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Stopwatch 3: Collapse


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Thev, for the purposes of PLOT, I would suggest Velocity comes in to see Robert in, knocked out and being whisked of by a generic time agent. Feel free to narrate zipping in and appropriate science handwavium to have the flow of time conspire to miss grabbing him by nano seconds (or whatever science stuff works!)

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ok so the ball is in motion with the time-napping!


There isn't much more I can add to this, so I suggest the ball is in your court Thev, for Velocity to contact Hronos and to get a plan in place. Namely, use the Prototype fragments (or the original stopwatch?) in the hands of someone who knows how to use them (John Smith, who spent decades or more studying them, and has a track record of using them to power time travel) to go to the future. 


I dont think I can post here, so I leave it you guys hands to meet up and ill play John Smith living under house arrest!


You may wish to make Knowledge (Civics) Rolls to understand his legal situation but thats further down the line. Meet up first!

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Ok this all looks good to me!


I will let you guys to the "social" bit for a few. I suggest this moves on to locatring John Smith and the three fragments, the order is your choice. For JS, a Knowledge Civics ROll and Gather Info may be in order. 


EDIT: The location of the three fragments is of course totally under your control narratively! (As long as its not to wacky lung Ape-world) or, you may wish to use the original stopwatch. All your call. 

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Thev: Thats enough to form a legal opinion that John Smiths Charges are pretty thin. The evidence against him is weak.He was charged for using the Stopwatch fragment and drawing a TRex into the city, but basically he has solid arguments in his defence. The case is complex but it looks like it is crumbling and it is only a matter of time before it will be dropped. 

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Only slightly better for the Civics roll, a 20.


So Vahn, we need to decide where all the parts of the prototype were placed.  I guess Hronos kept the one he already had?




That's a reasonable assumption, Thevshi. I suppose Velocity kept at least one Stopwatch herself, too.

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That's a reasonable assumption, Thevshi. I suppose Velocity kept at least one Stopwatch herself, too.


Well, the pieces in SW2 were not a complete Stopwatch, just fragments of the prototype (I am not certain the whole was a stopwatch in fact, though Cape can clarify).


In any case we had three pieces to deal with, assuming Hronos kept the one he already had, that left the one found by Steed (which she did not want to keep ahold of considering the trouble it created, and anyway, was getting Velocity's help to try to clear up her legal issues with the US government) and the one the Russians had foud and also turned over to us.


There is also the improved Stopwatch, which Robert weilded in the first thread, that Velocity and the Freedom League had secured.

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Cape, as discussed the other day in chat, here is the stunted alternate device Daedalus put together for Velocity: 


Device 1:  Super-Sense 5 (Extended for normal vision, Radius for all vision, Counters Concealment) (5 PP)


So, a hero point for power stunting this alt (though, arguably, she should get a hero point for Robert being kidnapped )

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That looks good for me, Thev. 


As far as Robert goes, I am holding off the Hero Point, for nowas Robert being kidnapped is the plot driver. That being said, if and when he does reappear and forces some more definitive problems at the time, the HP will flow!


The reason for not giving now is that he may just appear in the future without actually having caused any problems! Alternatively he could cause several seperate problems. So rather than just give 1 HP flat now, Ill hold off and award as and when. 


For reference:


Velocity - Unharmed - 2 HP

Hronos - Unharmd - 1 HP

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  • 2 weeks later...

For the sake of vanity and bragging, you may make some Life Sciences Rolls to recognise the variety of plant and animal life around you. Narrate whatever you like ;)


Roughly speaking


DC10: Whoaah! Them be dinosaurs!

DC20: The plant and animal life are not from the same period in the past. 

DC30: Wow! There is plant and animal life here from the future! (evolved from the present!) - speculative but accurate!


Flesh in the DCs in between for yourselves and brag about how you know the latin names for various animals and plants if you wish! :)

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Alright, Hronos is gonna use his Chronal Attunement to spot (or at least, attempt to spot) any Chronal irregularities in the area (such as time-travel traces, etc). Excluding himself, Velocity, and John Smith, of course.


Super Senses (Time/Temporal Awareness[Mental Awareness], Accurate 2, Acute, Analytical, Counters Concealment 2, Counters Illusion 2, Extended 5[1'000'000ft/189 miles], Rapid 2(x100), Tracking 3; Extras:Linked[Quickness], Feats:  Dimensional 3) + Quickness 4(x250; Extras: Linked[super Senses])[22 + 4 = 26PP] (Chronal Attunement)


189 mile radius, x100 Rapid

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Ok, so let us say the T-Rexs are 250 feet away, and at that distance, with such foilage, you had no problems getting within that distance without being seen. Further sneaking may need the stealth roll of course!


Also, could I have some notice rolls from you. The DC is 15, however you are of course at a significant range penalty. at -1 per 10 feet, thats a whopping -25 penalty but of course some people may have extended range, or a pair of binoculars. Roll anyway because we get an idea at what range you might notice something...


At the back of the T-Rex's neck is a smallish cybernetic implant, DC 20 Know (Tech) roll to realise that they are probably being controlled in some way, not directly, but programmed to patrol the perimitter as guard dogs of a sort. If you make this DC you may be able to use disable device, DC 25, to deactivate the implant, which would make em go bezerk!

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Hronos will take 10 on a +14 notice check, for a total of 24. With the range penalties, he'll be able to spot the devices in the dinosaurs as soon as they get within 90 feet of him.

Then, when they do get close enough, he will take 10 on a +10 Knowledge (Technology) check, for a total of 20.

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