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All Take and No Give(OOC)


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They will have a Will save to oppose being mellowed out, though as I'm using the Herd Animal build in the Core Rules(which has a bonus of +1), they might need a little help from Archetype: 21! They are calmed right down. EDIT: To explain, in this case as they're being controlled, the Will save represents Archetype's control over the herd, which if it had succeeded would have prevented it from having its normal effect.


King of Suits will use Skill Mastery with Stealth for an automatic result of 25. Sneaking into the alleyway behind the pair of villainous types and preparing for an attack, waiting a bit to see what their deal is.


Archetype is currently Unfriendly, not Hostile because she doesn't see Philos as much of a threat to what she and Wreak are up to. That puts her over into Friendly, and persuades her handily.


Alright, the antelopes do not bolt and are successfully teleported back to Africa. A Sense Motive roll would not go amiss, by the way.

  • 4 weeks later...

It will take some doing, but they could be convinced, especially if the two can get their kids to speak up on their behalf.


KoS will Aid that roll: 13. 23 is numerically superior to 22, I suppose. Using a HP(2HP left) reroll: 18. Making that a 26.

They go from Hostile to Unfriendly, though that bumps up the DC of further attempts to change their stance by +10.

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