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Instant Action: Just Add Ninjas!


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So, Chat has once again spawned a new and unholy plot bunny that I think I can run an effective thread with - this time based around the plot of a movie I (and some others) enjoyed immensely, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (the first).

The general idea is that the youth of Freedom City (or at least a small portion of it) has recently begun getting caught (or suspected of) doing badness; ranging from petty theft, shoplifting, purse snatching, to much larger crimes - small groups of teenagers getting busted pulling off larger electronic store heists, emptying shipping trucks, and so on. The heroes of this thread in question have decided to do a little more digging into what's behind this rash of robberies, tracking back to a warehouse on the rough side of town, where foul schemes are being schemed, and angry teenagers are being subverted by a clan of evil ninjas (three guesses who they are, and the first two don't count).

So the plan is for an en-masse goonsweep with diplomatic elements sprinkled about. The heroes' job would be to either infiltrate or kick the door in, beat down the thugs, convince the small army of disillusioned youths into stopping their bad deeds, fight a pack of ninjas, then a Quirky Miniboss Squad of elite ninjas (who may be played by KnightDisciple), and finally the boss ninja himself. Said boss is essentially Not!Shredder played by Dok's Paragon With A Battlesuit build, if he permits it's use. I'd like to use the Katanarchists for this gig, and I've fired off a PM to the Refs requesting their use as well.

As for PLs, ideally I'd like some more street-level heroes in this one, preferably some martial arts-themed ones if possible, though I'm not picky. PL 7-9s, and I think three or four would be perfect. Anyone game?

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Paging Crimson Tiger! She practically has to be in this one.

Anyway, I volunteer Glow just because it sounds like fun, but only if you end up with spare space. She does already have lots going on and while she likes martial arts she's not good enough at it to fight in that style without her telekinesis. Stick me at the back of the list and I'll join if you don't get enough victims! :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

Okay, we've got a tentative go-ahead on the thread, and we've got four people who'll work out just fine, just fine indeed. Catalyst, Crimson Tiger, Glow, and Blodeuwedd. I'll check in with KnightDisciple on what the posts'll count for, and then we'll get started.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Thread's up. For brevity, we're going with the conceit that each of the heroes (in the Claremonters' cases, perhaps they did this in a group? Your call.) busted one or two of the teenagers responsible for the rash of petty thefts, and were directed to this warehouse. A dark and dangerous warehouse on the edge of town...
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