Dr Archeville Posted January 19, 2024 Author Posted January 19, 2024 Doktor Archeville, v2024 (Skill revamp, changing "Enhanced Brain" Array to an "Enhanced Brain" Container) So it's been four years since I last got to play my namesake charater (in "All Aboard the Nightmare Ship!"), which was shortly after he'd left Earth to avoid awkward social interactions explore deep space. Now he's back on Earth, attempting to make amends & reconcile with the folks he had not gotten to do so with immediately post-ArchEvil, and maybe going on more adventures, both on Earth and in SPAAACE. Which means refamiliarizing myself with his character sheet, and seeing some places where adjustments & improvements could be made. My first area to tackle is his skills. I'd always envisioned him as being an Omnidisciplinary Scientist, one who's equally good at most fields of Science!, and very good at them, but other specialists can exceed him in their particular fields. (Like how, in the Marvel Comics Universe, Reed Richards is an expert in multiple scientific fields, but even he acknowledges that Otto Octavius has superior knowledgedge of radiation [and Bruce Banner is better still with Gamma Radiation] and that Hank Pym is a better biochemist.) Having his science & tech skills be at +25 would let him be a master of those areas, yet give the folks wth +30 (which his PL 12-15 peers can readily reach) a chance to show him up. The other area I'm tackling is his "Enhanced Brain" Array. I've always been drawn to gadgeteers and other hyper-intelligent characters, and wanted to explore just what superintelligence could mean, both quantitaviely and qualitavely, and what someone with metahuman level of multiple types of intelligence -- logical/mathematical, interpersonal, intrapersonal, visual/spatial, kinesthetic, etc. -- would be like. Turns out, such a person is capable of a lot! But the way I'd modeled it -- an Array with Enhanced Intelligence in one slot, Enhanced Charisma in another, Enhanced Wisdom in a third, and Enhanced Attack/Defense/Feats in a fourth -- was both not quite what I'd had in mind (as it lead to a quasi-DID scenario) and was really cheesy (and likely only allowed for so long because of my position here). So I'm replacing that with an "Enhanced Brain" Container, with constantly active low-level Enhanced CHA/INT/WIS rather than a one-at-a-time high-level Enhanced CHA/INT/WIS. In-Game Explanation: He's been getting therapy to heal/merge his fractured psyche, though The Horrors he allowed/witnessed have left scars which still remain, and his confidence is still shaken. Other changes: Remove some feats (Quick Draw, and 1 rank of Luck, brging him fully in line with what a PL 12 char should have). Equipment: Utility Belt -- remove Paralytic Darts, use that point to add Quick Draw to the Belt ("quick-release holsters"). Remove 1 AP from Graviitc Defense array (the Concealment one -- he's trying to be more open). Reduce Graviitc Movmeent array by 1 rank (reduce Teleport by 1 rank, remove Evasion & Subtle from Flight). --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Power Level: 15 (built/operating as PL 12) Power Points: 250 / 250 Unspent Power Points: 0 Trade-Offs: -4 Attack/+4 Damage; -2 Defense / +2 Toughness Doktor Archeville is, as written, operating as a PL 12 character. However, a combination of his Variable Power and Inventions could bump him up to PL 15 for combat & skills, though this will only be done if and when the GM explicitly allows it. In Brief: German Omnidisciplinary Scientist with a gravity-manipulating Belt and an "Electromagnetic Screwdriver,"* trying to use his Science! for good, partly to undo the evils his grandfather (and he 'himself') did. * the Belt and Screwdriver are faaakes, he's really a freakish cyborg with a holographic and/or synthoflesh disguise! Age: 46 (DoB: June 1977); appears early 30s Apparent Age: early 30s Gender: Cis Male Ethnicity: German Height: 5'10" (1.78 meters) Weight: 151 lbs. (68.49 kg) Hair: Golden Blonde Eyes: Rhine Blue ABILITIES: 0 + 2 + 8 + 14 + 6 + -2 = 28pp Strength: 10 (+0) Dexterity: 12 (+1) Constitution: 28/18 (+9/+4) Intelligence: 34/24 (+12/+7) Wisdom: 20/16 (+5/+3) Charisma: 12/8 (+2/-1) COMBAT: 16 + 12 = 28pp Initiative: +12/+7 Attack: +8 (Base) Grapple: +8, +12 w/ diamagnetokinesis, +18 with magnetokinesis Defense: +10/+8 (+6 Base, +2 Dodge Focus, +2 Shield), +3 Flat-Footed Knockback: -11/-7, -10/-6 flat-footed ATTACK RANGE SAVE EFFECT Unarmed Touch DC 15 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Physical) EM Blast Ranged (600 ft. Max) DC 22 Fortitude (Staged) Drain Toughness; Objects [Electronics] Only DC 27 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Energy) EM Burst Touch DC 22 Reflex Area (Burst) Effect DC 22/16 Fortitude (Staged) Drain Toughness; Objects [Electronics] Only DC 27/21 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Energy); Objects [Electronics] Only EM Strike Touch DC 26 Fortitude (Staged) Drain Toughness; Objects [Electronics] Only DC 27 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Energy) Move Object, Diamagnetic Perception Grapple vs. +12 (Staged) Pinned / Bound Move Object, Magnetic Perception Grapple vs. +18 (Staged) Pinned / Bound (Only vs. Metal) Utility Belt/Coat: Spoiler ATTACK RANGE SAVE EFFECT Acids & Torches Touch DC 14 Fortitude (Staged) Drain Toughness DC 19 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Variable) Explosives, Placed Touch DC 20 Reflex Area (Shapeable) Effect DC 25/20 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Variable) Explosives, Thrown Ranged (250 ft. Max) DC 15 Reflex Area (Shapeable) Effect DC 20/17 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Variable) Flash-Bangs Ranged (200 ft. Max) DC 14 Reflex Area (Burst) Effect DC 14/12 Reflex, then Fortitude Dazzle Auditory & Visual DC 14/12 Fortitude (Staged) Dazed / Stunned / Unconscious Goo Grenades Ranged (200 ft. Max) DC 14 Reflex Area (Burst) Effect DC 14/12 Reflex (Staged) Entangled / Bound & Helpless Opposed Trip vs. +4/+2 Prone Sleep Gas Grenade Ranged (200 ft. Max) DC 14 Reflex Area (Cloud) Effect DC 14/12 Fortitude (Staged) Fatigued / Exhausted / Unconscious (Secondary Effect) Stun Bomb Ranged (200 ft. Max) DC 14 Reflex Area (Burst) Effect DC 14/12 Fortitude (Staged) Dazed / Stunned / Unconscious Tear Gas Ranged (200 ft. Max) DC 14 Reflex Area (Cloud) Effect DC 14/12 Reflex, then Fortitude Dazzle Olfactory & Visual DC 14/12 Fortitude (Staged) Sickened / Nauseated / Helpless Throwing Discs Ranged (150 ft. Max) DC 18 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Variable Physical) Weapons, Collapsible (Crit 18-20) Touch +15 ft. DC 18 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Variable Physical) SAVING THROWS: 0 + 7 + 5 = 12PP Toughness: +14 (Impervious 12/0) (+9 Con, +2 Defensive Roll, +3 Protection; Imp 8 w/ “deflector shield”), +12 flat-footed (Imp 8/0) Fortitude: +19/+4 (+9/+4 Con, +0) Reflex: +10/+8 (+1 Dex, +7 & +2 more from Flight) Will: +10/+8 (+5/+3 Wis, +5) SKILLS: 156R = 39PP Bluff 0r (+1/-1, +5/+3 w/ Attractive) Computers 12r (+24/+19) SM Concentration 4r (+9/+7) Craft (Chemical) 12r (+24/+19) UE Craft (Electronic) 12r (+24/+19) UE Craft (Mechanical) 12r (+24/+19) UE Craft (Structural) 4r (+16/+11) Craft (Other) 0r (+12/+7) Diplomacy 4r (+5/+3, +9/+7 w/ Attractive) Disable Device 12r (+24/+19) SM Disguise 0r (+1/-1, +21/+19 w/ Morph) Drive 4r (+5) Investigate 4r (+16/+11) SM Knowledge (Behavioral Sciences) 4r (+16/+11) Knowledge (Earth Sciences) 4r (+16/+11) Knowledge (Galactic Lore) 4r (+16/+11) Knowledge (Life Sciences) 12r (+24/+19) Knowledge (Physical Sciences) 12r (+24/+19) Knowledge (Technology) 12r (+24/+19) Knowledge (Any Other) 0r (+12/+7) Languages 4 (English, French, German [Native], Mandarin, Russian) Medicine 4r (+9/+7) SM Notice 4r (+9/+7) Perform (Oratory) 4r (+5/+3) Pilot 4r (+5) Search 4r (+16/+11) Sense Motive 4r (+9/+7) Most can also have an additional +2 bonus (from “masterwork tools”) FEATS: 20PP Attractive Beginner's Luck Dodge Focus 2 Eidetic Memory Improvised Tools Inventor Jack-of-All-Trades Luck 4 Master Plan Online Research Skill Mastery (Computers, Disable Device, Investigate, Medicine) Speed of Thought Ultimate Effort 3 (Craft [Chemical, Electronic, Mechanical] checks) Well-Informed Enhanced Feats Defensive Roll (from Flight) Instant Up (from Flight) Move-By Action (from Flight/Teleport) Veteran Awards Equipment 60 (300 EP) Utility Belt/Coat [37 EP] Spoiler Archeville's "Utility Coat" 13 (26 points; PFs: Alternate Power 10, Quick Draw) [37 EP, or Equipment 8] Free: Digital audio recorder, Flashlight, Smartphone (cell phone/digital camera) BE: Blast 5 (“assorted explosives, thrown”; Extra: Area [General, Shapeable, 1-25 consecutive 5-ft. cubes]; PFs: Precise, Progression [Area] 2 [5 5-ft. cubes per rank], Progression [Reverse Area] 4, Triggered 2, Variable Descriptor [anesthetic gas, cold, concussive force, fire, shrapnel]; Drawback: Reduced Range [5 50-ft. increments]) {24/26} AP: Blast 3 (“throwing discs”; Extra: Autofire; PFs: Mighty, Ricochet 2, Variable Descriptor [bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing]) {13/26} AP: Dazzle Auditory & Visual 4 (“flash-bangs”; Extra: Area [General, Burst, 20 ft. radius], Linked [Stun]; Drawbacks: Full Power, Reduced Range 1 [5 40 ft. increments]) {14} + Linked Stun 4 (Extras: Area [General, Burst, 20 ft. radius], Linked [Dazzle], Range [Ranged]; Flaws: Limited [Dazed]) {12} {14+12=26/26} AP: Dazzle Olfactory & Visual 4 (“tear gas”; Extras: Area [General, Cloud, 20 ft. diameter], Linked [Nauseate]; Drawbacks: Full Power, Reduced Range [5 40 ft. Increments]) {14} + Linked Nauseate 4 (Extras: Area [General, Cloud, 20 ft. diameter], Linked [Dazzle], Range [Ranged]; Flaws: Limited [Sickened]) {12} {14+12=26/26} AP: Corrosion 4 (“acids & acetylene torches”; PFs: Precise, Variable Descriptor [acids or cutting torch]) {14/26} AP: Fatigue 4 (“sleep gas grenade”; Extras: Area [General, Cloud, 20 ft. diameter], Range [Ranged], Secondary Effect; PFs: Insidious, Reversible, Sedation, Subtle; Drawbacks: Full Power, Reduced Range [5 40 ft. Increments]) {22/26} AP: Morph 4 (“sprayflesh”, +20 Disguise, pre-technorganic Viktor Archeville; Extras: Independent, Total Fade [20 hours]; PFs: Covers Scent, Slow Fade 7 [5 hours per pp]; Drawback: Power Loss [shreds if Archeville takes any damage]) {16/26} AP: Obscure Olfactory & Visual 3 (“smoke pellets”, 25 ft. radius; Extras: Independent; Drawback: Reduced Range 1 [5 30 ft. increments]) {8/26} AP: Snare 4 (“goo grenade”; Extras: Area [General, Burst, 20 ft. radius], Linked [Trip]; PF: Reversible; Drawback: Reduced Range [5 40 ft. Increments]) {12} + Linked Trip 4 (Extras: Area [General, Burst, 20 ft. radius], Linked [Snare]; PF: Improved Throw) {9} {12+9=21/26} AP: Strike 10 (“assorted explosives, placed”; Extra: Area [General, Shapeable, 1-50 consecutive 5-ft. Cubes]; Flaw: Action [Full]; PFs: Precise, Progression [Area] 2 [5 5-ft. cubes per rank], Progression [Reverse Area] 9, Triggered 2, Variable Descriptor [anesthetic gas, cold, concussive force, fire, shrapnel]) {25/26} AP: Strike 3 (“assorted collapsible weapons”; PFs: Improved Critical 2 [18-20], Improved Disarm, Improved Reach 3 [+15 ft.], Improved Trip, Mighty, Variable Descriptor [bludgeoning/piercing/slashing]) {12/26} AP: Stun 4 (“stun bomb v2”; Extras: Area [General, Burst, 20 ft. radius], Range [Ranged]; PFs: Reversible, Sedation; Drawbacks: Full Power, Reduced Range [5 40 ft. increments]) {16/26} Vehicle/Mobile HQ: Weltraumwohnwagen ("Space Mobile Home") [253 EP] Spoiler Archeville's Vehicle/Mobile HQ: Weltraumwohnmobil ("Space Mobile Home"), the Synthia Bower [253 EP] A heavily modified aircraft, initially based on a Freedom League Pegasus-class spaceplane. Named in honor of his mother, Cynthia Bauer. Size: Awesome/Gargantuan (interior space battleship size, exterior private jet/fighter jet size) {5p} Exterior height 16 feet, length 49 feet, wingspan 36 feet Interior ~8M cubic feet (roughly 930 ft. long x 240 ft. wide x 36 ft. high) Strength: 60 (lt load 17 tons, med load 34 tons, hvy load 51 tons, drag/pull 256 tons) {0p} Defense: 6, 9 w/ Shield Toughness: 15 {0p} [5+0+0 = 5P] FEATURES [34P] Alarm 3 (DC 30) Communications Computer 2 (MW) Dual Size 2 Hidden Compartments 3 (DC 30) Navigation System 3 (+15) Remote Control Rooms 19 (Combat Simulator 2 [Attacks & Realistic Illusions], Fire Prevention System, Garage, Gym, Hangar, Holding Cells [Toughness 22], Infirmary 2 [MW], Laboratory 2 [MW], Library 2 [MW], Living Space, Personnel, Think Tank 2 [MW], Workshop 2 [MW]) Masterwork Computer grants a +2 circumstance bonus to Computer skill checks. MW Infirmary grants a +2 circumstance bonus to Medicine skill checks. MW Laboratory grants a +2 circumstance bonus to Knowledge skills when performing scientific tests and experiments. MW Library grants a +2 circumstance bonus to Knowledge skills when doing research. MW Think-Thank grants a +2 circumstance bonus to Gather Information, Investigation, and Knowledge checks to answer questions. MW Workshop grants a +2 circumstance bonus to Craft skill checks. POWERS [14 + 42 + 29 + 10 + 58 + 3 + 4 + 54 = 214p] Defensive Screens 6 (12 points; PFs: Alternate Power 2) [14p] BE: Concealment 6 (“EM cloak”; All Radio & Visual; Extra: Linked [Enhanced Feats]; Flaw: Blending; PFs: Close Range, Selective) {8pp} + Enhanced Feats 2 (Hide in Plain Sight, Second Chance [Stealth checks]; Extras: Linked [Concealment]) {2pp} + Enhanced Flight 0 (“stealth flight”; PF: Subtle) {1pp} {8+2+1=11/12p} AP: Impervious Toughness 12 (“force screen”; Active Sustained effect) {12/12p} AP: Morph 5 (“holographic field & IFF spoofer”; +25 to Disguise, any vehicle of the same type & size; PF: Covers Radio, Precise) {12/12p} ESP 9 (“mid-range sensors,” 20,000 miles, radio & visual; Extras: Simultaneous; PFs: Rapid 5 [x100,000], Subtle) [42p] Can do an extended Search of a Freedom City-sized city (~20 miles diameter) in 1 day 0.864 seconds, or 20 days 17.28 seconds if Taking 20. Can do an extended Search of an Earth-sized planet (~8,000 miles diameter) in 3 months 25.92 seconds, or 5 years 8.64 minutes if Taking 20. Flight 14 (250,000 mph / 2,500,000 feet [or 473.5 miles] per Move action; PF: Move-By Action) [29p] Immunity 10 (life support, starvation & thirst) [10p] Primary Energy & Weapon Systems 24 (48 points; PFs: Alternate Power 10) [58p] BE: Blast 12 (“surveying & prospecting lasers”; Flaw: Action [Full]; PFs: Accurate 2 {+12 ranged for Dok}, Improved Critical 2 [18-20], Improved Range 10 [range increment of rank x 25,000 feet], Indirect 3, Precise, Progression [Range] 10 [max range = rank x 250,000 feet], Variable Descriptor [any electromagnetic]) {41/48} Range increment 56.8 miles, Max range 568.2 miles. BE: Corrosion 16 (“recyclers”) {48/48p} AP: Create Object 20 (“replicators”, 20 5-ft. cubes, Toughness 20; Extra: Duration [Continuous]; Flaws: Permanent, Range [Touch]; PFs: Innate, Precise, Subtle) {23/48p} AP: Dazzle Radio & Visual 12 (“EM Sensor Overloader”; Flaw: Action [Full]; PFs: Accurate 2 {+12 range for Dok}, Improved Range 10 [range increment of rank x 250 feet], Indirect 2, Progression [Range] 10 [max range = rank x 2,500 feet]) {48/48} Range increment 56.8 miles, Max range 568.2 miles. AP: Drain Toughness 12 (“EMP Blasters”; Extras: Affects Objects, Linked [Blast], Range [Ranged]; Flaws: Limited [Objects], Limited [Electronics]; PFs: Accurate 2 {+12 range for Dok}, Improved Range 10 [range increment of rank x 25,000 feet], Improved Critical 2 [18-20], Indirect 2, Progression [Range] 10 [max range = rank x 250,000 feet]) {38p} + Linked Blast 12 (“EMP Blasters”; Extras: Linked [Drain]; Flaws: Limited [Objects], Limited [Electronics]) {6p} {38+6=44/48p} Range increment 56.8 miles, Max range 568.2 miles. AP: Enhanced ESP 8 (“long-range sensors,” radio & visual; Simultaneous, Rapid 2 - to ESP 17 [”distant star systems”] w/ Rapid 7 [10,000,000]) {34/48} Can do an extended Search of a solar system in 500 years 25.92 minutes, or 10,000 years 8.64 hours if Taking 20. AP: Enhanced Super-Senses 32 (“long-range sensors,” adds Extended 8 to all Visual and all Radio, bringing them to Extended 13 [100,000,000,000,000 ft./18,939,393,939.4 miles/203.7 au/0.003 ly]) {32/48} AP: Illusion 12 (“holograms & sensor ghosts”; Radio & Visual; PFs: Precise, Progression [Area] 8 [2,500 ft. radius]) {45/48} AP: Move Object 16 (“tractor beam”; STR 80 [heavy load 819.2 tons]; PFs: Improved Range 5 [range increment of rank x 500 feet], Indirect 2, Progression [Range] 5 [max range = rank x 5,000 feet]) {44/48p} Range increment 1.5 miles, Max range 15.1 miles. AP: Teleport 9 (“transporters”; 900 feet/20,000 miles; Extras: Affects Others [Only], Area [45 foot radius], Range 2 [Perception]; PFs: Change Direction, Change Velocity, Selective) {48/48} AP: Transform 9 ("replicators", Any Inanimate Object Into Any Other Inanimate Object; Extras: Duration [Continuous, Lasting]; Flaw: Range [Touch]; PFs: Precise, Progression [Mass] 1 [1,000 lbs.]) {47/48p) Shield 3 (“deflector shields”) [3P] Super-Movement 2 (Space Travel 2 [interstellar]) [4P] Super-Senses 54 (Accurate, Analytical, and Extended 5 [1,000,000 ft. {189.39 miles} increment] on all Radio senses [16], Analytical, Extended 5, and Radius for all Visual senses [14]; communication link [with Doktor Archeville; radio] [1]; danger sense [radio] [1], detect geological data [radio] [2], detect life forms [radio] [3], detect weather [radio] [2], distance sense [1], infravision [1], low-light vision [1], radio (with accurate, this is also radar) [1], time sense [1], trace teleport [radio] [1], ultravision [1], uncanny dodge [radio] [1], x-ray vision [4]) [16+14+1+1+3+2+3+2+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+4 = 54P] Cost: Size 5 + Str 0 + Toughness 0 + Features 34 + Powers 214 = 253 EP 37 + 253 = 290/300 EP spent, 10 free. POWERS: 5 + 15 + 12 + 12 + 20 + 2 + 20 + 37 = 123PP Archeville's Comprehend and Mental Quickness have the Training descriptor, everything else has the Technology (and specifically Nanotechnology) descriptor. His Gravitic Defense and Gravitic Movement systems also have the Gravity descriptor. Comprehend 3 (languages 3 [read all, speak any one at a time, understand all]; Drawbacks: Power Loss [requires time -- GM’s discretion -- to process and assimilate entirely new languages]) [5pp] Assimilated Languages: Arabic, Bengali, Danish, English, French, GalStandard, German [Native], Hebrew, Hindi, Indonesian, Malay, Mandarin, Persian, Portuguese, Romani, Russian, Spanish, Urdu, Yiddish Cyberkinetic Container 3 (15 points) [15pp] Comprehend 2 (electronics 2 [speak to, understand]) [4pp] Datalink 2 (100 feet, radio; PFs: Cyberspace, Machine Control, Subtle) [5pp] Super-Senses 6 (radio [Enhancements: accurate 2, analytical], danger sense [radio], uncanny dodge [radio]) [6pp] Gravitic Defensive Systems 5.5 (11 point Array; PFs: Alternate Power) [12pp] BP: Immunity 2 (critcal hits; note: Sustained Active effet; Extras: Linked [Impervious Toughness], Linked [Shield]; Flaw: Unreliable) {1pp} + Linked Impervious Toughness 8 (“deflector shield”; note: Sustained Active effect; Extras: Linked [Immunity], Liknked [Shield]) {8pp} + Linked Shield 2 (Extra: Linked [Immunity], Linked [Impervious Toughness]) {2pp} {1+8+2=11/11pp} [Toughness is +14 (Imp 8), Defense +10 (+3 flat-footed), Knockback -11. Defensive PL 12] AP: Immunity 9 (life support; note: Active Sustained effect; Extras: Duration [Continuous], Linked [Shield]; Flaw: Limited [Half Effect]) {9pp} + Linked Shield 2 (Extras: Linked [Immunity]) {2pp} {9+2=11/11pp} [Toughness is +14, Defense +10 (+3 flat-footed), Knockback -7; Defensive PL 12. This combined with the Immunities under “Technorganic Form” grant full life support.] Gravitic Movement Systems 5.5 (11 point Array; PF: Alternate Power) [12pp] BP: Enhanced Reflex Save 2 (to +10) {2} plus Features 3 (“personal gravity field”; Environmental Adaptation 3 [high-gravity, low-gravity, zero gravity]) {3} plus Flight 1 (“contragravity”; 10 mph / 100ft per Move Action; PFs: Defensive Roll, Instant Up, Move-By Action, Subtle) {6} {2+3+6=11/11pp} Toughness is +14 (+12 flat-footed), Reflex +10 AP: Teleport 4 (“wormhole”; 400 ft. per Move Action, 1 mile per Full Action; PFs: Change Direction, Change Velocity, Turnabout) {11/11pp} Nanotech Enhanced Brain Container 4 (20 points) [20pp] Enhanced Intelligence 10 (“enhanced intellect”; to 34 [+12]) {10pp} Enhanced Charisma 4 (“enhanced presence”; to 12 [+1]) {4pp} Enhanced Quickness 4 (“thinks very fast”; to Quickness 8 [x500]; Flaw: Limited [Mental Tasks]) {2pp} Enhanced Wisdom 4 (“enhanced awareness”; to 20 [+5]) {4pp} Quickness 4 (“thinks fast”; x25; Flaw: Limited [Mental Tasks]) [2pp] Technorganic Form 4 (20 point Container, Permanent Duration) [20pp] Enhanced Constitution 10 (to 28/+9) [10pp] Immunity 12 (aging, life support, sleep, starvation & thirst; Flaw: Limited [Half Effect]) [6pp] Protection 3 (technorganic flesh) [3pp] Regeneration 1 (disabled 1 [5 hours]) [1pp] Variable 4 (“Internalized Electromagnetic Screwdriver & Technorganic Form”; 20 points Variable Power, Any Power, Multiple Powers At Once [8pp/rank]; Extra: Action [Free]; PF: Subtle) [37pp] Sample Configurations Spoiler Create Object 10 (“hard light constructs, stationary”; 10 5-ft. cubes, Lifting STR 50 [heavy load 12.8 tons]) {20/20} Create Object 6 (“hard light constructs, stationary”; 6 5-ft. cubes, Lifting STR 30 [heavy load 1,600 lbs.]; Extra: Movable; PFs: Precise, Tether) {20/20} Dazzle Visual 10 (“blinding light”; Extra: Area [Cone, 100 ft.]; Flaw: Range [Touch]) {20/20} Drain Dexterity 10 (“mobility systems overloader”; Extras: Range [Ranged], Total Fade; Flaw: Limited [people in powered armor, or with bionic limbs, or robots]; PF: Accurate {+10 ranged}; Drawback: Reduced Range [5 100 ft. increments]) {20/20} Drain Toughness 16 (“EMP Strike”; Extras: Affects Objects, Linked [Strike]; Flaws: Limited [Objects], Limited [Electronic Circuits]) {8} plus Linked Strike 12 (Extras: Linked [Drain]) {12} {8+12=20/20} [+8 Attack = PL 12] Drain Toughness 12 (“EMP Blast”; Extras: Affects Objects, Linked [Blast], Range [Ranged]; Flaws: Action [Full], Limited [Objects], Limited [Electronic Circuits]; Drawback: Reduced Range [5 120- ft. increments]) {5} plus Linked Blast 12 (Extras: Linked [Drain]; Flaw: Action [Full]; PF: Accurate 2 {+12 ranged}, Indirect) {15} {5+15=20/20} [+12 Attack = PL 12] Drain Toughness 12 (“EMP Burst”; Extras: Affects Objects, Area [General, Burst, 300 ft. radius], Linked [Strike]; Flaws: Limited [Objects], Limited [Electronic Circuits]; PFs: Progression [Area] 2) {14} plus Linked Strike 12 (Extras: Area [General, Burst, 300 ft. radius], Linked [Drain]; Flaws: Limited [Objects], Limited [Electronic Circuits]) {6} {14+6=20/20} Electricity, Light, Magnetic, Microwave, or Radiation Control 10 and associated APs as alternative settings (“electromagnetic manipulation”) {20/20} Enhanced Datalink 0 (“ghost in the machine”; adds to Datalink 2; Extras: Area 2, Linked [Enhanced Quickness], Linked [ESP]; PFs: Selective) {3pp} + Linked Enhanced Quickness 6 (to Quickness 14 [x50,000]; Extras: Linked [Enhanced Datalink], Linked [ESP]; Flaw: Limited [Mental Only]) {3pp} + Linked ESP 2 (all senses, 100 feet; Extras: Action [Free], Duration [Sustained], Linked [Datalink], Linked [Enhanced Quickness], Simultaneous; Flaw: Medium [technological sensors]) {12pp} {3+3+12=18/20} Enhanced Feats 4 (Equipment 4 [to add 20 points worth of stuff to his Spaceship]) {4/20} Enhanced Flight 10 (“escape velocity;” to Flight 11 [25,000 mph / 250,000 feet per Move action]) {20/20} Enhanced Skills 20 (“masterwork tools”; +2 to Computers, Craft [Chemical], Craft [Electronic], Craft [Mechanical], Disable Device, Investigate, Knowledge [Technology], Medicine, Notice, and Search) {5} plus Feature 1 (“voice modulator”; Voice Mimicry) {1} plus Super-Senses 15 (“electromagnetic senses”; Analytical for all Vision [2], Extended for Vision, Penetrates Concealment for Vision [4], communication link [w/ Weltraumwohnwagen; radio], infravision, ultravision) {10} {5+1+10=16/20} Enhanced Teleport 6 (“lunaport”; adds to his own Teleport 4 for a total of Teleport 10 [1,000 feet/Earth to Moon]; PFs: Progression [Mass] 4 [2,500 lbs. cargo]) {16/20} Enhanced Teleport 0 (“mass transit mode”; Extras: Accurate and Portal on the Teleport 4 he already has; PFs: Progression 2 [25 ft. diameter portal]) {14/20} Healing 4 (“absorb power”; Extras: Action 4 [Reaction], Total; Flaws: Personal, Source [Electrical Attacks]) {20/20} Illusion 10 (“holograms for deception”; visual) {20/20} Illusion 5 (“holograms for edutainment”; visual; Extra: Duration [Sustained; Maintain active illusion as a free action each round]; PFs: Progression 4 [100 ft. radius]) {19/20} Mind Control 12 (“cyber-overrider”; Flaw: Limited [Only to override battlesuit or cyborg systems controls]; PF: Mental Link) {13/20} Move Object 40 (“magnetokinesis, maximum effort”; STR 200 [heavy load 13.7 billion tons]; Extra: Range [Perception]; Flaws: Action [Full], Distracting, Limited [Metals]) {20/20} Move Object 12 (“magnetokinesis, full effort”; STR 60 [heavy load 51.2 tons]; Extras: Damaging, Range [Perception]; Flaws: Action [Full], Distracting, Limited [Metals]) {12/20} Move Object 9 (“magnetokinesis”; STR 45 [heavy load 6.4 tons]; Extra: Range [Perception]; Flaw: Limited [Metals]; PFs: Precise, Subtle) {20/20} Move Object 9 (“diamagnetokinesis, full effort”; STR 45 [heavy load 6.4 tons]; Extras: Damaging, Range [Perception]; Flaws: Action [Full], Distracting; PFs: Precise, Subtle) {20/20} Move Object 6 (“diamagnetokinesis”; STR 30 [heavy load 1,600 lbs.]; Extra: Range [Perception]; PFs: Precise, Subtle) {20/20} Nullify Technology 10 (“power outage”; all effects of an electronic circuit descriptor at once; Extra: Area [General, Burst, 50 ft. radius]; Flaw: Range [Touch]) {20/20} Power Control 12 (“universal remote”; Flaw: Limited [Only technological powers]) {12/20} Transform 3 (“upgrade sight”; technology to upgraded version of same technology, 5 lbs.; Extras: Duration [Continuous, Lasting], Range [Perception]; Flaws: Action [Full], Distracting; PF: Precise) {16/20} Transform 3 (“upgrade touch”; technology to upgraded version of same technology, 5 lbs.; Extras: Duration [Continuous, Lasting]; Flaws: Range [Touch]; PF: Precise) {16/20} Transform 6 (“shape metal,” 50 lbs.; Extra: Duration [Continuous, Lasting]; Flaws: Action [Full], Distracting, Range [Touch]; PF: Precise) {19/20} Default Setting Enhanced Skills 20 (“masterwork tools”; +2 to Computers, Craft [Chemical], Craft [Electronic], Craft [Mechanical], Disable Device, Investigate, Knowledge [Technology], Medicine, Notice, and Search) {5} Feature 1 (“voice modulator”; Voice Mimicry) {1} Super-Senses 10 (“electromagnetic senses”; Analytical for all Vision [2], Extended for Vision, Penetrates Concealment for Vision [4], communication link [w/ Weltraumwohnwagen; radio], infravision, ultravision) {10} {5+1+10=16/20} DRAWBACKS: -0PP None TOTALS Abilities (28) + Combat (28) + Saving Throws (12) + Skills (39) + Feats (21) + Powers (123) - Drawbacks (0) = 250/250 Power Points (0pp under) Without his Enhanced INT or any of his tools, Dok is at +19 on Computers, Crafts (Chem/Elec/Mech), Disable Device, and Know (Life Sci/Physical Sci/Tech). This puts him ahead of Daedalus (FC's Hank Pym/Tony Stark expy) on Know/Life Sci (+14), a bit ahead on Computers (+18), slightly behind on those Crafts (+20), and more behind on DisDev (+22) and on Know/Phy Sci & Tech (+22). Mental Quickness is at 4 (x25) Take 10 on a Computers check (for 29 total), find a file on a massive network in 24 seconds, write a program in 2.4 minutes. Take 20 on Knowledge checks in 2.4 minutes (for 1 hour's worth of research). Take 20 on a Notice check (for a 27 total) in 2.4 seconds, or a Standard Action. Can Take 20 on a Search check [total 31] of a 5x5 foot area in 2.4 seconds, or a Standard action. With his Enhanced INT active & using masterwork tools, Dok is at +26 on Computers, Crafts (Chem/Elec/Mech), Disable Device, and Know (Life Sci/Physical Sci/Tech). This puts him slightly ahead of Daedalus on Disable Device and Know (Phys Sci & Tech), and at least 5 points ahead on everything else. Mental Quickness is at 8 (x500) Take 10 on a Computers check (for 36 total), find a file on a massive network in 1.2 seconds, write a program in 7.2 seconds. Take 20 on Knowledge checks in 7.2 seconds (for 1 hour's worth of research). Take 20 on a Notice check (for a 31 total) in 0.12 seconds (Free Action?) Can Take 20 on a Search check [total 38] of a 5x5 foot area in 0.12 seconds (a Free action), a 10x10 foot area in 1.2 seconds (a Standard action), a 100x100 foot area in 12 seconds (2 rounds). Quickness/Mental Quickness applies to the Design phase of Inventing, but not Construction. Without Enhanced INT & Enhanced Quickness, can Design a 10pp Invention in 24 minutes, a 19pp Invention in 46 minutes, and a 29pp Invention in 23.2 hours. With Enhanced INT & Enhanced Quickness & masterwork tools, can Design a 12pp Invention in 0.72 minutes, a 26pp Invention in 3.12 minutes, and a 36pp Invention in 1.44 hours. Without any of his technological powers, his stats are: Constitution 18/+4 Intelligence 24/+7 Wisdom 16/+3 Charisma 8/-1 Attack +8 Damage +0 (unarmed), +3 (weapons) Defense +8 (+3 flat-footed) Toughness +4, Fortitude +4, Reflex +8, Will +8 [PL 6 Defensively; PL 4 Offensively, 6 with weapons; PL 7 on Skills]
Dr Archeville Posted January 22, 2024 Author Posted January 22, 2024 Artificer, 2024 Update Now PL 10! Heroditus graduated from Claremont in the summer of 2022, a year and a half ago, but I still had him at PL 9, with over 20 unspent points. Let's fix that! Increasing his Intelligence and Skills, tweaking his Feats and Devices & Force Field & Magic, and adding a new Device! A "battery" which Enhances his own Magic, and can be used as a backup power source for his Devices. An important step in making mechanomystical items wich could be used by anyone, not just those with excess mystical energies to spare! He's also added some minor "spellcasting," separate from his Devices, via orichalcum tattoos which he can channel his mystic energies through for a variety of effects. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Power Level: 11 (built as PL 10 ) Power Points: (170/171PP) [as of 2024-01-09] Unspent Power Points: 1 Trade-Offs: -2 Attack/+2 Effect with Blast, +2 Attack/-2 Effect with Move Object; -2 Defense/+2 Toughness ABILITIES: [4 + 2 + 4 + 10 + 6 + 2 = 28PP] Strength: 14 (+2); effective Lifting STR 24 Dexterity: 12 (+1) Constitution: 14 (+2) Intelligence: 20 (+5) Wisdom: 16 (+3) Charisma: 12 (+1) COMBAT: [12 + 8 = 20PP] Initiative: +1 Attack: +6 Melee, +8 Ranged, +12 w/ Move Object Grapple: +8, +20 w/ Move Object Defense: +8 (+4 Base, +2 Dodge Focus, +2 Shield), +2 Flat-Footed Knockback: -6, -3 w/out Force Field DC BLOCK ATTACK RANGE SAVE EFFECT Unarmed Touch DC 17 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Physical) Bolts of Magic Ranged (1,200 ft. max) DC 27 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Any Magic) Burst of Magic 15-50 ft. DC 20 Reflex Area (Burst) Effect DC 25 or 20 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Any Magic) Created Object (Dropped) Ranged (180 ft. max) DC 19 Reflex Avoided DC 24 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Physical) Created Object (Trap) Ranged (180 ft. max) DC 19 Reflex Trapped inside Object Holograms Perception DC 20 Will Disbelieve Mage Hand Ranged (800 ft. max) Grapple vs. +20 (Staged) Pinned/Bound DC 23 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Physical) SAVING THROWS: [2 + 2 + 3 = 7PP] Toughness: +12 (+2 Con, +6 Force Field, +4 Protection), +6 w/out Force Field Fortitude: +6/+4 (+2 Con, +4/+2) Reflex: +5/+3 (+1 Dex, +4/+2) Will: +8/+6 (+3 Wis, +5/+3) SKILLS: [104R = 26PP] Computers 5 (+10) Concentration 7 (+10) Craft (Artistic) 10 (+15) Craft (Chemical) 5 (+10) Craft (Electronic) 5 (+10) Craft (Mechanical) 10 (+15) Craft (Structural) 10 (+15) Disable Device 10 (+15) Investigate 5 (+10) Knowledge (Arcane Lore) 10 (+15) Knowledge (Physical Science) 4 (+9) Knowledge (Technology) 10 (+15) Language 2 (Atlantean [native], English, Greek) Medicine 2 (+5) Notice 2 (+5) Search 7 (+12) FEATS: [9PP] Artificer Attack Focus (Ranged) 2 Dodge Focus 2 Eidetic Memory Environmental Adaptation (Aquatic) Inventor Luck 1 POWERS: [3 + 12 + 5 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 8 + 3 + 27 + 2 + 4 + 4 = 80PP] Atlantean Legs 1 (2 points; PF: Alternate Power) [3PP] BE: Swimming 2 (5 MPH) {2/2} AP: Leaping 1 (x2 [running long jump 24 ft., standing long jump 12 ft., high/vertical jump 6 ft.]) {1} and Speed 1 (10mph) {1} {1+1=2/2} Device 3 (“Warding Bracers,” 15 points; Flaw: Hard to Lose) [12PP] Enhanced Fortitude Save 2 [2] Enhanced Reflex Save 2 [2] Enhanced Will Save 2 [2] Immunity 5 (disease, heat [environmental], poison, radiation [environmental], suffocation) [5] This + own Immunity (Suffocation) = Immunity 2 (Suffocation 2) Protection 4 [4] Device 1 (“Arcane Goggles”; 5 points; Flaw: Hard to Lose; PF: Restricted [must be able to read & understand Atlantean]) [5PP] Super-Senses 5 (adds Analytical to all Visual senses, Sonar [Ultrasonic Hearing; Default: Acute, Radius, Ranged; Enhancement: Accurate]) {5/5} Device 1 (“Emerald Torc of Power,” 5 points; Flaw: Hard to Lose) [4PP] Magic 2.5 (+5 points to Heroditus’ Magic) [5] BE: Damage 2 (“burst of mechanomystical power”; Extra: Area [General, Burst, 10-ft. Radius]; PF: Variable Descriptor [cold, electricity, fire, force, heat, sonic]) {5/5} Device 1 (“Mechano-Mystical Components,” 5 points; Flaw: Hard to Lose) [4PP] Enhanced Feats 5 (Alternate Power x5 for Device’s Magic [5 points]) {5} AP: Blast 3 (“sonic blaster”; Drawback: Reduced Range [5 30-ft. increments]) {5/5} AP: Create Object 1 (”Transmute Air to [Stuff & Things]”; up to 1 5-ft. cube, Lifting STR 5, heavy load 50 lbs.; Extra: Duration [Continuous]; Flaws: Distracting, Range [Touch]; PFs: Innate, Subtle, Variable Descriptor 2 [any matter]) {5/5} AP: Environmental Control 1 (Light 2, 5-ft. Radius; PF: Precise) {3} and Illusion 1 (“holograms;” visual) {2} {3+2=5/5} AP: Move Object 1 (“mage hand”; Str 5, heavy load 50 lbs.; Extra: Damaging; PFs: Precise, Variable Descriptor [arcane force or shaped matter]) {5/5} AP: Transform 1 (“Alchemy/Transmutation,” Any Inanimate Object Into Any Other Inanimate Object; Extras: Duration [Continuous, Lasting]; Flaw: Range [Touch]) {5/5} Quote Enhanced Feats 5 (Alternate Power x5 for Heroditus’ Enhanced Magic [31 points]) {5} AP: Blast 12 (“bolt of arcane energy”; PFs: Affects Insubstantial 2, Indirect 2, Precise, Variable Descriptor 2 [any magical or material]) {31/31} AP: Create Object 9 (”Transmute Air to [Stuff & Things]”; up to 9 5-ft. cubes, Lifting STR 45, heavy load 6.4 tons; Extra: Duration [Continuous]; PFs: Innate, Precise, Progression [10-ft. cubes], Subtle, Variable Descriptor 2 [any matter]; Drawback: Reduced Range 2 [2 90-ft. increments]) {31/31} AP: Environmental Control 3 (Light 2, 25-ft. Radius; PF: Precise) {7} and Illusion 10 (“holograms;” visual; PF: Progression 2 [25-ft. radius]) {22} {7+22=29/31} AP: Move Object 8 (“mage hand”; Str 40, heavy load 3.2 tons; Extra: Damaging; PFs: Accurate 2 [+12 Attack], Precise, Variable Descriptor [arcane force or shaped matter]) {28/31} AP: Transform 5 (“Alchemy/Transmutation,” Any Inanimate Object Into Any Other Inanimate Object, 25 lbs.; Extras: Duration [Continuous, Lasting]; PFs: Precise, Progression [Mass] 2 [100 lbs.]; Drawback: Reduced Range 2 [2 50-ft. increments]) {31/31} Device 1 (“Winged Sandals,” 5 points; Flaw: Hard to Lose) [4PP] Movement Array 2 (4 points; PF: 1 Alternate Power) {5} BE: Flight 2 (25 mph) {4/4} AP: Enhanced Swimming 4 (increases Heroditus’ Swimming to Swimming 6 [100 mph]) {4/4} Force Field 6 (“arcane shields”; Extra: Linked [Shield]) {6pp} plus Linked Shield 2 (Extra: Linked [Force Field]) {2pp} {6+2=8pp} Immunity 3 (cold [environmental], pressure, suffocation 1 [drowning]) [3pp] Magic 13 (26 points; PF: Alternate Power) [27pp] BE: Damage 8 (“burst of magical power”; Extra: Area [General, Burst, 40-ft. radius]; PFs: Affects Insubstantial, Progression [Reverse Area] 7 [5-ft. radius], Variable Descriptor 2 [any elemental]) {26/26} AP: Create Object 1 (”prestidigitation”; up to 1 5-ft. Cube, Lifting STR 5; Extra: Duration [Continuous]; PFs: Innate, Subtle, Variable Descriptor [any material]) {6}, and Environmental Control 1 (”dancing lights”; light 1, 5-ft. radius) {1}, and Illusion 1 (“illusionary sights, smells, and sounds”; all senses, 5-ft. radius) {4}, and Move Object 1 (”mage hand”, STR 5, heavy load 50 lbs.; Extra: Range [Perception]; PFs: Precise) {4}, and Obscure Auditory & Visual 1 (“darkness & silence”; 5-ft. radius) {3}, and Transform 1 (“prestidigitation,” Any Inanimate Object Into Any Other Inanimate Object; Extra: Duration [Continuous, Lasting]) {6} {6+1+4+4+3+6 = 26/26pp} Quote Enhanced by Devices, becomes Magic 15.5: Damage 10 (“burst of magical power”; Extra: Area [General, Burst, 50-ft. Radius]; PFs: Affects Insubstantial 2, Progression [Reverse Area] 7 [15-ft. radius], Variable Descriptor 2 [any magical]) {31/31} Quickness 4 (“multitasker,” x25; Flaw: Limited [Mental Tasks Only]) [2PP] Super Senses 4 (Low-Light Vision, Magic Awareness [Descriptor Frequency: Very Common, Sense Type: Visual {Default: Accurate, Acute, Ranged}]) [4PP] Super-Strength 2 (effective STR 24; lt. load 233 lbs., med. load 466 lbs., hvy. load 700 lbs.) [4PP] DRAWBACKS: [0pp] None TOTALS: Abilities (28) + Combat (20) + Saving Throws (7) + Skills (26) + Feats (9) + Powers (80) - Drawbacks (0) = 170/171 Power Points [1 unspent] With Devices and Magic – PL 10 Attack +6 melee, +8 ranged; Blast 12 (PL 10) Area Damage 10 (PL 10) Defense 8, Toughness +12 (PL 10) Without Devices (but with Magic) – PL 8 Attack +6 melee, +10 ranged; Unarmed Strike +2 (PL 4) Area Damage 8 (PL 8 ) Defense +8, Toughness +8 (PL 8 ) Without Magic (but with Devices) – PL 6 Attack +6 melee, +8 ranged; Unarmed Strike +2 (PL 4), Blast 3 (PL 6) Defense +6, Toughness +6 (PL 6 ) Without Magic or Devices – PL 4 (but PL 6 skills) Attack +6 melee, +10 ranged; Unarmed Strike +2 (PL 4 melee) Defense +6, Toughness +2 (PL 4)
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