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Opening Book (OOC)


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This is for the IC Thread Here.

Ok, so here it goes... I'm crossing my fingers and hoping I don't stuff my foot in my mouth or... whatever the forum-posting equivalent of that is.

So, what I have in mind is mostly a solo thread to introduce the character, a couple of NPC's he interacts with a lot, and to maybe start "meeting" other PC's.

In the thread right now is just a quick little segment, mainly to introduce the teenager as a recurring NPC. Later, Bishop will be chatting with a friend of his (who confronts Bishop about some of the crazy things he's doing), and starting on his investigation of his daughter's disappearance and wife's death.

Fairly early in the thread, I would be particularly interested in interacting with a PC who can do some kind of Post-cognition effect to go with him to where his house burned and try to get clues about what happened. "Off screen," he's making calls and beating the bushes trying to find such a person.

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