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Worlds Enough and Time (OOC)

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Sage-Prime sees:

There is a man born into wealth and power in a wealthy country, wanting for nothing as he grows up. He is the Tiger. But his wealth is not enough for him: he is discontent. He hears the words of the Prophet preaching the words of Submission, the story of a holy war waged by fellow believers against a terrible enemy, and gladly accepts the call. He fights well and bravely, if viciously, and ultimately the holy warriors are victorious! But the war is not over: he sees corruption everywhere, especially in his homeland. But his homeland's government is wealthy and powerful, and backed by other wealthy, powerful nations. The man decides to punish them: to punish all the sinful nations of the world that have kept him from liberating his people, whether they want it or not. And he has abilities to help carry it out now: shadowy powers of darkness that terrify his friends and delight him with their power. His organization, Al-Khayal, begins planning an operation...and then, horror. The Pyramid Plaza collapses in ash and fire as thousands die. But there is light in the darkness, as shining beacons of hope arrive! The Tiger is horrified at what he sees: the armies of his enemies now occupy his homeland, occupy the nation of his refuge, and they have powers to match his own, rendering him simply a powerless terrorist. He must do something else, something great and terrible, so finally he will realize his destiny!

Sage-ND sees:

There is a man. A man with cold blue eyes and perfect blonde hair, the perfect image of the Aryan superman: and no wonder, he's a Nazi! But much more than that. As Sage watches, he gains a dark and terrible power: is he the first paragon? But no, there are more, shining beacons of hope, who foil the shadow-man's schemes and send him fleeing in terror from his homeland. He has abandoned the cause of his old masters: now there is only him, there is only power! He builds an army of identical goons, each bearing his own face, and constructs for himself a suit of invincible armor. He dies, again and again, only to rise in another body with the same evil heart. He is the Shadow, and he is a monster like she's only seen in legend and comic books. But even this monster is bound by powers greater than his; shining beacons of courage who hold him down. He needs to do something more, something great and terrible, so that finally he will realize his destiny!

And both Sages suddenly realize that, as they cast their mind into the probe, there is another mind there probing into it from the other side!

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Okay, starting with this post, we need some easy way to differentiate the people from one world from another. I'm suggesting a different background color for the words and actions of the Paragons kids, specifically the lightcyan color, which is not too dark or obnoxious and should hopefully show up well on all the styles. To add a background, just make a bracket, type in bg=lightcyan, then close the bracket. Finish it up with /bg in brackets at the end.

Anyone object, or have a better idea?

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The heroes with good Notice checks (i.e, all of you, apparantly) will note that there are men in the battlements of the Time Castle: sinister-looking men with sinister intentions. The kids from Paragons will recognize al-Khayan thugs with AK-47s and keffiyahs, while the Prime kids recognize SHADOW goons in their identical black and grey uniforms, also carrying AK-47s.

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A sea of chroniton radiation surrounds Trevor, surrounds everyone, with only a thin impermeable layer around the catwalk protecting them from the great sea of time whirling around their heads. The overall effect is a bit like standing on a catwalk over a steel mill; you're not sure exactly what'll happen if you fall off, but you can be pretty sure that it won't be what you want! The room they're standing by is the heart of the matter, a swirling cauldron of energy that looks almost impossibly deep. This is the heart of the beast, and if they're going to stop the bad guys, they need to get inside. He can see movement against the overall pattern of energy around him, some approaching and others inside the stronghold, but with his sensors set up how they are he can't get any specifics: they're just indistinct shadows against the eye-crackling glare of time itself all around them.

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Erin-EZO1 is going to start with an acrobatic bluff for her move action. Gonna start off simple and skill master it for 28.

She's then going to launch a power attack against Totentanz with her bat. Oooh, that sucked.

Luckily, I am informed that Edge Paragons will spend HP on behalf of someone who looks a lot like his girlfriend!

Reroll is a 25! I am betting autofire isn't going to be much of a consideration here, but the power attack makes the toughness DC 35.

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Wander P is going to use an acrobatic bluff that moves directly into a charge power attack with bat against The Tiger.

Skill Mastering the Acrobluff for another DC 28 Save.

Charge power attack puts her at +12 to attack, +20 damage, and +13 to defense.

Attack is: oh, that's just awful. Spending an HP,the first from Wander P for this thread. Reroll is better, a 30. Assuming the bat is the same from world to world, that tosses autofire into the mix, on top of a DC 35 toughness save.

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