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SCC & Star Island - OOC


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And there are still 2 groups of thugs. One (4 of them) is near the bombs. A second group (3 of them) is on the opposite side of the hanger (where the 1st bomb started). This group is moving towards DS and Quark.


Oh...duh. Should have known that!

Attacks: 1st 2 on DS, 2nd 2 on Quark. (pistol first, then rifle for attack rolls) (1d20+5=18, 1d20+5=25, 1d20+5=22, 1d20+5=13)

so... not sure who needs rolls. I think DS is hit by the 2nd. which is lvl 8. pistols 5.

DS needs a toughness roll, right?

toughness roll if needed (1d20+10=16) (keeping in mind that DS toughness at this point is 10 w/ 6 imperv)

which I'm pretty sure would hurt like hell? so...would a HP make sense?


If DS was hit by a pistol (Blast 5, DC 20), he's fine, his Imp. soaked it up.

If he's hit by a Rifle (Blast 8, DC 23), he failed by 7, so he's bruised + stunned for a round. Unless you spend an HP to either re-roll or shake off the stun.


He was shot at twice; not sure if you were hit. First roll is for the pistol (that would be a 22), second is for a rifle (a 13)


At the time this thread was started, Doc was still PL 11 (he crossed to PL 12 a few days after this began).

    [*:3hycxqcs]While Cloaked, his Toughness is +11 (Imp 4). His knockback is -7.
    [*:3hycxqcs]With his Full-Power Force Field, his Tougnhess would be +14 (Imp 11). His knockback would be -12.
    [*:3hycxqcs]His Perform (Oratory) is 7 points lower. His sense Motive is 4 points lower. His Bluff, Craft (chemical), Diplomacy, Disable Device, and Knowledge (behavioral sciences) are all 3 points lower. His Craft (electrical), Craft (mechanical), Knowledge (physical sciences), and Knowledge (technology) are all 1 point lower.
    [*:3hycxqcs]He does not have the Fascinate (Perform [Oratory]) feat.
    [*:3hycxqcs]He doesn't have Enhanced Wis, but it's a free action for him to switch between Enhanced Int or Enhanced Cha.

Move Acton to bring Bomb #1 down to rest next to Bomb #2.

Free action to switch from Flight to Teleport (so now has Teleport 5 [500 ft./5 miles; PFs: Change Direction, Change Velocity])

Standard Action to reconfigure Electromagnetic Screwdriver

Enhanced Feats 2 (Progression 2 for Teleport [500 lbs. cargo]) and Enhanced Teleport 1 (to Teleport 6 [600 feet/20 miles])

Free action to switch from Cloaked Field to Full Power Force Field.


Gah! totally forgot! (Life's been crazy. This slipped through. I'll do it when I get home since can't recall their saves here at work.)


Depends on how far they fell when you dropped them (assuming you did just drop them and didn't slam them down). DC is 15 + 1 per 10 feet fallen. So if he lifted them 30 feet up, they'd need to make a DC 18 save.

Also... yeah, that's more thugs than I thought.


Well, hangar ceiling is roughly 60 feet. So that's a 21? If so, that's 11 that failed (were a couple ties but assume ties go to defender).

Apologies. I thought stating there were almost two dozen was enough early on. But since half got pinned almost right away it didn't come up again. My bad. I will attempt to be clearer from now on.

To be clear though: There are a total of 22 (8 of which have the rifles). Only 7 are currently standing (ie not running around). 3 on Doc (to no effect) and the other 4 flanking Quark and DS. Any other detail I should throw in?

And yeah, I think a map would have been helpful. Just a little too busy lately to do something basic even in Paint. Next thread I do though will have one for stuff like this. Again, apologies.


Well, hangar ceiling is roughly 60 feet. So that's a 21? If so, that's 11 that failed (were a couple ties but assume ties go to defender).

Indeed. And if these guys are being treated as Minions/Mooks -- and, IMO, most should -- they're now all unconscious.


Well, you'd need to surge to do all that -- grappling them with the Damaging Move Object would be a standard action, and slamming them into a ceiling would be another standard action.

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