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HeridFel - Pseudo - PL11 Hero (NPC Tier 3)

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Name: Pseudo

PL/PPs: 11/205

Trade-offs: Attack/Save DC: Variable (shapeshift), Defense/Toughness: +11/+11

Abilities: Str 14 (+2), Dex 16 (+3), Con 20 (+5), Int 14 (+2), Wis 16/(32) (+3/+11), Cha 16 (+3)

Cost – 36 PPs

Saves: Toughness +5, Fort +9, Ref +8, Will +8/(+16)

Cost – 13 PPs

Combat: Attack +9, Defense +11 (+5 flat-footed), Initiative +3

Cost – 38 PPs

Skills: Bluff 10 (+13), Computers 4 (+6), Diplomacy 8 (+11), Disguise 8 (+11), Gather Information 10 (+13), Investigate 5 (+7), Perform (acting) 8 (+11), Pilot 5 (+8), Profession (journalist) 5 (+8/+16), Search 5 (+7), Sense Motive 8 (+11/+19), Stealth 8 (+11)

Cost – 21 PPs

Feats: Defensive Attack, Dodge Focus 1, Eidetic Memory, Power Attack, Set-up, Sneak Attack, Teamwork

Cost – 7 PPs


Comprehend 2 (understand all languages, speak any one at a time) - 4 pp

Shapeshift 10 (Flaws: Action (full)) - 60 pp

Communication [mental] 7 (Extras: Area, Affects Others; PF: Selective, Dynamic; Drawback: Others affected can only communicate with one another (-1 pp)) - 22 pp

Dynamic AP: Communication [mental] 10 (PF: Dimensional), Mind Reading 10 - 2 pp

AP: Immunity (mental effects) 5 (Limited: Half Effect; Duration: Sustained); Enhanced Wisdom 16 (Duration: Sustained) - 1 pp

Cost: Ability Scores 36 + Saves 14 + Combat 38 + Skills 21 + Feats 7 + Powers (4 + 60 + 22 + 2 +1) 89 = 205 pp


Name: Pseudo

PL/PPs: 11/205

Trade-offs: Attack/Save DC: Variable (shapeshift), Defense/Toughness: +11/+11

Abilities: Str 14 (+2), Dex 16 (+3), Con 20 (+5), Int 14 (+2), Wis 16/(32) (+3/+11), Cha 16 (+3)

Cost – 36 PPs

Saves: Toughness +5, Fort +9, Ref +8, Will +8/(+16)

Cost – 13 PPs

Combat: Attack +9, Defense +11 (+5 flat-footed), Initiative +3

Cost – 38 PPs

Skills: Bluff 10 (+13), Computers 4 (+6), Diplomacy 8 (+11), Disguise 8 (+11), Gather Information 10 (+13), Investigate 5 (+7), Perform (acting) 8 (+11), Pilot 5 (+8), Profession (journalist) 5 (+8/+16), Search 5 (+7), Sense Motive 8 (+11/+19), Stealth 8 (+11)

Cost – 21 PPs

Feats: Defensive Attack, Dodge Focus 1, Eidetic Memory, Power Attack, Set-up, Sneak Attack, Teamwork

Cost – 7 PPs


Comprehend 2 (understand all languages, speak any one at a time) - 4 pp

Shapeshift 10 (Flaws: Action (full)) - 60 pp

Communication [mental] 7 (Extras: Area, Affects Others; PF: Selective, Dynamic; Drawback: Others affected can only communicate with one another (-1 pp)) - 22 pp

Dynamic AP: Communication [mental] 10 (PF: Dimensional), Mind Reading 10 - 2 pp

AP: Immunity (mental effects) 5 (Limited: Half Effect; Duration: Sustained); Enhanced Wisdom 16 (Duration: Sustained) - 1 pp

Cost: Ability Scores 36 + Saves 14 + Combat 38 + Skills 21 + Feats 7 + Powers (4 + 60 + 22 + 2 +1) 89 = 205 pp


Name: Pseudo

PL/PPs: 11/205

Trade-offs: Attack/Save DC: Variable (shapeshift), Defense/Toughness: +11/+11

Abilities: Str 14 (+2), Dex 16 (+3), Con 20 (+5), Int 14 (+2), Wis 16/(32) (+3/+11), Cha 16 (+3)

Cost – 36 PPs

Saves: Toughness +5, Fort +9, Ref +8, Will +8/(+16)

Cost – 13 PPs

Combat: Attack +9, Defense +11 (+5 flat-footed), Initiative +3

Cost – 38 PPs

Skills: Bluff 10 (+13), Computers 4 (+6), Diplomacy 8 (+11), Disguise 8 (+11), Gather Information 10 (+13), Investigate 5 (+7), Perform (acting) 8 (+11), Pilot 5 (+8), Profession (journalist) 5 (+8/+16), Search 5 (+7), Sense Motive 8 (+11/+19), Stealth 8 (+11)

Cost – 21 PPs

Feats: Defensive Attack, Dodge Focus 1, Eidetic Memory, Power Attack, Set-up, Sneak Attack, Teamwork

Cost – 7 PPs


Comprehend 2 (understand all languages, speak any one at a time) - 4 pp

Shapeshift 10 (Flaws: Action (full)) - 60 pp

Communication [mental] 7 (Extras: Area, Affects Others; PF: Selective, Dynamic; Drawback: Others affected can only communicate with one another (-1 pp)) - 22 pp

Dynamic AP: Communication [mental] 10 (PF: Dimensional), Mind Reading 10 - 2 pp

AP: Immunity (mental effects) 5 (Limited: Half Effect; Duration: Sustained); Enhanced Wisdom 16 (Duration: Sustained) - 1 pp

Cost: Ability Scores 36 + Saves 14 + Combat 38 + Skills 21 + Feats 7 + Powers (4 + 60 + 22 + 2 +1) 89 = 205 pp


And to help out with that nasty variable effect, here's some common configurations for his Shapeshift.

Infiltration Form

Insubstantial 4 (affected by fire)

Protection 6 (Limited: Energy)

Flight 1 (Subtle)

Concealment (all senses)

Affects Corporeal 2 (Bought on Strength Bonus)

Takedown Attack 2

Battle Form

Density 6

Enhanced Constitution 6

Strike 5 (Mighty)

Flight 2 (Subtle)

Super-Strength 5

Elongation 5

Sniper Form

Blast 13 [heat vision] (Subtle)

Enhanced Constitution 12

Flight 2 (Subtle)

Super-Senses (extended vision)

Enhanced Reflex Save 5

Space Travel Form (a.k.a. "That's no moon...")

Immunity (life support)

Space Travel 4

Growth 20 (Flaw: Dispersal -2)

Morph 13 [single form: asteroid]


And to help out with that nasty variable effect, here's some common configurations for his Shapeshift.

Infiltration Form

Insubstantial 4 (affected by fire)

Protection 6 (Limited: Energy)

Flight 1 (Subtle)

Concealment (all senses)

Affects Corporeal 2 (Bought on Strength Bonus)

Takedown Attack 2

Battle Form

Density 6

Enhanced Constitution 6

Strike 5 (Mighty)

Flight 2 (Subtle)

Super-Strength 5

Elongation 5

Sniper Form

Blast 13 [heat vision] (Subtle)

Enhanced Constitution 12

Flight 2 (Subtle)

Super-Senses (extended vision)

Enhanced Reflex Save 5

Space Travel Form (a.k.a. "That's no moon...")

Immunity (life support)

Space Travel 4

Growth 20 (Flaw: Dispersal -2)

Morph 13 [single form: asteroid]


And to help out with that nasty variable effect, here's some common configurations for his Shapeshift.

Infiltration Form

Insubstantial 4 (affected by fire)

Protection 6 (Limited: Energy)

Flight 1 (Subtle)

Concealment (all senses)

Affects Corporeal 2 (Bought on Strength Bonus)

Takedown Attack 2

Battle Form

Density 6

Enhanced Constitution 6

Strike 5 (Mighty)

Flight 2 (Subtle)

Super-Strength 5

Elongation 5

Sniper Form

Blast 13 [heat vision] (Subtle)

Enhanced Constitution 12

Flight 2 (Subtle)

Super-Senses (extended vision)

Enhanced Reflex Save 5

Space Travel Form (a.k.a. "That's no moon...")

Immunity (life support)

Space Travel 4

Growth 20 (Flaw: Dispersal -2)

Morph 13 [single form: asteroid]

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