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The Trial of Captain Knievel! [OOC]

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OK, Dark Star is bruised and injured (assuming Avalon was doing lethal.) Captain K is up.

You mean Injured and Disabled? He failed by 6.

My action is basically going to be running out the front door since that seems like my most likely avenue of escape. I don't want to have to go through that security door with Ace on my back. (literally)

How far can I get with my first speed 3 move action?


You failed by less than 5. If he was doing nonlethal, you take a Bruise. If he was doing lethal, you take a Bruise and an Injury.

If he failed by 5+, he'd take that Bruise (and Injury?), and also be Stunned for 1 round.

He would have to fail by 10+ to be Staggered or Staggered + Disabled, and by 15+ to be Unconscious or Unconscious + Dying.


Uhhm I thought all damage was assumed to be non-lethal unless specifically stated otherwise? Av didn't say he was doing lethal so it would be non-lethal and DS would have a bruise right?


Av actually does lethal damage with that blade thing. At least he did in the last thread vs. DS (IIRC) anyways its not going to matter that much. DS is just going to heal it anyway.


Overall, the games here at FC PbP are to have a feel/mood/tone similar to that of modern comics, though perhaps leaning a hair's breadth towards the Silver Age and several steps away from the Iron Age.

As such, unless and until explicitly stated, all damage is considered nonlethal.


Hooray! D-A has cleared up our conundrum. That's why they pay him the big money. (That noise you hear is his laughter. ;) )

OK, so Dark Star is bruised only and it is Captain Knieval's turn to act. Do I understand you right, that your action is to attempt to run towards the front of the courthouse? Nothing's changed in the other direction except for the arrival of Dark Star and the Vestige. I'm not going to tell you how far you can get, because your character wouldn't have that knowledge. :)


You get to the fire/security door that the fleeing security personnel have locked behind you across the corridor. The Strength check to break it down is DC 20; not too difficult for a strapping guy like Captain Knievel, but that and moving will use up your action for the turn.


Okay. I will make an IC post reflecting that. (Provided IC is back up)

EDIT: It turns out the site is still not up. However my bonus to the strength check is a +9 (with Super Strength) So it is a check that I would automatically pass with a VP. I can go ahead and put the post up even though I can't roll at the moment if your willing to just move past it.

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