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Eternal Phoenix's Character Factory and Archetype Blendarama

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Bird Controlling Swordmaster


Power Level: 10; Power Points Spent: 150/150


STR: +2 (14), DEX: +3 (16), CON: +3 (16), INT: +1 (12), WIS: +3 (16), CHA: +2 (14)


Tough: +3/+8, Fort: +7, Ref: +10, Will: +8


Skills: Acrobatics 12 (+15), Diplomacy 8 (+10), Gather Information 8 (+10), Knowledge (streetwise) 9 (+10), Knowledge (tactics) 9 (+10), Notice 7 (+10), Sense Motive 7 (+10), Stealth 12 (+15)


Feats: Acrobatic Bluff, All-Out Attack, Attack Focus (melee) 10, Defensive Attack, Dodge Focus 4, Evasion, Fearless, Improved Critical (Sword (Strike 3)), Improved Defense, Improved Initiative, Improved Trick, Move-by Action, Power Attack, Quick Draw, Skill Mastery (Acrobatics, Notice, Sense Motive, Stealth), Stunning Attack, Takedown Attack, Uncanny Dodge (Auditory)



Bird Control (Array 10) (default power: animal control)

   Animal Control 10 (Default; DC 20; Burst Area (50 ft. radius - General), Conscious, Effortless; Limited (to Birds), Range 2 (touch))

   Environmental Control 5 (Array; distraction (dc15), hamper move (50%), visibility, Radius: 100 ft.; Selective Attack; Custom (Medium (Birds)), Range (touch))

   ESP 10 (Array; affects: 2 types, inc. visual; Medium)

   Teleport 10 (Array; 1000 ft. as move action, 200000 miles as full action; Accurate; Medium)

Heavy Armor (Device 1) (Hard to lose)

   Heavy Armor (Protection 5) (+5 Toughness)

Sword (Device 2) (Easy to lose)

   Sword (Strike 3) (DC 20, Feats: Improved Critical (Sword (Strike 3)); Penetrating [2 extra ranks]; Mighty)


Attack Bonus: +5 (Ranged: +5, Melee: +15, Grapple: +17)


Attacks: Animal Control 10 (DC Will 20), Sword (Strike 3), +15 (DC 20), Unarmed Attack, +15 (DC 17)


Defense: +12  (Flat-footed: +4), Knockback: -4


Initiative: +7


Languages: Native Language


Totals: Abilities 28 + Skills 18 (72 ranks) + Feats 29 + Powers 33 + Combat 26 + Saves 16 + Drawbacks 0 = 150



Here we go again. Another swordmaster with a gimmick. My bird themed mystic was a bit of inspiration here. She's pretty straightforward, as I've been doing this for quite a while now. She's got cool bird based powers, and can slice steel in half. Dunno what else you want.



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  • EternalPhoenix


Cybernetic Martial Artist


Power Level: 10; Power Points Spent: 150/150


STR: +5 (20), DEX: +5 (20), CON: +5 (20), INT: +0 (10), WIS: +5 (20), CHA: +2 (14)


Tough: +5/+6, Fort: +10, Ref: +10, Will: +10


Skills: Acrobatics 10 (+15), Bluff 6 (+8), Craft (electronic) 5 (+5), Craft (mechanical) 5 (+5), Diplomacy 6 (+8), Escape Artist 10 (+15), Gather Information 10 (+12), Knowledge (streetwise) 10 (+10), Knowledge (technology) 5 (+5), Notice 10 (+15), Sense Motive 10 (+15), Sleight of Hand 5 (+10), Stealth 10 (+15)


Feats: Acrobatic Bluff, All-Out Attack, Attack Focus (melee) 10, Attractive (+4), Defensive Attack, Defensive Roll, Dodge Focus 5, Elusive Target, Evasion, Improved Critical (Unarmed Attack), Improved Defense, Improved Grapple, Improved Initiative, Improved Trick, Move-by Action, Power Attack, Redirect, Skill Mastery (Acrobatics, Notice, Sense Motive, Stealth.), Stunning Attack, Takedown Attack, Uncanny Dodge (Auditory)



(Strength Bonus) Strike 5 (Penetrating)

Additional Limbs 1 (1 extra limb; +1 to Grapple when not using Imp. Grapple, Feats: Improved Grapple)


Attack Bonus: +5 (Ranged: +5, Melee: +15, Grapple: +20)


Attacks: Unarmed Attack, +15 (DC 20)


Defense: +13  (Flat-footed: +4), Knockback: -3


Initiative: +9


Languages: Native Language


Totals: Abilities 44 + Skills 26 (102 ranks) + Feats 33 + Powers 6 + Combat 26 + Saves 15 + Drawbacks 0 = 150



This is a rarity for this part. No weapons, no magic, just a cybernetic tail, penetrating claws, and pure martial arts. A few skills I don't usually add to round things out. There you have it.

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Stealth Mage


Power Level: 10; Power Points Spent: 150/150


STR: +2 (14), DEX: +5 (20), CON: +2 (14), INT: +2 (14), WIS: +5 (20), CHA: +0 (10)


Tough: +2/+6, Fort: +7, Ref: +10, Will: +10


Skills: Acrobatics 10 (+15), Concentration 5 (+10), Disable Device 8 (+10), Knowledge (arcane Lore) 8 (+10), Knowledge (streetwise) 13 (+15), Notice 10 (+15), Sense Motive 5 (+10), Stealth 15 (+20)


Feats: Accurate Attack, Acrobatic Bluff, All-Out Attack, Attack Focus (ranged), Attack Specialization 3 (Sword), Defensive Attack, Defensive Roll, Dodge Focus 6, Equipment 2, Evasion, Hide in Plain Sight, Improved Initiative, Move-by Action, Power Attack, Skill Mastery (Acrobatics, KN (Streetwise), Notice, Stealth), Takedown Attack, Uncanny Dodge (Auditory)



Camo Clothing (Features 1)

Protection 3 (+3 Toughness; Subtle (subtle))

Stealth Magic (Array 10) (default power: concealment)

   Blast 8 (Array; DC 23; Accurate (+2), Precise, Subtle 2 (unnoticable))

   Concealment 10 (Default; all senses)

   ESP 5 (Array; affects: all types)

   Illusion 4 (Array; affects: all sense types, DC 14; Progression, Area 4 (100 ft. radius))

   Insubstantial 4 (Array; Incorporeal)

   Mind Reading 10 (Array; DC 20; Subtle 2 (unnoticable))

   Morph 10 (Array; morph: broad group - humanoids, +50 Disguise)

   Teleport 5 (Array; 500 ft. as move action, 5 miles as full action; Accurate; Change Direction, Change Velocity, Easy, Subtle 2 (unnoticable))


Equipment: Costume [Camo Clothing (Features 1); Protection 3, +3 Toughness; Subtle (subtle)], Sword


Attack Bonus: +9 (Ranged: +10, Melee: +9, Grapple: +11)


Attacks: Blast 8, +12 (DC 23), Mind Reading 10 (DC Will 20), Sword, +15 (DC 20), Unarmed Attack, +9 (DC 17)


Defense: +13  (Flat-footed: +4), Knockback: -3


Initiative: +9


Languages: Native Language


Totals: Abilities 32 + Skills 19 (74 ranks) + Feats 25 + Powers 27 + Combat 32 + Saves 15 + Drawbacks 0 = 150



Most mystics either do some of everything or just have a gimmick. This is a mystic whose focus is laser tight. She's entirely about stealth. No flashy spells, no shiny force fields, no flying around like she's Centurion or Eldrich. She's the one you don't know is there until it's too late. With Skill Mastery and proper camo, that's a +35 Stealth check. With Hide In Plain Sight. Before a single spell is cast. The magic makes it even more unfair, because now there's no place she can't get into or out of and precious few secrets she can't eventually glean. And Concealment or Illusion mean your special Stealth piercing senses are now useless at finding her. All that, and she can still function acceptably in straight combat with sword or magic blasts, if that's what you're into. You're welcome.

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  • 5 months later...

Rabbit Totem


Power Level: 10; Power Points Spent: 150/150


STR: +5 (14/20), DEX: +8 (20/26), CON: +5 (14/20), INT: +0 (10), WIS: +2 (14), CHA: +4 (18)


Tough: +6/+8, Fort: +8, Ref: +10, Will: +8


Skills: Acrobatics 12 (+20), Bluff 11 (+15), Diplomacy 11 (+15), Gather Information 6 (+10), Knowledge (User's Choice) 9 (+9), Notice 8 (+10), Sense Motive 8 (+10), Stealth 7 (+15)


Feats: Acrobatic Bluff, All-Out Attack, Attack Focus (melee) 7, Challenge - Improved Acrobatic Bluff, Defensive Attack, Defensive Roll 2, Dodge Focus 2, Evasion, Fearless, Improved Critical (Rabbit Claws (Strike 3)), Improved Trick, Move-by Action, Power Attack, Skill Mastery (Acrobatics, Bluff, Diplomacy, Stealth), Takedown Attack, Taunt, Ultimate Effort 2 (Bluff, Toughness ), Uncanny Dodge 2 (Olfactory, Tactile)



Enhanced Constitution 6 (+6 CON)

Enhanced Dexterity 6 (+6 DEX)

Enhanced Strength 6 (+6 STR)

Protection 1 (+1 Toughness)

Rabbit Claws (Strike 3) (DC 23, Feats: Improved Critical (Rabbit Claws (Strike 3)); Penetrating [1 extra rank]; Mighty)

Speed 3 (Speed: 50 mph, 440 ft./rnd)

   Leaping 3 (Alternate; Jumping distance: x10)

Super-Senses 6 (accurate: Smell, acute: Smell, low-light vision, ranged: Touch, ultra-hearing)


Attack Bonus: +5 (Ranged: +5, Melee: +12, Grapple: +17)


Attacks: Rabbit Claws (Strike 3), +12 (DC 23), Unarmed Attack, +12 (DC 20)


Defense: +10  (Flat-footed: +4), Knockback: -4


Initiative: +8


Languages: Native Language


Totals: Abilities 30 + Skills 18 (72 ranks) + Feats 27 + Powers 38 + Combat 26 + Saves 11 + Drawbacks 0 = 150



We're out of the weaponry and magic focus for now, so here's an unexpected totem. Most totems are carnivores or particularly large and/or powerful animals. Sure, now and again you get a Squirrel Girl, but for the most part you have Wolves, Tigers, Bears, and the like. This is the humble rabbit, which is more on the ball than most would expect. Devilishly difficult to catch by surprise, and quicker than a hiccup. I've included a bit of a certain prince with a thousand enemies, just for fun.

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Power Level: 10; Power Points Spent: 150/150


STR: +2 (14), DEX: +5 (20), CON: +2 (14), INT: +1 (12), WIS: +2 (14), CHA: +3 (16)


Tough: +2/+6, Fort: +7, Ref: +10, Will: +7


Skills: Acrobatics 7 (+12), Bluff 5 (+8), Craft (chemical) 4 (+5), Diplomacy 5 (+8), Gather Information 5 (+8), Knowledge (physical sciences) 4 (+5), Notice 8 (+10), Perform (Firebreathing) 7 (+10), Sense Motive 8 (+10), Stealth 3 (+8)


Feats: Accurate Attack, Acrobatic Bluff, All-Out Attack, Attack Focus (melee) 5, Defensive Attack, Defensive Roll 2, Dodge Focus 4, Evasion, Improved Initiative, Improved Trick, Power Attack, Quick Change, Stunning Attack, Takedown Attack, Uncanny Dodge (Auditory)



Firebreather's Costume (Device 2) (Hard to lose)

   Immunity 6 (damage type: Fire/Heat, environmental condition: Heat)

   Protection 2 (+2 Toughness, Feats: Quick Change; Subtle (subtle))

Firebreathing (Array 10) (default power: blast; Limited (Requires Fuel Pouch))

   Fire Breath (Strike 10) (Array; DC 25; Cone Area (100 ft. cone - General))

   Fire Control 10 (Array; Independent, Total Fade; Range (ranged))

   Fireball (Blast 6) (Array; DC 21; Burst Area (30-150 ft. radius - General); Progression, Increase Area 2 (area x5))

   Spat Fire (Blast 10) (Default; DC 25)

Fuel Pouch (Device 2) (Hard to lose)

   Fuel Pouch (Features 10) (Notes: Removes Flaw from Firebreathing Array)

Martial Arts (Strike 3) (DC 20; Mighty)


Attack Bonus: +10 (Ranged: +10, Melee: +15, Grapple: +17)


Attacks: Fire Breath (Strike 10) (DC 25), Fireball (Blast 6) (DC 21), Martial Arts (Strike 3), +15 (DC 20), Spat Fire (Blast 10), +10 (DC 25), Unarmed Attack, +15 (DC 17)


Defense: +12  (Flat-footed: +4), Knockback: -3


Initiative: +9


Languages: Native Language


Totals: Abilities 30 + Skills 14 (56 ranks) + Feats 22 + Powers 33 + Combat 36 + Saves 15 + Drawbacks 0 = 150




Like it says on the tin. Breathes fire. Bluffs, feints, and tricks. Martial arts in case her powers are nulled. The interesting bit is that her powers are chemical in nature. She creates her own chemicals and ignites them as she exhales. It takes proper training and great skill, but she's got it down. She does need her bag of fuel to use her fire powers, though. Costume's nifty too.

Edited by EternalPhoenix
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Phantom Technopath


Power Level: 10; Power Points Spent: 150/150


STR: +0 (10), DEX: +0 (10), CON: +0 (-), INT: +5 (20), WIS: +2 (14), CHA: +0 (10)


Tough: +8/+9, Fort: Immune, Ref: +5, Will: +8


Skills: Computers 10 (+15), Craft (electronic) 10 (+15), Craft (mechanical) 10 (+15), Disable Device 10 (+15), Knowledge (physical sciences) 10 (+15), Knowledge (technology) 10 (+15), Notice 8 (+10), Sense Motive 8 (+10)


Feats: Attack Specialization 3 (Electrical Control 10), Defensive Roll, Dodge Focus 6, Improvised Tools, Inventor, Online Research, Uncanny Dodge (Auditory)



Affects Corporeal on Strength Bonus 0 ((Strength Bonus) Strike 1)

Array 10 (default power: datalink)

   Boost 9 (Array; boost: trait group - any mechanical traits, DC 19; Total Fade; Action (full), Others Only; Slow Fade 2 (5 minutes))

   Datalink 9 (Default; sense type: mental; Omni-Directional Area; Cyberspace, Machine Control)

   Electrical Control 10 (Array; DC 25; Affects Corporeal; Action (full))

   Machine Animation 8 (Array; Progression, # Machines 4 (25 machines))

   Move Object 10 (Array; Strength: 50, Carry: 4.3 tons / 8.5 tons / 12.8 tons / 25.6 tons; Range (perception); Limited Material (Metal))

   Teleport 8 (Array; 800 ft. as move action, 2000 miles as full action; Accurate; Medium (Electrical wires); Change Direction, Change Velocity, Easy, Turnabout)

Flight 1 (Speed: 10 mph, 88 ft./rnd; Permanent)

Immunity 30 (fortitude saves)

Insubstantial 4 (Incorporeal; Permanent; Innate)

Protection 8 (+8 Toughness)


Attack Bonus: +4 (Ranged: +4, Melee: +4, Grapple: +4)


Attacks: Electrical Control 10, +10 (DC 25), Unarmed Attack, +4 (DC 15)


Defense: +10  (Flat-footed: +2), Knockback: -4


Initiative: +0


Languages: Native Language


Totals: Abilities 4 + Skills 19 (76 ranks) + Feats 14 + Powers 86 + Combat 16 + Saves 11 + Drawbacks 0 = 150



Full disclosure: I've never built a pure technopath before. Most technopaths are, well, gadgeteers or battlesuit folks. Which makes tons of sense. However, I couldn't justify to myself a ghost having built gear like that. So instead I went in another direction. I've built people that specialize in areas outside of combat before, but not quite to this degree. I figure she's got some limited control over electricity, and through the mystery that is ghost powers it means she can control machines and hack computers. Honestly, she'll probably get more combat use out of Machine Animation or the Machine Control feat on Datalink than Electrical Control. But caps, they must be met.



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Princess of Hell


Power Level: 10; Power Points Spent: 150/150


STR: +8 (18/26), DEX: +4 (18), CON: +8 (18/26), INT: +0 (10), WIS: +2 (14), CHA: +4 (18)


Tough: +12, Fort: +8, Ref: +8, Will: +8


Skills: Acrobatics 12 (+16), Bluff 8 (+12), Diplomacy 8 (+12), Gather Information 8 (+12), Intimidate 8 (+12), Knowledge (arcane Lore) 10 (+10), Knowledge (civics) 5 (+5), Knowledge (theology & philosophy) 5 (+5), Notice 8 (+10), Sense Motive 8 (+10), Stealth 8 (+12)


Feats: Accurate Attack, Acrobatic Bluff, All-Out Attack, Attack Focus (melee) 4, Attack Specialization 2 (Hellfire Control 12), Attractive (+4), Defensive Attack, Dodge Focus 4, Improved Critical 2 (Hellfire Weapons (Strike 4)), Power Attack, Ritualist, Uncanny Dodge (Auditory)



Array 12 (default power: hellfire control)

   Hellfire Bomb (Blast 8) (Array; DC 23; Burst Area (40 ft. radius - General))

   Hellfire Control 12 (Default; DC 27)

   Hellfire Weapons (Strike 4) (Array; DC 27, Feats: Improved Critical 2 (Hellfire Weapons (Strike 4)); Penetrating [8 extra ranks]; Mighty, Variable Descriptor (Narrow group - Bludgeoning, Piercing, or Slashing))

Enhanced Constitution 8 (+8 CON)

Enhanced Strength 8 (+8 STR)

Hellfire Armor (Protection 4) (+4 Toughness)

Super-Strength 1 (+5 STR carry capacity, heavy load: 1.8k lbs; +1 STR to some checks)


Attack Bonus: +4 (Ranged: +4, Melee: +8, Grapple: +16/+17)


Attacks: Hellfire Bomb (Blast 8) (DC 23), Hellfire Control 12, +8 (DC 27), Hellfire Weapons (Strike 4), +8 (DC 27), Unarmed Attack, +8 (DC 23)


Defense: +8  (Flat-footed: +2), Knockback: -6


Initiative: +4


Languages: Native Language


Totals: Abilities 36 + Skills 22 (88 ranks) + Feats 18 + Powers 48 + Combat 16 + Saves 10 + Drawbacks 0 = 150



Once again, the name says it all. She's a princess of an infernal realm. Very fighty. Basically she's made to get the drop on her (very likely) much more powerful opponents. Daddy's either not running the show or doing a poor job of it. Or even, because demons, he's just not helping or even the actual problem. Sometimes a princess has to take matters into her own hands and sling some Hellfire.

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Chaos Mage


Power Level: 10; Power Points Spent: 150/150


STR: +12 (14/34), DEX: +1 (12), CON: +12 (14/34), INT: +0 (10), WIS: +2 (14), CHA: +5 (20)


Tough: +12, Fort: +12, Ref: +5, Will: +8


Skills: Bluff 11 (+16), Concentration 8 (+10), Diplomacy 3 (+8), Gather Information 5 (+10), Knowledge (User's Choice) 5 (+5), Notice 8 (+10), Sense Motive 8 (+10)


Feats: Attractive (+4), Challenge - Improved Feint, Challenge - Improved Taunt, Dodge Focus 4, Fake Expert (KN (arcane lore) & KN (theo and philo)), Improved Trick, Taunt, Uncanny Dodge (Auditory)



Chaos Empowerment (Stamina) (Linked)

   Enhanced Constitution 20 (Linked; +20 CON)

   Immunity 10 (Linked; life support, starvation & thirst)

Chaos Magic (Array 13) (default power: blast)

   Applies Affects Others, Burst Area, and Duration (continuous) Extras  to Immunity (Entrapment) (Feat (Array; Affects Others, Burst Area (25-625 ft. radius - General), Duration (continuous); Progression, Increase Area 4 (area x25), Variable Descriptor 2 (Broad group - Any Magical))

   Blast 12 (Default; DC 27; Variable Descriptor 2 (Broad group - Any Magical))

   Blast 8 (Array; DC 23; Burst Area (40 ft. radius - General); Variable Descriptor 2 (Broad group - Any Magical))

   Chaos Empowerment (Might) (Linked)

      Enhanced Strength 20 (Linked; +20 STR)

      Super-Strength 3 (Linked; +15 STR carry capacity, heavy load: 11.2 tons; +3 STR to some checks)

   Chaos Empowerment (Speed) (Linked)

      Flight 8 (Linked; Speed: 2500 mph, 22000 ft./rnd; Subtle 2 (unnoticable))

      Quickness 8 (Linked; Perform routine tasks at 500x speed)

   Create Object 10 (Array; Max Size: 10x 50' cubes, DC 20; Progression, Object Size 3, Selective, Variable Descriptor 2 (Broad group - Any Magical))

   Snare 12 (Array; DC 22; Variable Descriptor 2 (Broad group - Any Magical))

   Snare 8 (Array; DC 18; Burst Area (40 ft. radius - General); Variable Descriptor 2 (Broad group))

   Transform 5 (Array; affects: broad > broad, Transforms: 25 lbs., DC 15; Accurate 3 (+6), Variable Descriptor 2 (Broad group - Any Magical); Temp. Disability 4 (One Arm))

Immunity 5 (entrapment)


Attack Bonus: +8 (Ranged: +8, Melee: +8, Grapple: +20/+23)


Attacks: Blast 12, +8 (DC 27), Blast 8 (DC 23), Snare 12, +8 (DC Ref/Staged 22), Snare 8 (DC Ref/Staged 18), Transform 5, +14 (DC Fort 15), Unarmed Attack, +8 (DC 27)


Defense: +8  (Flat-footed: +2), Knockback: -6


Initiative: +1


Languages: Native Language


Totals: Abilities 24 + Skills 12 (48 ranks) + Feats 11 + Powers 69 + Combat 24 + Saves 10 + Drawbacks 0 = 150



Did a little research for this one. The wikipedia article was useless, but Superpower Wiki hit it out of the park. She's got a lot going for her. Speed, Durability, Strength. Complete unpredictability at range. One small problem, though. Despite being a mystic, she knows diddly about magic and/or mystical realms. She sure can fake it, though. Fake Expert is out of Mecha and Manga (yes, I know), and I've always wanted to give it a whirl. It lets you sub Bluff for any two skill checks, and for CHA bonus rounds it works exactly as intended. Then whatever you were doing fails to continue working. Good news, though. If your Bluff check fools your audience, they just think you couldn't do it and not that you're a fraud.

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Android Gadgeteer


Power Level: 10; Power Points Spent: 150/150


STR: +0 (10), DEX: +1 (12), CON: +0 (-), INT: +5 (20), WIS: +2 (14), CHA: +2 (14)


Tough: +0/+10, Fort: Immune, Ref: +5, Will: +5


Skills: Bluff 6 (+8), Computers 10 (+15), Craft (electronic) 10 (+15), Craft (mechanical) 10 (+15), Diplomacy 6 (+8), Disable Device 10 (+15), Knowledge (physical sciences) 10 (+15), Knowledge (technology) 10 (+15), Notice 8 (+10), Sense Motive 8 (+10)


Feats: Attack Focus (ranged) 6, Attractive (+4), Dodge Focus 6, Eidetic Memory, Improvised Tools, Inventor, Online Research, Skill Mastery (Craft (elec & mech), KN (phys sci, tech)), Uncanny Dodge (Auditory)



Armored Costume (Device 4) (Hard to lose)

   Flight 5 (Speed: 250 mph, 2200 ft./rnd)

   Protection 10 (+10 Toughness)

Immunity 40 (fortitude saves, mental effects)

Weaponry (Device 5) (Hard to lose)

   Weaponry (Array 10) (default power: blast)

      Blaster (Blast 10) (Default; DC 25)

      Confuse 10 (Array; DC 20; Autofire (interval 2, max +5))

      Create Object 10 (Array; Max Size: 10x 5' cubes, DC 20)

      Dazzle 10 (Array; affects: visual senses, DC 20)

      Snare 10 (Array; DC 20)

      Sword (Strike 10) (Array; DC 25; Penetrating [7 ranks only]; Accurate 3 (+6))


Attack Bonus: +4 (Ranged: +10, Melee: +4, Grapple: +4)


Attacks: Blaster (Blast 10), +10 (DC 25), Confuse 10, +10 (DC Will 20), Dazzle 10, +10 (DC Fort/Ref 20), Snare 10, +10 (DC Ref/Staged 20), Sword (Strike 10), +10 (DC 25), Unarmed Attack, +4 (DC 15)


Defense: +10  (Flat-footed: +2), Knockback: -5


Initiative: +1


Languages: Native Language


Totals: Abilities 10 + Skills 22 (88 ranks) + Feats 19 + Powers 76 + Combat 16 + Saves 7 + Drawbacks 0 = 150


Gadgeteers are traditionally very human, or at least they used to be before that Bad Thing happened to them. This one has been an android from the start. Pretty basic gadgeteer, just as a construct. And unlike most gadgeteers, who give up social skills in favor of MOAR tech stuff, she's pretty good with people.

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Telepathic Gadgeteer


Power Level: 10; Power Points Spent: 150/150


STR: +0 (10), DEX: +0 (10), CON: +0 (10), INT: +5 (20), WIS: +5 (20), CHA: +1 (12)


Tough: +0/+10, Fort: +5, Ref: +5, Will: +10


Skills: Bluff 4 (+5), Computers 10 (+15), Craft (electronic) 10 (+15), Craft (mechanical) 10 (+15), Diplomacy 4 (+5), Disable Device 10 (+15), Gather Information 4 (+5), Knowledge (physical sciences) 10 (+15), Knowledge (technology) 10 (+15), Notice 10 (+15), Sense Motive 10 (+15)


Feats: Attack Focus (ranged) 6, Attractive (+4), Dodge Focus 6, Eidetic Memory, Improvised Tools, Inventor, Skill Mastery (Craft (elec & mech), KN (phys sci and tech))



Boomstick (Device 5) (Easy to lose)

   Boomstick (Array 10) (default power: blast)

      Boomstick (Blast 6) (Default; DC 21; Burst Area (30 ft. radius - General))

      Cannon (Blast 10) (Array; DC 25)

      Communication 10 (Array; sense type: radio; Omni-Directional Area)

      Datalink 10 (Array; sense type: radio; Omni-Directional Area)

      Dazzle 10 (Array; affects: visual senses, DC 20)

      Snare 10 (Array; DC 20)

Combat Armor (Device 3) (Hard to lose)

   Flight 3 (Speed: 50 mph, 440 ft./rnd; Power Loss (Restrainable))

   Protection 10 (+10 Toughness)

Super-Senses 7 (accurate: Mental, acute: Mental, danger sense: Mental, radius: Mental, ranged: Mental, uncanny dodge: Mental)

Telepathy (Array 10) (default power: telepathy)

   Confuse 10 (Array; DC 20; Alternate Save (Will), Range (perception))

   Mental Blast 5 (Array; DC 20)

   Stun 5 (Array; DC 15; Range 2 (perception))

   Telepathy 10 (Default; DC 20, Adds: Communication 10, Mind Reading 10)

      Communication 10 (sense type: mental)

      Mind Reading 10 (DC 20)


Attack Bonus: +4 (Ranged: +10, Melee: +4, Grapple: +4)


Attacks: Boomstick (Blast 6) (DC 21), Cannon (Blast 10), +10 (DC 25), Confuse 10 (DC Will 20), Dazzle 10, +10 (DC Fort/Ref 20), Mental Blast 5 (DC Will 20), Mind Reading 10 (DC Will 20), Snare 10, +10 (DC Ref/Staged 20), Stun 5 (DC Fort/Staged 15), Telepathy 10 (DC Will 20), Unarmed Attack, +4 (DC 15)


Defense: +10  (Flat-footed: +2), Knockback: -5


Initiative: +0


Languages: Native Language


Totals: Abilities 22 + Skills 23 (92 ranks) + Feats 17 + Powers 57 + Combat 16 + Saves 15 + Drawbacks 0 = 150



So then. Here's something you don't see every day. Gadgeteers are geniuses known for their tech savvy. Strong minded, yes indeed. Can do just about anything with the right gadget. However, you don't see them having powers of their own very often, and when you do it's Enhanced INT. With that in mind, I made this lady. Her power is telepathy, like the name says.

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Gadgeteer Paragon


Power Level: 10; Power Points Spent: 150/150


STR: +12 (14/34), DEX: +0 (10), CON: +12 (14/34), INT: +5 (20), WIS: +2 (14), CHA: +1 (12)


Tough: +12, Fort: +12, Ref: +5, Will: +8


Skills: Computers 5 (+10), Craft (electronic) 5 (+10), Craft (mechanical) 5 (+10), Disable Device 5 (+10), Gather Information 6 (+7), Knowledge (physical sciences) 5 (+10), Knowledge (technology) 5 (+10), Notice 8 (+10), Sense Motive 8 (+10)


Feats: Accurate Attack, All-Out Attack, Attack Focus (melee) 4, Defensive Attack, Dodge Focus 4, Eidetic Memory, Improvised Tools, Inventor, Power Attack, Takedown Attack, Uncanny Dodge (Auditory)



Enhanced Constitution 20 (+20 CON)

Enhanced Strength 20 (+20 STR)

Flight 5 ([0 active, 0/10 PP, 2/r], Speed: 250 mph, 2200 ft./rnd)

   Super-Strength 5 (Alternate; [0 active, 0/10 PP, 2/r], +25 STR carry capacity, heavy load: 44.8 tons; +5 STR to some checks)

Super Suit (Device 4) (Hard to lose)

   Immunity 10 (life support, starvation & thirst)

   Impervious Toughness 10


Attack Bonus: +4 (Ranged: +4, Melee: +8, Grapple: +20)


Attacks: Unarmed Attack, +8 (DC 27)


Defense: +8  (Flat-footed: +2), Knockback: -11


Initiative: +0


Languages: Native Language


Totals: Abilities 24 + Skills 13 (52 ranks) + Feats 17 + Powers 69 + Combat 16 + Saves 11 + Drawbacks 0 = 150





Most Paragons aren't known for their brains. Most Gadgeteers aren't known for their physical might. But this is the Blendarama, where the usual is nowhere to be found. So I bring to you something I've kind of done before, but not entirely. Paragon with Sonic Device was similar, but this one trades out social talent to complete the paragon powerset in her device.

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Dragon Totem Swordmaster


Power Level: 10; Power Points Spent: 150/150


STR: +10 (14/30), DEX: +1 (12), CON: +10 (14/30), INT: +0 (10), WIS: +2 (14), CHA: +5 (20)


Tough: +14, Fort: +10, Ref: +5, Will: +8


Skills: Bluff 10 (+15), Diplomacy 10 (+15), Gather Information 10 (+15), Knowledge (streetwise) 5 (+5), Knowledge (theology & philosophy) 5 (+5), Notice 8 (+10), Sense Motive 8 (+10)


Feats: Accurate Attack, All-Out Attack, Attack Focus (melee) 2, Attack Specialization 2 (Unarmed Attack), Challenge - Improved Feint, Challenge - Improved Taunt, Defensive Attack, Fearless, Improved Critical (Dragon Sword (Strike 4)), Improved Initiative, Improved Throw, Improved Trick, Improved Trip, Interpose, Power Attack, Quick Draw, Stunning Attack, Takedown Attack, Uncanny Dodge (Auditory)



Dragon Sword (Device 2) (Hard to lose)

   Dragon Sword (Strike 4) (DC 29, Feats: Improved Critical (Dragon Sword (Strike 4)); Penetrating; Mighty)

Enhanced Constitution 16 (+16 CON)

Enhanced Strength 16 (+16 STR)

Protection 4 (+4 Toughness; Impervious [6 extra ranks])

Super-Strength 4 (+20 STR carry capacity, heavy load: 12.8 tons; +4 STR to some checks)


Attack Bonus: +4 (Ranged: +4, Melee: +6, Grapple: +16/+20)


Attacks: Dragon Sword (Strike 4), +6 (DC 29), Unarmed Attack, +10 (DC 25)


Defense: +6  (Flat-footed: +3), Knockback: -12


Initiative: +5


Languages: Native Language


Totals: Abilities 24 + Skills 14 (56 ranks) + Feats 20 + Powers 62 + Combat 20 + Saves 10 + Drawbacks 0 = 150





What, did you think I was completely finished forever with the weaponmaster kick? Nah. Though this one's flipped around a bit. Don't see too many powerhouses swinging swords. Accuracy is trash compared to the archetypical weapon master. However, that's okay. Just feint your opponent out of his shoes as a move action, and then accurate or all out attack and cut them all down. One last note, she doesn't lose even half a PL when disarmed. Just trades some raw damage for accuracy. That'll be a helluva shock to whoever manages to disarm her.

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Magic Violinist


Power Level: 10; Power Points Spent: 150/150


STR: +0 (10), DEX: +1 (12), CON: +2 (14), INT: +5 (20), WIS: +2 (14), CHA: +5 (20)


Tough: +2/+10, Fort: +5, Ref: +5, Will: +10


Skills: Bluff 10 (+15), Concentration 8 (+10), Craft (mechanical) 10 (+15), Diplomacy 10 (+15), Disable Device 5 (+10), Gather Information 10 (+15), Knowledge (arcane Lore) 10 (+15), Knowledge (art) 10 (+15), Knowledge (physical sciences) 5 (+10), Knowledge (theology & philosophy) 5 (+10), Notice 8 (+10), Perform (stringed instruments) 15 (+20), Sense Motive 8 (+10)


Feats: Artificer, Dodge Focus 5, Eidetic Memory, Fascinate (Perform), Quick Change, Quick Draw, Set-Up, Skill Mastery (Craft (mech), KN (arcane lore & art), Peform (strings)), Taunt, Uncanny Dodge (Auditory)



Immunity 5 (dazzle effects; Limited (Auditory Dazzles))

Magic Violin (Device 10) (Easy to lose, Restricted use (Peform (strings) +15 & up); Subtle 2 (unnoticable))

   Flight 3 (Speed: 50 mph, 440 ft./rnd; Platform)

   Masterwork Violin (Features 1) (Notes: +4 to Perform (strings) checks)

   The Magic of Sound (Array 20) (default power: blast)

      Blast 10 (Default; DC 25; Perception Area (General), Selective Attack)

      Create Object 10 (Array; Max Size: 10x 5' cubes, DC 20; Movable (Radius: 50 ft., Strength: 50, Force: 12.8 tons), Range (perception))

      Dazzle 10 (Array; affects: 1 sense type, DC 20; Perception Area (General), Secondary Effect, Selective Attack)

      Emotion Control 10 (Array; DC 20; Perception Area (General), Selective Attack)

      Mind Control 10 (Array; DC 20; Perception Area (General), Selective Attack)

      Nauseate 10 (Array; DC 20; Perception Area (General), Selective Attack)

      Stun 10 (Array; DC 20; Alternate Save (Will), Perception Area (General), Selective Attack)

Violinist's Uniform (Device 2) (Hard to lose; Subtle (subtle))

   Protection 8 (+8 Toughness, Feats: Quick Change; Subtle (subtle))


Attack Bonus: +4 (Ranged: +4, Melee: +4, Grapple: +4)


Attacks: Blast 10 (DC 25), Dazzle 10 (DC Fort/Ref 20), Emotion Control 10 (DC Staged/Will 20), Mind Control 10 (DC Will 20), Nauseate 10 (DC Fort/Staged 20), Stun 10 (DC Staged/Will 20), Unarmed Attack, +4 (DC 15)


Defense: +10  (Flat-footed: +3), Knockback: -5


Initiative: +1


Languages: Native Language


Totals: Abilities 30 + Skills 29 (114 ranks) + Feats 13 + Powers 45 + Combat 18 + Saves 15 + Drawbacks 0 = 150





There's a few sonic device users in comics. Unfortunately, they're invariably the bad guys. The pre-Nu52 Pied Piper being an exception, at least for a time.  With that said, this is another variation on the theme. A magic violin that takes real mastery to play. Fortunately, this young lady is a grandmaster, not to mention possibly the one who made the violin in the first place. She might have some trouble with enemies with high all around saves. However, that's true of most (if not all) builds. I think she'd be a gas to play, but that's just me.

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Dancing Thief


Power Level: 10; Power Points Spent: 150/150


STR: +2 (14), DEX: +5 (20), CON: +3 (16), INT: +1 (12), WIS: +2 (14), CHA: +5 (20)


Tough: +3/+5, Fort: +7, Ref: +10, Will: +8


Skills: Acrobatics 15 (+20), Bluff 10 (+15), Diplomacy 10 (+15), Disable Device 9 (+10), Escape Artist 10 (+15), Gather Information 10 (+15), Knowledge (art) 9 (+10), Knowledge (streetwise) 9 (+10), Notice 8 (+10), Perform (dance) 15 (+20), Sense Motive 8 (+10), Sleight of Hand 10 (+15), Stealth 5 (+10)


Feats: Acrobatic Bluff, All-Out Attack, Attack Focus (melee) 10, Connected, Contacts, Defensive Attack, Defensive Roll 2, Dodge Focus 6, Elusive Target, Evasion, Fascinate (Perform), Improved Initiative, Move-by Action, Power Attack, Skill Mastery (Acrobatics, Escape Artist, Sleight of Hand, Perform (Dance)), Takedown Attack, Uncanny Dodge (Auditory)



Dance-Fu (Array 5) (default power: strike; Custom (Array 4.5))

   Hyper Sonic Kick (Strike 3) (Array; DC 20; Penetrating [2 extra ranks]; Mighty)

   Super Sonic Kick Barrage (Strike 3) (Default; DC 20; Autofire (interval 2, max +5) [2 extra ranks]; Mighty)

   Ultra Sonic Explosion (Strike 3) (Array; DC 20; Explosion Area (50 ft. explosion - Targeted) [2 extra ranks]; Mighty)


Attack Bonus: +5 (Ranged: +5, Melee: +15, Grapple: +17)


Attacks: Hyper Sonic Kick (Strike 3), +15 (DC 20), Super Sonic Kick Barrage (Strike 3), +15 (DC 20), Ultra Sonic Explosion (Strike 3), +15 (DC 20), Unarmed Attack, +15 (DC 17)


Defense: +13  (Flat-footed: +4), Knockback: -2


Initiative: +9


Languages: Native Language


Totals: Abilities 36 + Skills 32 (128 ranks) + Feats 32 + Powers 11 + Combat 24 + Saves 15 + Drawbacks 0 = 150





Ah, Badass Abnormals. They are something else, aren't they? This one's a grandmaster dancer trained in a mysterious dance based martial art. Or maybe she's a mutant. Dunno, don't really care. She's a pretty great thief, able to talk her way into most anywhere, if not sneak in while picking the locks. Not too bad of a build, but that's just my opinion.

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Kaiju Hunter


Power Level: 10; Power Points Spent: 150/150


STR: +0 (10), DEX: +1 (12), CON: +2 (14), INT: +5 (20), WIS: +2 (14), CHA: +0 (10)


Tough: +2/+12, Fort: +7, Ref: +7, Will: +7


Skills: Craft (electronic) 10 (+15), Craft (mechanical) 10 (+15), Knowledge (life sciences) 10 (+15), Knowledge (physical sciences) 10 (+15), Knowledge (technology) 10 (+15), Notice 8 (+10), Sense Motive 8 (+10)


Feats: Accurate Attack, All-Out Attack, Attack Focus (ranged) 4, Defensive Attack, Dodge Focus 4, Evasion 2, Improved Aim, Move-by Action, Power Attack, Uncanny Dodge (Auditory)



Anti-Kaiju Battlesuit (Device 10) (Hard to lose)

   Concealment 10 (all senses; Passive)

   Flight 5 (Speed: 250 mph, 2200 ft./rnd)

   Immunity 10 (life support, starvation & thirst)

   Protection 10 (+10 Toughness; Impervious)

Anti-Kaiju Weaponry (Device 6) (Hard to lose)

   Array 13 (default power: blast)

      Blast 12 (Default; DC 27; Improved Range (300 ft. incr), Progression, Increase Range (max range x2, 3000 feet))

      Blast 8 (Array; DC 23; Penetrating; Accurate 2 (+4))

      Confuse 12 (Array; DC 22; Autofire (interval 2, max +5); Improved Range (300 ft. incr), Progression, Increase Range (max range x2, 3000 feet))

      Dazzle 8 (Array; affects: 1 type + visual - auditory, DC 18; Accurate 2 (+4))

      Snare 12 (Array; DC 22; Obscure Sense 2 (Visual & Auditory))


Attack Bonus: +4 (Ranged: +8, Melee: +4, Grapple: +4)


Attacks: Blast 12, +8 (DC 27), Blast 8, +12 (DC 23), Confuse 12, +8 (DC Will 22), Dazzle 8, +12 (DC Fort/Ref 18), Snare 12, +8 (DC Ref/Staged 22), Unarmed Attack, +4 (DC 15)


Defense: +8  (Flat-footed: +2), Knockback: -11


Initiative: +1


Languages: Native Language


Totals: Abilities 20 + Skills 17 (66 ranks) + Feats 17 + Powers 64 + Combat 16 + Saves 16 + Drawbacks 0 = 150





Decidedly a gadgeteer variant. Concept did not fit within the point total, and so I had to compromise substantially. It's not that she can't be effective at her job, though. Just not what I wanted. At any rate, good luck with her if she strikes your fancy.

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Device Using Bird Controller


Power Level: 10; Power Points Spent: 150/150


STR: +0 (10), DEX: +1 (12), CON: +2 (14), INT: +2 (14), WIS: +2 (14), CHA: +5 (20)


Tough: +2/+12, Fort: +5, Ref: +5, Will: +8


Skills: Bluff 10 (+15), Concentration 8 (+10), Diplomacy 10 (+15), Gather Information 10 (+15), Intimidate 10 (+15), Knowledge (art) 3 (+5), Knowledge (business) 3 (+5), Knowledge (civics) 10 (+12), Notice 3 (+5), Sense Motive 13 (+15)


Feats: Luck, Skill Mastery (Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, Sense Motive), Uncanny Dodge (Auditory)



Bird Controlling Mask (Device 18) (Hard to lose, Only you can use)

   Animal Control 10 (DC 20; Effortless, Instant Command; Limited (to Birds); Mental Link)

   Bird Attacks (Strike 1) (DC 16; Burst Area (5-250 ft. radius - General), Duration 2 (sustained), Selective Attack; Progression, Increase Area 5 (area x50))

   Comprehend 2 (animals - speak to, animals - understand; Broad Group (Avians))

   Darken The Sky (Environmental Control 1) (distraction (dc15), hamper move (50%), visibility, Radius: 5-500 ft.; Range (touch); Progression, Increase Area 6 (area x100))

   Flight 3 (Speed: 50 mph, 440 ft./rnd; Platform)

   Horrid Cacophony (Blast 10) (DC 25; Range (perception); Sense-Dependent (Auditory))

   Protection 10 (+10 Toughness)

   Shield 4 (+4 dodge bonus)


Attack Bonus: +4 (Ranged: +4, Melee: +4, Grapple: +4)


Attacks: Animal Control 10 (DC Will 20), Bird Attacks (Strike 1) (DC 16), Horrid Cacophony (Blast 10) (DC 25), Unarmed Attack, +4 (DC 15)


Defense: +8  (Flat-footed: +2), Knockback: -6


Initiative: +1


Languages: Native Language


Totals: Abilities 24 + Skills 20 (80 ranks) + Feats 3 + Powers 74 + Combat 16 + Saves 13 + Drawbacks 0 = 150



No pic this time, this one's jumping in line. Remember my Ranged Cowl? She was one of the base heroes of Sentinels of the Multiverse. This is one of the Rook City expansion villains, The Matriarch. I don't think she's quite as scary as built, but she's probably PL 12 at least in Sentinels (Difficulty 4, the highest rank), so this makes some sense. And she does sport a pair of Sidekicks, which one can't do in our game. Even pared down, she still a tough opponent. Her enemies will spend every round drowning in birds. Being attacked on every front, only half able to see and move, with concentration nigh-impossible. And that's before she hits you with Horrid Cacophony. Now imagine what a Sentinels-accurate version would be like, and be glad you don't have to deal with it. :D

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Wild West Swordmaster


Power Level: 10; Power Points Spent: 150/150


STR: +2 (14), DEX: +5 (20), CON: +3 (16), INT: +1 (12), WIS: +2 (14), CHA: +3 (16)


Tough: +3/+5, Fort: +7, Ref: +10, Will: +8


Skills: Acrobatics 10 (+15), Bluff 8 (+11), Climb 3 (+5), Craft (mechanical) 5 (+6), Diplomacy 8 (+11), Gather Information 12 (+15), Intimidate 7 (+10), Knowledge (life sciences) 4 (+5), Language 2 (+2), Medicine 3 (+5), Notice 8 (+10), Ride 10 (+15), Sense Motive 8 (+10), Stealth 5 (+10), Survival 8 (+10), Swim 3 (+5)


Feats: Acrobatic Bluff, Attractive (+4), Defensive Attack, Defensive Roll 2, Elusive Target, Evasion, Fearless, Improved Critical (Sword (Strike 3)), Improved Disarm, Improved Ranged Disarm, Improved Trick, Improvised Tools, Power Attack, Precise Shot, Quick Draw, Set-Up, Skill Mastery (Acrobatics, Gather Info, Medicine, Ride), Stunning Attack, Takedown Attack, Uncanny Dodge ((Auditory)



Gunblade (Device 3) (Easy to lose)

   Gun+Blade (Array 5) (default power: blast)

      Integral Revolver (Blast 5) (Default; DC 20)

      Sword (Strike 3) (Array; DC 20, Feats: Improved Critical (Sword (Strike 3)); Penetrating [2 extra ranks]; Mighty)

   Shield 4 (+4 dodge bonus)


Attack Bonus: +15 (Ranged: +15, Melee: +15, Grapple: +17)


Attacks: Integral Revolver (Blast 5), +15 (DC 20), Sword (Strike 3), +15 (DC 20), Unarmed Attack, +15 (DC 17)


Defense: +13  (Flat-footed: +5), Knockback: -2


Initiative: +5


Languages: English, Pick A Native American, Spanish


Totals: Abilities 32 + Skills 26 (104 ranks) + Feats 20 + Powers 9 + Combat 48 + Saves 15 + Drawbacks 0 = 150





The Wild West was a fun place, no doubt about it. Full of crazy happenings and noble deeds. This little lady was just a small part of it. But really, like I need an excuse to make another Weapon Master. Gunblades don't get a lot of play outside of Japanese created properties, but I thought the orginal concept from FFVIII deserved some love. That, and the pic, inspired this one. Good on her own, and an solid team player with Set Up and Skill Mastered Medicine. Done and done.

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Sword Dancer


Power Level: 10; Power Points Spent: 150/150


STR: +2 (14), DEX: +5 (20), CON: +2 (14), INT: +1 (12), WIS: +2 (14), CHA: +5 (20)


Tough: +2/+4, Fort: +7, Ref: +10, Will: +7


Skills: Acrobatics 15 (+20), Bluff 3 (+8), Concentration 8 (+10), Diplomacy 3 (+8), Escape Artist 15 (+20), Knowledge (art) 14 (+15), Knowledge (popular culture) 4 (+5), Knowledge (theology & philosophy) 4 (+5), Perform (dance) 15 (+20), Sleight of Hand 15 (+20)


Feats: Acrobatic Bluff, Attack Focus (melee) 10, Challenge - Improved Acrobatic Bluff, Defensive Attack, Defensive Roll 2, Dodge Focus 4, Elusive Target, Evasion, Fearless, Improved Critical (Dancer's Saber (Strike 3)), Improved Disarm, Improved Initiative, Improved Trick, Luck 5, Ninja Run, Power Attack, Quick Draw, Set-Up, Stunning Attack, Takedown Attack, Uncanny Dodge (Auditory)



Dancer's Saber (Device 3) (Easy to lose)

   Dancer's Saber (Strike 3) (DC 20, Feats: Improved Critical (Dancer's Saber (Strike 3)); Autofire (interval 2, max +5) [2 extra ranks], Penetrating [2 extra ranks]; Mighty)

Luck Control 1 (force a re-roll, Feats: Luck 5; Limited 2 (Attacks against self))


Attack Bonus: +5 (Ranged: +5, Melee: +15, Grapple: +17)


Attacks: Dancer's Saber (Strike 3), +15 (DC 20), Unarmed Attack, +15 (DC 17)


Defense: +14  (Flat-footed: +5), Knockback: -2


Initiative: +9


Languages: Native Language


Totals: Abilities 34 + Skills 24 (96 ranks) + Feats 32 + Powers 15 + Combat 30 + Saves 15 + Drawbacks 0 = 150





A beautiful woman, dancing around the battle field, virtually untouchable. Slashing this way and that with her sword, laying all her opponents low. My kind of mental image. And that's who this chick is. Threw in Set Up so she could lend her teammates a hand if they need it.

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Magical Baker


Power Level: 10; Power Points Spent: 150/150


STR: +3 (14/16), DEX: +1 (12), CON: +3 (14/16), INT: +5 (20), WIS: +5 (20), CHA: +2 (14)


Tough: +3/+14, Fort: +8, Ref: +5, Will: +10


Skills: Bluff 3 (+5), Concentration 5 (+10), Craft (chemical) 10 (+15), Diplomacy 3 (+5), Gather Information 8 (+10), Intimidate 3 (+5), Investigate 3 (+8), Knowledge (arcane Lore) 10 (+15), Knowledge (physical sciences) 10 (+15), Notice 5 (+10), Search 3 (+8), Sense Motive 5 (+10)


Feats: Accurate Attack, All-Out Attack, Artificer, Attack Focus (melee), Attack Specialization 3 (Baker's Tools (Device 1)), Improvised Tools, Inventor, Power Attack, Ritualist, Skill Mastery (Craft (chem), Gather Info, KN (arcane lore & phys sci)), Uncanny Dodge (Auditory)



Baker's Tools (Device 1) (Easy to lose)

   Strike 2 (DC 20; Mighty, Variable Descriptor 2 (Broad group - Any Physical))

Baking Is Magic (Array 12) (default power: blast)

   Cupcake Cameras (ESP 8) (Array; affects: 2 types, inc. visual - baked goods medium; Simultaneous; Medium)

   From Bread To Cake (Teleport 10) (Array; 1000 ft. as move action, 200000 miles as full action; Accurate; Medium (Baked Goods); Change Direction, Change Velocity, Easy, Turnabout)

   Magic Oven Power (Create Object 8) (Array; Max Size: 8x 5' cubes, DC 18; Duration (continuous))

   Muffin Bomb (Blast 8) (Default; DC 23; Explosion Area (80 ft. explosion - General))

   Rising Bread (Snare 8) (Array; DC 18; Burst Area (40 ft. radius - General))

   Thrown Magical Spices (Dazzle 12) (Array; affects: visual senses, DC 22)

Enchanted Baker's Uniform (Device 3) (Hard to lose)

   Enhanced Constitution 2 (+2 CON)

   Enhanced Strength 2 (+2 STR)

   Protection 11 (+11 Toughness)


Attack Bonus: +8 (Ranged: +8, Melee: +9, Grapple: +12)


Attacks: Muffin Bomb (Blast 8) (DC 23), Rising Bread (Snare 8) (DC Ref/Staged 18), Strike 2, +15 (DC 20), Thrown Magical Spices (Dazzle 12), +8 (DC Fort/Ref 22), Unarmed Attack, +9 (DC 18)


Defense: +6  (Flat-footed: +3), Knockback: -7


Initiative: +1


Languages: Native Language


Totals: Abilities 34 + Skills 17 (68 ranks) + Feats 13 + Powers 44 + Combat 28 + Saves 14 + Drawbacks 0 = 150



This one's a twofer. However, the artist's gallery (but not the pics) is NSFW, and I don't know if you (dear reader) have a deviant art account. I certainly don't. Anyway, it's a magical baker! Bake bread, muffins, and cupcakes. Or explosives. You know, whatever. Go nuts.

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Force Field Gadgeteer


Power Level: 10; Power Points Spent: 150/150


STR: +0 (10), DEX: +1 (12), CON: +0 (10), INT: +5 (20), WIS: +5 (20), CHA: +1 (12)


Tough: +0/+15, Fort: +5, Ref: +5, Will: +10


Skills: Computers 5 (+10), Concentration 10 (+15), Craft (electronic) 10 (+15), Craft (mechanical) 10 (+15), Disable Device 5 (+10), Gather Information 4 (+5), Investigate 5 (+10), Knowledge (physical sciences) 10 (+15), Knowledge (technology) 10 (+15), Notice 5 (+10), Search 5 (+10), Sense Motive 5 (+10)


Feats: Attractive (+4), Eidetic Memory, Evasion 2, Improvised Tools, Inventor, Second Chance (Concentration checks), Skill Mastery (Craft (elec & mech), KN (phys sci & tech)), Ultimate Effort (Toughness saves)



Force Field Generator (Device 18) (Hard to lose)

   Create Object 15 (Max Size: 15x 5' cubes, DC 25; Movable (Radius: 75 ft., Strength: 75, Force: 409.6 tons); Tether)

   Enhanced Feats (Enhanced Trait 2) (Feats: Evasion 2; Limited (to attacks requiring Toughness saves))

   Flight 3 (Speed: 50 mph, 440 ft./rnd; Platform)

   Force Field 15 (+15 Toughness, Feats: Second Chance (Concentration checks), Ultimate Effort (Toughness saves); Impervious [10 ranks only])

   Shield 3 (+3 dodge bonus)

   Strike 5 (DC 20; Accurate 5 (+10))


Attack Bonus: +5 (Ranged: +5, Melee: +5, Grapple: +5)


Attacks: Strike 5, +15 (DC 20), Unarmed Attack, +5 (DC 15)


Defense: +5  (Flat-footed: +1), Knockback: -12


Initiative: +1


Languages: Native Language


Totals: Abilities 24 + Skills 21 (84 ranks) + Feats 5 + Powers 72 + Combat 14 + Saves 14 + Drawbacks 0 = 150



PL 10s are great for having lots of versatility in what they can do. It's amazing how much one can cram into 150 PP, and this thread is more or less proof of that. This lady...doesn't do that. She is what happens when you tell versatility to take a hike. Gadgeteer specialist in force fields and their use. She can do a few other things, sure. But not all that well. Her big thing is taking absolutely mammoth hits and shielding the more vulnerable people around her. Which as it turns out, is just about everyone.

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Cyberpunk Mage


Power Level: 10; Power Points Spent: 150/150


STR: +0 (10), DEX: +2 (14), CON: +2 (14), INT: +5 (20), WIS: +5 (20), CHA: +2 (14)


Tough: +2/+10, Fort: +5, Ref: +7, Will: +10


Skills: Bluff 6 (+8), Concentration 7 (+12/+16), Diplomacy 6 (+8), Gather Information 10 (+12), Knowledge (arcane Lore) 10 (+15), Knowledge (current events) 5 (+10), Knowledge (popular culture) 5 (+10), Knowledge (streetwise) 10 (+15), Knowledge (theology & philosophy) 5 (+10), Notice 5 (+10), Sense Motive 5 (+10), Stealth 6 (+8)


Feats: Accurate Attack, All-Out Attack, Artificer, Attack Focus (ranged) 5, Attack Specialization 2 (Masterwork Blaster Pistol), Attractive (+4), Defensive Attack, Dodge Focus 4, Equipment 5, Improved Critical 2 (Damage Spell (Blast 10)), Ninja Run, Power Attack, Second Chance (Concentration checks), Skill Mastery (KN (arcane lore & streetwise), Notice, Sense Motive), Uncanny Dodge (Auditory)



Concealed Body Armor (Protection 3) (+3 Toughness; Subtle (subtle))

Magic (Array 11) (default power: blast)

   Create Object 7 (Array; Max Size: 7x 5' cubes, DC 17; Independent, Total Fade)

   Damage Spell (Blast 10) (Default; DC 25; Variable Descriptor 2 (Broad group - Any Magical))

   ESP 5 (Array; affects: 2 types, inc. visual; Duration (sustained))

   Healing 5 (Array; DC 15; Action (standard), Range (ranged))

   Illusion 5 (Array; affects: 1 type + visual, DC 15; Duration (sustained); Progression, Area 2 (25 ft. radius))

   Stun 6 (Array; DC 16; Range (ranged); Accurate 2 (+4))

   Telepathy 7 (Array; DC 17, Adds: Communication 7, Mind Reading 7; Omni-Directional Area)

      Communication 7 (sense type: mental)

      Mind Reading 7 (DC 17)

Sustaining Amulet (Device 2) (Hard to lose)

   Enhanced Trait 2 (Traits: Concentration +4 (+16), Feats: Second Chance (Concentration checks))

   Force Field 8 (+8 Toughness)


Equipment: Concealed Body Armor [Concealed Body Armor (Protection 3), +3 Toughness; Subtle (subtle)], Masterwork Blaster Pistol (Blaster Pistol, Masterwork Weapon), Vehicle: Midsize Car


Attack Bonus: +5 (Ranged: +10, Melee: +5, Grapple: +5)


Attacks: Damage Spell (Blast 10), +10 (DC 25), Masterwork Blaster Pistol, +15 (DC 20), Mind Reading 7 (DC Will 17), Stun 6, +14 (DC Fort/Staged 16), Telepathy 7 (DC Will 17), Unarmed Attack, +5 (DC 15)


Defense: +10  (Flat-footed: +3), Knockback: -5


Initiative: +2


Languages: Native Language


Totals: Abilities 32 + Skills 20 (80 ranks) + Feats 27 + Powers 36 + Combat 22 + Saves 13 + Drawbacks 0 = 150





Ha. Well, you know me. Always with the versatility. This lady can do quite a lot. I think I've been true to what a Shadowrun mage can pull off. M&M doesn't do the stun damage track portion, and I think that'd actually be a detriment in a supers game. Still, can always be a complication. Basically, she's a street mage with some power, versatility, and a backup pistol in case her enemies think nulling magic makes her impotent.

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Android. Idol. Soldier.


Power Level: 10; Power Points Spent: 150/150


STR: +0 (10), DEX: +3 (16), CON: +0 (-), INT: +0 (10), WIS: +2 (14), CHA: +5 (20)


Tough: +12, Fort: Immune, Ref: +5, Will: +8


Skills: Acrobatics 12 (+15), Notice 8 (+10), Perform (dance) 10 (+15), Perform (singing) 10 (+15), Sense Motive 8 (+10)


Feats: Attack Focus (ranged) 5, Attractive (+4), Dodge Focus 4, Uncanny Dodge (Auditory)



AIS Systems (Array 15) (default power: blast)

   Astral Form 7 (Array; Medium, Notes: Medium of Technology)

   Machine Gun (Blast 10) (Default; DC 25; Autofire (interval 2, max +5))

   Rocket Launcher (Blast 10) (Array; DC 25; Explosion Area (100 ft. explosion - General))

   Strength Gyros (Super-Strength 15) (Array; +75 STR carry capacity, heavy load: 1.6k tons; +15 STR to some checks)

Flight 3 (Speed: 50 mph, 440 ft./rnd)

Immunity 40 (fortitude saves, mental effects)

Protection 12 (+12 Toughness)


Attack Bonus: +5 (Ranged: +10, Melee: +5, Grapple: +5)


Attacks: Machine Gun (Blast 10), +10 (DC 25), Rocket Launcher (Blast 10) (DC 25), Unarmed Attack, +5 (DC 15)


Defense: +8  (Flat-footed: +2), Knockback: -6


Initiative: +3


Languages: Native Language


Totals: Abilities 10 + Skills 12 (48 ranks) + Feats 11 + Powers 91 + Combat 18 + Saves 8 + Drawbacks 0 = 150





Constructs are always a little harder to pull off. But I had a vision and I stuck it through. It's a very anime concept, an idol singer that's also a combat android. Can't do much of anything else. But I think that's about enough. I snuck in just a little versatility, though. Spy on your enemies through the very technology that's supposed to be watching out for you. In a pinch, flip on the strength to lift that heavy object of your friend or snap the bonds that are stopping you from saving him. Very heroic, I think.

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Willpower Warrior


Power Level: 10; Power Points Spent: 150/150


STR: +2 (14), DEX: +2 (14), CON: +2 (14), INT: +2 (14), WIS: +2 (14), CHA: +2 (14)


Tough: +2/+12, Fort: +5/+10, Ref: +5/+10, Will: +10/+15


Skills: Acrobatics 8 (+10), Bluff 8 (+10), Diplomacy 8 (+10), Escape Artist 8 (+10), Gather Information 8 (+10), Intimidate 8 (+10), Knowledge (streetwise) 8 (+10), Notice 10 (+12), Sense Motive 10 (+12), Stealth 8 (+10)


Feats: All-Out Attack, Attack Focus (melee) 10, Beginner's Luck, Endurance (+4), Jack-of-All-Trades, Last Stand, Power Attack, Stunning Attack, Takedown Attack, Ultimate Effort 4 (Fortitude, Reflex, Toughness & Will saves), Uncanny Dodge (Auditory)



Martial Arts (Strike 3) (DC 20; Mighty)

Will's Power (Container, Passive 8) (Innate, Subtle 2 (unnoticable))

   Enhanced Trait 15 (Traits: Fortitude +5 (+10), Reflex +5 (+10), Will +5 (+15))

   Enhanced Trait 5 (Feats: Endurance (+4), Ultimate Effort 4 (Fortitude, Reflex, Toughness & Will saves))

   Leaping 1 (Jumping distance: x2)

   Protection 10 (+10 Toughness)

   Regeneration 7 (recovery bonus 7 (+7 to recover); Persistent)

   Speed 1 (Speed: 10 mph, 88 ft./rnd)


Attack Bonus: +5 (Ranged: +5, Melee: +15, Grapple: +17)


Attacks: Martial Arts (Strike 3), +15 (DC 20), Unarmed Attack, +15 (DC 17)


Defense: +8  (Flat-footed: +4), Knockback: -6


Initiative: +2


Languages: Native Language


Totals: Abilities 24 + Skills 21 (84 ranks) + Feats 18 + Powers 47 + Combat 26 + Saves 14 + Drawbacks 0 = 150





A theme I have in my actual characters (not necessarily in these builds) is that they're all pretty strong willed individuals. Life's not always easy, especially for heroes (or those who don't always follow the rules of others). The weak willed will falter and fail. At least, that's my opinion. And here is someone with a will so mighty it's given her superpowers. Well, sort of. She's only human, but comics , tv, and movies have shown people that are only human survive things they have no business surviving, purely because of a stubborn refusal to die. So I though I'd blow that out into a hero's concept from start to finish. That's it.

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Card Battler


Power Level: 10; Power Points Spent: 150/150


STR: +1 (12), DEX: +1 (12), CON: +2 (14), INT: +3 (16), WIS: +5 (20), CHA: +4 (18)


Tough: +2/+12, Fort: +5, Ref: +5, Will: +10


Skills: Acrobatics 4 (+5), Bluff 4 (+8), Computers 2 (+5), Concentration 5 (+10), Diplomacy 4 (+8), Disable Device 2 (+5), Escape Artist 4 (+5), Gather Information 4 (+8), Investigate 2 (+5), Knowledge (arcane Lore) 12 (+15), Knowledge (popular culture) 5 (+8), Medicine 3 (+8), Notice 5 (+10), Search 2 (+5), Sense Motive 5 (+10), Sleight of Hand 4 (+5), Stealth 4 (+5)


Feats: Accurate Attack, All-Out Attack, Attack Focus (ranged), Attack Specialization 2 (Magic Deck of Cards (Device 16)), Defensive Attack, Evasion, Ninja Run, Power Attack, Quick Draw, Uncanny Dodge (Auditory)



Magic Deck of Cards (Device 16) (Hard to lose)

   Deck (Array 11) (default power: blast)

      Attack Trap (Strike 10) (Array; DC 25; Cylinder Area (50 ft. radius + height - General); Triggered 2 (any trigger))

      Destroy Summon (Banish 6) (Array; DC 16; Universal; Accurate 2 (+4))

      Dispel Card (Nullify 10) (Array; counters: all powers of (type) - magical, DC 20)

      Life Swap (Drain 6) (Array; drains: single trait - toughness, DC 16; Range (ranged), Vampiric; Accurate 2 (+4))

      Summoned Monster (Blast 10) (Default; DC 25; Variable Descriptor 2 (Broad group - Any Magical))

      Vine Trap (Snare 10) (Array; DC 20; Triggered 2 (any trigger))

   Defensive Spell (Force Field 10) (+10 Toughness)

   Deflection Spell (Shield 4) (+4 dodge bonus)

   Enhanced Trait 5 (Feats: Accurate Attack, All-Out Attack, Defensive Attack, Ninja Run, Power Attack)

   Field Control Spell (Environmental Control 5) (mix-and-match 5, Radius: 100 ft.; Range (touch))

   One More Card (Teleport 1) (100 ft. as move action; Change Direction, Change Velocity)

   Spell Card of True Sight (Super-Senses 10) (awareness: Hidden (Vision), counters concealment: Vision, counters illusion: Vision, counters obscure (all): Vision)


Attack Bonus: +5 (Ranged: +6, Melee: +5, Grapple: +6)


Attacks: Attack Trap (Strike 10) (DC 25), Destroy Summon (Banish 6), +14 (DC Will 16), Dispel Card (Nullify 10), +10 (DC Will 20), Life Swap (Drain 6), +14 (DC Fort/Staged 16), Summoned Monster (Blast 10), +10 (DC 25), Unarmed Attack, +5 (DC 16), Vine Trap (Snare 10), +10 (DC Ref/Staged 20)


Defense: +8  (Flat-footed: +2), Knockback: -6


Initiative: +1


Languages: Native Language


Totals: Abilities 32 + Skills 18 (71 ranks) + Feats 6 + Powers 64 + Combat 18 + Saves 12 + Drawbacks 0 = 150





There's something very important I have to tell you. It's time. Time to d-d-d-d-d-duel! No, seriously. This is a card battle game duelist converted into a superhero. Though I skipped Summon in favor of Blast and Accurate/Power Attack. That'll work well enough. The rest is fluff, you know?

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Power Level: 10; Power Points Spent: 150/150


STR: +2 (14), DEX: +3 (16), CON: +3 (16), INT: +2 (14), WIS: +4 (18), CHA: +4 (18)


Tough: +3/+5, Fort: +7, Ref: +8, Will: +8


Skills: Acrobatics 9 (+12), Bluff 8 (+12), Computers 8 (+10), Craft (electronic) 8 (+10), Craft (mechanical) 8 (+10), Diplomacy 8 (+12), Disable Device 8 (+10), Disguise 8 (+12), Escape Artist 7 (+10), Gather Information 8 (+12), Intimidate 8 (+12), Knowledge (current events) 8 (+10), Knowledge (physical sciences) 8 (+10), Knowledge (streetwise) 8 (+10), Knowledge (technology) 8 (+10), Notice 6 (+10), Sense Motive 6 (+10), Sleight of Hand 7 (+10), Stealth 9 (+12)


Feats: Attack Focus (ranged) 6, Defensive Roll 2, Dodge Focus 5, Eidetic Memory, Evasion, Power Attack, Uncanny Dodge (Auditory)



Blaster Pistol (Device 3) (Easy to lose)

   Blast 5 (DC 20; Accurate 2 (+4), Improved Range (125 ft. incr), Precise, Progression, Increase Range (max range x2, 1250 feet))

Headset with Eyepiece (Device 3) (Hard to lose)

   Communication 5 (sense type: radio)

   Comprehend 2 (codes & ciphers, languages - read all; Broad Group (Written Codes), Limited (One At A Time))

   Datalink 1 (sense type: radio)

   Super-Senses 8 (analytical (type): Vision, extended (type): Vision 1 (-1 per 100 ft), infravision, microscopic vision 3 (molecule-size))


Attack Bonus: +5 (Ranged: +11, Melee: +5, Grapple: +7)


Attacks: Blast 5, +15 (DC 20), Unarmed Attack, +5 (DC 17)


Defense: +13  (Flat-footed: +4), Knockback: -2


Initiative: +3


Languages: Native Language


Totals: Abilities 36 + Skills 37 (148 ranks) + Feats 17 + Powers 21 + Combat 26 + Saves 13 + Drawbacks 0 = 150





I can't think of a better name, so this'll have to do. Remember Digital Shadow? Of course you do. This is a variation on that theme. A bit less of a focus on gadgeteering and more on spy work. She's got skills all over the place. Whatever the situation, she can probably handle it. However, her strength lies in her Headset w/Eyepiece. With that nifty bit of technology, no secret is safe from her prying eyes.


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