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Galeb-PL10 Hero Eyeonthemountain

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Players Name: Eyeonthemountain

Power Level: 10

Characters Name: Galeb

Alternate Identity: None

Height: 8'

Weight: 10000 lbs 5 tons

Hair: none

Eyes: grey

Description: Galeb looks like, and indeed is, a religious statue made of grey basaltic granite weathered and worn as if he is very very old. He stands about 8 feet high and is very wide, being about 3 and a half feet in diameter.

History: Galeb was created over 5,000 years ago to be a temple guardian on a holy Island in the Indonesian island chain. For centuries he did just that, watching out for evil spirits, or demons, or mortal tomb-robbers and chasing all of them away. And he was content, in his limited way, to do this. But then his temple fell into disuse and his work became less and less needed until he was totally forgotten, and slipped into a comotose state that lasted thousands of years. Eventually his temple was rediscovered, and he was taken to the Freedom university Library to guard the doors there, or to serve as a decoration, Grue is not sure.

But one day a magical duel was fought near him between a pair of supers and the magical backlash woke him from his slumber. And then he was back on duty, but instead of just guarding the one building, he decided that all of Freedom City was his 'Temple Complex'


Str: 2 (-3) 30[+10] with Density

Dex: 10 (+0)

Con: - (-)

Int: 10 (+0)

Wis: 14 (+2)

Cha: 10 (+0)

Cost -14

BAB: 3 --> 7 with attack specialization

BDB: 8

Initiative: 0

Cost 22 total 8


Toughness: 10 (Impervious)

Fortitude: 0+0 (Immune)

Reflex: 4+0

Will: 8+2

Cost 12 Total 20


Know-Theology 3

Know-History 2

Language Ancient Indonesian 1

Notice 7+2

Sense Motive 7+2

Cost 5 total 25


Attack Spec (slam) 2

Power Attack

Cost 3 Total 28


Density [Permanent, Innate] Rank 12 Cost 37

Growth [Permanent, Innate] Rank 2 Cost 7

*As per Heridfel, changing the +2 con bonus to 1 rank of Impervious Toughness

Immunity Fortitude Saves Cost 30

Super Movement (Earth-walking) 1 Cost 2

Slam Atack adding penetrating 10 and Affects Insubstantial 2 to Strength cost 12

Protection [impervious] 3 rank cost 6

Burrowing Rank 5 Cost 5

Mental Blast [Flaw] Rank 5 Cost 15

Super Sense: Detect Demons and Spirits(1), Accurate(2), Extended, cost 4

Regeneration [Recovery Bonus [5 ranks -5 con = +0 to rolls) Cost 5

Cost 123 total 151


Noticeable Detect Effect. Golden glow 20' radius1 pp

Cost -1 Total 150

Costs: Abilities (-14) + Combat (22) + Saves (12) + Skills (5) + Feats (3) + Powers (123) - Drawbacks (-1) = Total Cost = 150

Earth Walk. The way I see this non-standard power is that on earth, whether earth, or stone (including marble and concrete, his huge weight does not destroy the ground. He still leaves tracks and if he tries to break it he will, but normally he does not destroy the ground he walks on. Now if it is wood, his full weight will probably destroy it in a heartbeat.

Complication: Galeb will try his best to fulfill the wishes of any religious leader, defined as a priest who works out of a temple or church, to the best of his ability, though he is not compelled to do so any more.

Edited by Barnum to move most current sheet to the first post.


Players Name: Eyeonthemountain

Power Level: 10

Characters Name: Galeb

Alternate Identity: None

Height: 8'

Weight: 10000 lbs 5 tons

Hair: none

Eyes: grey

Description: Galeb looks like, and indeed is, a religious statue made of grey basaltic granite weathered and worn as if he is very very old. He stands about 8 feet high and is very wide, being about 3 and a half feet in diameter.

History: Galeb was created over 5,000 years ago to be a temple guardian on a holy Island in the Indonesian island chain. For centuries he did just that, watching out for evil spirits, or demons, or mortal tomb-robbers and chasing all of them away. And he was content, in his limited way, to do this. But then his temple fell into disuse and his work became less and less needed until he was totally forgotten, and slipped into a comotose state that lasted thousands of years. Eventually his temple was rediscovered, and he was taken to the Freedom university Library to guard the doors there, or to serve as a decoration, Grue is not sure.

But one day a magical duel was fought near him between a pair of supers and the magical backlash woke him from his slumber. And then he was back on duty, but instead of just guarding the one building, he decided that all of Freedom City was his 'Temple Complex'


Str: 2 (-3) 30[+10] with Density

Dex: 10 (+0)

Con: - (-)

Int: 10 (+0)

Wis: 14 (+2)

Cha: 10 (+0)

Cost -14

BAB: 3 --> 7 with attack specialization

BDB: 8

Initiative: 0

Cost 22 total 8


Toughness: 10 (Impervious)

Fortitude: 0+0 (Immune)

Reflex: 4+0

Will: 8+2

Cost 12 Total 20


Know-Theology 3

Know-History 2

Language Ancient Indonesian 1

Notice 7+2

Sense Motive 7+2

Cost 5 total 25


Attack Spec (slam) 2

Power Attack

Cost 3 Total 28


Density [Permanent, Innate] Rank 12 Cost 37

Growth [Permanent, Innate] Rank 2 Cost 7

*As per Heridfel, changing the +2 con bonus to 1 rank of Impervious Toughness

Immunity Fortitude Saves Cost 30

Super Movement (Earth-walking) 1 Cost 2

Slam Atack adding penetrating 10 and Affects Insubstantial 2 to Strength cost 12

Protection [impervious] 3 rank cost 6

Burrowing Rank 5 Cost 5

Mental Blast [Flaw] Rank 5 Cost 15

Super Sense: Detect Demons and Spirits(1), Accurate(2), Extended, cost 4

Regeneration [Recovery Bonus [5 ranks -5 con = +0 to rolls) Cost 5

Cost 123 total 151


Noticeable Detect Effect. Golden glow 20' radius1 pp

Cost -1 Total 150

Costs: Abilities (-14) + Combat (22) + Saves (12) + Skills (5) + Feats (3) + Powers (123) - Drawbacks (-1) = Total Cost = 150

Earth Walk. The way I see this non-standard power is that on earth, whether earth, or stone (including marble and concrete, his huge weight does not destroy the ground. He still leaves tracks and if he tries to break it he will, but normally he does not destroy the ground he walks on. Now if it is wood, his full weight will probably destroy it in a heartbeat.

Complication: Galeb will try his best to fulfill the wishes of any religious leader, defined as a priest who works out of a temple or church, to the best of his ability, though he is not compelled to do so any more.

Edited by Barnum to move most current sheet to the first post.


Players Name: Eyeonthemountain

Power Level: 10

Characters Name: Galeb

Alternate Identity: None

Height: 8'

Weight: 10000 lbs 5 tons

Hair: none

Eyes: grey

Description: Galeb looks like, and indeed is, a religious statue made of grey basaltic granite weathered and worn as if he is very very old. He stands about 8 feet high and is very wide, being about 3 and a half feet in diameter.

History: Galeb was created over 5,000 years ago to be a temple guardian on a holy Island in the Indonesian island chain. For centuries he did just that, watching out for evil spirits, or demons, or mortal tomb-robbers and chasing all of them away. And he was content, in his limited way, to do this. But then his temple fell into disuse and his work became less and less needed until he was totally forgotten, and slipped into a comotose state that lasted thousands of years. Eventually his temple was rediscovered, and he was taken to the Freedom university Library to guard the doors there, or to serve as a decoration, Grue is not sure.

But one day a magical duel was fought near him between a pair of supers and the magical backlash woke him from his slumber. And then he was back on duty, but instead of just guarding the one building, he decided that all of Freedom City was his 'Temple Complex'


Str: 2 (-3) 30[+10] with Density

Dex: 10 (+0)

Con: - (-)

Int: 10 (+0)

Wis: 14 (+2)

Cha: 10 (+0)

Cost -14

BAB: 3 --> 7 with attack specialization

BDB: 8

Initiative: 0

Cost 22 total 8


Toughness: 10 (Impervious)

Fortitude: 0+0 (Immune)

Reflex: 4+0

Will: 8+2

Cost 12 Total 20


Know-Theology 3

Know-History 2

Language Ancient Indonesian 1

Notice 7+2

Sense Motive 7+2

Cost 5 total 25


Attack Spec (slam) 2

Power Attack

Cost 3 Total 28


Density [Permanent, Innate] Rank 12 Cost 37

Growth [Permanent, Innate] Rank 2 Cost 7

*As per Heridfel, changing the +2 con bonus to 1 rank of Impervious Toughness

Immunity Fortitude Saves Cost 30

Super Movement (Earth-walking) 1 Cost 2

Slam Atack adding penetrating 10 and Affects Insubstantial 2 to Strength cost 12

Protection [impervious] 3 rank cost 6

Burrowing Rank 5 Cost 5

Mental Blast [Flaw] Rank 5 Cost 15

Super Sense: Detect Demons and Spirits(1), Accurate(2), Extended, cost 4

Regeneration [Recovery Bonus [5 ranks -5 con = +0 to rolls) Cost 5

Cost 123 total 151


Noticeable Detect Effect. Golden glow 20' radius1 pp

Cost -1 Total 150

Costs: Abilities (-14) + Combat (22) + Saves (12) + Skills (5) + Feats (3) + Powers (123) - Drawbacks (-1) = Total Cost = 150

Earth Walk. The way I see this non-standard power is that on earth, whether earth, or stone (including marble and concrete, his huge weight does not destroy the ground. He still leaves tracks and if he tries to break it he will, but normally he does not destroy the ground he walks on. Now if it is wood, his full weight will probably destroy it in a heartbeat.

Complication: Galeb will try his best to fulfill the wishes of any religious leader, defined as a priest who works out of a temple or church, to the best of his ability, though he is not compelled to do so any more.

Edited by Barnum to move most current sheet to the first post.


I can tell you right now that you only need Immune to Fortitude in order to have Life Support and the like. All of those involve Fort rolls, so if you're immune to begin with, there's no problem. Basically, you overspent by about 11 points on that.

Of course, that means you can use them to cause havoc somewhere else. :)


I can tell you right now that you only need Immune to Fortitude in order to have Life Support and the like. All of those involve Fort rolls, so if you're immune to begin with, there's no problem. Basically, you overspent by about 11 points on that.

Of course, that means you can use them to cause havoc somewhere else. :)


I can tell you right now that you only need Immune to Fortitude in order to have Life Support and the like. All of those involve Fort rolls, so if you're immune to begin with, there's no problem. Basically, you overspent by about 11 points on that.

Of course, that means you can use them to cause havoc somewhere else. :)


I like the concept. We can clean up the points a little, though.

First, while not required, most of the time when something is a non-living creature with Immunity to Fortitude effects, it also doesn't have a Constitution score associated with it. Since you aren't getting any Toughness save from your Constitution, and you don't need the Fortitude save, the only benefit that having a Constitution provides is giving you a recovery bonus (allowing you to make recovery checks). You could get the same effect by taking 5 ranks in Regeneration, which would save you 5 pp.

Second, you don't need to buy Immunity (life support, sleep, starvation/thirst) if you have Immunity to Fortitude effects. They're generally covered under that immunity. Even though some undead like vampires still do sleep and need to feed, they're the exception to the rule. That saves you 11 pp.

Third, you don't technically need Earth-walking to avoid destroying everything you walk on. In the comic world, it's generally assumed that the powers also provide everything that they need to use them effectively (so the super-speedster doesn't need Immunity (friction), and the flyer doesn't need Immunity (suffocation) to fly at high altitudes and speeds, and so on). If you'd like, you could make that into Super-Movement (trackless, Limited to earth and stone-like surfaces), which does pretty much the same thing for 1 pp less.

Fourth, with the Mighty Strike - you can do it that way, and it's fine, or you could buy the extra and power feats directly on your Strength bonus (and Strength itself would go up to 6), similar to buying Impervious directly on your Constitution for your Toughness save. It's the same cost-wise, and you get the benefit of being 2 Strength higher for things like carrying capacity and Strength checks.

Fifth and finally, I like the drawback, but I'm trying to figure out how it would work in play so that it doesn't automatically overwhelm your character, and what would happen if two religious leaders were both trying to give you orders. Here's my thought:

When given an order by a religious leader, that leader either makes a Diplomacy or Intimidate check. Grue must succeed on a Will save equal to 10 + the result of that skill check, or follow that order as though it were given by Mind Control. If two or more religious leaders attempt to order Grue at the same time, he need only succeed against the highest DC to be able to ignore all of the leaders' commands.

With the pp you save (17, if you take all my suggestions, or at least 11 from the Immunities), I'd take 3 ranks of permanent Growth, since from your description, you're about 8 feet tall and pretty wide around. Even though you wouldn't have Constitution, the extra Strength brings you up to PL cap (and personally, I'd say that you could get a rank of Protection (Impervious) in place of the extra Constitution, since that's pretty close to the same benefit). With the remaining pp, you could get another rank of Impervious Protection, and Super-Senses (Mental Detect (Spirits and Demons), Ranged, Accurate, Acute) so you can watch out for the evil spirits and demons you described in your history.

Last quick question, relating to the name - did you intend to use the same name as an alien race within the Freedom City setting, or was that coincidence? There are a couple of Grue NPCs (Pseudo and the Meta-Grue), and one half-Grue PC (Hybrid). I just wanted you to know that there might be some IC confusion with that name, in case you weren't aware.


I like the concept. We can clean up the points a little, though.

First, while not required, most of the time when something is a non-living creature with Immunity to Fortitude effects, it also doesn't have a Constitution score associated with it. Since you aren't getting any Toughness save from your Constitution, and you don't need the Fortitude save, the only benefit that having a Constitution provides is giving you a recovery bonus (allowing you to make recovery checks). You could get the same effect by taking 5 ranks in Regeneration, which would save you 5 pp.

Second, you don't need to buy Immunity (life support, sleep, starvation/thirst) if you have Immunity to Fortitude effects. They're generally covered under that immunity. Even though some undead like vampires still do sleep and need to feed, they're the exception to the rule. That saves you 11 pp.

Third, you don't technically need Earth-walking to avoid destroying everything you walk on. In the comic world, it's generally assumed that the powers also provide everything that they need to use them effectively (so the super-speedster doesn't need Immunity (friction), and the flyer doesn't need Immunity (suffocation) to fly at high altitudes and speeds, and so on). If you'd like, you could make that into Super-Movement (trackless, Limited to earth and stone-like surfaces), which does pretty much the same thing for 1 pp less.

Fourth, with the Mighty Strike - you can do it that way, and it's fine, or you could buy the extra and power feats directly on your Strength bonus (and Strength itself would go up to 6), similar to buying Impervious directly on your Constitution for your Toughness save. It's the same cost-wise, and you get the benefit of being 2 Strength higher for things like carrying capacity and Strength checks.

Fifth and finally, I like the drawback, but I'm trying to figure out how it would work in play so that it doesn't automatically overwhelm your character, and what would happen if two religious leaders were both trying to give you orders. Here's my thought:

When given an order by a religious leader, that leader either makes a Diplomacy or Intimidate check. Grue must succeed on a Will save equal to 10 + the result of that skill check, or follow that order as though it were given by Mind Control. If two or more religious leaders attempt to order Grue at the same time, he need only succeed against the highest DC to be able to ignore all of the leaders' commands.

With the pp you save (17, if you take all my suggestions, or at least 11 from the Immunities), I'd take 3 ranks of permanent Growth, since from your description, you're about 8 feet tall and pretty wide around. Even though you wouldn't have Constitution, the extra Strength brings you up to PL cap (and personally, I'd say that you could get a rank of Protection (Impervious) in place of the extra Constitution, since that's pretty close to the same benefit). With the remaining pp, you could get another rank of Impervious Protection, and Super-Senses (Mental Detect (Spirits and Demons), Ranged, Accurate, Acute) so you can watch out for the evil spirits and demons you described in your history.

Last quick question, relating to the name - did you intend to use the same name as an alien race within the Freedom City setting, or was that coincidence? There are a couple of Grue NPCs (Pseudo and the Meta-Grue), and one half-Grue PC (Hybrid). I just wanted you to know that there might be some IC confusion with that name, in case you weren't aware.


I like the concept. We can clean up the points a little, though.

First, while not required, most of the time when something is a non-living creature with Immunity to Fortitude effects, it also doesn't have a Constitution score associated with it. Since you aren't getting any Toughness save from your Constitution, and you don't need the Fortitude save, the only benefit that having a Constitution provides is giving you a recovery bonus (allowing you to make recovery checks). You could get the same effect by taking 5 ranks in Regeneration, which would save you 5 pp.

Second, you don't need to buy Immunity (life support, sleep, starvation/thirst) if you have Immunity to Fortitude effects. They're generally covered under that immunity. Even though some undead like vampires still do sleep and need to feed, they're the exception to the rule. That saves you 11 pp.

Third, you don't technically need Earth-walking to avoid destroying everything you walk on. In the comic world, it's generally assumed that the powers also provide everything that they need to use them effectively (so the super-speedster doesn't need Immunity (friction), and the flyer doesn't need Immunity (suffocation) to fly at high altitudes and speeds, and so on). If you'd like, you could make that into Super-Movement (trackless, Limited to earth and stone-like surfaces), which does pretty much the same thing for 1 pp less.

Fourth, with the Mighty Strike - you can do it that way, and it's fine, or you could buy the extra and power feats directly on your Strength bonus (and Strength itself would go up to 6), similar to buying Impervious directly on your Constitution for your Toughness save. It's the same cost-wise, and you get the benefit of being 2 Strength higher for things like carrying capacity and Strength checks.

Fifth and finally, I like the drawback, but I'm trying to figure out how it would work in play so that it doesn't automatically overwhelm your character, and what would happen if two religious leaders were both trying to give you orders. Here's my thought:

When given an order by a religious leader, that leader either makes a Diplomacy or Intimidate check. Grue must succeed on a Will save equal to 10 + the result of that skill check, or follow that order as though it were given by Mind Control. If two or more religious leaders attempt to order Grue at the same time, he need only succeed against the highest DC to be able to ignore all of the leaders' commands.

With the pp you save (17, if you take all my suggestions, or at least 11 from the Immunities), I'd take 3 ranks of permanent Growth, since from your description, you're about 8 feet tall and pretty wide around. Even though you wouldn't have Constitution, the extra Strength brings you up to PL cap (and personally, I'd say that you could get a rank of Protection (Impervious) in place of the extra Constitution, since that's pretty close to the same benefit). With the remaining pp, you could get another rank of Impervious Protection, and Super-Senses (Mental Detect (Spirits and Demons), Ranged, Accurate, Acute) so you can watch out for the evil spirits and demons you described in your history.

Last quick question, relating to the name - did you intend to use the same name as an alien race within the Freedom City setting, or was that coincidence? There are a couple of Grue NPCs (Pseudo and the Meta-Grue), and one half-Grue PC (Hybrid). I just wanted you to know that there might be some IC confusion with that name, in case you weren't aware.


I can tell you right now that you only need Immune to Fortitude in order to have Life Support and the like. All of those involve Fort rolls, so if you're immune to begin with, there's no problem. Basically, you overspent by about 11 points on that.

Of course, that means you can use them to cause havoc somewhere else. :)

Sure you wanna give this 6 year old a loaded gun?


I can tell you right now that you only need Immune to Fortitude in order to have Life Support and the like. All of those involve Fort rolls, so if you're immune to begin with, there's no problem. Basically, you overspent by about 11 points on that.

Of course, that means you can use them to cause havoc somewhere else. :)

Sure you wanna give this 6 year old a loaded gun?


I can tell you right now that you only need Immune to Fortitude in order to have Life Support and the like. All of those involve Fort rolls, so if you're immune to begin with, there's no problem. Basically, you overspent by about 11 points on that.

Of course, that means you can use them to cause havoc somewhere else. :)

Sure you wanna give this 6 year old a loaded gun?


I like the concept. We can clean up the points a little, though.

First, while not required, most of the time when something is a non-living creature with Immunity to Fortitude effects, it also doesn't have a Constitution score associated with it. Since you aren't getting any Toughness save from your Constitution, and you don't need the Fortitude save, the only benefit that having a Constitution provides is giving you a recovery bonus (allowing you to make recovery checks). You could get the same effect by taking 5 ranks in Regeneration, which would save you 5 pp.

****So I would not take a -5 penalty to my toughness for having a low con or no con? I thought I would. If not, then yes, no con and regeneration sounds good.

Second, you don't need to buy Immunity (life support, sleep, starvation/thirst) if you have Immunity to Fortitude effects. They're generally covered under that immunity. Even though some undead like vampires still do sleep and need to feed, they're the exception to the rule. That saves you 11 pp.

****Cool, consider them saved!!!

Third, you don't technically need Earth-walking to avoid destroying everything you walk on. In the comic world, it's generally assumed that the powers also provide everything that they need to use them effectively (so the super-speedster doesn't need Immunity (friction), and the flyer doesn't need Immunity (suffocation) to fly at high altitudes and speeds, and so on). If you'd like, you could make that into Super-Movement (trackless, Limited to earth and stone-like surfaces), which does pretty much the same thing for 1 pp less.

****Yes, but with permanent Density, I did not want to totally ignore the 7500 pound weight of him. Just in a few cases. Also the Freedon City Streets Department might object to Grue-sized footprints in the sidwalks.

Fourth, with the Mighty Strike - you can do it that way, and it's fine, or you could buy the extra and power feats directly on your Strength (which would go up to 6), similar to buying Impervious directly on your Constitution. It's the same cost-wise, and you get the benefit of being 2 Strength higher for things like carrying capacity and Strength checks.

Fifth and finally, I like the drawback, but I'm trying to figure out how it would work in play so that it doesn't automatically overwhelm your character, and what would happen if two religious leaders were both trying to give you orders. Here's my thought:

When given an order by a religious leader, that leader either makes a Diplomacy or Intimidate check. Grue must succeed on a Will save equal to 10 + the result of that skill check, or follow that order as though it were given by Mind Control. If two or more religious leaders attempt to order Grue at the same time, he need only succeed against the highest DC to be able to ignore all of the leaders' commands.

****Yes, but when I looked at UP, I was looking at the DC20 to resist, and this could put the DC a lot higher. Rolling a 10 is one thing, but even a low PL dude could beat that with an average roll untrained. That is getting pretty broad. If we go this way, I would want to put the level of priest higher, like Bishop level at least, I don't want to be a slave to every parish priest in Freedom City. How does that sound?

With the pp you save (17, if you take all my suggestions, or at least 11 from the Immunities), I'd take 3 ranks of permanent Growth, since from your description, you're about 8 feet tall and pretty wide around. Even though you don't wouldn't have Constitution, the extra Strength brings you up to PL cap (and personally, I'd say that you could get a rank of Protection (Impervious) in place of the extra Constitution, since that's pretty close to the same benefit). With the remaining pp, you could get another rank of Impervious Protection, and Super-Senses (Mental Detect (Spirits and Demons), Ranged, Accurate, Acute) so you can watch out for the evil spirits and demons you described in your history.

Last quick question, relating to the name - did you intend to use the same name as an alien race within the Freedom City setting, or was that coincidence? There are a couple of Grue NPCs (Pseudo and the Meta-Grue), and one half-Grue PC (Hybrid). I just wanted you to know that there might be some IC confusion with that name, in case you weren't aware.

****No, I was not aware of the Grue in Freedom City, so I guess a name change is in order.


I like the concept. We can clean up the points a little, though.

First, while not required, most of the time when something is a non-living creature with Immunity to Fortitude effects, it also doesn't have a Constitution score associated with it. Since you aren't getting any Toughness save from your Constitution, and you don't need the Fortitude save, the only benefit that having a Constitution provides is giving you a recovery bonus (allowing you to make recovery checks). You could get the same effect by taking 5 ranks in Regeneration, which would save you 5 pp.

****So I would not take a -5 penalty to my toughness for having a low con or no con? I thought I would. If not, then yes, no con and regeneration sounds good.

Second, you don't need to buy Immunity (life support, sleep, starvation/thirst) if you have Immunity to Fortitude effects. They're generally covered under that immunity. Even though some undead like vampires still do sleep and need to feed, they're the exception to the rule. That saves you 11 pp.

****Cool, consider them saved!!!

Third, you don't technically need Earth-walking to avoid destroying everything you walk on. In the comic world, it's generally assumed that the powers also provide everything that they need to use them effectively (so the super-speedster doesn't need Immunity (friction), and the flyer doesn't need Immunity (suffocation) to fly at high altitudes and speeds, and so on). If you'd like, you could make that into Super-Movement (trackless, Limited to earth and stone-like surfaces), which does pretty much the same thing for 1 pp less.

****Yes, but with permanent Density, I did not want to totally ignore the 7500 pound weight of him. Just in a few cases. Also the Freedon City Streets Department might object to Grue-sized footprints in the sidwalks.

Fourth, with the Mighty Strike - you can do it that way, and it's fine, or you could buy the extra and power feats directly on your Strength (which would go up to 6), similar to buying Impervious directly on your Constitution. It's the same cost-wise, and you get the benefit of being 2 Strength higher for things like carrying capacity and Strength checks.

Fifth and finally, I like the drawback, but I'm trying to figure out how it would work in play so that it doesn't automatically overwhelm your character, and what would happen if two religious leaders were both trying to give you orders. Here's my thought:

When given an order by a religious leader, that leader either makes a Diplomacy or Intimidate check. Grue must succeed on a Will save equal to 10 + the result of that skill check, or follow that order as though it were given by Mind Control. If two or more religious leaders attempt to order Grue at the same time, he need only succeed against the highest DC to be able to ignore all of the leaders' commands.

****Yes, but when I looked at UP, I was looking at the DC20 to resist, and this could put the DC a lot higher. Rolling a 10 is one thing, but even a low PL dude could beat that with an average roll untrained. That is getting pretty broad. If we go this way, I would want to put the level of priest higher, like Bishop level at least, I don't want to be a slave to every parish priest in Freedom City. How does that sound?

With the pp you save (17, if you take all my suggestions, or at least 11 from the Immunities), I'd take 3 ranks of permanent Growth, since from your description, you're about 8 feet tall and pretty wide around. Even though you don't wouldn't have Constitution, the extra Strength brings you up to PL cap (and personally, I'd say that you could get a rank of Protection (Impervious) in place of the extra Constitution, since that's pretty close to the same benefit). With the remaining pp, you could get another rank of Impervious Protection, and Super-Senses (Mental Detect (Spirits and Demons), Ranged, Accurate, Acute) so you can watch out for the evil spirits and demons you described in your history.

Last quick question, relating to the name - did you intend to use the same name as an alien race within the Freedom City setting, or was that coincidence? There are a couple of Grue NPCs (Pseudo and the Meta-Grue), and one half-Grue PC (Hybrid). I just wanted you to know that there might be some IC confusion with that name, in case you weren't aware.

****No, I was not aware of the Grue in Freedom City, so I guess a name change is in order.


I like the concept. We can clean up the points a little, though.

First, while not required, most of the time when something is a non-living creature with Immunity to Fortitude effects, it also doesn't have a Constitution score associated with it. Since you aren't getting any Toughness save from your Constitution, and you don't need the Fortitude save, the only benefit that having a Constitution provides is giving you a recovery bonus (allowing you to make recovery checks). You could get the same effect by taking 5 ranks in Regeneration, which would save you 5 pp.

****So I would not take a -5 penalty to my toughness for having a low con or no con? I thought I would. If not, then yes, no con and regeneration sounds good.

Second, you don't need to buy Immunity (life support, sleep, starvation/thirst) if you have Immunity to Fortitude effects. They're generally covered under that immunity. Even though some undead like vampires still do sleep and need to feed, they're the exception to the rule. That saves you 11 pp.

****Cool, consider them saved!!!

Third, you don't technically need Earth-walking to avoid destroying everything you walk on. In the comic world, it's generally assumed that the powers also provide everything that they need to use them effectively (so the super-speedster doesn't need Immunity (friction), and the flyer doesn't need Immunity (suffocation) to fly at high altitudes and speeds, and so on). If you'd like, you could make that into Super-Movement (trackless, Limited to earth and stone-like surfaces), which does pretty much the same thing for 1 pp less.

****Yes, but with permanent Density, I did not want to totally ignore the 7500 pound weight of him. Just in a few cases. Also the Freedon City Streets Department might object to Grue-sized footprints in the sidwalks.

Fourth, with the Mighty Strike - you can do it that way, and it's fine, or you could buy the extra and power feats directly on your Strength (which would go up to 6), similar to buying Impervious directly on your Constitution. It's the same cost-wise, and you get the benefit of being 2 Strength higher for things like carrying capacity and Strength checks.

Fifth and finally, I like the drawback, but I'm trying to figure out how it would work in play so that it doesn't automatically overwhelm your character, and what would happen if two religious leaders were both trying to give you orders. Here's my thought:

When given an order by a religious leader, that leader either makes a Diplomacy or Intimidate check. Grue must succeed on a Will save equal to 10 + the result of that skill check, or follow that order as though it were given by Mind Control. If two or more religious leaders attempt to order Grue at the same time, he need only succeed against the highest DC to be able to ignore all of the leaders' commands.

****Yes, but when I looked at UP, I was looking at the DC20 to resist, and this could put the DC a lot higher. Rolling a 10 is one thing, but even a low PL dude could beat that with an average roll untrained. That is getting pretty broad. If we go this way, I would want to put the level of priest higher, like Bishop level at least, I don't want to be a slave to every parish priest in Freedom City. How does that sound?

With the pp you save (17, if you take all my suggestions, or at least 11 from the Immunities), I'd take 3 ranks of permanent Growth, since from your description, you're about 8 feet tall and pretty wide around. Even though you don't wouldn't have Constitution, the extra Strength brings you up to PL cap (and personally, I'd say that you could get a rank of Protection (Impervious) in place of the extra Constitution, since that's pretty close to the same benefit). With the remaining pp, you could get another rank of Impervious Protection, and Super-Senses (Mental Detect (Spirits and Demons), Ranged, Accurate, Acute) so you can watch out for the evil spirits and demons you described in your history.

Last quick question, relating to the name - did you intend to use the same name as an alien race within the Freedom City setting, or was that coincidence? There are a couple of Grue NPCs (Pseudo and the Meta-Grue), and one half-Grue PC (Hybrid). I just wanted you to know that there might be some IC confusion with that name, in case you weren't aware.

****No, I was not aware of the Grue in Freedom City, so I guess a name change is in order.


Players Name: Eyeonthemountain

Power Level: 10

Characters Name: Galeb

Alternate Identity: None

Height: 8'

Weight: 10000 lbs 5 tons

Hair: none

Eyes: grey

Description: Galeb looks like, and indeed is, a religious statue made of grey basaltic granite weathered and worn as if he is very very old. He stands about 8 feet high and is very wide, being about 3 and a half feet in diameter.

History: Galeb was created over 5,000 years ago to be a temple guardian on a holy Island in the Indonesian island chain. For centuries he did just that, watching out for evil spirits, or demons, or mortal tomb-robbers and chasing all of them away. And he was content, in his limited way, to do this. But then his temple fell into disuse and his work became less and less needed until he was totally forgotten, and slipped into a comotose state that lasted thousands of years. Eventually his temple was rediscovered, and he was taken to the Freedom university Library to guard the doors there, or to serve as a decoration, Grue is not sure.

But one day a magical duel was fought near him between a pair of supers and the magical backlash woke him from his slumber. And then he was back on duty, but instead of just guarding the one building, he decided that all of Freedom City was his 'Temple Complex'


Str: 2 (-3) 30[+10] with Density

Dex: 10 (+0)

Con: 10 (+0)

Int: 10 (+0)

Wis: 14 (+2)

Cha: 10 (+0)

Cost -4

BAB: 3 --> 7 with attack specialization

BDB: 8

Initiative: 0

Cost 22 total 18


Toughness: 10 (Impervious)

Fortitude: 0+0 (Immune)

Reflex: 4+0

Will: 8+2

Cost 12 Total 30


Know-Theology 3

Know-History 2

Language Ancient Indonesian 1

Notice 7+2

Sense Motive 7+2

Cost 5 total 35


Attack Spec (slam) 2

Power Attack

Cost 3 Total 38


Density [Permanent, Innate] Rank 12 Cost 37

Growth [Permanent, Innate] Rank 2 Cost 7

*As per Heridfel, changing the +2 con bonus to 1 rank of Impervious Toughness

Immovable--Unstoppable cost 4

Immunity Fortitude Saves Cost 30

Super Movement (Earth-walking) 1 Cost 2

Slam Atack adding penetrating 10 and Affects Insubstantial 2 to Strength cost 12

Protection [impervious] 3 rank cost 6

Burrowing Rank 5 Cost 5

Mental Blast [Flaw] Rank 2 Cost 6

Super Sense: Detect Demons and Spirits(2), Accurate(2), Extended, cost 5

Cost 114 total 152


Uncommon, Moderate, Obey Religious Leaders 2 points

Proposed Rules

Whenever a religious leader of Bishop or higher level (defined as having the Religious leader Benefit) gives Galeb a command, he must succeed in a Will save with DC20 or follow those commands. This needs rule-wording I know

Cost -2 Total 150

Costs: Abilities (-4) + Combat (22) + Saves (12) + Skills (5) + Feats (3) + Powers (114) - Drawbacks (-2) = Total Cost = 150

Earth Walk. The way I see this non-standard power is that on earth, whether earth, or stone (including marble and concrete, his huge weight does not destroy the ground. He still leaves tracks and if he tries to break it he will, but normally he does not destroy the ground he walks on. Now if it is wood, his full weight will probably destroy it in a heartbeat.


Players Name: Eyeonthemountain

Power Level: 10

Characters Name: Galeb

Alternate Identity: None

Height: 8'

Weight: 10000 lbs 5 tons

Hair: none

Eyes: grey

Description: Galeb looks like, and indeed is, a religious statue made of grey basaltic granite weathered and worn as if he is very very old. He stands about 8 feet high and is very wide, being about 3 and a half feet in diameter.

History: Galeb was created over 5,000 years ago to be a temple guardian on a holy Island in the Indonesian island chain. For centuries he did just that, watching out for evil spirits, or demons, or mortal tomb-robbers and chasing all of them away. And he was content, in his limited way, to do this. But then his temple fell into disuse and his work became less and less needed until he was totally forgotten, and slipped into a comotose state that lasted thousands of years. Eventually his temple was rediscovered, and he was taken to the Freedom university Library to guard the doors there, or to serve as a decoration, Grue is not sure.

But one day a magical duel was fought near him between a pair of supers and the magical backlash woke him from his slumber. And then he was back on duty, but instead of just guarding the one building, he decided that all of Freedom City was his 'Temple Complex'


Str: 2 (-3) 30[+10] with Density

Dex: 10 (+0)

Con: 10 (+0)

Int: 10 (+0)

Wis: 14 (+2)

Cha: 10 (+0)

Cost -4

BAB: 3 --> 7 with attack specialization

BDB: 8

Initiative: 0

Cost 22 total 18


Toughness: 10 (Impervious)

Fortitude: 0+0 (Immune)

Reflex: 4+0

Will: 8+2

Cost 12 Total 30


Know-Theology 3

Know-History 2

Language Ancient Indonesian 1

Notice 7+2

Sense Motive 7+2

Cost 5 total 35


Attack Spec (slam) 2

Power Attack

Cost 3 Total 38


Density [Permanent, Innate] Rank 12 Cost 37

Growth [Permanent, Innate] Rank 2 Cost 7

*As per Heridfel, changing the +2 con bonus to 1 rank of Impervious Toughness

Immovable--Unstoppable cost 4

Immunity Fortitude Saves Cost 30

Super Movement (Earth-walking) 1 Cost 2

Slam Atack adding penetrating 10 and Affects Insubstantial 2 to Strength cost 12

Protection [impervious] 3 rank cost 6

Burrowing Rank 5 Cost 5

Mental Blast [Flaw] Rank 2 Cost 6

Super Sense: Detect Demons and Spirits(2), Accurate(2), Extended, cost 5

Cost 114 total 152


Uncommon, Moderate, Obey Religious Leaders 2 points

Proposed Rules

Whenever a religious leader of Bishop or higher level (defined as having the Religious leader Benefit) gives Galeb a command, he must succeed in a Will save with DC20 or follow those commands. This needs rule-wording I know

Cost -2 Total 150

Costs: Abilities (-4) + Combat (22) + Saves (12) + Skills (5) + Feats (3) + Powers (114) - Drawbacks (-2) = Total Cost = 150

Earth Walk. The way I see this non-standard power is that on earth, whether earth, or stone (including marble and concrete, his huge weight does not destroy the ground. He still leaves tracks and if he tries to break it he will, but normally he does not destroy the ground he walks on. Now if it is wood, his full weight will probably destroy it in a heartbeat.


Players Name: Eyeonthemountain

Power Level: 10

Characters Name: Galeb

Alternate Identity: None

Height: 8'

Weight: 10000 lbs 5 tons

Hair: none

Eyes: grey

Description: Galeb looks like, and indeed is, a religious statue made of grey basaltic granite weathered and worn as if he is very very old. He stands about 8 feet high and is very wide, being about 3 and a half feet in diameter.

History: Galeb was created over 5,000 years ago to be a temple guardian on a holy Island in the Indonesian island chain. For centuries he did just that, watching out for evil spirits, or demons, or mortal tomb-robbers and chasing all of them away. And he was content, in his limited way, to do this. But then his temple fell into disuse and his work became less and less needed until he was totally forgotten, and slipped into a comotose state that lasted thousands of years. Eventually his temple was rediscovered, and he was taken to the Freedom university Library to guard the doors there, or to serve as a decoration, Grue is not sure.

But one day a magical duel was fought near him between a pair of supers and the magical backlash woke him from his slumber. And then he was back on duty, but instead of just guarding the one building, he decided that all of Freedom City was his 'Temple Complex'


Str: 2 (-3) 30[+10] with Density

Dex: 10 (+0)

Con: 10 (+0)

Int: 10 (+0)

Wis: 14 (+2)

Cha: 10 (+0)

Cost -4

BAB: 3 --> 7 with attack specialization

BDB: 8

Initiative: 0

Cost 22 total 18


Toughness: 10 (Impervious)

Fortitude: 0+0 (Immune)

Reflex: 4+0

Will: 8+2

Cost 12 Total 30


Know-Theology 3

Know-History 2

Language Ancient Indonesian 1

Notice 7+2

Sense Motive 7+2

Cost 5 total 35


Attack Spec (slam) 2

Power Attack

Cost 3 Total 38


Density [Permanent, Innate] Rank 12 Cost 37

Growth [Permanent, Innate] Rank 2 Cost 7

*As per Heridfel, changing the +2 con bonus to 1 rank of Impervious Toughness

Immovable--Unstoppable cost 4

Immunity Fortitude Saves Cost 30

Super Movement (Earth-walking) 1 Cost 2

Slam Atack adding penetrating 10 and Affects Insubstantial 2 to Strength cost 12

Protection [impervious] 3 rank cost 6

Burrowing Rank 5 Cost 5

Mental Blast [Flaw] Rank 2 Cost 6

Super Sense: Detect Demons and Spirits(2), Accurate(2), Extended, cost 5

Cost 114 total 152


Uncommon, Moderate, Obey Religious Leaders 2 points

Proposed Rules

Whenever a religious leader of Bishop or higher level (defined as having the Religious leader Benefit) gives Galeb a command, he must succeed in a Will save with DC20 or follow those commands. This needs rule-wording I know

Cost -2 Total 150

Costs: Abilities (-4) + Combat (22) + Saves (12) + Skills (5) + Feats (3) + Powers (114) - Drawbacks (-2) = Total Cost = 150

Earth Walk. The way I see this non-standard power is that on earth, whether earth, or stone (including marble and concrete, his huge weight does not destroy the ground. He still leaves tracks and if he tries to break it he will, but normally he does not destroy the ground he walks on. Now if it is wood, his full weight will probably destroy it in a heartbeat.


Hey there,

The rule is that if you have a low Constitution, you take Fortitude/Toughness penalties. If you lack the Constitution altogether, your base Toughness is +0 and you need Immunity (Fortitude) as part of it. It means you're behaving more like an object than a living being in that regard (and that's also why you need some Regeneration in order to 'heal'). So you can do that, which means you have 5 more pp to spend. You could increase the rank of your Mental Blast, or use those pp in some other fashion.

Your Super-Senses is a point underspent. Demons and spirits are close enough that it doesn't require a separate Detect for each. I'm presuming that Extended means that it's a Ranged Detect; you might also want Acute with that other point so you can see fine details on the demons and spirits, rather than just their locations.

If there's a drawback like the one you described in UP, can you give me a page reference? I went to look for it, and couldn't find it.

Everything else looks good.


Hey there,

The rule is that if you have a low Constitution, you take Fortitude/Toughness penalties. If you lack the Constitution altogether, your base Toughness is +0 and you need Immunity (Fortitude) as part of it. It means you're behaving more like an object than a living being in that regard (and that's also why you need some Regeneration in order to 'heal'). So you can do that, which means you have 5 more pp to spend. You could increase the rank of your Mental Blast, or use those pp in some other fashion.

Your Super-Senses is a point underspent. Demons and spirits are close enough that it doesn't require a separate Detect for each. I'm presuming that Extended means that it's a Ranged Detect; you might also want Acute with that other point so you can see fine details on the demons and spirits, rather than just their locations.

If there's a drawback like the one you described in UP, can you give me a page reference? I went to look for it, and couldn't find it.

Everything else looks good.


Hey there,

The rule is that if you have a low Constitution, you take Fortitude/Toughness penalties. If you lack the Constitution altogether, your base Toughness is +0 and you need Immunity (Fortitude) as part of it. It means you're behaving more like an object than a living being in that regard (and that's also why you need some Regeneration in order to 'heal'). So you can do that, which means you have 5 more pp to spend. You could increase the rank of your Mental Blast, or use those pp in some other fashion.

Your Super-Senses is a point underspent. Demons and spirits are close enough that it doesn't require a separate Detect for each. I'm presuming that Extended means that it's a Ranged Detect; you might also want Acute with that other point so you can see fine details on the demons and spirits, rather than just their locations.

If there's a drawback like the one you described in UP, can you give me a page reference? I went to look for it, and couldn't find it.

Everything else looks good.


Hey there,

The rule is that if you have a low Constitution, you take Fortitude/Toughness penalties. If you lack the Constitution altogether, your base Toughness is +0 and you need Immunity (Fortitude) as part of it. It means you're behaving more like an object than a living being in that regard (and that's also why you need some Regeneration in order to 'heal'). So you can do that, which means you have 5 more pp to spend. You could increase the rank of your Mental Blast, or use those pp in some other fashion.

So to be clear, I will suffer the con penalty when I try to make recovery checks via regeneration? I think I do.


Hey there,

The rule is that if you have a low Constitution, you take Fortitude/Toughness penalties. If you lack the Constitution altogether, your base Toughness is +0 and you need Immunity (Fortitude) as part of it. It means you're behaving more like an object than a living being in that regard (and that's also why you need some Regeneration in order to 'heal'). So you can do that, which means you have 5 more pp to spend. You could increase the rank of your Mental Blast, or use those pp in some other fashion.

So to be clear, I will suffer the con penalty when I try to make recovery checks via regeneration? I think I do.


Hey there,

The rule is that if you have a low Constitution, you take Fortitude/Toughness penalties. If you lack the Constitution altogether, your base Toughness is +0 and you need Immunity (Fortitude) as part of it. It means you're behaving more like an object than a living being in that regard (and that's also why you need some Regeneration in order to 'heal'). So you can do that, which means you have 5 more pp to spend. You could increase the rank of your Mental Blast, or use those pp in some other fashion.

So to be clear, I will suffer the con penalty when I try to make recovery checks via regeneration? I think I do.


Players Name: Eyeonthemountain

Power Level: 10

Characters Name: Galeb

Alternate Identity: None

Height: 8'

Weight: 10000 lbs 5 tons

Hair: none

Eyes: grey

Description: Galeb looks like, and indeed is, a religious statue made of grey basaltic granite weathered and worn as if he is very very old. He stands about 8 feet high and is very wide, being about 3 and a half feet in diameter.

History: Galeb was created over 5,000 years ago to be a temple guardian on a holy Island in the Indonesian island chain. For centuries he did just that, watching out for evil spirits, or demons, or mortal tomb-robbers and chasing all of them away. And he was content, in his limited way, to do this. But then his temple fell into disuse and his work became less and less needed until he was totally forgotten, and slipped into a comotose state that lasted thousands of years. Eventually his temple was rediscovered, and he was taken to the Freedom university Library to guard the doors there, or to serve as a decoration, Grue is not sure.

But one day a magical duel was fought near him between a pair of supers and the magical backlash woke him from his slumber. And then he was back on duty, but instead of just guarding the one building, he decided that all of Freedom City was his 'Temple Complex'


Str: 2 (-3) 30[+10] with Density

Dex: 10 (+0)

Con: - (-)

Int: 10 (+0)

Wis: 14 (+2)

Cha: 10 (+0)

Cost -14

BAB: 3 --> 7 with attack specialization

BDB: 8

Initiative: 0

Cost 22 total 8


Toughness: 10 (Impervious)

Fortitude: 0+0 (Immune)

Reflex: 4+0

Will: 8+2

Cost 12 Total 20


Know-Theology 3

Know-History 2

Language Ancient Indonesian 1

Notice 7+2

Sense Motive 7+2

Cost 5 total 25


Attack Spec (slam) 2

Power Attack

Cost 3 Total 28


Density [Permanent, Innate] Rank 12 Cost 37

Growth [Permanent, Innate] Rank 2 Cost 7

*As per Heridfel, changing the +2 con bonus to 1 rank of Impervious Toughness

Immunity Fortitude Saves Cost 30

Super Movement (Earth-walking) 1 Cost 2

Slam Atack adding penetrating 10 and Affects Insubstantial 2 to Strength cost 12

Protection [impervious] 3 rank cost 6

Burrowing Rank 5 Cost 5

Mental Blast [Flaw] Rank 5 Cost 15

Super Sense: Detect Demons and Spirits(1), Accurate(2), Extended, cost 4

Regeneration [Recovery Bonus [5 ranks -5 con = +0 to rolls) Cost 5

Cost 123 total 151


Noticeable Detect Effect. Golden glow 20' radius1 pp

Cost -1 Total 150

Costs: Abilities (-14) + Combat (22) + Saves (12) + Skills (5) + Feats (3) + Powers (123) - Drawbacks (-1) = Total Cost = 150

Earth Walk. The way I see this non-standard power is that on earth, whether earth, or stone (including marble and concrete, his huge weight does not destroy the ground. He still leaves tracks and if he tries to break it he will, but normally he does not destroy the ground he walks on. Now if it is wood, his full weight will probably destroy it in a heartbeat.

Complication: Galeb will try his best to fulfill the wishes of any religious leader, defined as a priest who works out of a temple or church, to the best of his ability, though he is not compelled to do so any more.

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