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Killing time [OOC]


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OOC thread for killing time.

Act I: A lazy afternoon.

Several heroes from Claremont Academy are spending a lazy afternoon at the Bayview Mall, shopping, hanging out and generally taking a break from school.


Bayview Mall, 09/09/2011


Johnny Hladd, Wellspring

Subito Sondo, El Heraldo

Zachary Vandermol, Covealent

Jeena Vandermol, Cubic (possible)

Supporting NPC's

Alex Johnson, Head of Bayview Community Watch #21

Emily Dawson, Au pair

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This is for an opposed strength check... not that it will likely matter.

Alex the overzealous Community Watch trys to push Subito's arm.

Str 12 (+1) + Roll 8 = 9

Invisible Castle doesn't seem to want to let me register. So since the likely hood of this mattering is zero, I just rolled it at home.

Subito, I don't think you can fail, so I don't need a roll.

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Not too distracting and I had skills on the brain which add the whole bonus. Yes, it was a nine, I knew that there was no way he could move Subuto's arm with that. Just wrote it wrong... editing coming in 3.2.1.done.

As for alarms, no problem. I am not going to make people stick to a plot on rails. What you do, is what you do :)

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Rolling done in Chat.


(22:25:48) System: Arichamus rolls 1d20 and gets 16.

Total 16 + 6 = 22

Alex the Watch Guy:

(22:29:15) System: Ozob rolls 1d20 and gets 13.

Total 13 - 1 = 12

That's enough to make him very open to your suggestion, especially given what's happening at the store. IC Post following.

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Okay, anyone else picturing Andy Belfleur from True Blood as Alex? XD

Also, Ozob, the text color for the preppy kid from the store is straight up obnoxious on my eyes. Would you mind changing it at all?

And finally some quick book keeping stuff.

Covalent's Insubstantial and such are subtle powers. Anyone watching the trick he just pulled (and we'll say all the characters qualify, because who doesn't like being involved? ;)) can notice that he's flying with a DC 20 Notice check. Everyone else just thinks he's got a good shot at making the next Olympic Team.

Mechanically, this could also be treated as an "interpose" against any "attack" that is directed at his sister.

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But he's really a real kind of person...

Nah, I'll do it. No problem.

Give me either an intimidate or diplomacy roll, with a +1 lingering mod from Subitos prior success and Alex's general confusion at the moment.

I'll edit in Alexs and the clerks notice check mostly for lols.

(09:06:55) Ozob: Alex Notice Roll

(09:06:59) System: Ozob rolls 1d6 and gets 5.

(09:07:05) System: Ozob rolls 1d20 and gets 3.

So I should have really kept the D6 for him... but 3 + 5 = 8. Nope.

(09:08:39) Ozob: Clerk Notice Roll

(09:08:44) System: Ozob rolls 1d6 and gets 1.

(09:08:50) System: Ozob rolls 1d20 and gets 5.

Notice Roll 5 + 3 = 8. Nope. The clerk is equally clueless.

So as soon as I get the appropriate social roll from you I can move that portion along.

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