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Teaser: The Conquering Mind

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In retrospect it was an obvious mistake to infect Grue tissue left behind after their most recent invasion with samples of Legion, the Mind-Virus, the incredibly infectious mind-stealing plague that once threatened to ensnare all the World of Freedom. But the promise of sending in a telepathic plague to permanently defang the potent Grue hivemind was a powerful temptation, and sometimes scientists are tempted by the promise of tomorrow. After all, what could possibly happen to prepared, watchful superheroes?

What was born in that hero's laboratory was the Conquering Mind, a biological organism with fantastic telepathic and mind-control abilities, a merger of Legion's incredible infectious powers and the mind and cunning of a Grue. From one parent, the Conquering Mind inherited incredible power and the will to use it, from another, it learned cunning and deception, greatly expanded the finesse of its clumsy powers, and learned that it was the heroes of Freedom who were its greatest enemies. It learned something else, too. It learned how to have children of its own.

That's right, folks, a Starro-expy for Freedom City. _Not_ looking for takers here, yet; just looking for ideas/suggestions.

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