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I do not usually comment on threads like this. But I agree so wholeheartedly with one thing that Shaen mentioned that I feel the need to share one of my favorite JLU moments in response to this:

Playing To Win

An erroneous assumption has taken hold in our player base like a cancer, and we all need to work together to cut it out before it kills the game. The assumption that a PC hero must never hold back, never pull their punches. That they must play to win. That any fight that lasts longer than one round, that any action which leaves so much as a single minion left standing on the battlefield, is a failure for the PCs. That every PC must use their most powerful attack on the very first round of a fight, and every round after that, until all the villains are defeated. That they must do this, because if they don't, they'll lose the race with their fellow PCs, who will take down all the villains and leave nothing left.

This entire paradigm is a vicious, fun-and-story-destroying cycle which needs to die right now. This is not the mode of thinking this game was built around, nor is it the thinking that created the fiction which inspired this game in the first place.

Agreed. Superman has taught us this:


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