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Double-Edged Blade [OOC]


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Sense Motive vs. DC26. (1d20+11=13)

Security Guard

Whelp, he can't actually beat the robot's Grapple so he just twists in the wind.


Move Action: Leaping!

Standard Action: Cutlass attack against Miss Americana. (1d20+12=23) Too bad her Impervious soaks it up!

Move-By Action: Land gracefully!

Robots 1, 2, 3, 5 & 6

Robot 1 - Hold the security guard hostage!

Robot 2 - Aid Attack. (1d20+6=26)

Robot 3 - Grapple Spellbound. (1d20+8=23), Opposed Grapple Check. (1d20+30=41)

Robot 5 - Aid Attack. (1d20+6=12)

Robot 6 - Grapple Geckoman. (1d20+8=28), Opposed Grapple Check. (1d20+30=50)

Katanarchists 1 - 5, 14 - 21

Ninjas 1 to 5 - Combine Attacks vs. Geckoman. (1d20+3=7, 1d20+3=23, 1d20+3=21, 1d20+3=22, 1d20+3=4) Assuming he's grappled, that's a DC 22 Toughness Save.

Ninjas 14 to 17 - Combine Attacks vs. Geckoman. (1d20-1=17, 1d20-1=11, 1d20-1=6, 1d20-1=14) Again, assuming he's grappled, that's a DC 18 Toughness Save.

Ninjas 18 to 21 - Combine Attacks vs. Spellbound. (1d20-1=8, 1d20-1=11, 1d20-1=4, 1d20-1=2)

  • 19 - Spellbound - Uninjured - Extra Effort
    18 - Crimson Katana - Uninjured - Taunted
    17 - Jack of all Blades - Uninjured - 5HP
    16 - Geckoman - Uninjured - 3HP
    16 - Security Guards - x1
    10 - Freebooter - Uninjured - Feinted Against Miss A
    3 - Robots x5
    3 - Katanarchists - x13
    3 - Miss Americana - Uninjured - 3HP

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DC18, then DC22 Toughness (1d20+7=24, 1d20+7=13) Geckoman is bruised and stunned! (Also? Assuming he's grappled? Who is he, Cosmic Spider-Man :P)

Token effort grapple check for Spellbound (1d20+6=7) Not wasting a Hero Point on a re-roll, it's kind of pointless against a +20 grapple bonus, the odds of it being a worthwhile expenditure are in the single digit percentiles.

Right, getting Gecks out of this is actually doable, but... will need a HP to clear the stun, and another to pull up a feat. So I'm not going to burn off the stun if this thread is going to have events after this combat (so I can spend more later for being a bit less competent earlier!), but if this thread is one combat, don't skip me, I'm'a clear the stun :P

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Crimson Katana

Standard Action: Attack Jack of all Blades. (1d20+12=25)

Aaand she has nothing immediately useful to do with a move action. What the heck, canon builds?

Move Action: Make eyes?

Jack of all Blades

Standard Action: Power Attack 5 Crimson Katana. (1d20+15=16)

Hahaha... well sometimes even Supremacy can't save you. (Yes, he could have automatically Feinted her first and that would have still hit, but work with me here, for drama's sake.)

  • 19 - Spellbound - Uninjured - Extra Effort
    18 - Crimson Katana - Uninjured
    17 - Jack of all Blades - Uninjured - 5HP
    16 - Geckoman - Bruised, Stunned - 3HP
    16 - Security Guards - x1
    10 - Freebooter - Uninjured - Feinted Against Miss A
    3 - Robots x5
    3 - Katanarchists - x13
    3 - Miss Americana - Uninjured - 3HP

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Aaand she has nothing immediately useful to do with a move action. What the heck, canon builds?

Move Action: Make eyes?




Free Action: Spend a Hero Point to clear the stun. He is now on 2 HP.

Turns out I only need a 1 HP to do this, as Gecks has +15 Escape Artist, burning a HP with Grappling Finesse would only bring him up to +16. Now really worth it, when using Extra Effort would get me +17 on Escape Artist for the round, and that's still a poor option.

Move Action: Escape as a move action! (1d20+15=18) F***.

Hero Point, down to only 1 HP (1d20+15=25) and add 10, for a total of 35 to beat to keep a hold of him. Per our house rules, he can move normally after escaping, and will do so, to get underneath the robot grappling Spellbound.

Standard Action: Should this work, Gecks is gonna go on Full Defence

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Opposed Grapple check. (1d20+30=31) Geckoman escapes!

Also Gecks gets an HP for Spellbound being in peril, and Miss A gets one because I'm going to let Freebooter ignore her Impervious for a bit!

Security Guard

Struggle helplessly! (Seriously, someone should probably try to save this guy.)


Move Action: Taunt vs. Miss Americana. (1d20+11=20)

Standard Action: Cutlass Attack vs. Miss Americana. (1d20+12=29) That's DC 24 Toughness.

Robots 1, 2, 3, 5 & 6

Robot 1 - Hold the security guard hostage! Some more!

Robots 2 and 3 - Attack Geckoman. (1d20+6=13, 1d20+6=10)

Robot 5 - Attack Miss Americana. (1d20+6=25) That's DC 25 Toughness.

Robot 6 - Put the squeeze of Spellbound. That's a DC 25 Toughness save as well.

Katanarchists 1 - 5, 14 - 21

Ninjas 1 to 5 - Combine Attacks vs. Geckoman. (1d20+3=6, 1d20+3=15, 1d20+3=19, 1d20+3=16, 1d20+3=9)

Ninjas 14 to 21 - They go after the Grasscutter, which is now on the floor. One of them will grab it if they're still conscious on their next turn.

  • 19 - Spellbound - Uninjured - Extra Effort
    18 - Crimson Katana - Uninjured
    17 - Jack of all Blades - Uninjured - 5HP
    16 - Geckoman - Bruised - 2HP
    16 - Security Guards - x1
    10 - Freebooter - Uninjured - Feinted Against Miss A
    3 - Robots x5
    3 - Katanarchists - x13
    3 - Miss Americana - Uninjured - 4HP

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Crimson Katana

Standard Action: Attack Jack of all Blades. (1d20+14=25) ... Attack Jack of all Blades, Fiat reroll. (1d20+14=22) So that's 32.

Toughness Save vs. DC 25. (1d20+10=24) Injured!

Jack of all Blades

Standard Action: Disarm Crimson Katana. (1d20+20=22) ... Disarm Crimson Katana, HP reroll. (1d20+20=29) So that's 39, and a crit.

Opposed Roll. (1d20+15=25) vs. Opposed Roll. (1d20+2=8)

Move Action: DC 36 Feint with Skill Mastery and Fast Talk.

Sense Motive vs. DC 36. (1d20+11=21)

Extra Effort: Surge for Standard Action.

Standard Action: Disarm Crimson Katana. (1d20+20=39) Nice.

Opposed Roll. (1d20+15=23) vs. Opposed Roll. (1d20+2=13)

  • 18 - Crimson Katana - Uninjured - Disarmed
    17 - Jack of all Blades - Injured - 5HP, Extra Effort
    16 - Geckoman - Bruised - 2HP
    16 - Spellbound - Bruised - Extra Effort
    16 - Security Guards - x1
    10 - Freebooter - Bruised, Stunned
    3 - Robots x5
    3 - Katanarchists - x13
    3 - Miss Americana - Uninjured - 4HP

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Opposed Grapple Check. (1d20+30=34) :golfclap:

Which of the five robots is that? Also, feel free to get Spellbounds turn up as well, but keep in mind she'll be fatigued since Gecks has no HP to spend for her.

I don't know, what robot is grappling Spellbound? :P

And Spellbound herself isn't Fatigued, "just" her primary Device.

I'm not sure her, but to clarify, if the robot is bound, is it able to maintain the grapple on her?

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Sounds like to consensus is that Spellbound is still grappled. With her delaying, I'll get the NPCs' actions up shortly.

  • 18 - Crimson Katana - Uninjured - Disarmed
    17 - Jack of all Blades - Injured - 5HP, Extra Effort
    16 - Geckoman - Bruised - 0HP
    16 - Spellbound - Bruised - Fatigued, Delaying
    16 - Security Guards - x1
    10 - Freebooter - Bruised, Stunned
    3 - Robots x5
    3 - Katanarchists - x13
    3 - Miss Americana - Uninjured - 4HP

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