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Hotsy-Totsy Nazi (OOC)

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Oh, what the hell: the guy's already Staggered and I like the idea of our mostly explictly patriotic hero totally pwning this asshat. Unifier is unconscious.

'Dog of War': Hellhound cannot smell through Obscure, so the Olfactory Concealment is a good strategy. He teleports out of the cloud and finds that he still can't see the heroes!

(Normally he'd go out and grab a baby or something, but he's really hoping Fucastrega will get knocked out soon so he can get back to Hell.) He got nothin'.

'Flaming Feminist'

Flaming Feminist is going to spend her action countering the mist. 11 Ahahah well I'll fiat that. Have an HP, Giz.

All right, so she burns off the Midnight Mist.

That leaves 'Hebrew Hammer'.

He'll go after Edge, as he's been one of the more outspoken members of the opposition. He'll go ahead and All-Out Attack.

17 A miss, and he drops to DC 10 to hit next round.

All right, new round.

Edge tricks Hebrew Hammer, making sure he'll be focused on him (and the Create Object effect he's just activated) instead o the crowd.

Wander is up, as soon as I post for the NPCs.

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Okay, this will take some time, but she can do it in a fight as long as no one targets her. (And she has movement enough that she can leap back into the fray if something very bad happens, though it'll cost her).

DC 25:

There are signs of footprints leading right up to the trailer and a dirt mark right on the front steps, but then they abruptly stop: it's as if she didn't even put one foot down before going away. It looks like she stepped into the trailer and behind the door, then vanished.

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Midnight II

Free Action: Arrange Gadgets:

EMP Device:

Drain Toughness 15 (Extras: Affects Objects, Area [General, Burst, 50ft radius], Linked [Damage], Flaws: Limited [Objects], Limited [Electronics]) [15PP]

Damage 10 (Extras: Area [General, Burst], Linked [Drain], Flaws: Limited [Objects], Limited [Electronics]) [5PP]

Standard Action: Set off EMP. (DC 25 Drain Toughness and DC 25 Toughness Save)

Move Action: Run to the trailer.

Free Action: Arrange Gadgets:

Teleportation Signal Hijack

Super-Senses 1 (Trace Teleport) [1PP]

Teleport 4 (Extras: Accurate, Affects Others, Power Feats: Change Velocity, Easy, Progression [Cargo] 1 [200 lbs.]) [19PP]

The idea here is to knock out any teleportation gear the 'Unifiers' might be carrying (along with the sound equipment and any camera phones in the audience), then get to the trailer and get ready to try to figure out where Aryan Angel got off to.

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All right, that will thoroughly wreck the equipment on stage as well as the cameraphones from those few audience members who haven't fled. (The Unifiers used Fucastrega's hell-teleporting to get there rather than any tech of their own, so the only equipment wrecked was what belonged to the white supremacists already there. Oh, what a, uh, horrible tragedy. <_>

Trevor has just enough Notice to get pertinent information from the Teleport Trace, though unfortunately Aryan Angel is beyond the reach of Teleport 4: Aryan Angel was definitely teleported out of there, there are no secret passageways or anything like that. (Trevor can tell that she went beyond his capacity to follow with what he has on hand, it's not a matter of inadequate detection but superior power). He'll have to bust out the more advanced teleport sensors to get an idea of culprits.

He and Erin both notice a distinct smell of acrid smoke from underneath the trailer, like burning electronics. It's not something Erin missed, it's something that specifically started just before his arrival.

Cannonade is up, after Midnight goes IC. (I will probably end combat after Cannonade goes)

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This is a pretty standard bomb, if there is any such thing. Any garden-variety demo guy for the Mob could have whipped it together, no problem. (That's why the EMP charge fried its circuits so thoroughly) It looks like an incendiary with explosive thermite, something designed to blow up the trailer and burn it to the ground, looking very impressive all the way, without actually doing much damage to the surrounding area. The parts are generic; he'd have to take it back to the Manor for closer analysis. It looks like it's been there for no more than a couple of hours.

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The body on the bed is dead, all right!

Midnight and Cannonade:


The body was obviously dumped here, from the disordered angle of the limbs and some things knocked off the bedside table, it looks like she actually landed with some force. The body is positioned directly under where the bomb had been planted beneath the trailer, where it would have taken the full brunt of the fire.



Bruises on the arms; a puncture wound in the torso, signs of cardiac arrest on the face and body. Someone held her down and injected potassium chloride into her heart. She was dead within seconds. A fast, professional job, one designed to leave as few marks as possible, marks which the fire from beneath almost certainly would have destroyed.

She was dead when she got here; she was teleported in over the bed by someone who didn't come through ahead to make sure they had the angle right.



This Greta Ratner is shorter and rounder than the one you last saw, her face a trifle less sharp. Her costume doesn't fit quite as well as you remember; it's a trifle looser around the chest and the hips, as if made for someone slightly taller and with marginally less body fat.


This is not a fresh corpse. She doesn't have the forensic knowledge to put a name to it, but this reminds Wander of Arkansas and Missouri, frozen hellholes covered in corpses that when the snow melted looked so much alive she half-expected them to reach up and grab for her face. Perhaps this one will! (But no, it's not a zombie)

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Cannonade is going to use the database at the Midnight Manor to make a Gather Information check with regards to missing persons matching the general description of the dead girl. He's also going to check to see if he can dig up anything on Gilda's family tree - after what happened tonight, he wouldn't be surprised if Aryan Angel was cold enough to ice a cousin and make it look like her.

Not sure a 15 will do it, but you never know.

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There are a decent number of missing blonde teenagers out there, but since Cannonade has to search both NJ (where they are) and ID (where Greta Ratner is from), he can't nail down any specifics.

Greta Ratner actually did have a decent-sized family, she's the youngest child and only daughter in a family of seven. She was born on a compound in Idaho; her parents were members of a Christian Identity sect. She actually hasn't seen them in years; she broke off all contact about three years ago: some people thought that meant she was breaking ties with the movement, but actually just the opposite!

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You were right about the cause of death. Someone pinned this girl down, injected poison into her, and then threw her dead body into a high-end deep freeze. But wait, there's more. Appearances aside, this is the corpse of Greta Ratner: the DNA matches, the fingerprints match (good thing Midnight was thoughtful enough to secure those, or have Erin secure them for him, earlier in the day), everything. The face is the same, too, just softer and rounder, and indeed the whole body looks younger. This can't pass for the Greta Ratner of today without the fire, but it could easily have been just how she looked in the past.

Indeed, looking back in some unpleasant image searches reveals the truth:

This looks like the dead body of sixteen year old Greta Ratner.

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