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The Eagle has Landed


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My newest character Falconer is in the middle of the approval process. Once he's active, I'd like to run his initial thread. I'm currently taking volunteers so I can get things going as fast as possible.



Falconer's back story leaves off with a cliff-hanger. He's managed to stow away on a plane carrying illegal weaponry from Russia headed for Freedom City. It's the last plane in a group making the trip. Not being a pilot himself, he's decided to wait until the plane lands to ambush the inhabitants and not risk the plane crash.

The planes will be landing on a small makeshift airstrip on the outskirts of town so as not to attract attention. They'll be flying low as they approach to avoid detection via radar, however, any number of heroes may have gotten wind of the weapons shipment through other means. I'm taking sign-ups for heroes willing to try and stop these misdeeds! The heroes would be hiding nearby watching the baddies unload crates of weapons and waiting for the oportune moment to attack, when Falconer leads a solo assault! Needless to say, they decide to come to the aid of the mysterious new hero!


The combat will likely be rather short with a substantial amount of aftermath dealing with who this new mystery man is, and what he's going to do now that he's found himself in freedom city.

I will be running this thread for a group of three ~PL 9-11 characters (plus Falconer makes four). Arguements may be made for PL8 or PL12 characters to join the thread if this is "really right down their alley". As always, the more active the player, the better. We all love threads that come to a conclusion quickly!

Any ref willing to volunteer to run this thread is certainly welcome. Though I would like to request that if interested, they GM only and not run a character as well. This is Falconer's debut, and I would not like for it to be bogged down.

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That's one thing going for her. If you can justify any ties to at least one of the following, she can play as long as you promise to post a lot :)

Just for fairness sake, I'll make these ground rules the same for any PL 8 or 12 character:

Such characters that satisfy either any two minor connections (category 1), or any one major connection (categories 2-5) can play:

1. Any two minor/thematic connection to the thread/characters

2. Russian Mob / FC Mob

3. Weapons Trafficking / Black Markets

4. Mayor O'Conner / DA's Office

5. The Atom Family / Jack Wolf

To use Gossamer as an example: She speaks Russian. That's one minor connection. If she can find something else to link her character to the thread, that qualifies as a minor connection ("Speaks Russian", "frequents the West End", "Often patrols airways/air traffic", "Was once a villain/shady character", etc.), she can play.

Please also keep in mind that as this is my character's intro thread, I'd like it to move quickly. Players should be able to at least check the thread once a day if not post once a day. Planned absences posted in the Player away thread are acceptable, as always, etc.

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The one possible link i can come up with for Gossamer is her boyfirend Mad Dog; she's offered to help him in his pursuit of the FC mob, so perhaps she's been boning up on her Streetwise/Profession: Criminologist skills. She's got a ton of unspent PP I can apply yo the task, And I promise I will post regularly, as I'm heading out of my recent funk :)

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Works for me! Let's say that you catch wind that the FC mob is getting nervous about something big about to go down. The trail of information leads you to discover the possible involvement of the Russian Mob (Good thing you could understand what those last two guys were saying)! They mentioned that the latest shipment would be coming into town tonight!

The trail of info leads to a small, all but abandoned airstrip just west of the city...

(Any objections, please raise them, so we can make up something better before the thread starts).

I'm running late for work, but once I get there, I'll try to throw up the thread.

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