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If you build it (OOC)


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Yes! please do! I just wanted to make sure there was a good background for the thread. I ended up on a roll and had a LOT more text than I intended. Shaen and AA told me I could split it up into several posts. But this way EVERYONE knows what we're building, and what it looks like not just "lets build a greenhouse."

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Breella, just so your aware, that last line that Zach said was directed at Gwen, though it doesn't seem you had her respond to it or notice it or anything...

Also, I'm going to say that for any character that wants to scrutinize Zach's excuse for being late, I'll say you automatically can tell he's lying. Or at least not telling the whole truth. You're pretty sure he wasn't training. Or if he was, the training wasn't the entire reason he was late. There was something else, but you have no clue what it might have been.

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Zach is pulling out all the stops in yet another attempt to impress. This'll be my second power stunt of the game. He's going to make a targeted Line Area power stunt with precise and lots of progression so he can nab the whole area. It's basically meant to roto-tiller the the ground just underneath the surface, thus turning up the grass above and drawing a line in the dirt approximately along where the power line runs. Zach starts every thread with 2 HP due to his luck, so even if I WERE required to crunch the numbers on this, he could still do it without being fatigued.

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Corbin thinks the whole contact thing is his fault, so no counter-checks there.

As for a read on him...Corbin doesn't seem to be giving her lingering glances or anything. He doesn't seem to glance away from Jeena, so it's not that he dislikes girls or anything. But there's no immediate interest from him; he's not "checking her out" or anything of the sort.

15's a bit low, in my mind, to get the full measure of "this dude's totally taken already", but enough to get the idea he's not going to jump her bones.

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15's a bit low, in my mind, to get the full measure of "this dude's totally taken already", but enough to get the idea he's not going to jump her bones.

Agreed. She'll probably just shelve him under 'disinterested' for now unless she sees compelling evidence to contrary.

Quinn, Morgan is sure the contact was deliberate flirting; I don't know if he's sensitive enough to detect the lack of malice involved or not. It was done out of curiosity more than anything else, with no associated vamping or anything, but he's definitely sharp enough to see her following glances gauging his reactions, which she thinks are discrete enough not to be seen.

Make of that what you will!

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Aaaand Crow really misread the situation, didn't he. And bollixed that up nicely, too. And feels like a right bastard.

For the record, I didn't intend this to happen; misread the situation myself there. So feel free to go ahead and do a little Morgan-bashing, he (and I) deserve it there. :oops:

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