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Kavos - Nanobot - Pl 7 Hero

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Power Level: 7 (105/105)

Trade-Offs: None

Unspent PP: 0

Gold Status: 0/30

In Brief: Teenager Turned Robot with an army of self-replicating Nanobots at his control.

Name: Nanobot

Alternate Identities: Jett Miles

Identity: secret

Birthplace: Freedom City

Occupation: Student

Affiliations: (None at this time)

Family: Tomas Miles (Father – Deceased), Rebecca Miles (Mother – Deceased), Steven Miles (Elder Brother – Deceased)

Age: 14

Apparent Age: 14

Gender: Male

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Height: 5’2

Weight: 108

Eyes: Blue

Hair: white


Jett was always a small child, short and lanky, something he always hoped he would grow out of. His skin was ghostly pale from spending too much time inside away from the sun; his hair was silky platinum blond, which only helped to accent his ghostly demeanour. His most distinguishing feature was his Sea blue eyes, which appeared to hold the hope and the innocence of the young.

But that’s all changed now. His skin although still pale now glistens slightly in the sun, and if one were to look close enough one could see his skin move as if a billion tiny insects crawled there way underneath it. His hair has become white as snow, and his eyes no longer hold the hope and innocence of a child, instead replaced with fear and horror.

Power Descriptions:

Jett has the potential to be very powerful, with an army of micro-machines at his every beck and call, as well as being immune to the basic necessities of human life makes Jett a good contender in a battle… someday… That day is not today. Jett has minimal control over the nanobots, allowing him to send them out to destroy any matter he touches, or at close range. A lot of his powers operate automatically without his conscious control such as his Immunities and Regeneration. His most developed ability is actually his ability to sense and communicate with other machines; this allows him to access computers from afar, to control machinery and even transport his mind into cyberspace.


Jett was always a special child. Not Super-special, just special. Gifted with art and music, Jett could have easily have became a world-renowned artist or musician possible even both. But he was shy, and disliked other’s company. He would often lock himself away for days at a time in his families basement were he would spend his time Drawing or playing music.

Tomas Miles was Jett’s father, a head researcher at ASTRO labs, Along with Jetts brother Steven who worked with his father as a lab assistant. Tomas loved his youngest son dearly, enough that when an opportunity to work in the labs Experimental department Tomas took it. The Job entitled more pay due to the increased risk, but it would allow the family to afford the tuition fee’s needed to enrol Jett into a private Art school.

But that all changed seven months ago… One evening as Rebecca and Jett were driving home, a semi-truck combined with a drunk driver, ploughed head on into the family car, Killing Rebecca and Jett Instantly.

Tomas lost his mind. His wife had been crushed beyond recognition, his beloved son who had been in the back seat had fared better, but he was still beyond conventional medical help. Tomas immediately had his sons’ body transferred to his lab, were he illegally began an experiment; one he hoped would bring his son back to him…

Personality & Motivation:

Jett had always been Awkward and shy, more so now than even. He’s quite and withdrawn, but delights in helping others. After the accident he’s became even more withdrawn, feeling that nobody around him understands what happened to him. Despite this he often puts on a brave face, and smiles. Since the accident he’s trying to become more sociable, namely at the insistence of his counsellor.

Powers & Tactics:

Jett is rather timid in combat due to his inexperience, but his nanites more than make up for his timidness. Although he doesn’t have full control, and the nanites are not operating at peak efficiency, Jett is still capable of causing massive damage to his surroundings and opponents. Currently He relies on an evade and attack strategy, of avoiding attacks, than lashing out with either a concentrated burst of nanites or causing mass destruction by sending waves of nanites at his opponents. Jett rarely enters melee range.


Dead: Jett Miles died in a horrible car crash. Legally he does not exists.

Lost memory: Due to an imperfect nanobinding, much of Jetts memories have been lost.

Human or machine?: Jett isn’t sure of were he belongs. Is he Human? Or his he a machine?

Prejudice: Man or machine? Some people find Jetts existence an abomination.

Abilities: –2, +2, +6, +6, +0, -1 = 10pp

STR: 8 (-1)

DEX: 12 (+1)

CON: 16 (+3)

INT: 16 (+3)

WIS: 10 (+0)

CHA: 8 (-1)

Combat: 10 +10 =20pp

Initiative: +5

Attack Bonus: +5 (Ranged: +5, Melee: +5, Nanites +7)

Grapple: +4

Defense: +6 (5 + 2 dodge)

Knockback: -3

Saving throws: +1 + 5 + 6 = 12pp

Toughness: +3/+7 (Con +3, Defence roll +4)

Fortitude: +4 (1 + 3 Con)

Reflex: 6 (5 +1 Dex)

Willpower: 6 (6, +0 Wis)

Skills: 20 ranks = 5pp

Computers 8 (+11)

Knowledge (cyberculture) 4 (+7)

Knowledge (technology) 4 (+7)

Notice 4 (+4)

Feats: 13pp

Defensive Roll 4

Dodge Focus 2

Eidetic Memory

Evasion 2

Improved Initiative


Online Research

Uncanny Dodge 1 (Defence Program: Hearing)

Powers: 19 +10 +8 +6 +7 = 50pp

Corrosion 5: (Nanoswarms) (DC 20; PF Accurate (+2), Alternate power (2))

AP Corrosion 2: (DC 17, Extras: Shapeable area (2 cubes, of 125 cu. Ft. (5x5x5) –General) Selective attack)

AP Disintegration 3 (DC 18, 30ft range, PF: accurate (+2)

Datalink: (Sense type: Radio, Extra: Omni-directional area; PF: Cyberspace, Machine control, Rapid 1, Subtle)

Immunity 7 (Synthetic body) (aging, disease, poison, sleep, starvation & thirst, suffocation (all); PF: Innate)

Regeneration 3(Nano-healing) (recovery rate (bruised) 3 (recover 1 / round without rest),

Resurrection (1 week) DC 14; PF: persistent, regrowth)

Super-Senses 7 (Detect Computers: accurate, detect 2 (ranged), extended (x10), radius, Rapid (x10))

Drawbacks: Vulnerable, very common, major, EM Attacks –5pp

DC Block:

ATTACK      RANGE     SAVE                        EFFECT

Unarmed     Melee     DC14 Toughness (Staged)     Damage (Physical)

Corrosion 2 Area      DC 17 Fort/Tough            Damage (Molecular)

Corrosion 5 Melee     DC 20 Fort/Tough            Damage (Molecular)

Disintegration 2 Range DC 18 Fort/Tough           Damage (Molecular)

Totals: Abilities 10 + Skills 5 (20 ranks) + Feats 14 + Powers 49 + Combat 20 + Saves 12- Drawbacks 5 = 90


Ok so lets see if I got this right ;)

A few notes. I cant remember if there was any restrictions on age... but its no problem if you want me to bump him up to 16-18 or something.

Some of this build you can thank AA for :twisted: its kind of themed on his swarm template, with a few other inspiration's and my own imaginings.

I was going for a very new hero for this one, in fact with approval I'll run a intro thread for him which sets off were his History finishes with the father's experiment.

Oh and if it wasn't obvious he is a robot... for the most part... organic + tech + mad science stuff, so he does have a con, because he is 'alive'.

Also to note, He doesn't have many skills at the moment, because of memory lost, as he remembers more, they'll slowly return. (namely his art/music skills)


Hmm after giving it some thought.... (and being knocked out for 4 days with a migraine :shock: ) I think I may hold of on this character... I'd still like to play him, but as I've still got a bit on my plat, and character wise this character is fairly complicated (I mean he's dead but he's also alive... talk about emotional issues :P ) so I'm thinking archive this one for the time being, and I'll come back to him later, and I'll do up someone who's a little less complicated and I can give the appropriated time of thought to.


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