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Chop Shop Socky (IC)


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July 16, 2011

3:48 PM

Freedom City's West End was a melting pot of different ethnicities. Ninety percent of the city's immigrants ended up there. One group most census takers didn't bother with was ninjas. Despite that, a strong of robberies were that part of the city; packages were disappearing from trucks, wallets were disappearing from pockets, and entire stores were getting cleared out while the owners' backs were turned. Nothing was turning up on security footage, and the police had no good leads. This was just the kind of crime spree that needed the intervention of a superhero; luckily, there were two on the job.


Arab, polish, spanish, portuguese, german, italian, some occasional chinese... but ninjas? Not that they were EXACTLY the most common product offered by the district, any day that he could remember was "the magical week of ninjas!" in the market. And now because of a bunch of guys who were involved in stealing with breathtaking ease he (and the rest of the guys, each one in a place) was considering a place where the thieves had left not even the tables. And before that he had a little eye on the looted trucks.

And, last but not least, round of questions. Knowing everyone in the place, or more or less, implied that one could look into those issues with confidence if you do not mind listening to a couple of veiled comments about "that person could be behind this, knowing they knew how they treated its Darcy". Anyway. Introducing Manuel Rubio, P.I! Except in the detail that the investigations usually involve the neighbors and there was no way to perform´em without being offered a couple of beers and snacks or homemade cider pitcher; enough to have to leave the conversation to nine in the evening with a a booklet full of suggestions and a french accent.


Carrie wasn't really up to date on things happening in West End, informational jet lag was a good name for it. So many things happening recently, creepazoids forcing there twisted way of life on others, other dimensions calling her over for side jobs(she didn't mind that terribly, they paid very well, though she still didn't know how she was going to cash out all those gold pieces without looking like a criminal), fires when she was in West End. Being careful on a normal trip just didn't really register as she went her favorite Spanish specialty grocery. Though really, that sort of sunk in as she walked out was promptly passed by her mini cooper running down the road.

"My CAR!"

Dropping her groceries almost immediately she started sprinting after the vehicle moving down the street. There was no way, no way she was going to lose her car, she hadn't even had a year.

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