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Plant Ape Prime attempts to Attack LW with a Punch! 19 A solid hit due to being Flat Footed

23 DC Fort save needed which is easily passed with a 26

Lady Winters turn. She strikes with her Ice hammer and gets a 20 A solid hit, but not a nat 20 so no crit. Ape Prime Rolls a 18 against a Fort save of 24. Ape Prime is Staggard.

...I feel like I'm writing a solo thread! Soon as I get my posts up. Go CRAZY!

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Hey, not my fault you wanted two villain groups in a two-person thread and posted separately for all of them. :D

Fleur will use Disintegrate on the Alpha Plant Monster.

First off, it needs to make a DC 23 Fort save. If it loses, however much it loses by, it loses that much toughness, up to a possible 13.

After the Fort Save, it must make a Toughness save, DC 28, using the post-drain toughness.

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Plant Ape Prime rolls a 19, lossing 6 toughtness

Missread something before, Ape Prime is actually bruised and stunned, my bad :P Still, he manages to get a total of 20 and escapes with a bruise for his trouble.

Status is thus:

Plant Ape Prime: 19 - Bruised X1, Stunned -6 Toughness

Lady Winter: 18 - Clean - 3 HP

Fleur De Joil: Clean - 4HP

Plant Ape Mooks - Clean

Get your post up :)

EDIT: Misread my roll and had some wires crossed in my brain about what Disintergate does exactly. Sorry about that. Need to stop failing at this :(

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It looks like the plant monster rolled a 17, not a 19 on that roll, according to IC. If that's the case, it loses 6 toughness, not 2, unless all its toughness is Impervious, in which case it loses 3.

Given that, it should only have +1 to make that roll with, which will give it a result of sixteen. That's a miss by 12, which would add Staggered and Stunned to its problems.

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Plant Ape Prime is up now! Lets see what he can....Wait, Stunned.


...Lady Winters turn then! :P

Once more, she attepts to smash his head in with her massive Ice Hammer and once more gets a 20!

Ape Prime must save at 24DC and gets a 17, Granting Stun and Yet another bruise for trying. And because this thread is lacking flying monkeys, I'll invoke the knockback rules here. Doing some quick math...And the Ape goes flying for 100 Feet and another bruise for smashing into a car

Status is thus:

Plant Ape Prime: 19 - Bruised X3, Stunned - -6 Toughness

Lady Winter: 18 Still Clean - 3HP

Fleur De Joie: 5 Clean - 4HP

Plant Ape Mooks - Clean

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And its Plant ape Prime....No, still stunned :P

Lady Winters Turn! She gives Plant Ape 2 a blast of ICE! 25! CRITICAL HIT!

A DC of 29 is impossible. Thus, said mook is sent flying Unconscious.


Plant Ape Prime: 19 - Bruised X3, Staggers, Stunned, Prone

Lady Winter: 18 Clean HP 3

Fleur De Joie: 5 Clean HP 3

Plant Ape mook 1: 3 - Clean

Plant Ape Mook 2: 3 - OUT

Plant Ape Mooks 3 and 4: 3 Bound and Helpless

Soon as I get these posts up. Your Turn!

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Ape mooks that are still surviving are too wrapped up with their own problems to be a threat right now :P

Plant Ape Prime is now no longer Stunned! Still staggared and thus spends this turn just getting up onto its two feet.

...Lady Winters turn!

Another Move action (Ice slide!) towards Prime and stays above him to blast 'em with another torrent of ice! Roll came up as a solid 19. A hit indeed!

24DC toughness check...17 Yes anotehr bruise and once more stunned!


Plant Ape Prime: 19 Bruised X4, Stunned, Staggered - 6 Toughness

Lady Winter: 18: Clear 3HP

Fleur De Joie: 5 : Clear 3H

Plant ape mooks: 3: incapacitated, dead or trapped and helpless

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