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Sentinel(name not final!) Matters, Team Discussion


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Okay, so now we have 6 people on the lineup, meaning now it's time for the brass tacks of how to get these folks together and how to make this happen in as unforced a method as we can.

Chime in at will!

Personally, I think a trio of threads devoted to each of them meeting another potentate, all fighting a mysterious antagonist's minions/henchmen/whatever, and concluding with a final thread where they beat the villaine and decide that they seem to work well together, so why not continue this relationship?


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I'm always in favor of chrome or some LED-blue for a tech team.

Here's a question to ponder: do we want a team HQ, and if so what kind? We could build an HQ, or the team could 'discover' one and inhabit it as the climax of the first round of stories.

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KoS has a few PP lying around, I'm sure he could chip in a few for a HQ.

As for finding one...perhaps it's an old hero's lair/lab co-opted by whomever the first threat the team faces is? If we DO end up fighting mostly techy villains it would make some sense to start with one. And such types need secret labs like birds need nests.

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I respect that you don't want to drop points in a lair, and you don't have to. I also don't want the team dependent on your character to go to their lair either. In addition, I vote against making it bigger on the inside.

I think that between Voltage, King of Suits and whoever else wants to put in, we can get enough points to build it without needing to ask Blue Rose to contribute to it.

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Vanguard works for me. :D

As far as a lair, I don't think I'd be entirely opposed to having one. Crusader can't contribute right away, but I certainly wouldn't mind doing so. As far as what sort of lair... that's an excellent question. With as many tech-oriented heroes (even Crusader has a bit of Craft [mechanical]), I do like the idea of co-opting some former threat's facilities.

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Well we could do a situation where they defeat the BBEG and part of the lair collapses or it otherwise unusable. So that as other PCs contribute, we can increase the size and facilities, opening new areas up and bringing more stuff on-line.

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That is a brilliant plan Rav!

It should be simple to(after the base has been around for a while) to simply install a teleport system connecting the ship(at Blue's discretion, obviously) to the HQ. That would allow easy transport of the team to and from Ages Lost without the peril of one depending on the other. Admittedly, that would also mean the HQ would be stationary and thus more vulnerable to attack, though on the other hand with the right Features it could be safely hidden from almost anyone.

It would also allow potential hijacking of teleporting Vanguards...>.>

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Hmmm..that's not bad at all Cubist! It has a very 'techy' feel to it, and the color blending does a great deal for it.

My only caveat is that not all of the current roster are tech-based or conversant. Crusader has a magic shield, Quintessence was improved by Preserver-tech to become a flying brick, not a gadgeteer, and Stormbreaker is a magic space dragon with wind powers. So while it is fitting, I think the more general 'super-team' design of Thunder King's suits them better.

But seriously, that is a cool logo. What do you guys think?

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While Crusader isn't initially tech based, the shield itself isn't magic. Sure, it was a bit supernatural the way he ended up with it, but the shield itself is just one big question mark. I even gave him Craft [mechanical] specifically because, as he progresses, he's going to be doing a more than just shield-throwing and goon-punching. Not that there's anything wrong with that, mind you. :)

I'm just rambling at this point though.

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