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Hayes Park

There are a dozen mind-controlled builders. We'll use bystander stats for them if it becomes necessary to do so.

The machine itself looks a bit like a metal globe on a stand about as large as a semi-trailer, half-built and laden with sharp spines and warped bits of metal on the inside. Even half-built, if this collapses with people inside it, there will be blood.

I'll be using the stats for the Disdainful Psionic from the Villainous Archetypes 3 supplement, with his Impervious dropped to 13 so Miss Americana and Harrier will actually be able to hurt him in combat.

Both Miss A and Harrier have Notice stats high enough to see the mind-controller lurking in the bushes near the construction project, and Miss A's detector if set to Super-Senses 5 (Detect Mind Control [mental], Acute Analytical Radius Ranged) [5 pp] (which I'm providing here because she's easily got the points for that, and because it's good to have that kind of sample construction in place for later) will be able to tell that there's psychic tampering going on in that spot.

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Nat-20: 35

I really don't like this jerk

-1 HP for Miss A as she's surging to hit him again, using the Homebody Complication that was activated earlier.


Ugh, I'm really starting to hate this jerk.

Faced with a new threat, he'll switch it up and try Mental Blasting Miss A (the better to let him concentrate on his new opponent) and fail.

Harrier All-Out Power Attacks again


That hits.


Yes! This jerk finally failed a Tou save.

He is bruised and dazed. I'll say that breaks his hold over the mind-controlled civilians and lets them run away.

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