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The Conquering Mind (OOC)

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Blue Wall is going to continue past Protectron, moving all out. With her flight speed, she travels 20,000 ft and will be at the Lab next round.

Electrolux is going to attack Protectron. (I'll say Protectron isn't flat-footed for this, since combat is ongoing and he did just see Blue Wall fly by.)



21 with the Fiat

That's a DC 25 Tou save for Protectron, who is up.

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+1 HP for Protectron!

Toughness save, DC 25 (1d20+12=17) fails by 8, that's an Injury + Stunned

That would make him fall, and his Flight speed's not good enough where he can afford that much lagging.

Toughness save, DC 25; HP re-roll (1d20+12=31)

Free Action: Maintain Flight

Move Action: Move to melee range (assuming it's within 250 feet)

Standard Action: Initiate Grapple

Melee attack to initiate grapple (1d20+7=10) :argh:

Melee attack to initiate grapple; HP re-roll (1d20+7=11) 21 hit?

If so, Grapple check (1d20+17=23)

0 HP now

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Miss A's ESP edit hasn't gotten up yet :P but in the interests of speeding things up, I'll assume you're using it to see what's going on inside the base.

Miss A can't get a clear view of what's going on, particularly since the computer she's in isn't actually inside the base, but she can see some things:

there are four superheroes still flying over the base; one of whom is either Daedalus or someone wearing his armor. They're looking out, not in. Inside, the base is a whirl of activity, particularly in a series of warehouses near the launch gantry at the far end of the peninsula. There's some kind of reddish _thing_ in there...and outside, on the gantry, a swarm of scientists and naval personnel are working as one to build a rocket! It's no Earthly rocket, either, Miss A is clever enough to recognize Grue technology! It's a big one, too, maybe capable of actual interplanetary or even interstellar flight! Assuming the right equipment is there, that is...

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Sharl swings and misses

I'm going to say that what they're doing, in particular his rescue of Protectron, activated his Friend complication and gives him an HP. I'll say the same goes for Protectron as he's endeavoring not to hurt Electrolux too badly, thus protecting all organic life. (He didn't get it for Sharl because Sharl isn't organic life!)

21 With the HP, that hits. Electrolux has to make a DC 28 TOU save (he's using his electro-punch, leaving himself vulnerable to a blast) 14 You know, we've been at this guy long enough: we don't want to make the guys look bad! I'll keep that roll. Electrolux is stunned and staggered. He also fails his Concentration check, and starts to fall

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Protectron has a plan! Disarm Siren of her net, toss it onto Captain Thunder, hoping the net has enough metal in it to short him out, or at the very least distract him enough to let Sharl vamoose!

Move Action: Fly into melee range of Siren

Standard Action: Attack to disarm Siren of her net; All-Out Attack (-2 Defense/+2 Attack), Power Attack (-2 Attack/-2 Defense) (1d20+11=31) crit! (which I'll use to add +5 to Protectron's "damage")

Str/Damage check vs. Siren's Str check (1d20+16=22) good thing I got that +5!

If that that does not nab the net, that's it for Protectron.

If that does nab the net, then:

Free Action: Extra Effort to SURGE and gain another standard action

Standard Action: Toss Siren's net (a Snare 11 effect) onto Captain Thunder

Attack w/ net vs. Captain Thunder (1d20+6=21) I think that hits?!

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