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Inside Out, Upside Down [OOC]


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I will extra effort to power stunt off my magic array. (and lament not having ritualist for the one time it might ever be useful)

Supermovement 1 (Dimensional movement, Dimension of Doors only; Extras: Portal, Selective; Power Feats: Progression 2) [7pp]

Super senses 4 (Detect spirits(Ranged) 2, Counters concealment 2) [4pp] (so I can sense the dog to let it through)

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Okay, I can't come up with a good metric other than straight int checks. If you have something that you think would give you a boost to recognizing numeric patterns, let me know and I'll give you a bonus.

And I will post up the reaction for what Mutt notices as well once I have those checks.

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Dead Head is on tonight! He will notice that the way the numbers change correspond to a date format. IE, 20101214 is really 2010-12-14.

Meanwhile, Mutt will be acting vaguely confused as if he is finding and losing the trail over and over again as if what is beyond the doors is changing. He will 'alert' several times on different doors only to lose the trail when JJ gets too close to the door. Those dates are all from before JJ was born as is the hallway that you are currently standing in. Time puzzles! You can all blame my current Doctor Who obsession.

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Mutt is picking up on the fact that the path of Phantom's unique magical signature keeps shifting depending on who is standing closest to the door. With JJ's more advanced knowledge arcane, he can tell that the doors are keying into who ever is standing closest and the nexus that they are connecting to changes. Occasionally, if Jack is standing near a door that is within a date range where he and Taylor were together, her magical signature shows up behind the door as it reroutes to synch into Jack's timeline. When he steps away, the signature vanishes.

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