physician, his father a botanist. All five of them travelled the world. When Rocky (the middle child) was twenty, halfway through his medical degree, his parents died on a mountain expedition, caught in an avalanche.


Rocky scraped through his medical degree, shattered by the bereavement. He resolved to use his family wealth, his skills and intelligence to set up the Peak Foundation, dedicated to rescue operations in mountains and other hazardous areas (such as caving, or exploration).


Personality & Motivation:


Rocky has a rather blunt, determined personality – he gets the job done. He has enough of a persona, enough integrity, and enough enthusiasm to carry people with him, but he is not naturally a people person- or rather, he prioritises saving people than being nice. 


 Whilst his priority in life is Rescue, Peak will happily solve and fight crimes around the World, particularly if they need an adventurous and skilled man such as himself. He also has a tertiary interest in research in remote / hazardous environments – particularly if it might one day save people (such as medical research).



Powers & Tactics:

Rocky has no natural powers. He is a trained doctor (specialising in trauma) and is also very skilled in many survival skills. He is a world class Climber.


His goal (or mission) is rescue and preserve life from whatever natural occurrence imperils people – but if he has to fight he is an able martial artist, and will use either a brawling style of hand to hand combat or his trusty side arm in a fight.





No time for cowards: Rocky cannot abide cowards (perhaps because he blames slow response of rescue services for his parents death). He will sometimes berate them, and will not have them on any team. This antagonism is severe; even a lack of bravery in the face of certain death will vex him. He makes unreasonable demands.


Bob’s your Uncle: Rockys uncleRobert Rambeaux is a successful lawyer and also out for the family wealth. He can occasionally pop up to put some legal obstacle in front of Rocky (or his siblings), such as denying access to wealth or resources, or holding up some administrative process (such as visas). Robert is an unpleasant boil on society, actually enjoying making his nieces and nephews life awkward (although he would draw the line at murder or violence)




Abilities: 8 + 6 + 8 + 4 + 6 + 2 = 34

Strength: 18 (+4)

Dexterity: 16 (+3)

Constitution: 18 (+4)

Intelligence: 14 (+2)

Wisdom: 16 (+3)

Charisma: 12 (+1)


Combat: 24 + 24 = 48

Initiative: +7

Attack: +12 (+13 with Masterwork Pistol)

Defense: +12, +6 Flat Footed

Grapple: +16

Knockback: -2


Saving Throws: 4 + 7 + 5 = 16

Toughness: +4

Fortitude: +8 (+4 Con, +4)

Reflex: +10 (+3 Dex, +7)

Will: +8 (+3 Wis, +5)


Skills: 24 PP = 96 Ranks

Bluff 4 (+5)

Climb 12 (+16) [Skill Mastery]

Diplomacy 8 (+9)

Drive 4 (+7)

Intimidate 8 (+9)

Knowledge (Behaviour Sciences) 4 (+6)

Knowledge (Earth Sciences) 8 (+10)

Knowledge (Life Sciences) 4 (+6)

Language 4 (English [Native], French, Mandarin, Spanish, Urdu)

Medicine 12 (+15) [Skill Mastery]

Notice 8 (+11)

Pilot 8 (+11) [Skill Mastery]

Sense Motive 4 (+7)

Stealth 4 (+7)

Survival 8 (+11) [Skill Mastery]


Feats: 13 PP

Benefit: Wealth 2


Equipment 3

Favoured Environment (Mountains)


Improved Initiative 1

Jack of All trades

Precise Shot

Second Chance (Reflex saves vs falling)

Skill Mastery 1 (Climb, Medicine, Pilot, Survival)


Equipment: 3PP = 15 EP

Utility Belt

GPS Receiver [1 EP]

Multi Tool [1 EP]

Combined Binoculars with Night Vision Goggles [1+1=2 EP]

Masterwork Climbing Gear [1 EP]


Combined Camo Clothing (Snow/Ice) with Thermal Wear (+4 saves vs cold environment) [1+1=2 EP]


Masterwork Light Pistol with Stun Ammo (Blast 3, Masterwork, Stun Ammo) [8 EP]




Abilities 34 + Combat 48 + Saving Throws 16 + Skills 24 + Feats 13 + Powers 0 - Drawbacks 0 = 135/135 PP


Edited by Supercape

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