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Pandemic - PL 11 - Godzirra

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Players Name: Godzirra

Power Level: 11 (151 PPs)

Unspent PPs: 1

Characters Name: Nicolas Stewart Gythen (guy-then)

Alternate Identity: Pandemic

Height: 6'

Weight: 175lbs.

Hair: Black

Eyes: Dark


Nicolas appears to be in his mid to late 20's, a very handsome man who is often the most popular man at the party. Nicolas has slicked back black hair and has a full beard of matching color, his eyes are a dark brown color (murky) when seen under full light. He is in excellent physical condition, however, he will play off that he is not always that healthy - for example, he'll break out reading glasses here and there. He is suave, calm, and always with an air of British "class" around him. Of course, he isn't British and he is not in his mid to late 20's. Nicolas has been around since the time when the Greeks ruled the world and has spent that time researching what he believes to be his naturally ascended "God hood".

History: "From a secret manual of the Illuminati.."

Around 700 BC, Sennacherib of Assyria destroyed Babylon by plague. Those with the knowledge of such history believe this to be about the first recorded event in the life of Nicolas Stewart Gythen. It is believed that he is not Sennacherib, rather one of the generals who brought the Babylonian war to an end with his amazing powers.

From there, the next believed appearance of Gythen would be in Greece a couple hundred years later when a devastating epidemic which hit the city-state of Athens during the second year of the Peloponnesian War (430 BC), when an Athenian victory still seemed within reach. The sight of the burning funeral pyres of Athens caused the Spartan army to withdraw for fear of the disease. It killed many of Athens's infantry, some expert seamen and their leader Pericles, who died during one of the secondary outbreaks in 429 BC. After the death of Pericles, Athens was led by a succession of incompetent or weak leaders... and lead to the loss of the Peloponnesian War.

In 160 BC another plague, Antonine Plague. Followed by another appearance of the plague another 400 years later...

(and so on and so forth.)

It is believed that Gythen has had his hand in all of these various plagues in some form or fashion. It is unknown where he was born or when he was born, but the man known as Gythen has been a part of humanity since the dawn of mankind. What are is goals? It seems that at his whim he causes massive amounts of death that turns society upside down and often times tears itself apart. There has not been a major outbreak since the Third Pandemic of China in 1855 which spread throughout most of India and China.

Today, the man known as Nicolas Stewart Gythen sits atop multiple corporations and controls at least four of the top ten Fortune 500 companies in the world. He currently resides in Freedom City, in the Monte Frankling Tower located in Hanover. For now, at least, Gythen seems content with the world as is... that can change quickly.

Stats: (27 pp)

Str: 12 (+1)

Dex: 10 (+0)

Con: 14 (+2)

Int: 18 (+4)

Wis: 17 (+3)

Cha: 16 (+3)

BAB: +4 (8 pp)

BDB: +7 (14 pp)

Initiative: 0

Saves: (20 pp)

Toughness: +2

Fortitude: +10 (8)

Reflex: +5 (5)

Will: +8 (5)

Skills: (15pp - skill points)

Bluff: +10, (+3, +4 feat, 3 ranks)

Computers: +6 (+4, 2 ranks)

Concentration: +6 (+3, 3 ranks)

Diplomacy: +10 (+3, +4 feat, 3 ranks)

Disable Device: +6 (+4, 2 ranks)

Drive: +2 (2 ranks - calls a cab)

Gather Information: +8 (+3, 5 ranks)


- Arcane Lore: +6 (+4, 2 ranks)

- Art: +5 (+4, 1 rank)

- Behavioral Science +6 (+4, 2 ranks)

- Business: +7 (+4, 3 ranks)

- Civics: +6 (+4, 2 ranks)

- Current Events: +6 (+4, 2 ranks)

- History: +8 (+4, 4 ranks)

- Life Sciences: +8 (+4, 4 ranks)

- Technology: +8 (+4, 4 ranks)

Notice: +6 (+3, 3 ranks)

Profession(pathologist): +10 (+3, 7 ranks)

Sense Motive: +6 (+3, 3 ranks)

Survival: +6 (+3, 3 ranks)

Feats: (25 pp)

Attack Specialization: (rank 3) +6 with 'touch' (unarmed)

Attractive: +4 bluff/diplomacy

Benefit: (rank 7) wealth (6) +32 (flithy rich), security clearance

Master Plan

Well Informed

Seize Initiative


Minons: (rank 5, 10 pp) Fanatical Followers, (10 minions - 30 pp each)**

Powers: (Pandemic - 43 pp)

I. Immortality ('Gift of the Gods') (5 pp)

- immune to disease, aging, and dying

II. Disease ('Gift of the Gods') (rank: 9, pp: 36)

- Con damage vs. DC 19

- Contagious

PF: Dormant

PF: Reversible


None to start

Costs: Abilities (27) + Combat (22) + Saves (18) + Skills (15) + Feats (25) + Powers (43) - Drawbacks (00) = 150

**Minions: x10, 30 PP each.

Fanatical towards Gythen

Stats: (10 pp)

Str: 14 (+2)

Dex: 12 (+1)

Con: 16 (+3)

Int: 10

Wis: 10

Cha: 8 (-1)

Saves: (2 pp)

Toughness: +3 (0)

Fort: +5 (2)

Reflex: +1 (0)

Will: +0 (0)

Feats: (3 pp)

Equpiment 2

Attack Specialization: (rank 1) +2 with pistol


Leather Jacket (+1 Toughness), pistol (+3 damage), cell phone, Security Guard outfit

Combat: (8 pp)

BAB: +2 (4) - /w pistol: +4

BDB: +2 (4)

Initiative: +1

Skills: (7)

Climb: +5 (3)

Craft: (Mechanical) +4 (4)

Drive: +5 (4)

Intimidate +3 (4)

Knowledge (Pop cult) +2 (2)

Knowledge (Street) +2 (2)

Pilot: +3 (2)

Profession: (guard) +4 (4)

Swim +5 (3)

Costs: Abilities (10) + Combat (8) + Saves (2) + Skills (7) + Feats (3) + Powers (00) - Drawbacks (00) = 30


Players Name: Godzirra

Power Level: 11 (151 PPs)

Unspent PPs: 1

Characters Name: Nicolas Stewart Gythen (guy-then)

Alternate Identity: Pandemic

Height: 6'

Weight: 175lbs.

Hair: Black

Eyes: Dark


Nicolas appears to be in his mid to late 20's, a very handsome man who is often the most popular man at the party. Nicolas has slicked back black hair and has a full beard of matching color, his eyes are a dark brown color (murky) when seen under full light. He is in excellent physical condition, however, he will play off that he is not always that healthy - for example, he'll break out reading glasses here and there. He is suave, calm, and always with an air of British "class" around him. Of course, he isn't British and he is not in his mid to late 20's. Nicolas has been around since the time when the Greeks ruled the world and has spent that time researching what he believes to be his naturally ascended "God hood".

History: "From a secret manual of the Illuminati.."

Around 700 BC, Sennacherib of Assyria destroyed Babylon by plague. Those with the knowledge of such history believe this to be about the first recorded event in the life of Nicolas Stewart Gythen. It is believed that he is not Sennacherib, rather one of the generals who brought the Babylonian war to an end with his amazing powers.

From there, the next believed appearance of Gythen would be in Greece a couple hundred years later when a devastating epidemic which hit the city-state of Athens during the second year of the Peloponnesian War (430 BC), when an Athenian victory still seemed within reach. The sight of the burning funeral pyres of Athens caused the Spartan army to withdraw for fear of the disease. It killed many of Athens's infantry, some expert seamen and their leader Pericles, who died during one of the secondary outbreaks in 429 BC. After the death of Pericles, Athens was led by a succession of incompetent or weak leaders... and lead to the loss of the Peloponnesian War.

In 160 BC another plague, Antonine Plague. Followed by another appearance of the plague another 400 years later...

(and so on and so forth.)

It is believed that Gythen has had his hand in all of these various plagues in some form or fashion. It is unknown where he was born or when he was born, but the man known as Gythen has been a part of humanity since the dawn of mankind. What are is goals? It seems that at his whim he causes massive amounts of death that turns society upside down and often times tears itself apart. There has not been a major outbreak since the Third Pandemic of China in 1855 which spread throughout most of India and China.

Today, the man known as Nicolas Stewart Gythen sits atop multiple corporations and controls at least four of the top ten Fortune 500 companies in the world. He currently resides in Freedom City, in the Monte Frankling Tower located in Hanover. For now, at least, Gythen seems content with the world as is... that can change quickly.

Stats: (27 pp)

Str: 12 (+1)

Dex: 10 (+0)

Con: 14 (+2)

Int: 18 (+4)

Wis: 17 (+3)

Cha: 16 (+3)

BAB: +4 (8 pp)

BDB: +7 (14 pp)

Initiative: 0

Saves: (20 pp)

Toughness: +2

Fortitude: +10 (8)

Reflex: +5 (5)

Will: +8 (5)

Skills: (15pp - skill points)

Bluff: +10, (+3, +4 feat, 3 ranks)

Computers: +6 (+4, 2 ranks)

Concentration: +6 (+3, 3 ranks)

Diplomacy: +10 (+3, +4 feat, 3 ranks)

Disable Device: +6 (+4, 2 ranks)

Drive: +2 (2 ranks - calls a cab)

Gather Information: +8 (+3, 5 ranks)


- Arcane Lore: +6 (+4, 2 ranks)

- Art: +5 (+4, 1 rank)

- Behavioral Science +6 (+4, 2 ranks)

- Business: +7 (+4, 3 ranks)

- Civics: +6 (+4, 2 ranks)

- Current Events: +6 (+4, 2 ranks)

- History: +8 (+4, 4 ranks)

- Life Sciences: +8 (+4, 4 ranks)

- Technology: +8 (+4, 4 ranks)

Notice: +6 (+3, 3 ranks)

Profession(pathologist): +10 (+3, 7 ranks)

Sense Motive: +6 (+3, 3 ranks)

Survival: +6 (+3, 3 ranks)

Feats: (25 pp)

Attack Specialization: (rank 3) +6 with 'touch' (unarmed)

Attractive: +4 bluff/diplomacy

Benefit: (rank 7) wealth (6) +32 (flithy rich), security clearance

Master Plan

Well Informed

Seize Initiative


Minons: (rank 5, 10 pp) Fanatical Followers, (10 minions - 30 pp each)**

Powers: (Pandemic - 43 pp)

I. Immortality ('Gift of the Gods') (5 pp)

- immune to disease, aging, and dying

II. Disease ('Gift of the Gods') (rank: 9, pp: 36)

- Con damage vs. DC 19

- Contagious

PF: Dormant

PF: Reversible


None to start

Costs: Abilities (27) + Combat (22) + Saves (18) + Skills (15) + Feats (25) + Powers (43) - Drawbacks (00) = 150

**Minions: x10, 30 PP each.

Fanatical towards Gythen

Stats: (10 pp)

Str: 14 (+2)

Dex: 12 (+1)

Con: 16 (+3)

Int: 10

Wis: 10

Cha: 8 (-1)

Saves: (2 pp)

Toughness: +3 (0)

Fort: +5 (2)

Reflex: +1 (0)

Will: +0 (0)

Feats: (3 pp)

Equpiment 2

Attack Specialization: (rank 1) +2 with pistol


Leather Jacket (+1 Toughness), pistol (+3 damage), cell phone, Security Guard outfit

Combat: (8 pp)

BAB: +2 (4) - /w pistol: +4

BDB: +2 (4)

Initiative: +1

Skills: (7)

Climb: +5 (3)

Craft: (Mechanical) +4 (4)

Drive: +5 (4)

Intimidate +3 (4)

Knowledge (Pop cult) +2 (2)

Knowledge (Street) +2 (2)

Pilot: +3 (2)

Profession: (guard) +4 (4)

Swim +5 (3)

Costs: Abilities (10) + Combat (8) + Saves (2) + Skills (7) + Feats (3) + Powers (00) - Drawbacks (00) = 30


Players Name: Godzirra

Power Level: 11 (151 PPs)

Unspent PPs: 1

Characters Name: Nicolas Stewart Gythen (guy-then)

Alternate Identity: Pandemic

Height: 6'

Weight: 175lbs.

Hair: Black

Eyes: Dark


Nicolas appears to be in his mid to late 20's, a very handsome man who is often the most popular man at the party. Nicolas has slicked back black hair and has a full beard of matching color, his eyes are a dark brown color (murky) when seen under full light. He is in excellent physical condition, however, he will play off that he is not always that healthy - for example, he'll break out reading glasses here and there. He is suave, calm, and always with an air of British "class" around him. Of course, he isn't British and he is not in his mid to late 20's. Nicolas has been around since the time when the Greeks ruled the world and has spent that time researching what he believes to be his naturally ascended "God hood".

History: "From a secret manual of the Illuminati.."

Around 700 BC, Sennacherib of Assyria destroyed Babylon by plague. Those with the knowledge of such history believe this to be about the first recorded event in the life of Nicolas Stewart Gythen. It is believed that he is not Sennacherib, rather one of the generals who brought the Babylonian war to an end with his amazing powers.

From there, the next believed appearance of Gythen would be in Greece a couple hundred years later when a devastating epidemic which hit the city-state of Athens during the second year of the Peloponnesian War (430 BC), when an Athenian victory still seemed within reach. The sight of the burning funeral pyres of Athens caused the Spartan army to withdraw for fear of the disease. It killed many of Athens's infantry, some expert seamen and their leader Pericles, who died during one of the secondary outbreaks in 429 BC. After the death of Pericles, Athens was led by a succession of incompetent or weak leaders... and lead to the loss of the Peloponnesian War.

In 160 BC another plague, Antonine Plague. Followed by another appearance of the plague another 400 years later...

(and so on and so forth.)

It is believed that Gythen has had his hand in all of these various plagues in some form or fashion. It is unknown where he was born or when he was born, but the man known as Gythen has been a part of humanity since the dawn of mankind. What are is goals? It seems that at his whim he causes massive amounts of death that turns society upside down and often times tears itself apart. There has not been a major outbreak since the Third Pandemic of China in 1855 which spread throughout most of India and China.

Today, the man known as Nicolas Stewart Gythen sits atop multiple corporations and controls at least four of the top ten Fortune 500 companies in the world. He currently resides in Freedom City, in the Monte Frankling Tower located in Hanover. For now, at least, Gythen seems content with the world as is... that can change quickly.

Stats: (27 pp)

Str: 12 (+1)

Dex: 10 (+0)

Con: 14 (+2)

Int: 18 (+4)

Wis: 17 (+3)

Cha: 16 (+3)

BAB: +4 (8 pp)

BDB: +7 (14 pp)

Initiative: 0

Saves: (20 pp)

Toughness: +2

Fortitude: +10 (8)

Reflex: +5 (5)

Will: +8 (5)

Skills: (15pp - skill points)

Bluff: +10, (+3, +4 feat, 3 ranks)

Computers: +6 (+4, 2 ranks)

Concentration: +6 (+3, 3 ranks)

Diplomacy: +10 (+3, +4 feat, 3 ranks)

Disable Device: +6 (+4, 2 ranks)

Drive: +2 (2 ranks - calls a cab)

Gather Information: +8 (+3, 5 ranks)


- Arcane Lore: +6 (+4, 2 ranks)

- Art: +5 (+4, 1 rank)

- Behavioral Science +6 (+4, 2 ranks)

- Business: +7 (+4, 3 ranks)

- Civics: +6 (+4, 2 ranks)

- Current Events: +6 (+4, 2 ranks)

- History: +8 (+4, 4 ranks)

- Life Sciences: +8 (+4, 4 ranks)

- Technology: +8 (+4, 4 ranks)

Notice: +6 (+3, 3 ranks)

Profession(pathologist): +10 (+3, 7 ranks)

Sense Motive: +6 (+3, 3 ranks)

Survival: +6 (+3, 3 ranks)

Feats: (25 pp)

Attack Specialization: (rank 3) +6 with 'touch' (unarmed)

Attractive: +4 bluff/diplomacy

Benefit: (rank 7) wealth (6) +32 (flithy rich), security clearance

Master Plan

Well Informed

Seize Initiative


Minons: (rank 5, 10 pp) Fanatical Followers, (10 minions - 30 pp each)**

Powers: (Pandemic - 43 pp)

I. Immortality ('Gift of the Gods') (5 pp)

- immune to disease, aging, and dying

II. Disease ('Gift of the Gods') (rank: 9, pp: 36)

- Con damage vs. DC 19

- Contagious

PF: Dormant

PF: Reversible


None to start

Costs: Abilities (27) + Combat (22) + Saves (18) + Skills (15) + Feats (25) + Powers (43) - Drawbacks (00) = 150

**Minions: x10, 30 PP each.

Fanatical towards Gythen

Stats: (10 pp)

Str: 14 (+2)

Dex: 12 (+1)

Con: 16 (+3)

Int: 10

Wis: 10

Cha: 8 (-1)

Saves: (2 pp)

Toughness: +3 (0)

Fort: +5 (2)

Reflex: +1 (0)

Will: +0 (0)

Feats: (3 pp)

Equpiment 2

Attack Specialization: (rank 1) +2 with pistol


Leather Jacket (+1 Toughness), pistol (+3 damage), cell phone, Security Guard outfit

Combat: (8 pp)

BAB: +2 (4) - /w pistol: +4

BDB: +2 (4)

Initiative: +1

Skills: (7)

Climb: +5 (3)

Craft: (Mechanical) +4 (4)

Drive: +5 (4)

Intimidate +3 (4)

Knowledge (Pop cult) +2 (2)

Knowledge (Street) +2 (2)

Pilot: +3 (2)

Profession: (guard) +4 (4)

Swim +5 (3)

Costs: Abilities (10) + Combat (8) + Saves (2) + Skills (7) + Feats (3) + Powers (00) - Drawbacks (00) = 30


1. We need your minion stats.


Powers: (Pandemic - 41 pp)

I. Immortality ('Gift of the Gods') (5 pp)

- immune to disease, aging, and dying

II. Disease ('Gift of the Gods') (rank: 9, pp: 36)

- Con damage vs. DC 19

- Contagious

PF: Dormant

PF: Reversible

This adds up to 43 PPs not 41: Immotality = 5 PP. Disease 9 [Extra] = 38 PPs.


1. We need your minion stats.


Powers: (Pandemic - 41 pp)

I. Immortality ('Gift of the Gods') (5 pp)

- immune to disease, aging, and dying

II. Disease ('Gift of the Gods') (rank: 9, pp: 36)

- Con damage vs. DC 19

- Contagious

PF: Dormant

PF: Reversible

This adds up to 43 PPs not 41: Immotality = 5 PP. Disease 9 [Extra] = 38 PPs.


1. We need your minion stats.


Powers: (Pandemic - 41 pp)

I. Immortality ('Gift of the Gods') (5 pp)

- immune to disease, aging, and dying

II. Disease ('Gift of the Gods') (rank: 9, pp: 36)

- Con damage vs. DC 19

- Contagious

PF: Dormant

PF: Reversible

This adds up to 43 PPs not 41: Immotality = 5 PP. Disease 9 [Extra] = 38 PPs.


1. We need your minion stats.

This adds up to 43 PPs not 41: Immotality = 5 PP. Disease 9 [Extra] = 38 PPs.

Fixed the power.

All of the minions? Or just one general and they can be variants to fit into stories?


1. We need your minion stats.

This adds up to 43 PPs not 41: Immotality = 5 PP. Disease 9 [Extra] = 38 PPs.

Fixed the power.

All of the minions? Or just one general and they can be variants to fit into stories?


1. We need your minion stats.

This adds up to 43 PPs not 41: Immotality = 5 PP. Disease 9 [Extra] = 38 PPs.

Fixed the power.

All of the minions? Or just one general and they can be variants to fit into stories?


All of the minions? Or just one general and they can be variants to fit into stories?

Hey Godzirra, to keep things simple and fair, all minions a PC has must be created equal:

8. The following rules apply to powers and feats that allow for multiple characters (specifically Duplication, Summon, Minions, and Sidekick):

1. The effective PL of Minions and Sidekicks is limited to one half the PC's PL, rounded down.

2. Minions cannot use Combined Attack, and as a group, they can never provide more than a +2 bonus to any other character through the Aid Another action. (This does mean that one minion could help another minion, while a third minion helps a fourth minion, but not all three minions helping the fourth minion.)

3. All Minions must have the same stats.

4. Sidekicks may not use the Progression feat. Multiple Sidekicks are possible, but they come at full cost.

5. Duplication and Summon are not allowed as Alternate Powers of other powers, such as Magic or Cosmic Energy Control.

Check the Character Creation Guidelines for more info.

Love the concept, by the way!


All of the minions? Or just one general and they can be variants to fit into stories?

Hey Godzirra, to keep things simple and fair, all minions a PC has must be created equal:

8. The following rules apply to powers and feats that allow for multiple characters (specifically Duplication, Summon, Minions, and Sidekick):

1. The effective PL of Minions and Sidekicks is limited to one half the PC's PL, rounded down.

2. Minions cannot use Combined Attack, and as a group, they can never provide more than a +2 bonus to any other character through the Aid Another action. (This does mean that one minion could help another minion, while a third minion helps a fourth minion, but not all three minions helping the fourth minion.)

3. All Minions must have the same stats.

4. Sidekicks may not use the Progression feat. Multiple Sidekicks are possible, but they come at full cost.

5. Duplication and Summon are not allowed as Alternate Powers of other powers, such as Magic or Cosmic Energy Control.

Check the Character Creation Guidelines for more info.

Love the concept, by the way!


All of the minions? Or just one general and they can be variants to fit into stories?

Hey Godzirra, to keep things simple and fair, all minions a PC has must be created equal:

8. The following rules apply to powers and feats that allow for multiple characters (specifically Duplication, Summon, Minions, and Sidekick):

1. The effective PL of Minions and Sidekicks is limited to one half the PC's PL, rounded down.

2. Minions cannot use Combined Attack, and as a group, they can never provide more than a +2 bonus to any other character through the Aid Another action. (This does mean that one minion could help another minion, while a third minion helps a fourth minion, but not all three minions helping the fourth minion.)

3. All Minions must have the same stats.

4. Sidekicks may not use the Progression feat. Multiple Sidekicks are possible, but they come at full cost.

5. Duplication and Summon are not allowed as Alternate Powers of other powers, such as Magic or Cosmic Energy Control.

Check the Character Creation Guidelines for more info.

Love the concept, by the way!


Hey Godzirra, to keep things simple and fair, all minions a PC has must be created equal:

Ok, updated - borrowed the "thug" template from the book and added a couple of points.


Hey Godzirra, to keep things simple and fair, all minions a PC has must be created equal:

Ok, updated - borrowed the "thug" template from the book and added a couple of points.


Hey Godzirra, to keep things simple and fair, all minions a PC has must be created equal:

Ok, updated - borrowed the "thug" template from the book and added a couple of points.


Ok, updated - borrowed the "thug" template from the book and added a couple of points.

Looks okay to me. :) You need the approval of one more Ref and you're all set.


Ok, updated - borrowed the "thug" template from the book and added a couple of points.

Looks okay to me. :) You need the approval of one more Ref and you're all set.


Ok, updated - borrowed the "thug" template from the book and added a couple of points.

Looks okay to me. :) You need the approval of one more Ref and you're all set.

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