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The Conquering Mind (OOC)

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Dragonfly's considering (humanely) hooking a brain-reading device up to some lab animals and using them as antennae to pick up the psychic broadcast, and then translating that into something more intelligible that could be put through speakers and a television (probably by peeking at the parts of their brain that they're using to try to 'translate' the incoming mental communique, and using that to map what parts of the signal are basically audio and what parts are basically video, etc). Imperfect, but comic book rubber science, woo.

Basically, depending on what's required (it's a weird thing!), an invention that's either Communication (Mental), or Super-Senses (Mental, Acute, MAYBE Accurate if it's affordable), at whatever ranks or with whatever extras (or whatever hand-waving) AA feels is necessary.

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Iteration one! It's a weird thing. Weird, weird thing.

Super-Senses 6 (Mental [Accurate 4, Acute 2], Extras: Affects Others, Feats: Feature [translated to video/audio data]) (goat technology) [13pp]

So, hook a couple animals (goats!) into a brain-scanning harness, and use them to (a) tap into and (B) triangulate the source of the psychic signal. Technically (and as far as I can tell) you only need Acute to listen in on an otherwise private Communication, but ehn. Completeness!

As a standard invention:

  • DC23 design check [auto-success; (13 hours base) / (100 quickness) = 7 minutes, 48 seconds]
    DC23 craft check [auto-success; 52 hours]

Haha, no. Yeesh. Extras! :argh:

As a jury-rig:

  • DC28 craft check [would have to roll, or get at least a one-rank aid other boost from somebody; 1 minute, 18 seconds]

With either Miss A or Protectron lending a brief hand (for an aiding action), it'd be auto-success, no rolls necessary.

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Miss A is going to attempt to datalink to the control station at Lonely Point and redirect the missile harmlessly into the ocean. Unfortunately, she cannot technically do that because Gina can't abandon her connection with Miss A without risking losing herself to the Mind. AA has ruled that's worth an HP, so she's going to spend this round getting ready to try and stunt the crap out of her cyberkinetic powers next round.

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Dragonfly takes off for the hangers as fast as her legs and teleport will take her, so that she can get a good view of the missile and stunt the following if Miss A fails:

Dimensional Pocket 5 (2500lbs; Extras: Range 2 [Perception]) [20/20]

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Miss Americana has 26 pp in her Energy Systems array. She's going to stunt:

Datalink 10 (Earth to Moon) (Extra: Machine Control) (PFs: Rapid 5 (10m), Subtle) [26 pp] and use that to try and take over the missile's guidance systems and send it into the ocean.

Skill Mastery Computers gives me a 42 against the guidance system.

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