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Question about Boost and the Innate feat


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Can the boost feat increase a the size of a creature with Growth and the innate power feat?

I'm asking because I have a concept of a villain that is already innately big (around 7 feet) with a way to increase his size more. Kinda like Bane getting bigger.



Being just seven feet tall would mean you're better off with just buying the increased Strength and Constitution normally since it'd equate to a mere 2 ranks of Growth and you'd still be medium sized.


Sure: Two ranks of Innate & Permanent Growth to start with then two more ranks of Sustained/Continuous/Independent Growth. I see no problems. Though why the use of Boost [Growth] rather than just straight Growth?


Per the core book, Boost cannot be used to boost Permanent effects; per UP, neither Permanent nor innate effects can be Boosted. (Using Boost on an Elephant won't make it bigger, since it doesn't have the power to grow, it's simply naturally larger than a human.)

I'd go with a rank or two of Permanent innate Growth, and then a few more ranks of non-Permanent Growth.

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