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Gi-Ant ** Razorback ** PL10 Villian

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Players Name: Razorback

Power Level: 10

Trade-Offs: +2 Attack for -2 Damage, - 3 Defense for + 3 Toughness]

Unspent PP: 0

Characters Name: Gi-Ant

Alternate Identity: N/A

Length: 7'4"

Weight: 872 lbs

Hair: None

Eyes: Black

Description: Gi-Ant is your typical ant… grown to 7 and half feet in length and weighing over a quarter ton.

Personality & Motivation: Gi-Ant is your typical soldier black ant living an ant’s life underground below Eagle Industries. During and experiment in nanites and nanotechnology, the laboratory ran by Dr. Sung was attacked by super powered villains bent on stealing the technology. Dr. Sung was killed in the ensuing battle, knocking over a container hold his most advanced nanites specimens and releasing them as he died. Antonio D’Aquila, the owner of Eagle Industries, along with the authorities assumed that any samples were stolen or destroyed in the fire that was eventually contained. The neither D’Aquila or the authorities know who or why the lab was broken into.

Eventually, the nanites found their way underground, below the lab, as they sought to escape the heat of the fire. Per their programming, they sought out the first biological life form and took over it’s many of it’s biological functions. This ant would eventually become the being known as Gi-Ant. Slowly, over time, the ant became aware. It also began to grow in size as the nanites replicated and replaced or enhanced Gi-Ant’s physiology. Over time, Gi-Ant began to become aware of the other ants and learned to control them. Also, Gi-Ant learned that, when in proximity to computers, he could use them with just his mind. He began to develop mental powers and expand his knowledge. As time progressed he was in contact with other ants and learned he could control them. One day, while in contact with a group of ants, he was using them to show him how the humans interacted when they were cruelly crushed to death by a human boy. Thinking this was a mistake because he burrowed to the surface to communicate with the boy. As he broke the surface at the school playground, the boy fell back and knocked himself out. The teachers, thinking it was a monster attacking, called in the police and superheroes. Gi-Ant tried to communicate but was attacked by the police. Fleeing underground, he eventually linked with a computer and spent much time digesting what had happened. He eventually came to the realization that humans saw ants as nothing more than pests that needed to be eradicated. He also saw newsreels (50’s sci-fi movies) of other ants similar to him being killed or destroyed. Realizing the error of his ways, he became bent on destroying human civilization and bringing ant society to the rightful forefront of as the dominant life form on Earth.


Stats: -7pp

Str: 10(+0)

Dex: 10 (0)

Con: 18(+4)

Int: 9 [25] (-1/+7)

Wis: 4 [6](-3/ 0)

Cha: 2 [2](-4/-3)

Combat: 6pp

Attack: +3

Grapple: + 5

Defense: + 0 (+0 flat-footed)

Knockback: - 6

Initiative: + 0

Saves: 20pp

Toughness: + 12 (+4Con, +8 protection[3 impervious])

Fortitude: + 7 (+4Con, +3)

Reflex: +7(+0 Dex, +7)

Will: + 10(+0 Wis, +10)

Skills: 12pp [bracketed number represents nanite enhanced skill rank]

Computers 0[15](22)

Craft: Chemical 0[5](12)

Craft: Electronic 0[15](22)

Craft: Mechanical 0[7](14)

Craft: Structural 0[5](12)

Disable Device 0[14](21)

Kn: Physical Sciences 0[15](22)

Kn: Technology 0[15](22)

Languages 0[1 - English]

Notice 14(14)

Search 13(20)

Stealth 14(14)

Survival 7(7)

Feats: 8pp

Attack Focus 3: Melee

Attack Specialization 3: Bite

Equipment 1

Hide In Plain Sight

Powers: 114pp

Acid 8(Flaw -1: Limited to living targets)[16] aka Formic Acid Bite

Additional Limbs 3(PF 1: Innate)[4]

2 additional legs and 2 antennae

Burrowing 1[1]

Communication 1(olfactory )[1]

Flight 1(PF:+1 Innate; Drawback : -1 Power loss{wings})[2]

Immunity 4( Critical Hits 2, Aging 1, Own Power 1)[4]

Protection 8(Extra: 3 levels of Impervious)[11]

Speed 1[1]

Super-Movement 1(wall-crawling)[2]

Super-Senses 4(PF:Innate;Scent{1}, Tremorsense{3} )[5]

Super-Strength 2[4]

Nanite-Enhanced Mind {containter} [64]

Communication 1(Mental)[1]

Emotion Control 10(Flaw -1: Limited, sense dependent {olfactory/pheromones}; PF 2: 2 Alternate Powers)[12]

AP:Confuse 10(Extra +1/rank: +0 Alternate save {fortitude, pheromones based}, +1 Range{from Ranged to Perception}; Flaw -1: -1 Sense-Dependent{pheromone based olfactory})

AP: Animal Control 4(Extra +2/rank: +1 Sensory Link, +1 Area; Flaw -2: -1 Limited(to ants), -1 Sense Dependent {pheromone based olfactory}; PF 1: Communication Link)

Enhanced Charisma 2[2]

Enhanced Feats 2(Eidetic Memory, Inventor)[2]

Enhanced Intelligence 16[16]

Enhanced Skills 92(computers 15, Craft:chemical 5, Craft:electronic 15, Craft:mechanical 7, Craft:structural 5, disable device 7, Kn:Phys Sci 15, Kn: Tech 15, languages 1)[23]

Datalink 1(Mental communication)[1]

Illusion 1(Visual {2pp/rank}; Extra +1/rank: Duration{Continuous}; PF 1: Progression{10'cube/rank})[4]

Move Object 1(PF 2: Precise, Enhanced Feat{Improvised Tools})[3]

Power Loss (Nanite-Enhanced container if it fails a save against an electrical or magnetic attack, for the duration of the effect [one round for Instant effects]; ; very common, minor; 6 points)

Drawbacks: 3pp

Noticeable -1: Ant Exoskeleton (protection)

Disability -1: Very common/minor = no figures or thumbs to manipulate

Disability -1: Common/minor = mute

DC Block:


Formic Acid Bite 23 /Toughness Bruise (Staged)

Emotion Control 20/Will

Confuse 20/Fortitude

Costs: Abilities (-7) + Combat (6) + Saves (20) + Skills(12) + Feats (8) + Powers (114) - Drawbacks (-3) = 150

Base of Operations: Underground Maze that leads to hidden living area where Gi-Ant plans his next attack on humanity!

Size: Medium 1

Toughness: 0

Features =

Living Space 1

Isolated 1

Concealed 1

Security System 1 (instead of Disable Device check, either a Survival check or Tracking check must be made to find your way through the unlit, underground maze)


As some may or may not have noticed, none of the characters/potential characters have had complications. It's not something my group has ever played with so I'm unsure how they function. Any help with that would be appreciated.



Stats: -22pp

Str: 10 (+0)

Dex: 10 (0)

Con: 18 (+4)

Int: 1 [24] (-5/+7)

Wis: 1 [10] (-5/ 10)

Cha: 1 [4] (-3)

I'm getting -19, not -22. 8-9-9-9 = -19.

Combat: 6pp

Attack: +3

Grapple: + 5

Defense: + 0 (+0 flat-footed)

Knockback: - 6

Initiative: + 0

Adds up, though having nothing in Defense is gonna hurt. Also, due to feats, Attack should read "+3, +6 Melee, +12 bite"

Saves: 20pp

Toughness: + 12 (+4 Con, +8 protection)

Fortitude: + 7 (+4 Con, +3)

Reflex: +7 (+0 Dex, +7)

Will: + 7 (+0 Wis, +10)

Toughness should have Impervious 3 written somewhere next to it. Will would be +10, not +7. Adds up, but why so much in Will? (Without his super-brain, he'd still have a Will save of +5.)

Skills: 36pp

Computers 15 (+22)

Craft: Chemical 6 (+13)

Craft: Electronic 15 (+22)

Craft: Mechanical 7 (+14)

Craft: Structural 5 (+12)

Disable Device 15 (+22)

Kn: Physical Sciences 15 (+22)

Kn: Technology 15 (+22)

Languages 1

Notice 14 (+14)

Search 14 (+21)

Stealth 14 (+14)

Survival 8 (+8)

144 ranks = 36 points, so it adds up. However, why those particular skills? Nothing in the background indicates "Scientific Genius!".

As it stands now, if its nanite-enhanced brain (the Enhanced Int) is turned off, it'd still be at +10 on Computer, Craft/Electronic, Disable Device, Know/Phys Sciences, and Know/Tech.

If the skills are a direct result of the nanites (meaning that, if turned off, it'd lose some of the ranks as well as the Enhanced mental ability scores), they should be done as the Enhanced Skills power.

I'm assuming the Language is English, but it can only read/write it, correct?

Feats: 10pp

Attack Focus 3: Melee

Attack Specialization 3: Bite

Equipment 1

Fearless 1

Hide In Plain Sight


Adds up, but again, why Inventor?

Powers: 108pp

Super-Senses 4(PF: 2x Innate)[6]

Scent (1)

Tremorsense (3)

Additional Limbs 3(PF 1: Innate)[4]

2 additional legs and 2 antennae

Formic Acid Bite - Acid 8(Flaw -1: Limited to living targets)[16]

Emotion Control 10(Flaw -1: Limited, sense dependent {olfactory/pheromones}; PF 2: 2 Alternate Powers)[12]

AP:Confuse 5(Extra +2/rank: +1 Alternate save {fortitude, pheromones based}, +1 Range{from Ranged to Perception}; Flaw -1: -1 Sense-Dependent{pheromone based olfactory})

AP: Animal Control 4(Extra +2/rank: +1 Sensory Link, +1 Area; Flaw -2: -1 Limited(to ants), -1 Sense Dependent {pheromone based olfactory}; PF 1: Communication Link)

Nanite Enhance Mental Traits - Enhanced Traits 35(+23 intelligence, +9 wisdom, +3 charisma)[35]

Protection 8(Extra: 3 levels of Impervious)[11]

Illusion 1(Visual {2pp/rank}; Extra +1/rank: Duration{Continuous}; PF 1: Progression{10'cube/rank})[4]

Communication 2(olfactory & mental)[2]

Move Object 1(PF 2: Precise, Enhanced Feat{Improvised Tools})[3]

Speed 1[1]

Super-Movement 1(wall-crawling)[2]

Immunity 4( Critical Hits 2, Aging 1, Own Power 1)[4]

Super-Strength 2[4]

Flight 1(PF:+1 Innate; Drawback : -1 Power loss{wings})[2]

Burrowing 1[1]

Datalink 1(Mental communication)[1]

These need to be alphabetized, please, by effect name, and the name of the effect bolded.

You only need 1 instance of innate for the Super-Senses.

Unless the antennae can be used as a limb (i.e., can pick up and manipulate things, or can be used to grapple others), they're not Additional Limbs.

For Confuse, changing the save from Will to Fort doesn't increase the cost.

Typically only Queens and males have wings/flight (and they shed them after mating); soldiers are sterile wingless females. (Not saying you have to get rid of it, just sharing some entomological knowledge. Gi-Ant is, after all, a mutant freak.)

Drawbacks: 8pp

Noticeable -1: Ant Exoskeleton (protection)

Vulnerable -3: Uncommon/major = Nanites vulnerable to magnetic attacks (causes loss of Emotion Control, Enhanced Traits, Illusion and Move Object if fails save)

Disability -1: Very common/minor = no figures or thumbs to manipulate

Disability -1: Common/minor = mute

Vulnerable -2: Uncommon/moderate: Nanites vulnerable to electrical attacks (causes loss of Emotion Control, Enhanced Traits, Illusion and Move Object if fails save)

Those two Vulnerabilities should be Power Loss drawback.

Power Loss (Emotion Control, Enhanced Traits, Illusion and Move Object if it fails a save against an electrical or magnetic attack, for the duration of the effect [one round for Instant effects]; very common, minor; 6 points)

Base of Operations: Underground Maze that leads to hidden living area where Gi-Ant plans his next attack on humanity!

Size: Medium 1

Toughness: 0

Features =

Living Space 1

Isolated 1

Concealed 1

Security System 1 (instead of Disable Device check, either a Survival check or Tracking check must be made to find your way through the unlit, underground maze)

Adds up, and that sounds fine.

As some may or may not have noticed, none of the characters/potential characters have had complications. It's not something my group has ever played with so I'm unsure how they function. Any help with that would be appreciated.

Complications are negative things that don't have much mechanical impact (so they don't get you any power points back), but they do make our life more difficult (so you get a Hero Point for when it does so).


I'm getting -19, not -22. 8-9-9-9 = -19.

Me too... will revise.

Hmmm, power's I'll clean up, along with the changes for antenaes (they are for his superscent so but not manipulating things... I wasn't sure).

I'll clean up the powerloss/drawbacks mess. Which leads me to...

So, thinking about how he's structured, would it be more advisable to have the bonus will, skills(int based), some feats (inventor, focii) as part of the Enhanced traits suite? These would then disappear in version 1.1 under his powerlosses?

Yes, he can read and write English but not speak it.

Defense, like the low charisma, are intentional. It's not his MO to get into a stand up fight.

I'm going to clean up the background to reflect the fact that he has taught himself, with the unintentional help of Eagle Industries and his power to communicate with/through computers, the skills listed. This would include his prediliction towards inventiveness.

Hmm... didn't know that about ants. The idea for the character came around Turkey Day. I had my (then) year and a half old was watching this show. There is an episode where, the ant on the pigs hand, get a G and an I put on the front, becoming a Giant. You can see where my twisted mind took it from there.

But, back on track, the nanites must have triggered some latent gene, which grew the wings...

On that note, it's almost beer-thirty. I know what I'm doing this weekend.



I'll clean up the powerloss/drawbacks mess. Which leads me to...

So, thinking about how he's structured, would it be more advisable to have the bonus will, skills(int based), some feats (inventor, focii) as part of the Enhanced traits suite? These would then disappear in version 1.1 under his powerlosses?

That can be done, certainly. Something like....

Nanite-Enhanced Mind 11 (55 point Container)

Enhanced Charisma 3 [3]

Enhanced Feats 1 (Inventor) [1]

Enhanced Intelligence 23 [23]

Enhanced Skills 76 (76 ranks in assorted skills) [19]

Enhanced Wisdom 9 [9]

Also, I'd strongly advise against having a 'base' Int, Wis, and Cha of 1, as it is far too easy as his stats are now to turn him into a drooling, cotton-headed clod, and unthinking beast that could do nothing but bite or flee.

Easy enough to say the nanites did some long-term alterations to his brain, just as they did to his body. His body doesn't shrink down to normal ant size when the nanites glitch, his mind doesn't shut completely down, either.

Yes, he can read and write English but not speak it.

Defense, like the low charisma, are intentional. It's not his MO to get into a stand up fight.

Well, given the nature of this board, even if that is his MO, he will be getting into some fights eventually. Even if said fight is being pelted with blasts from afar.

I'm going to clean up the background to reflect the fact that he has taught himself, with the unintentional help of Eagle Industries and his power to communicate with/through computers, the skills listed. This would include his prediliction towards inventiveness.

That'll work. Maybe split the ranks, have about half be from his own study, the rest from the nanites (they help his memory and fact-recall abilities, are themselves tiny libraries of engineering data, etc.).


For Confuse, changing the save from Will to Fort doesn't increase the cost.

Hmm, working on it, but came across this under confuse:


• Alternate Save: Confuse may be based on Fortitude rather

than Will to reflect a biochemical effect, such as a drug or

pathogen. Such forms of Confuse are also often touch



Yes, and if you read the description for Alternate Save:

When applied to powers requiring a Toughness saving throw, Alternate Save is a +1 modifier and can only make the power’s save Fortitude or Will. Fortitude generally represents a toxic effect like a poison, while Will represents a mental or spiritual attack. In either case the power only works on targets with the appropriate save: Fortitude only affects living targets with a Constitution score. Will only affects creatures with all three mental ability scores. Neither works on inanimate objects.

Applied to powers requiring some other saves, this modifier does not change an effect’s cost (it is a +0 modifier). The GM may choose to add a modifier if the alternate save grants a significant advantage in the campaign, but usually the differences in utility against various targets even out.

It only increases the cost if the power was originally something that called for a Toughness save. If you're just changing from Will to Fort, or Fort to Will, there's no change in cost.

  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

Thanks for reminding me, I just had to proof him again. And, thanks to Doc for sending me down the right direction with the container.

I think he's right, so...

Players Name: Razorback

Power Level: 10

Trade-Offs: +2 Attack for -2 Damage, - 3 Defense for + 3 Toughness]

Unspent PP: 0

Characters Name: Gi-Ant

Alternate Identity: N/A

Length: 7'4"

Weight: 872 lbs

Hair: None

Eyes: Black

Description: Gi-Ant is your typical ant… grown to 7 and half feet in length and weighing over a quarter ton.

Personality & Motivation: Gi-Ant is your typical soldier black ant living an ant’s life underground below Eagle Industries. During and experiment in nanites and nanotechnology, the laboratory ran by Dr. Sung was attacked by super powered villains bent on stealing the technology. Dr. Sung was killed in the ensuing battle, knocking over a container hold his most advanced nanites specimens and releasing them as he died. Antonio D’Aquila, the owner of Eagle Industries, along with the authorities assumed that any samples were stolen or destroyed in the fire that was eventually contained. The neither D’Aquila or the authorities know who or why the lab was broken into.

Eventually, the nanites found their way underground, below the lab, as they sought to escape the heat of the fire. Per their programming, they sought out the first biological life form and took over it’s many of it’s biological functions. This ant would eventually become the being known as Gi-Ant. Slowly, over time, the ant became aware. It also began to grow in size as the nanites replicated and replaced or enhanced Gi-Ant’s physiology. Over time, Gi-Ant began to become aware of the other ants and learned to control them. Also, Gi-Ant learned that, when in proximity to computers, he could use them with just his mind. He began to develop mental powers and expand his knowledge. As time progressed he was in contact with other ants and learned he could control them. One day, while in contact with a group of ants, he was using them to show him how the humans interacted when they were cruelly crushed to death by a human boy. Thinking this was a mistake because he burrowed to the surface to communicate with the boy. As he broke the surface at the school playground, the boy fell back and knocked himself out. The teachers, thinking it was a monster attacking, called in the police and superheroes. Gi-Ant tried to communicate but was attacked by the police. Fleeing underground, he eventually linked with a computer and spent much time digesting what had happened. He eventually came to the realization that humans saw ants as nothing more than pests that needed to be eradicated. He also saw newsreels (50’s sci-fi movies) of other ants similar to him being killed or destroyed. Realizing the error of his ways, he became bent on destroying human civilization and bringing ant society to the rightful forefront of as the dominant life form on Earth.


Stats: -7pp

Str: 10(+0)

Dex: 10 (0)

Con: 18(+4)

Int: 9 [25] (-1/+7)

Wis: 4 [6](-3/ 0)

Cha: 2 [2](-4/-3)

Combat: 6pp

Attack: +3

Grapple: + 5

Defense: + 0 (+0 flat-footed)

Knockback: - 6

Initiative: + 0

Saves: 20pp

Toughness: + 12 (+4Con, +8 protection[3 impervious])

Fortitude: + 7 (+4Con, +3)

Reflex: +7(+0 Dex, +7)

Will: + 10(+0 Wis, +10)

Skills: 12pp [bracketed number represents nanite enhanced skill rank]

Computers 0[15](22)

Craft: Chemical 0[5](12)

Craft: Electronic 0[15](22)

Craft: Mechanical 0[7](14)

Craft: Structural 0[5](12)

Disable Device 0[14](21)

Kn: Physical Sciences 0[15](22)

Kn: Technology 0[15](22)

Languages 0[1 - English]

Notice 14(14)

Search 13(20)

Stealth 14(14)

Survival 7(7)

Feats: 8pp

Attack Focus 3: Melee

Attack Specialization 3: Bite

Equipment 1

Hide In Plain Sight

Powers: 114pp

Acid 8(Flaw -1: Limited to living targets)[16] aka Formic Acid Bite

Additional Limbs 3(PF 1: Innate)[4]

2 additional legs and 2 antennae

Burrowing 1[1]

Communication 1(olfactory )[1]

Flight 1(PF:+1 Innate; Drawback : -1 Power loss{wings})[2]

Immunity 4( Critical Hits 2, Aging 1, Own Power 1)[4]

Protection 8(Extra: 3 levels of Impervious)[11]

Speed 1[1]

Super-Movement 1(wall-crawling)[2]

Super-Senses 4(PF:Innate;Scent{1}, Tremorsense{3} )[5]

Super-Strength 2[4]

Nanite-Enhanced Mind {containter} [64]

Communication 1(Mental)[1]

Emotion Control 10(Flaw -1: Limited, sense dependent {olfactory/pheromones}; PF 2: 2 Alternate Powers)[12]

AP:Confuse 10(Extra +1/rank: +0 Alternate save {fortitude, pheromones based}, +1 Range{from Ranged to Perception}; Flaw -1: -1 Sense-Dependent{pheromone based olfactory})

AP: Animal Control 4(Extra +2/rank: +1 Sensory Link, +1 Area; Flaw -2: -1 Limited(to ants), -1 Sense Dependent {pheromone based olfactory}; PF 1: Communication Link)

Enhanced Charisma 2[2]

Enhanced Feats 2(Eidetic Memory, Inventor)[2]

Enhanced Intelligence 16[16]

Enhanced Skills 92(computers 15, Craft:chemical 5, Craft:electronic 15, Craft:mechanical 7, Craft:structural 5, disable device 7, Kn:Phys Sci 15, Kn: Tech 15, languages 1)[23]

Datalink 1(Mental communication)[1]

Illusion 1(Visual {2pp/rank}; Extra +1/rank: Duration{Continuous}; PF 1: Progression{10'cube/rank})[4]

Move Object 1(PF 2: Precise, Enhanced Feat{Improvised Tools})[3]

Power Loss (Nanite-Enhanced container if it fails a save against an electrical or magnetic attack, for the duration of the effect [one round for Instant effects]; ; very common, minor; 6 points)

Drawbacks: 3pp

Noticeable -1: Ant Exoskeleton (protection)

Disability -1: Very common/minor = no figures or thumbs to manipulate

Disability -1: Common/minor = mute

DC Block:


Formic Acid Bite 23 /Toughness Bruise (Staged)

Emotion Control 20/Will

Confuse 20/Fortitude

Costs: Abilities (-7) + Combat (6) + Saves (20) + Skills(12) + Feats (8) + Powers (114) - Drawbacks (-3) = 150

Base of Operations: Underground Maze that leads to hidden living area where Gi-Ant plans his next attack on humanity!

Size: Medium 1

Toughness: 0

Features =

Living Space 1

Isolated 1

Concealed 1

Security System 1 (instead of Disable Device check, either a Survival check or Tracking check must be made to find your way through the unlit, underground maze)

  • 2 weeks later...

He's a villain, so I'm waiting for a dramatic moment to show what his weakness is.

Or, to copy in what you suggested originallly, I changed to:

Power Loss (Nanite-Enhanced container if it fails a save against an electrical or magnetic attack, for the duration of the effect [one round for Instant effects]; ; very common, minor; 6 points)

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