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Double-Edged Blade [OOC]


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The lobby is filled with smoke (a visual Obscure) for this round. Jack and Gecks each get an HP for being caught in their civvies. Spellbound will share Gecks' HP pool à la Sidekick because it makes it easier for me to deal with, frankly.

Miss A is up!

  • 21 - Miss Americana - Uninjured - 5HP
    19 - Spellbound - Uninjured
    17 - Jack of all Blades - Uninjured - 7HP
    16 - Geckoman - Uninjured - 4HP
    16 - Security Guards - x5
    3 - Katanarchists - ???

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Jack of all Blades

Move Action: Auto 25 Stealth

Heroic Feat: Quick Change

Free Action: Change

Free Action: Create Energy Sword [fire]

Move Action: Move to display case.

  • 21 - Miss Americana - Uninjured - 5HP
    19 - Spellbound - Uninjured
    17 - Jack of all Blades - Uninjured - 6HP
    16 - Geckoman - Uninjured - 4HP
    16 - Security Guards - x5
    3 - Katanarchists - ???

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Free Action; Spend one of the 4 HP for Quick Change. I'm down to 3 of 'em now.

Standard Action: Charge a ninja! Using Takedown Attack, power attacking for 3, and taking 10 to hit minions, he hits on a 20 for a DC 21 punch. Since it's Takedown Attack 1 he can't move 5' when doing it, but it should take out 2, 3, maybe 4.

Move Action: Backflip out of range.

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Security Guards

Move Action: Draw pistols

Move Action: Radio for backup

Free Action: Stand around looking confused


Alright, there's a lot of these guys, so I'm going to just break it down as it applies to the heroes.

Eight ninjas Charge Gecks:

Aid Attack. (5d20.each(5)=[3, 5],[19, 5],[19, 5],[6, 5],[16, 5])

Combined Attack. (1d20+5=25, 1d20+7=21)

Actual Attack. (1d20+11=20)

So... net result, they all miss him.

Meanwhile, a bunch of them move into the display area itself. One goes for the sword, so Miss A's readied attack triggers. However, four more ninjas, hanging from the ceiling are using their Autofire shuriken to provide him with a total of +7 Defense.

Another eight Charge Jack:

Aid Attack. (1d20+5=6, 1d20+5=13, 1d20+5=6, 1d20+5=7, 1d20+5=18, 1d20+5=21, 1d20+5=17)

Actual Attack. (1d20+13=19)

More missing!

Meanwhile, they'll double up on each of the security guard besides the one who hassled Chris.

Sword Attack (1d20+3=20, 1d20+3=20)

Toughness Save vs. DC 18. (1d20+2=11, 1d20+2=4)

Sword Attack (1d20+3=16, 1d20+3=20)

Toughness Save vs. DC 18. (1d20+2=7, 1d20+2=4)

Sword Attack (1d20+3=19, 1d20+3=4)

Toughness Save vs. DC 18. (1d20+2=5)

Sword Attack (1d20+3=14, 1d20+3=6)

Toughness Save vs. DC 18. (1d20+2=4)

They're all down.

  • 19 - Spellbound - Uninjured
    17 - Jack of all Blades - Uninjured - 6HP
    16 - Geckoman - Uninjured - 3HP
    16 - Security Guards - x1
    3 - Katanarchists - LOTS
    3 - Miss Americana - Uninjured - 5HP

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All right, blasting the Katanarchist, and hopefully putting a little fear of God into the others while I'm at it.

First roll is an absolute dud, spending HP.

Second roll: 1d20+12=31, thanks to the reroll boost.

For her actual turn, she's going to target the Katanarchists who were laying down covering fire for the one she just toasted.

Extra Effort to get the AP: Strike 12 (Extra:Area (cone) PF: Precise x2) (26pp), using it as a targeted attack.

Attack roll is a 24.

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The thief can't make the DC27 save, so he's out, and Miss A is up again.

  • 19 - Spellbound - Uninjured
    17 - Jack of all Blades - Uninjured - 6HP
    16 - Geckoman - Uninjured - 3HP
    16 - Security Guards - x1
    3 - Katanarchists - LOTS
    3 - Miss Americana - Uninjured - 4HP

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Well, they can't beat that Toughness save, so those for are toasty. Get in your IC, then let me get one in describing things after the smoke clears. After that, Spellbound is up!

  • 19 - Spellbound - Uninjured
    17 - Jack of all Blades - Uninjured - 6HP
    16 - Geckoman - Uninjured - 3HP
    16 - Security Guards - x1
    3 - Katanarchists - LOTS
    3 - Miss Americana - Uninjured - 4HP - Extra Effort

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Jack of all Blades

...can take ten and sweep all of the minions surrounding him with Takedown 2. Which he will do. Whee! I am actually going somewhere with this, don't worry. In the meantime:

  • 19 - Spellbound - Uninjured
    17 - Jack of all Blades - Uninjured - 6HP
    16 - Geckoman - Uninjured - 3HP
    16 - Security Guards - x1
    3 - Katanarchists - LOTS
    3 - Miss Americana - Uninjured - 4HP - Extra Effort

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Freebooter: Initiative. (1d20+4=10)

Robots: Initiative. (1d20=5) They will, however delay to act at the same time as the Katanarchists.



Move Action: Enter dramatically!

Standard Action: Taunt Spellbound. (1d20+16=29)


Robot 2 - Grapple Spellbound. (1d20+6=12, 1d20+30=38)

Robot 3 - Grapple Spellbound. (1d20+6=11, 1d20+30=44)

Robots 4 & 5 - Aid Attack. (1d20+6=23, 1d20+6=24)

Robot 6 - Grapple Geckoman. (1d20+10=12, 1d20+30=31)


Ninjas 1 to 4 - Aid Attack. (1d20+5=23, 1d20+5=8, 1d20+5=20, 1d20+5=14)

Ninja 5 - Attack Geckoman. (1d20+11=21)

Ninjas 6 to 12 - Aid Attack. (1d20+5=6, 1d20+5=17, 1d20+5=19, 1d20+5=11, 1d20+5=24, 1d20+5=19, 1d20+5=7)

Ninja 13 - Attack Jack of all Blades. (1d20+15=31)

Toughness Save vs. DC 18. (1d20+10=23)

Ninjas 14 to 17 - Aid Attack (shuriken). (1d20+3=17, 1d20+3=6, 1d20+3=9, 1d20+3=6)

Ninjas 18 to 20 - Combined Attack (shuriken). (1d20+3=8, 1d20+3=9, 1d20+3=17)

Ninja 21 - Attack Miss Americana (shuriken). (1d20+5=12)

Ninjas 22 to 24 - Making a run at stealing the Grasscutter. They'll grab it unless knocked out before their next turn.

  • 19 - Spellbound - Uninjured
    17 - Jack of all Blades - Uninjured - 6HP
    16 - Geckoman - Uninjured - 3HP
    16 - Security Guards - x1
    10 - Freebooter - Uninjured
    3 - Robots x6
    3 - Katanarchists - x24
    3 - Miss Americana - Uninjured - 4HP - Extra Effort

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That takes out 22, 23 and 24 easily, along with 6 - 13. Unfortunately, it also just hits Jack, who'll spend an HP to avoid it.

  • 19 - Spellbound - Uninjured
    17 - Jack of all Blades - Uninjured - 5HP
    16 - Geckoman - Uninjured - 3HP
    16 - Security Guards - x1
    10 - Freebooter - Uninjured
    3 - Robots x6
    3 - Katanarchists - x24
    3 - Miss Americana - Uninjured - 3HP

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Spellbound is going to Extra Effort up a shiny new toy off her Blast power...

Damage 8 (Extras: Area [General, Burst], Linked [Drain], Flaws: Limited [Objects], Limited [Electronics]) [4PP]

Drain Toughness 8 (Extras: Affects Objects, Area [General, Burst], Linked [Damage], Flaws: Limited [Objects], Limited [Electronics]) [8PP]

(Power Feats: [Apply to both] Progression 1 [80' burst area]

It's kind of like a DC 18 save vs the Area affect to halve the subsequent DCs, a DC18 Reflex save for objects to avoid having their Toughness Drained (remember, 2pp of Drain is only 1 Toughness lost when the Toughness is Impervious), then a DC23 boomy boom boom. Only against electronics.

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A new challenger approaches! Initiative. (1d20+9=18)

Crimson Katana

Move Action: Snag the Grasscutter!

Standard Action: Attack Jack of all Blades. (1d20+14=27)

Jack of all Blades

Move Action: Auto-36 Feint vs. Freebooter. [Bluff vs. DC 36. (1d20+16=24)]

Free Action: Set-Up Miss Americana.

Standard Action: Disarm, Power Attack 5 vs. Crimson Katana. (1d20+15=27)

Opposed Check: Opposed Check. (1d20+15=29) vs. Opposed Check. (1d20+2=17)

The Grasscutter is now on the floor!

  • 19 - Spellbound - Uninjured - Extra Effort
    18 - Crimson Katana - Uninjured
    17 - Jack of all Blades - Uninjured - 5HP
    16 - Geckoman - Uninjured - 3HP
    16 - Security Guards - x1
    10 - Freebooter - Uninjured - Feinted Against Miss A
    3 - Robots x5
    3 - Katanarchists - x13
    3 - Miss Americana - Uninjured - 3HP

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