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Lock, Fist and Purr (OOC)


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Okay, this has set idle long enough.  We will go with Freddy's suggestion.

So could I have stealth rolls and notice checks for Freddy and Lucy please (two really stealthy character ;) )


Ok so the Mess is going to Mess himself up, and vomit out his blood to act in his blood form. Thats a full round action but I guess thats not so relevant. It pushes his stealth up to +15 but means he will leave a blood trail as per complication (which may or may not be an actual complication. Hey, he aint bright). 




Okay Cape, did you want to post a gross IC post for that (as well as the sneaking)?

Tiff, did you want to get in a IC post as well?

  • 2 weeks later...

Okay, Stealth check vs your notice rolls. And a Notice check.

So, the bad guy sees Lucy, but not Freddy, and neither of you see her at the moment. So, she gets a surprise action.

The bad guy gets a 18 to hit, which would normally miss, but Lucy is flat footed. So DC 26 toughness save for Lucy. The bad guy also tries to initiate a grapple, getting a 32.


Going to need initiative rolls now as well.


Okay, that is good enough to grab, but the hair gets a 37 on the grapple check as well.  I believe rolls go to the defender, so that would mean the locks of hair pull free.

Mess is up!

(also, if you wanted to look for person who's hair it is, will need another Notice check)


So, bad guy is not doing anything else at the moment, so...


Round Two


26 Revenant (bruised, 1 HP)

19 Bloody Mess (unharmed, 2 HP)

6 Strand (unharmed)


Assuming Lucy still wants to fight.

Still will need a Notice check to try to find the supervillain.


Okay, Strand's Stealth check is a 23, so even with modifiers, your Notice check is good enough to spot her.


She is up on rafter some 30 feet above the ground about 30-35 feet ahead of you and slightly to the right.


And Mess is up!


After discussion with Thev:


Standard Action: Boosting

Move Action: Straight leap up (at 450' right now so I assume that is enough!) and sticking to the ceiling by his head (wall crawling 3)

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