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River Monster (OOC)

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Gah, my post was too long.

Also, I decided that Lou should at least make an effort to maintain some normalcy. It's a quiet day in the part of town where he spent most of his life, so he's confident enough to try and take his daughter there even if a few people might freak out. Which they may!

Mostly though, I'm hoping familiarity is enough for Lou not to cause a scene by just walking down the street. Also, any terror provoked by his presence is drowned out by OH NO, DEEP ONES,

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In the surprise round, Devil Ray shoots Pyre with a barrage of spearheads! I'm using the following stats for him.

If you've read LXG, think Nemo's spear machine gun. Have an HP for being the blastee here.

Attack vs. DC 13

That hits (it's DC 13 since the Uncanny Dodge-less Pyre is without his dodge bonus).

The damage goes up by 2, since it was an Autofire Blast.

That's a DC 27 Tou save.

He uses his Move Action to fly 50 feet in the air.

Init time!

Devil Ray goes on 10

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All right, spending an HP to stunt Stun 15 (Extras: Area: Burst, Flaw: Action (full), Feats: Indirect 3, Sedation, Triggered (eat the fruit) (35pp). That should make all the little goonies eating the fruit fall asleep, as well as any humans stupid enough to join in. Hopefully the humans will resist the fruity temptation.

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Devil Ray drops out of the sky and hits the ground, hard. His suit is armored enough that the impact doesn't actually hurt him, but he is startled.

He'll open fire on Pyre again; since he's in trouble, he'll go ahead and All-Out Power Attack.


Oof, that juuust hits.

That's a DC 30 Tou save for a guy with one HP!

On the plus side, Devil Ray isn't moving and his Defense is currently +0 (i.e, the target number to hit him is 10).

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