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I've decided not to go with a villain for my ultimate replacement for Red Queen, so I'm converting a character I rather liked from another online campaign; her name is Gossamer, and her powers basically revolve around Prehensile Hair, ala Marvel's Medusa and DC's Godiva. In addition to the Additional Limbs and Elongation that come with the power, I wanted to add some other fun stuff, like Super-Strength, Super-Dexterity, Super-Movement and Super-Senses, and it seems like doing PH as a Container might be the best way to handle this build. I would appreciate any help anyone could offer, especially if I'm wrong about the Container thing :D


Alternate Form doesn't give a benefit, either, not cost-wise, or in any other way I can think of. And thematically, it makes perfect sense (to me) to have all the "Prehensile Hair" powers tied into one Container. If anything happens to the Hair, you know exactly what powers get affected.

It's like having a well-attached bionic arm (one as well-attached as a natural/real arm): it's not a Device, but all the arm-granted powers are in that one arm; if the arm gets fried, you lose all those powers. Makes sense to put 'em all in a Container to show that they're all tied to the one thing.


Alternate Form doesn't give a benefit, either, not cost-wise, or in any other way I can think of. And thematically, it makes perfect sense (to me) to have all the "Prehensile Hair" powers tied into one Container. If anything happens to the Hair, you know exactly what powers get affected.

It's like having a well-attached bionic arm (one as well-attached as a natural/real arm): it's not a Device, but all the arm-granted powers are in that one arm; if the arm gets fried, you lose all those powers. Makes sense to put 'em all in a Container to show that they're all tied to the one thing.

That's basically why I wanted to do it, to reflect that vulnerability; if a baddie targets her hair with a Nullify, she's kinda S.O.L.; that being said, is it actually a good idea? Other than having a few ranks in Protection due to a well-made costume, she just has her wits and her skills; I did have this idea for her to have Pheromones as sort of a social control/back-up power ("Breaks the ice at parties!"), but that might be kind of a stretch.


Okay, doing a little math here, I can see this would not work since 10 ranks of Prehensile Hair (I actually don't want any more than that, it gets ludicrous at high levels) only cost 10 pp, which really limits everything else you put in there if it was a Container. However, adding a Limitation of 'Hair Only' to things like Super-Strength still works to limit her effectiveness, because if you turn off the PH she loses access to everything anyway.


Why would a limit on the rank of Prehensile Hair impose a limit on anything else? The Prehensile Hair power would be a part of the Prehensile Hair Container, like the Elongation power is part of Professor Fathom's Liquid Form container.

In other words, it'd be something like

Prehensile Hair 4 (Container, 20 pp)

    [*:20d5qsit]Prehensile Hair 5 (100 feet, 25 tendrils; PF: 2 APs) [7pp]
    [*:20d5qsit]AP 1: Deflect 5 (slow projectiles)
    [*:20d5qsit]AP 2: Flight 2 (25 mph; "helicopter hair")
    [*:20d5qsit]Enhanced Strength 14 (Limit: Only with Prehensile Hair) [7pp]
    [*:20d5qsit]Super-Movement 2 (Slow Fall, Swinging) [4pp]
    [*:20d5qsit]Super-Strength 2 (Limit: Only with Prehensile Hair) [2pp]


Why would a limit on the rank of Prehensile Hair impose a limit on anything else? The Prehensile Hair power would be a part of the Prehensile Hair Container, like the Elongation power is part of Professor Fathom's Liquid Form container.

In other words, it'd be something like

Prehensile Hair 4 (Container, 20 pp)

  • [*:1rbyjhap]Prehensile Hair 5 (100 feet, 25 tendrils; PF: 2 APs) [7pp]
    [*:1rbyjhap]AP 1: Deflect 5 (slow projectiles)
    [*:1rbyjhap]AP 2: Flight 2 (25 mph; "helicopter hair")
    [*:1rbyjhap]Enhanced Strength 14 (Limit: Only with Prehensile Hair) [7pp]
    [*:1rbyjhap]Super-Movement 2 (Slow Fall, Swinging) [4pp]
    [*:1rbyjhap]Super-Strength 2 (Limit: Only with Prehensile Hair) [2pp]

Ah, okay - clearly I didn't actually understand how Containers work; I may well use this breakdown with several modifications as a basis of for her write-up. Many thanks!


Okay, one last question on this based on your example; 4 ranks of Container gets me 20pp to spend on all the powers underneath it, but if I include the 2 APs, it looks like you spent 22 pp. Am I missing something? And what does 'PF' stand for?


PF stands for Power Feat. And the APs can be paid for by the twenty points available within the Container, which is what he did in his example.


Not the good Dr. but I think I can answer nonetheless:

1. PF stands for Power Feat(s).

2. With Prehensile Hair costing only 1 pp per rank, the two alternate powers are already paid for with those power feats.

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