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And Countless Screaming Argonauts [OOC]

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No, I'll give it to you. He can see three of the intruders are working quickly in the Allies of Freedom wing. Two of them don't really stand out, due to the black-and-white camera and the shadows, but he's pretty sure the third has a jester's cap on. The fourth? Well, he's not showing up...

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Fight scene! Devil Ray shall be represented by AA's Fusion 2.0 at PL12 - ATT +6 (+12 Melee), DEF +10, TOU +14, FORT/REF/WILL +9, and damage to match. Orion will be represented by AA's Ex-Supervillain at PL12, with adjusted DEF/TOU caps - Attack +10 (+14 Blast), Defense +14 (+4 Flat-Footed), Toughness +8, Fort +8, Reflex +9, Will +8, damage to match. Wildcard will be represented by AA's Luck Controller with a Gun at PL12, with similar DEF/TOU adjustments - Attack +11 (+16 Cards/+17 Melee), Defense +15 (+5 Flat-Footed), Toughness +9, Fort/Ref/Will +9.

Orion goes on 15.

Devil Ray goes on 15.

Wildcard goes on 17.

Cannonade goes on 18.

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I'll say that yes, it's a Jimmy Lucas case, perhaps a souvenir from the time he drove Nacht-Krieger out of Calais. As for our mysterious fourth, well... he goes on 24 as well,, but I'll say he goes after Wander.

Edge: Seized Initiative, Unhamed, 8 HP

Wander: 24, Unharmed, 3 HP

???: 24, Unharmed, 0 HP

Cannonade: 18, Unharmed, 3 HP

Wildcard: 17, Unharmed, 0 HP

Orion: 15, Unharmed, 0 HP

Devil Ray: 15, Unharmed, 0 HP

Midnight: 8, Unharmed, 4 HP

Edge is up first.

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So noted.

Edge: Seized Initiative, Unharmed, 7 HP

Wander: 24, Unharmed, Inspired +5, 3 HP

???: 24, Unharmed, 0 HP

Cannonade: 18, Unharmed, Inspired +5, 3 HP

Wildcard: 17, Unharmed, 0 HP

Orion: 15, Unharmed, 0 HP

Devil Ray: 15, Unharmed, 0 HP

Midnight: 8, Unharmed, Inspired +5, 4 HP

Wander is up next.

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Wander is going to target Orion and attempt to give him a solid whack with her bat.

Start with a Fast Acrobatic Bluff on the move action, skill-mastered and inspired for a DC 32 to avoid flat-footedness.

Follow that up with a Charging Inspired full Power Attack, which will result in a net +2 to attack, -2 to defense, and +5 to damage. With a crappy crap roll of 17, the only way that could hit is if he's really flat-footed when he's flat-footed.

That misses, so going to spend an HP to reroll. That's a 29. Toughness DC is 30 if she hits.

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That hits, and Orion barely stays on his feet.

Edge: Seized Initiative, Unharmed, 7 HP

Wander: 24, Unharmed, Inspired +5, 3 HP

???: 24, Unharmed, 0 HP

Cannonade: 18, Unharmed, Inspired +5, 3 HP

Wildcard: 17, Unharmed, 0 HP

Orion: 15, Bruised x1, Dazed (Wander's Action), 0 HP

Devil Ray: 15, Unharmed, 0 HP

Midnight: 8, Unharmed, Inspired +5, 4 HP

Now for our fourth man! Vanguard will be played by my Immortal Soldier build at about PL11. Meaning ATT +16, DMG +6, DEF +12 (+4 Flat-Footed), TOU +10, FORT +8, REF +10, WILL +8. He bursts out of the darkness and shoots at Devil Ray with a Blaster (assume same stats as Assault Rifle). He hits, but not enough to trigger Autofire. Devil Ray must make a DC21 Toughness save. And takes a Bruise.

Edge: Seized Initiative, Unharmed, 7 HP

Wander: 24, Unharmed, Inspired +5, 3 HP

Vanguard: 24, Bruised x1, 0 HP

Cannonade: 18, Unharmed, Inspired +5, 3 HP

Wildcard: 17, Unharmed, 5 HP

Orion: 15, Bruised x1, Dazed (Wander's Action), 0 HP

Devil Ray: 15, Bruised x1, 0 HP

Midnight: 8, Unharmed, Inspired +5, 4 HP

Cannonade is all "what," but decides not to question the guy attacking the Crime League. He goes after the Dazed Orion and tries to take him out before he regains his faculties, using a -2/+2 Power Attack. He hits, necessitating a DC28 Toughness save. And Orion goes down. Except for the bit where Wildcard spends an HP to reroll for him. He's Staggered, and his Daze refreshes, but he's not out.

Edge: Seized Initiative, Unharmed, 7 HP

Wander: 24, Unharmed, Inspired +5, 3 HP

Vanguard: 24, Bruised x1, 0 HP

Cannonade: 18, Unharmed, Inspired +5, 3 HP

Wildcard: 17, Unharmed, 4 HP

Orion: 15, Bruised x1, Dazed (Cannonade's Action), Staggered, 0 HP

Devil Ray: 15, Bruised x1, 0 HP

Midnight: 8, Unharmed, Inspired +5, 4 HP

Wildcard decides to play 52 Pickup with Cannonade's face, unleashing a tide of honed playing cards and Power Attacking for -4/+4. It ends up just hitting Cannonade, and he needs to make a DC27 Toughness save. Which he does. But nope. Luck Control. Wow, Wildcard, you are the crappiest hexmaster ever.

Edge: Seized Initiative, Unharmed, 7 HP

Wander: 24, Unharmed, Inspired +5, 3 HP

Vanguard: 24, Bruised x1, 0 HP

Cannonade: 18, Unharmed, Inspired +5, 3 HP

Wildcard: 17, Unharmed, 3 HP

Orion: 15, Bruised x1, Dazed (Cannonade's Action), Staggered, 0 HP

Devil Ray: 15, Bruised x1, 0 HP

Midnight: 8, Unharmed, Inspired +5, 4 HP

Orion is Dazed, so he's not doing anything. Devil Ray, meanwhile, attempts to grapple Vanguard. The attack misses, however.

Edge: Seized Initiative, Unharmed, 7 HP

Wander: 24, Unharmed, Inspired +5, 3 HP

Vanguard: 24, Bruised x1, 0 HP

Cannonade: 18, Unharmed, Inspired +5, 3 HP

Wildcard: 17, Unharmed, 3 HP

Orion: 15, Bruised x1, Dazed (Cannonade's Action), Staggered, 0 HP

Devil Ray: 15, Bruised x1, 0 HP

Midnight: 8, Unharmed, Inspired +5, 4 HP

Midnight is up next.

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There's not much intel on Vanguard, but it appears that he's been seen operating in New York City and Philadelphia. Noted styles spotted in his vigilante career involve Modern Army Combatives, which would indicate that he's ex-military (or active service, by some odd quirk). His equipment looks to be state-of-the-art, and the rifle certainly looks like it came from the AEGIS armory. As for Sense Motive, he appears quite focused on the Crime League.

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And Wildcard is out - or would be, if he didn't spend an HP to force a reroll on the attack! Which... does not end well for him. He is not out, but he is Dazed and Staggered.

Edge: Seized Initiative, Unharmed, 7 HP

Wander: 24, Unharmed, Inspired +5, 3 HP

Vanguard: 24, Bruised x1, 0 HP

Cannonade: 18, Unharmed, Inspired +5, 3 HP

Wildcard: 17, Unharmed, Dazed (Midnight's Action), Staggered, 2 HP

Orion: 15, Bruised x1, Dazed (Cannonade's Action), Staggered, 0 HP

Devil Ray: 15, Bruised x1, 0 HP

Midnight: 8, Unharmed, Inspired +5, 3 HP

Top of the round. Edge is up next.

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And Devil Ray is Bound.

Edge: Seized Initiative, Unharmed, 5 HP

Wander: 24, Unharmed, Inspired +5, 3 HP

Vanguard: 24, Bruised x1, Inspired +5, 0 HP

Cannonade: 18, Unharmed, Inspired +5, 3 HP

Wildcard: 17, Unharmed, Dazed (Midnight's Action), Staggered, 2 HP

Orion: 15, Bruised x1, Dazed (Cannonade's Action), Staggered, 0 HP

Devil Ray: 15, Bruised x1, 0 HP

Midnight: 8, Unharmed, Inspired +5, 3 HP

Wander is up next.

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All right, Wander's already in melee range with Orion, so that makes things much simpler. Move action for acrobatic bluff, DC 32 to resist since she's inspired. Standard action to beat him about the head and torso with the bat.

That's an Inspired Power Attack, which zeroes out on the attack and adds +5 to damage. Roll is a 20, which is enough since he's flat-footed. Toughness DC 30.

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As rolled last night, Orion fails to spot the BS and gets a bat right in the face. As he's DEF +4 when he's Flat-Footed, that means it's a DC33 Toughness save. As he's already Staggered, he goes down. Wildcard realizes when there's a sucker deal going on, and holds off from spending.

Edge: Seized Initiative, Unharmed, 5 HP

Wander: 24, Unharmed, Inspired +5, 3 HP

Vanguard: 24, Bruised x1, Inspired +5, 0 HP

Cannonade: 18, Unharmed, Inspired +5, 3 HP

Wildcard: 17, Unharmed, Dazed (Midnight's Action), Staggered, 2 HP

Devil Ray: 15, Bruised x1, 0 HP

Midnight: 8, Unharmed, Inspired +5, 3 HP

Vanguard instantly Regenerates his Bruised and decides to go for Wildcard. He rolls a 23 on a Startle check, Wildcard just falls for it and is left Flat-Footed. Vanguard then opens fire, Power Attacking with the aid of Inspire. He just manages to hit, scoring a DC26 Toughness with Autofire. Wildcard takes a Bruised.

Edge: Seized Initiative, Unharmed, 5 HP

Wander: 24, Unharmed, Inspired +5, 3 HP

Vanguard: 24, Bruised x1, Inspired +5, 0 HP

Cannonade: 18, Unharmed, Inspired +5, 3 HP

Wildcard: 17, Bruised x1, Dazed (Midnight's Action), Staggered, 2 HP

Devil Ray: 15, Bruised x1, Bound, 0 HP

Midnight: 8, Unharmed, Inspired +5, 3 HP

Cannonade decides to go for Devil Ray instead, once more Power Attacking. As Devil Ray is Bound, that hits, but as Cannonade had to move to get to him, it doesn't result in coup de grace. But still DC31 Toughness save. He takes another Bruise.

Edge: Seized Initiative, Unharmed, 5 HP

Wander: 24, Unharmed, Inspired +5, 3 HP

Vanguard: 24, Bruised x1, Inspired +5, 0 HP

Cannonade: 18, Unharmed, Inspired +5, 3 HP

Wildcard: 17, Bruised x1, Dazed (Midnight's Action), Staggered, 2 HP

Devil Ray: 15, Bruised x2, Bound, 0 HP

Midnight: 8, Unharmed, Inspired +5, 3 HP

Devil Ray attempts to slip his bonds as a Move Action. That's a 38 versus a 41, so... no. At least, until Wildcard lends him a hand. 48 versus... 48. As Devil Ray has the highest bonus, he'd win... if AA didn't say he was spending for Edge to force reroll. He gets 40, Edge gets 41. Devil Ray's still bound, and can't really do anything.

Edge: Seized Initiative, Unharmed, 4 HP

Wander: 24, Unharmed, Inspired +5, 3 HP

Vanguard: 24, Unharmed, Inspired +5, 0 HP

Cannonade: 18, Unharmed, Inspired +5, 3 HP

Wildcard: 17, Bruised x1, Dazed (Midnight's Action), Staggered, 1 HP

Devil Ray: 15, Bruised x2, Bound, 0 HP

Midnight: 8, Unharmed, Inspired +5, 3 HP

Midnight is up next.

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