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I've been thinking over a few possible thread ideas and I'd thought I'd share to see if anyone would be interested.

1. The players get involved with helping a Roman Parallel stop an invasion from a Nazi world.

2. Gallia the former spirit of France, imprisoned during the Revolution, is freed and sets about getting revenge on well everyone.

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Raveled brings up a good point, to which I add: why is the Spirit of France seeking vengeance on 'everyone' and not, say, just Germans and Austrians living in her borders?

I'm certainly interested(as it would be as good an excuse as any for either El Heraldo or the King of Suits to attend it), and stuff like national spirits going berserk is of course filled with potential.

A Roman Parallel Earth needs help stopping an invasion of Nazis? What PL and range(approximately how big the scale is) do you have in mind?

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Why would the Spirit of France seek vengeance on everyone? Not sure. Another question, perhaps better: Who or what can imprison a nation's spirit -- and what reason would they have for doing so? The answer to this question might provide clues to the original query.

Also: When the SoF is doing its vengeance thing, will it hit Frenchmen (and/or people of French descent) as well as Germans & etc?

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Ah the peril of posting without laying everything out :) .

Frances National Personification has since the Revolution has been Marianne. I was thinking that back in the 1790'sduring the French Revolution the National Convention worried that Gallia could form a counter revolution imprisoned her through magical means. As to who and why I'm saving that for another time.

As for the much safer looking Roman vs Nazi thread I'm thinking of a small exploratory force so waves of soldier to wade through and maybe one or two surprises. It all depends on who and how many are interested in taking part.

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Oh, okay, that makes sense to me. With that in mind, I'll stick to King of Suits, what with him being French and all.

If he'd not be horribly ill-suited, of course.

In the Parallel Romans vs. Parallel Nazis thing, that sounds like something Wave-Eye would be good for. Breaking folks' weapons, washing away battalions...

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The penny just dropped. That "parallel Roman world" wouldn't happen to be the timeline in which Jubatus and Martin Brandtfordt spent most of the QUICK TO ERR thread. would it? If so, feel free to drag the cheetah into your alt-Romans-vs.-Nazis thread!

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