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Attack Of Sharktopus!


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Who'd be up for beating back that fiendish fish known as Sharktopus? I'm throwing Dyne into this, and this is definately a PL 10+ adventure, and suggestions for where to do this would be helpful.


Razorwing is game for whoopin' up on Sharktopus. As for location... the ocean? Heh, just joshing, I think their is a pretty decent aquarium in Freedom City. Might want to check that out.


Oh heck yeah Suzaku would be up for this!

Hmmmm as for location...

Suzaku has a weakness weakness to water... so about 30 miles inland in the middle of a desert should be fine!


Bah! Suzaku knows that when people are in danger, they need a hero! Besides I can totally get some RP in...

Oh and overcoming weakness... totally heroic.

So I know I'm going in with a disabvantage but I don't mind. It will just be more impressive when we win!

So yeah, the aquarium sounds like a good place.


I have seen the movie, "Sharktopus" and would like to throw my Pl10, Flux, into the mix. He can play the Eric Roberts character or the guy whose shirt magically falls off during action scenes.

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