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Indescribable, Indestructible, Insatiable (OOC)


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Fortitude Save vs. Blindness, DC20 (second save attempt) (1d20 + 8 + 1=11, 1d20 + 8 + 1=19, 1d20 + 8 + 1=12, 1d20 + 8 + 1=18)

They're still blind!

Fortitude Save vs. Blindness, DC20 (second save attempt) (1d20 + 10 + 1=20)

He can see again! Oh dear.

Blobette 5 eats Blobette 2 (om nom nom), and heals a bruise.

Blobette 4 eats Blobette 1 (om nom nom), and heals a bruise.

Blobette 3 can't locate a target (GK pulled up when Supercape nuked, Supercape isn't within range of tactile senses).

The Blob attacks Supercape, as a nearby target.

Melee Attack Roll vs. Supercape (target in melee) (1d20 + 6 - 4=4)

And a miss! Still recovering from being blind, it seems.


9: Gaian Knight - 1HP - bruise x3

6: Supercape - 3HP - bruise x1

2: Blobettes 3-5 - bruise, blind; bruise, blind; bruise x2, blind

-2: The Blob - unharmed

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Life Science gets you nothin'. For Behavioral Science, though, Supercape may vaguely remember some study or research paper or similar nonsense about some species - bugs, rodents - that eat their wounded; often the wounded are hurt themselves, and apparently sacrificing the worse-off for the benefit of the rest. From what he can tell, these oozes are doing it largely by instinct, and once they're frenzied into eating a buddy they're committed to the path, whether their original target is still available or not.

The paper probably had some extension to human behavior, but that bit doesn't really apply to giant green blob monsters.

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Toughness Saves vs. Supercape's Area Blast, DC25 (bruise, bruise, bruise x2) (1d20+15-1=31, 1d20+15-1=32, 1d20+15-2=27)

....holy crap. 14, 17, and 18? Why, Invisible Castle. Why. They, uh, take no damage. Apparently. Ow.

Right then.

Fortitude Saves vs. Blindness, DC20 (third save attempt) (1d20 + 8 + 2=29, 1d20 + 8 + 2=15, 1d20 + 8 + 2=14)

Blobette 3 recovers from blindness. The others don't.

Blobette 3 attacks Supercape by chucking things! Horray for flight advantage.

Ranged Attack Roll vs. Supercape (thrown improvised object) (1d20 + 6=16)

Miss town! Population: one blob.

Blobettes 4 & 5 can't find a target, being all blind and stuff. Flight advantage!

The Blob tries for Gaian Knight with an appropriate weapon: a rock!

Ranged Attack Roll vs. Gaian Knight (thrown improvised object, Accurate Attack +2/-2) (1d20 + 6 + 2=12)

Miss town! Population: two blobs.

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Ranged Attack Roll vs. The Blob (autofire blast, Power Attack -2/+2) (1d20 + 11 - 2=11)

Oh, come on. Sigh.

Well, it hits (yay size modifiers), but not by the margin I was hoping for. DC26 (base) + 2 (power attack) + 2 (autofire bonus) = DC30.

Toughness Save vs. Gaian Knight's Blast, DC30 (1d20 + 18=32)

Yeah, no.


9: Gaian Knight - 1HP - bruise x3

6: Supercape - 3HP - bruise x1

2: Blobettes 3-5 - bruise; bruise, blind; bruise x2, blind

-2: The Blob - unharmed

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Ranged Attack Roll vs. The Blob (autofire blast; power attack -2/+2) (1d20 + 11 - 2=27)

DC26 (base) + 2 (power attack) + 5 (autofire) = DC33.

Toughness Save vs. Gaian Knight's Blast, DC33 (1d20 + 18=33)

*foam* These guys have the most DISGUSTING luck....I swear at some point I'm just going to have to start fiating against the villains, so that the thread doesn't last for ages!


9: Gaian Knight - 1HP - bruise x3

6: Supercape - 3HP - bruise x1

2: Blobettes 3-5 - bruise, blind; bruise, blind; bruise x2, blind

-2: The Blob - blind

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Ok so Supercape is now fatigued. -2 STR and DEX (not going to matter much although I suppose he drops 1 init)

-1 to attack: Will make no difference to perception attacks (And given how easy they are to hits...)

-1 to defence: Well, I hope they stay blind!

Anyway, the Gamma burst is directed at the Lead Blob. He is going to stick with Gamma burst now until encounter over I think.

So poison attack kicks in 10 rounds from now. Which, given the rate we are going, may be one of the few occassions poison is actually worth it!

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DC25 Fortitude save, then. Horray, alternate save mechanics!

Fortitude Save vs. Supercape's Gamma Blast, DC25 (1d20 + 10=29)

.....@#$% you, Invisible Castle, that's too neat a stunt to let go, even if he can just use it again in a round.

FIAT: The Blob takes minimum damage (1 bruise) from the attack. Nobody gains a hero point because it's a fiat against the villain, largely to save us another uneventful round of combat.

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Fortitude Saves vs. Blindness, DC20 (1d20 + 8=15, 1d20 + 8=23, 1d20 + 8=21)

Their fortune is unnatural. Blobette 3 stays blind; 4 & 5 can see again.

Fortitude Save vs. Blindness, DC20 (1d20 + 10=27)

Seriously, what the hell. Sigh. The Blob can see again.

Grabbin' things and throwing them. Blind blob is still blind, and can't contribute.

Ranged Attack Rolls vs. Gaian Knight (thrown improvised weapons) (1d20 + 6=24, 1d20 + 6=13)

The first hits, the second misses. A single DC25 toughness save for GK.

Ranged Attack Roll vs. Gaian Knight (thrown improvised weapon) (1d20 + 6=11)

Swing and a miss. The Blob, in case it wasn't clear earlier, moves toward its smaller 'friends'. It doesn't look hungry, so easy money's on throwing another one of them at somebody; still, that means that for a round they can all be hit with area attacks, and they're conveniently nearby if one does hunger.

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Toughness Save vs. Blobette 4's Thrown Object, DC25 (bruise x3) (1d20 + 14 - 3=12)


Hero point.

Toughness Save REROLL vs. Blobette 4's Thrown Object, DC25 (bruise x3) (1d20 + 14 - 3=21)

10 becomes 20, 20+14-3= 31. No damage. Also, no more hero points.

So, yeah. Screw you, blobs, and your stupid rolls. I wasn't planning on stunting anything to take advantage of their proximity, but seriously. Screw you and your dice!

Extra effort stunt:

Obscure 5 (visual, 100'; Extras: Independent [+0], Selective Attack, Total Fade, Feats: Reversible) [21pp]

Enjoy your 21 rounds of not being able to see us. But we can see youuuuuuuu.....

ROUND ELEVEN: (21 rounds remaining on Obscure)

9: Gaian Knight - 0HP - bruise x3, fatigued

6: Supercape - 3HP - bruise x1, fatigued

2: Blobettes 3-5 - bruise, blind; bruise; bruise x2

-2: The Blob - bruise (10 rounds to gamma blast poison)

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Gah, I wish I had stunted the Drain CON now...

Anyway good one with the obscure. Im not sure selective was even needed - Supercape is stuffed to the brim with supersenses, and I think Giain has Tremorsense? Not that im complaining!

ANyway persevering with the Gamma blast on blob senior... Normal auto hit, DC 20 Fort Save - should he a chance each time of knocking it down a peg or two, and the poison will hit in at some point.

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Tremmorsense only typically works when he's on the ground - technically I guess I could fluff it as working by just feeling the ground move from afar, but I may save that for when his Detect Earth is a bit better.

The save is DC25, I believe. Normally a fortitude save is 10+rank, but when you use Alternate Save to change a save away from being Toughness, it retains its 15+rank save - that's one of the major reasons it's a +1 extra for toughness save powers.

Very tired, so I could be wrong, but that's what UP tells me.

Fortitude Save vs. Supercape's Gamma Blast, DC25 (1d20 + 10=20)

Its luck breaks! The Blob picks up a bruise and is stunned to boot.

Proper GM posts when I'm not so incredibly, braindeadily tired.

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Gaian Knight hits 'em with the good ol' area attack. Blob reflexes suck, so DC25 toughness saves all around.

Toughness Saves vs. Gaian Knight's Area Blast, DC25 (bruise x2, bruise, bruise, bruise x2) (1d20+18-2=34, 1d20+15-1=32, 1d20+15-1=17, 1d20+15-2=20)

Save, save, bruise+stun, bruise+stun.

ROUND TWELVE: (20 rounds remaining on Obscure)

9: Gaian Knight - 0HP - bruise x3, fatigued

6: Supercape - 3HP - bruise x1, fatigued

2: Blobettes 3-5 - bruise x1; bruise x2, stunned; bruise x3, stunned

-2: The Blob - bruise x2 (9 rounds to gamma blast poison)

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GK punishes the fleeing blobette, hopefully before it can get out of the Obscure!

Ranged Attack Roll vs. Blobette 3 (autofire blast; Power Attack -2/+2) (1d20 + 11 - 2=28)

Ooo, almost a crit. So close - and I seem to have forgotten my fatigue penalty, so that should be a 27, not a 28; still, more than good enough. DC26 (base) + 2 (power attack) + 5 (autofire) = DC33 Toughness.

Toughness Save vs. Gaian Knight's Autofire Blast, DC33 (bruise x1) (1d20 + 15 - 1=15)

....a natural one. My goodness. Failure by 18, that's a KO.

Bookkeeping: I just realized that the Blob should have two timers going for poison, as that affliction almost certainly stacks (and the Ecal agrees). Round summary updated to reflect that.

ROUND THIRTEEN: (19 rounds remaining on Obscure)

9: Gaian Knight - 0HP - bruise x3, fatigued

6: Supercape - 3HP - bruise x1, fatigued

2: Blobette 4 - bruise x2

-2: The Blob - bruise x1 (8 rounds to gamma blast poison, 9 rounds to gamma blast poison)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Fortitude Save vs. Supercape's Gamma Blast, DC25 (1d20 + 10=27)

The Blob's luck is disgusting.

The Blob spends his round trying to shuffle his way out of the obscure. Given its size, and the blob's size, I'm gonna say he doesn't quite make it out. Blobette 4 also makes a beeline for the edge of the cloud. Same deal. They are no longer close enough to be area attacked, as Blobette 4 knows what happened to its friend. Its tasty, tasty friend...

"Blobs try to escape the dust storm" isn't a very interesting post, so I'm just gonna roll that into GK's in-character post.

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