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Bargain Hunting (IC)


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Giang watched as three of the duplicates of the supervillainess moved forward in the plaza and the apparent original Legion created yet another duplicate.  "I believe your overconfidence stems from the difficulty you were able to create when you had us all separated.  But we are together now, and much like you and your duplicates, work more effectively that way."  The Asian teen called out.


"And I think you are forgetting how I was able to deal with the duplicates you sent after me."


With that last, Giang ran forward as well, moving to a space between two of the duplicates now in the center of the plaza.  Skidding to a halt, the Asian teen's hands trust out in front of her, a pair of quick blast of water shooting forth from them.  She then swept her hands to either side, more quick last of water firing out at precisely timed intervals and she began to twist around on the spot, dropping into a low crouch as she did.


Giang stopped in a low crouch as eight of the powerful blast of water twisted through the air, each streaking towards one of the Legions scattered about.  Each blast was perfectly aimed, in at least one cast curving slightly to one side to avoid a bystander, and each slammed into the intended target.


All eight Legions were knocked completely off their feet and sent flying in various directions.  The real Legion and the four duplicates standing around her were sent flying towards the street, where three slammed into parked cars and another, along with the real Legion, hit the side of a bus stopped by the mall to pick up and drop off passengers.  One of the Legion duplicates disappeared, as she was knocked unconscious.  The rest were at least clearly hurt and dazed, and at least two barely appearing to hand on to consciousness. 


Two of the Legions that were in the center of the plaza were knocked into a nearby fountain, slamming against the wall the water poured down from into a shallow pool below.  One of the two vanished as she lost consciousness.  The other splashed into the water, injured and dazed.


The last Legion in the center of the plaza was sent flying in the opposite direction of the other two, where she slammed into a bench along the edge of the plaza.  The duplicate collapsed in a heap on the ground, before she disappeared as well.


When the blast of water had hit the real Legion, another duplicate had appeared near where she had stood.  Yet another appeared near the real Legion when she slammed into the side of the bus.


Giang stood back up, turning as she did to face the real Legion and the majority of the duplicates once more.  The thin sheen of water still swirling around her lithe form.

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As soon as the duplicates were on the ropes from Giang's attack, Mali was off like a shot. She knew that if they got a chance to recover from being knocked for a loop, the fight would go on a lot longer. She poured everything she had left into an all out run, hoping to close distance before they had a chance to react. She knew Legion was too dangerous to fight 'fair' against.


So, when she closed distance on the original, non-duplicate Legion, she used the momentum from her run to slam her fist down onto the girl's head, knocking her back to the ground.


She looked around and instinctively raised her hands. She wanted to make sure that if there were any more surprises, she'd be ready.

Edited by Thunder King
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Thaelia stretched her arms out as Mali seemingly brought things to a close.  "That was lackluster."  She mumbled disappointed that Legion was spared an agonous beating.  Turning to flash Giang a thumbs up while Mali took on a defensive posture.  Prepared for further retribution, to Thaelia's dismay as it appeared things had come to a close.  Not that Thaelia was so cautious as to worry about the idea of Legion or any assistance to the now unconscious girl.  Optimistically taking a victory as a victory.
"Come let us be merry.  Returning the stolen goods to the merchants and recovering our own purchases.  I believe feasting was next correct?"  As she spoke Thaelia began to tie her hair up into a bun. Patting her face afterwards to inspect the damage suffered from repeated staff attacks.

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With the original Legion knocked unconscious, all the duplicates that were still active vanished.  Luckily, the bags some of those had been carrying did not disappear with them, but lay on the ground where the duplicates holding them had vanished. 


The bystanders that were in the area moved away from the center of the plaza, a few leaving the scene altogether, but many staying to watch what was going on.  There were a few assorted cheers among the mostly silent shoppers.


Giang relaxed her stance, the sheen of water that was swirling around her disappearing.  Off in the distance, the three teenage heroines could hear the approach of police sirens.

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Mali's shoulders slumped slightly, and she sighed. "Wow, I have to give her credit. Legion can really handle herself in a fight." she stretched slightly. "Gonna be stiff and sore tomorrow, that's for sure." Despite her frustrations, she had to admire the criminal's skills. Good fighting instincts, good weapon handling. Used her powers creatively to enhance her skills instead of relying on them. Mali never said it, but she simply had more respect for people who worked with their powers and gifts instead of relying on them as is.

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Thaelia smiled at Mali's comment before nodding her head in understanding.  Truthfully all though she had taken a rather rough show of force from Legion the Atlantean just needed the refreshing embrace of water to soothe the pain.  Not even a single hair on her head would still be feeling it when the sun rises.  But bringing that up would be uncouth.  Instead she would join in on complementing their foe.  "Her movement with the staff are to be commended.  Despite a heart most foul it was a glorious battle to be recalled upon.  Her weapon would make an honorable tribute to the gods if you do not mind me snapping it in half.

Thaelia of course took the moment to wave towards the scant crowd with their cheers and applause. Enjoying the after glow of their battle.

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Giang glanced at some of the crowd gathered, but figured it was much too late to do about that right now, so instead she turned back to focus on the unconscious Legion as she helped gather up a couple of the scattered bags full of the stolen gems.

"Unfortunately, I believe Legion's staff is what the police would call 'evidence,' so it would be best leave it for them to collect along with her." The Asian teen stated in response to her roommates comments. She had gotten rather used to Thaelia's unusual view of how victory in battle should be celebrated, having seen firsthand an Atlantean celebration following such a victory. The Atlantean teen just occasionally required reminders that such things could be different on the surface world.

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  • 2 weeks later...


The three teens did not have long to wait before the police began to arrive on the scene. After a couple of minutes, there were more than a dozen police cars on the scene, with officers taking the unconscious Legion into custody while waiting for STAR to arrive to transport her. Other officers had cordoned off the small plaza where the three had caught up with the supervillainess, with some others making their way into the mall to secure the scene in the jewelry store.

Tsunami, Glamazon and Crimson Tiger all had to provide statements to the police, who were more than happy to help them recover their things from the mall and discretely leave the scene once they were no longer needed. So it was about a quarter of an hour or so later that the three had managed to get back to Mali’s car and were then on their way back towards Port Regal, deciding it was likely best that they try to find some where to eat near campus instead of staying at the mall.

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A short while later…

Two STAR officers led Legion towards an armored prisoner transport that was parked on the street near the small plaza where the supervillainess had been captured. A pair of suppressor cuffs clamped over her hands and wrists were dampening Legion's powers, as well as helping to keep her subdued. Something of a mid-sized crowd had now gathered around the scene, given the number of police cars that were now at the mall, and the news getting out that some villain had tried to rob a jewelry store and been stopped by some superheroes.

The two officers helped Legion up into the back of the transport and then climbed up in after her. As one officer secured the costumed criminal, the other swung the door closed and locked it. "All secured, ready to roll out." He said over his radio to the driver.

With a low roar, the transport's powerful engine came alive. But before the vehicle could start to move, a sphere of black shadows appeared around it, plunging all those inside into impenetrable darkness.

"What the…" One of the STAR officers began to call out before he was cut short by a sudden blow to the side of his head that knocked him to the floor in the back of the transport dazed.

The second STAR officer heard his partner fall and began to go for his sidearm, before a powerful kick landed in his midsection, knocking the wind out of him and sending him slamming into the inside wall of the transport. He then collapsed onto the seats along that wall.

Then Legion heard a low male voice in the darkness near her. "Not the most impressive showing Legion. But luckily for you, the Crime League still believes you can be of some use."

As the two STAR officers were pushing themselves back upright and trying to get their bearings back, the darkness suddenly was gone. Blinking as they readjusted to the light, the pair saw that Legion was gone…

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