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The Hades Complex(OOC)


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Ani-Earth Newman shudders, understanding beyond knowledge that his secret is revealed.

Okay, MacGruther tells them about how Newman is distributing alien guns to foreign markets. His vacillating explanations about who and where the boss is has Stormbreaker thinking the guy's just making stuff up, especially since Leigh doesn't sound half smart enough to snag otherworldly weapons. Vector has more experience with the Omega of Crime and his tendency for the confusing, and to her his suddenly having Terminus weapons, plus his moniker and theme, indicates that there's more to it than mere fanboying.

Both of them work out pretty squarely that Leigh's at his Darwin offices, and most likely well-protected. All things considered there might be enough evidence to put him behind bars for good this time.

SCENE CUT: above a stately office building overlooking the Timor Sea.

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Sure. His special blend of snarling, obscene growls and snickers is pretty distinctive.

And I'll just say that works. He's not expecting anyone to hear him or be this close already. Stormbreaker hears him rambling to himself on the top floor of the building.

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Okay, to be clear, Newman is not affected by the air-storm for dramatic purposes. HP to Stormbreaker.

Toughness save vs. DC25: 14. Failed by 11, so Bruised and Dazed. The Knockback sends him through the wall into an adjacent office, fortunately empty.

At this ludicrous display, the goons panic and start to flee.

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DC30 opposed Intimidate roll: 21. Failed. And this late in the game I'm not going to quibble.

Newman is suitably impressed with the notion that being sent into space is not good times for him, and that it'd be best if he cooperated. For now. Savor the hate.

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