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Question re: Progression


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Coudn't find any rules explicitly answering this question:

Supercape is now PL13, approaching 14. Whilst he needs some PPs to bring up his attack and defence to PL and raise up his exotic saves (I have a lot of unspent points and guess where they are going!) he can now do basically everything I would want him too.

I am reluctant (but not obstinately against) to push him to PL 15 (or even 14). Part of this is because there is a terrible paucity of robust threats at that PL.

Is it possible to just keep earning PPs but not spend them?

I know the answer is probably technically yes, but it seems that your PL is based on unspent points rather than spent ones, which makes thing somewhat complicated. At the end of the day PL is fundamentally a guide to what threats to throw at the character and if he was at say 190 PP spent (PL 13) but had earned 220 (PL 15) that would throw things a little out of kink.

One option would be just to refuse the rewards I guess? although I would kind of like them for the sake of Silver/Gold status etc.

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He's not quite finished yet! Got to bump up those saves, attacks, and defence, and I may even throw in a few Luck ranks (Rage at luck!)

But I'm not sure I want him any more than PL 14 tops to be honest. There are few enough published threats at that PL let alone PL 15.

And in my mind INT 18 (and WIS 18) is still a genius! he may not be the smartest man in the country, but there is more than one genius in a country!

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Colt has been PL 15 in all ways for a while now. While I find that I do less actual combat threads with him these days, I still have plenty of opportunities to play him in other respects. Keep in mind that Role-Playing threads don't care what PL you are or are holding back from. That said, Colt has a lot of flexibility in that he's spent a good deal of points on combat, but in relation to his total PP, it's not that much. 96/239pp is only about 40% of his totals. He's got a lot going for him in the way of skills, feats, and equipment. Sure, he can pack a punch when he needs to. But at PL 15 I don't go looking for those threads, in fact I try to stay away from them. Combat at that level is either over too fast or drags on too long.

What I'm saying is, your first priority now should be filling in those blanks like AA says. From there, let your points just build up for a while. Play a few games specifically without upgrading him, and let that give you a feel for where you're going to take the character next. Perhaps even have some story event that alters his powers and makes him go in a different direction like what Geez3r did with Atlas who is much less "Hulk" and more "Martian Man Hunter" these days.

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. Combat at that level is either over too fast or drags on too long.

Helpful to know. Ive never played M&M at that PL!

What I'm saying is, your first priority now should be filling in those blanks like AA says.

They aren't really blanks to me, to be honest.

I'm not really seeing any upside to PL 15, other than for concept reasons. Juggling the maths around, in abound 10-2PP more (PL 14 probably, possibly 13) I just see Supercape as "finished". Of course inspiration might hit me later, but as it stands I don't really fancy cutting him out of the possibility of a lot of adventures.

From there, let your points just build up for a while. Play a few games specifically without upgrading him, and let that give you a feel for where you're going to take the character next.

That sounds like good advice at any PL for any character! :D

As it stands I will probably just stop him around PL 13/14 and let the unspent points pile up, as Ecal suggested, unless there is something that really grabs me. Helpful advice from all on the matter, cheers.

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