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June 2013 PP Awards (Come At Me)

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El Heraldo [18] = 2PP
King of Suits [7] =1PP + 25 GM posts = 32 = 3PP
Red Moon [2]  =1PP
Wave-Eye [3] =1PP
GM [25, to King of Suits, Red Moon, Wave Eye] (not enough to help anybody but KoS)
Edge 1 Post = 1 PP
Citizen 3 Posts = 1 PP
Comrade Frost 1 + 1 + 2 = 4 Posts = 1 PP +1 Ref PP = 2 PP
Harrier 4 Posts = 1 PP
Blue Rose 
Kit 2 Posts = 1 PP
Stormbreaker 1 Post = 1PP
Riff: 8 Posts = 1 PP
Fleur de Joie = 2 Posts = 1 PP
Wander = 20 + 1 = 21 Posts
Papercut no posts
Miss Americana = 2 Posts = 1 PP
Maxima [18] = 2PP
Arcturus 5 Posts = 1PP [+1 20Q] = 2 PP
HG Morrison: 
Omen [20] + 8 GM = 3PP
Glamazon [0] + 1 GM = 1PP
GM [9]
Victory: 1 Post = 1 PP
Cobalt Templar = 1PP
Fenris [7, to Cobalt Templar] =1 PP
Gabriel [7] = 1 PP 
Blue Jay: 1 + 3 = 4 Posts = 1 PP
Ironclad: 5 + 2 = 7 Posts + 12 GM = 19 Posts = 2 PP
Starlight: 0 Posts
GM: 4 + 2 + 4 + 2 = 12 Posts. No designation assigned so rolling over to Ironclad
Blue Fox 6 Posts (+1 Refpoint) = 2 PP 
Willow = 5 Posts = 1 PP
Supercape 2 posts + 50 (GM) = 52 posts = 4pp + 1 (ref point) = 5pp
Lord Steam 3 posts = 1pp
Rene DeSaens 22 posts + 28 (28/52 Supercape Rollover) = 50 posts = 4pp + 1 (ref point rollover, Supercape) = 5pp
Bloody Mess/The Hound 4 posts + 15 (15/52 Supercape Rollover) = 19 posts = 2pp
Pitch 41 posts + 9 (9/52 Supercape Rollover) = 50 posts = 4pp
GM 50 posts
Velocity [40] = 3PP 
Tsunami [12+16 GM] 28 = 2PP
Blodeuwedd [14] +1 GM =2 pp
Merge Trois [7] =1PP 
Revenant [7] remaining GM = 35 = 3PP
Young Britannia [8] =1PP
GM [29]
Asad [1] = 1PP
Errant [4] = 1PP
Cannonade [7] = 1PP
Nick C [2] = 1PP
Cavalier [1+1 Refpoint] = 2PP
Temperance [11 + 5] = 2PP
GM: [5]
Hronos [7] =1 PP
Net Fly [2 + 20 GM] = 2PP
GM [20] 


If you passed a milestone this month, make sure to let us know so we can edit that onto your sheet for you. 

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Milestones that I am at least aware of (from the sheet edits I did):

Supercape's Rene DeSaens has reached 250pp and is now MAXED.

Supercape's Pitch has reached 190pp and can now be up to PL13.

TiffanyKorta's Merge Trois has reached 160pp and can now be up to PL11.

Trollthumper's Cavalier has reached 160pp and can now be up to PL11.

Vahnyu's Net Fly has earned a total of 30pp and Vahnyu has earned his BRONZE VETERAN AWARD.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Something seemed hinky with Supercape's (the character, not the player!) pp total, so having discussed it with him we went back and re-totaled his pp awards. Looks like somewhere along the line the math had gone wrong!

Supercape's sheet has been updated to reflect the full 182 earned pp, and Supercape has earned the Orichalcum veteran award.

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