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Not My Best Side (OOC)


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Actually, without going into full detail (so I may - unlikely but may - have to say no) I should clarify that -

As the principle of this story, and the complication and the reward of the HP is based on "stuck as Grue", no stunting to avoid that (such as concealment powers for instance). Other stuff, such as elongation or extra limbs, would be ok.

I hope that makes the principle reasonably clear?

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You quite easily disarm the old man (STR 8, Attack +0 - yeah, lets not bother too much about that), and if you wish restrain him too. He is injured quite badly however.

More importantly, you feel a powerful psychic force try to take over your mind when you touch Hector - one you resist.

Post away IC.


Probably (who can tell?) a lot of this thread may end up in your appartment block. There is plenty of oppurtunity here to throw in people you know - neighbours, friends, aquiantences, etc. Feel free to do this, and if appropriate land yourself in it, and earn hero points in the process! I'll throw some stuff in IC, but feel free to run with it and post suggestions OOC too.

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Well, given Starlights pretty high Wisdom, I think that is reasonable, yes.

I would say its primitive, unrefined, and childlike. Also, it seems to be contagious - transmitted from one "infected" person to another. Which is not to say it is a literal infection (virus) - but a psychic one.

The psychic force is like a limited form of mind control -(uncontrolled) - the person acts out the unconscious emotional desires of the person controlling him/her.

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Stalight - 3 Hero Points

The force controlling Hector:

a) is a child - by the way it acts and behaves and talks.

B) Whoever gets "Controlled" transmits its "control" by touch, like a psychic plague, meaning things could get out of hand quite quickly.

c) Could this psychic force be the reason that Starlight has some unconscious block from transforming?

d) The "affliction" seems to be rather wild and disorganised - attacking the unconscious rather than strictly "pulling the strings". Perhaps that is because the "puppeteer" is a child.

e) By implication, several other people in the near vicinity may also be affected.

Is that ok?

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Flames hot!

Ok technically this is now a very hot environment, as per MnM rules you would be making fort checks every minute, but I doubt you will be in the Lobby area that long.

Also feel free to fluff smoke problems too. I'll subsume smoke inhalation effects into the "hot environment".

Also, feel free to sense another psychic surge when you touch Scaretto (Will Power DC 20 check!)

Anyway, Scaretto has piled a load of paper into a large bin (he is a Janitor!) and poured some fuel on it - the thing is lit up belching fire and smoke!

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