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Lucy paused and a pained looked crossed her face. How could she be so heartless? Obviously this whole deal was getting to her more than she realised. Looking around briefly she turned back to her newfound allies.


“You’re right of cause, but I suspect we don’t have long before she’s aware that we’re here and tries to stop us somehow. Best be quick to do what you can.â€


For now all she could do was keep an eye for any potential trouble and give Ghost Girl as much time to do what she could.

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"Are you in Hell too?" asked the soldier nearest Kimber, his gravely voice evidently translating perfectly well into the language of the dead - there was not even a trace of a Russian accent. "That's a shame, a pretty girl like you." His mouth had fallen open but it did not move; the overall effect for the others was as if a speaker was playing.

"No, maybe she's a demon!" said one of the other soldiers - a private. "I told you the pitchforks and fire were coming soon, Yuri." 


"You can speak to them! Delightful!" said Frost, clapping his hands together and rejoining Ghost Girl and Lucy for the moment. "Ask them who is it did this." 


When translated, the soldiers told an account of crossing the border into the 'dead zone' - and then a feeling of cold, overwhelming numbness, and then absolutely nothing. They were all blind and deaf, only able to hear (and then see) Kimber. "We talked to each other and learned we were not alone, and so we assumed the witch had cast us down into the depths of Hell." 

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"Aw, don't worry, Hell would probably be way worse than this!" Ghost Girl assured the frozen soldiers cheerfully before considering for a moment longer and admitting with a frown, "This is pretty bad, though. Bluh. We'll fix this and get everybody back up and moving in no time, Yuri, Piotr! You can totally count on us!" She gave the soldiers a reassuring thumbs up before turning to Lucy and Dimitri and continuing in a low voice, "Turning off the dead zone thing will put them back to normal, right? They're, uh, they're pretty dead right now, is the thing... Sounds like it was that Sixtus lady like you figured, though. She's got a lot to answer for!" Something in the phantom's voice turned cold and hard as ice for a moment as she said that, jaw set in a way that didn't quite fit her so-far effervescent demeanor. Even without talking to them she could feel the fear rising from the immobile corpses and someone was going to pay for it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Even for the undead heroes, the city was dark and cold upon their arrival, its population (living or dead - and most likely dead) was nowhere to be seen. Gloved hands in his pockets, eyes red from suppressed fury, Frost led the way - both obvious and tough, he was the natural first choice to lead the way. But by the time they reached the center of town, a rather shabby hammer and sickle statue in the center square that looked even more pathetic in this dying city, it was becoming increasingly clear that wherever Sister Sixtus was - she wasn't interested in company. At the site of the statue, Frost raised his voice and shouted "Sixtus! Sixtus, we have come for you! We have come for vengeance!" Loud as his cry was, in the dead city of blocky apartments and small, bedraggled homes, it went completely unanswered. "You-" he then said things, stomping up and down the brown-grassed square with his eyes flaring red, in vicious parade-ground Russian, that were best not said so that his two lady companions could hear him.

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  • 1 month later...

The neighbourhood that Lucy had grown up was a little bleak and rundown, but it was nothing compared to the brutal architecture that now surrounded them. It was probably just about the perfect spot for this kind of confrontation.


For now she would have to wait for things to happen, so she stood there arms folded waiting for Sixtus to show her hand. She couldn’t help but smile at some of the language that Comrade Frost was using, she couldn’t speak many languages but thanks to her upbringing she could swear in about half a dozen languages.

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