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Power Struggle! OOC


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Let's go with something straightforward this round: charging slam, with an attempt to grapple (thanks to Improved Grab/Improved Grapple).

Standard Action: Charge!

Protectron's attack; Charging (+2 Att, -2 Def) and Power Attack (-2 Att, +2 Dmg); DC 26 Toughness if it hits (1d20+11=26)

Free Action: Attempt to grapple

Protectron's Grapple Check (1d20+17=22)

Note: Improved Grab only works if opponent is no larger than your size, so if it's Large Protectron can't do it.

Move Action: If it's not grappled, move back out of its reach.

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Harrier is going to go ahead and use the sensors built into his pike to scan the robot for weaknesses:

Detect Weakness check: 22

To save time, he'll set his staff tip to whatever the pike detects (or to just a generic energy attack if nothing works) and close into melee: he'll then drive it into the robot's face. It's been a pretty deadly SOB, so he'll all-out power-attack.


Not bad. Assuming that hits, it's a DC 33 (DC 28+5) + any autofire Tou save.

(Incidentally, Harrier has Autofire on his big, bulky staff because it has a vibrating, mobile tip like a dentist's drill or buzz saw)

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Toughness Check DC 25 (1d20+14=30)

No damage. But I'm a missed the autofire on the Harriers attack so he's actually would have been Disabled by that shot not Injured... Since Raveled has already gone and all that I'll give Harrier an HP for me being a idiot so we don't have to retcon anything.

Robot is dazed and will sit there tring to bring failing systems back online.


Protectron 25 1HP Uninjured

Harrier 17 4HP Uninjured

Ironclad 4HP Staggered

Giant Robot 11 Injured, Dazed until Harriers action

Protectron is up

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Free Action: Delay Initiative to go at the same time as Harrier

Standard Action: Combine Attack w/ Harrier! ("I'm helping")

Protectron's Damage of +9 is withing 5 of Harrier's Pike Damage of +13, so he'll add +2 to Harrier's Damage, bringing it to +15 (DC 20)

If, of course, they both manage to hit

Protectron's melee attack (1d20+11=29) wowzers!

Move Action: Zip back to Ironclad's side

Free Action: Realize it has no Medical skill, or Jack of all Trades feat

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