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Eternal Phoenix's Character Factory and Archetype Blendarama

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Jet Black Dress


Power Level: 7; Power Points Spent: 105/105


STR: +0 (10), DEX: +4 (18), CON: +0 (10), INT: +4 (18), WIS: +2 (14), CHA: +4 (18)


Tough: +0/+7, Fort: +5, Ref: +8, Will: +7


Skills: Acrobatics 8 (+12), Bluff 8 (+12), Diplomacy 8 (+12), Gather Information 4 (+8), Knowledge (arcane Lore) 4 (+8), Knowledge (theology & philosophy) 4 (+8), Notice 5 (+7), Sense Motive 5 (+7)


Feats: Acrobatic Bluff, Artificer, Attractive (+4), Evasion, Takedown Attack, Uncanny Dodge (Auditory)



Jet Black Dress (Device 8) (Hard to lose, Only you can use)

   Array 7 (default power: drain; Accurate 2 (+4))

      Gentle Caress (Drain 7) (Default; drains: single trait - wisdom, DC 17; Autofire (interval 2, max +5))

      Hormonal Overdrive (Stun 7) (Array; DC 17; Alternate Save (Will))

      Love Effect (Emotion Control 7) (Array; DC 17; Perception Area (General); Limited to Emotion (Love), Sense-Dependent (Visual))

      Mind Touch (Strike 7) (Array; DC 22; Alternate Save (Will))

      Mystic Strike (Strike 7) (Array; DC 22; Autofire (interval 2, max +5))

   Enhanced Feats (Enhanced Trait 1) (Feats: Attractive (+4))

   Protection 7 (+7 Toughness; Impervious; Subtle (subtle))

   Shield 4 (+4 dodge bonus)


Attack Bonus: +3 (Ranged: +3, Melee: +3, Grapple: +3)


Attacks: Gentle Caress (Drain 7), +7 (DC Fort/Staged 17), Hormonal Overdrive (Stun 7), +7 (DC Staged/Will 17), Love Effect (Emotion Control 7) (DC Staged/Will 17), Mind Touch (Strike 7), +7 (DC Will 22), Mystic Strike (Strike 7), +7 (DC 22), Unarmed Attack, +3 (DC 15)


Defense: +7  (Flat-footed: +2), Knockback: -7


Initiative: +4


Languages: Native Language


Totals: Abilities 28 + Skills 12 (46 ranks) + Feats 5 + Powers 34 + Combat 12 + Saves 14 + Drawbacks 0 = 105



Every now and again I do something a bit different. This is one of those. Based in large part on Miracle of Sound's Jet Black Dress. Basically a mystical Battlesuit, focusing on effing up someone's Will save and exploiting (most likely but not always) her straight up gorgeous appearance. If you want to make it a tuxedo or a suit, you go right ahead. Doesn't even have to be a woman.

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  • EternalPhoenix


Pirate Queen


Power Level: 7; Power Points Spent: 105/105


STR: +1 (12), DEX: +3 (16), CON: +2 (14), INT: +2 (14), WIS: +2 (14), CHA: +4 (18)


Tough: +2/+4, Fort: +5, Ref: +7, Will: +5


Skills: Acrobatics 7 (+10), Bluff 6 (+10), Climb 9 (+10), Craft (structural) 8 (+10), Diplomacy 6 (+10), Gather Information 6 (+10), Knowledge (streetwise) 8 (+10), Knowledge (tactics) 8 (+10), Notice 5 (+7), Sense Motive 5 (+7), Survival 8 (+10)


Feats: All-Out Attack, Attack Focus (ranged), Attack Specialization (Eversharp Rapier (Strike 3)), Defensive Roll 2, Dodge Focus 4, Improved Critical 2 (Eversharp Rapier (Strike 3)), Power Attack, Takedown Attack, Uncanny Dodge (Auditory)



Pirate Arsenal (Device 3) (Hard to lose)

   Arsenal (Array 5) (default power: strike)

      Caltrops (Trip 5) (Array; Shapeable Area (5 cubes of 125 cu. ft. (5x5x5) - General); Improved Throw; Full Power)

      Eversharp Rapier (Strike 3) (Default; DC 19, Feats: Improved Critical 2 (Eversharp Rapier (Strike 3)); Penetrating [1 extra rank]; Mighty)

      Flintlock Pistol (Blast 5) (Array; DC 20)

      Grappling Hook (Linked)

         Speed 1 (Linked; Speed: 10 mph, 88 ft./rnd)

         Super-Movement 2 (Linked; slow fall, swinging)

      Just A Bomb (Blast 5) (Array; DC 20; Explosion Area (50 ft. explosion - General); Unreliable (5 Uses))

      Net (Snare 5) (Array; DC 15)


Attack Bonus: +8 (Ranged: +9, Melee: +8, Grapple: +9)


Attacks: Caltrops (Trip 5) (DC 15), Eversharp Rapier (Strike 3), +10 (DC 19), Flintlock Pistol (Blast 5), +9 (DC 20), Just A Bomb (Blast 5) (DC 20), Net (Snare 5), +9 (DC Ref/Staged 15), Unarmed Attack, +8 (DC 16)


Defense: +8  (Flat-footed: +2), Knockback: -2


Initiative: +3


Languages: Native Language


Totals: Abilities 28 + Skills 19 (76 ranks) + Feats 12 + Powers 12 + Combat 24 + Saves 10 + Drawbacks 0 = 105



I took my Piratical Swashbuckler from Part 6 and shrank it down. Dunno about you, but she seems lethal enough to me. And, unlike the prior instance, can play Navigator with a good Survival bonus and sports a net to Snare people with. Refined yet weakened at the same time. Weird, ain't it?

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Power Level: 7; Power Points Spent: 105/105


STR: +0 (10), DEX: +1 (12), CON: +2 (14), INT: +4 (18), WIS: +4 (18), CHA: +0 (10)


Tough: +2/+9, Fort: +5, Ref: +5, Will: +8


Skills: Concentration 4 (+8/+16), Knowledge (arcane Lore) 8 (+12), Knowledge (theology & philosophy) 4 (+8), Notice 4 (+8), Sense Motive 4 (+8)


Feats: Accurate Attack, Attack Focus (ranged) 4, Dodge Focus 3, Power Attack, Precise Shot, Second Chance (Concentration checks to maintain powers), Uncanny Dodge (Auditory)



Array 11 (default power: blast; Variable Descriptor 2 (Broad group - Any Magical); Custom (Array 10.5))

   Magic Blast (Blast 7) (Default; DC 22; Autofire (interval 2, max +5))

   Magic Burst (Blast 7) (Array; DC 22; Burst Area (35 ft. radius - General))

   Move Object 7 (Array; Strength: 35, Carry: 1.1k / 2.1k / 3.2k / 3.2 tons; Range (perception))

   Mystic Binding (Snare 7) (Array; DC 17; Autofire (interval 2, max +5))

   Mystic Trap (Snare 7) (Array; DC 17; Burst Area (35 ft. radius - General))

Foci Staff (Device 1) (Easy to lose)

   Enhanced Trait 3 (Traits: Concentration +8 (+16), Feats: Second Chance (Concentration checks to maintain powers))

   Strike 2 (DC 17)

Force Field 7 (+7 Toughness; Impervious)

Super-Senses 1 (awareness: Magic (visual))


Attack Bonus: +3 (Ranged: +7, Melee: +3, Grapple: +3)


Attacks: Magic Blast (Blast 7), +7 (DC 22), Magic Burst (Blast 7) (DC 22), Mystic Binding (Snare 7), +7 (DC Ref/Staged 17), Mystic Trap (Snare 7) (DC Ref/Staged 17), Strike 2, +3 (DC 17), Unarmed Attack, +3 (DC 15)


Defense: +5  (Flat-footed: +1), Knockback: -8


Initiative: +1


Languages: Native Language


Totals: Abilities 22 + Skills 6 (24 ranks) + Feats 11 + Powers 45 + Combat 10 + Saves 11 + Drawbacks 0 = 105





There we go. A straight up battlemage. Throwin' down all kinds of magical power. No utiltity spells. No fancy stuff. Just a damage factory. Accurate Attack and Power Attack let him/her move the offensive caps around if needed. Done and done.

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Cat Totem Archer


Power Level: 7; Power Points Spent: 105/105


STR: +5 (14/20), DEX: +8 (16/26), CON: +5 (14/20), INT: +0 (10), WIS: +2 (14), CHA: +4 (18)


Tough: +5, Fort: +8, Ref: +10, Will: +5


Skills: Acrobatics 2 (+10), Bluff 4 (+8), Diplomacy 4 (+8), Gather Information 6 (+10), Notice 5 (+7), Sense Motive 5 (+7), Stealth 2 (+10)


Feats: Attack Focus (melee) 4, Attack Specialization 2 (Bow (Device 2)), Attractive (+4), Dodge Focus 4, Power Attack, Takedown Attack, Uncanny Dodge (Auditory)



Bow (Device 2) (Easy to lose)

   Bowshot (Blast 5) (DC 20)

Enhanced Constitution 6 (+6 CON)

Enhanced Dexterity 10 (+10 DEX)

Enhanced Strength 6 (+6 STR)

Super-Senses 2 (low-light vision, scent)


Attack Bonus: +5 (Ranged: +5, Melee: +9, Grapple: +14)


Attacks: Bowshot (Blast 5), +9 (DC 20), Unarmed Attack, +9 (DC 20)


Defense: +9  (Flat-footed: +3), Knockback: -2


Initiative: +8


Languages: Native Language


Totals: Abilities 26 + Skills 7 (28 ranks) + Feats 14 + Powers 30 + Combat 20 + Saves 8 + Drawbacks 0 = 105





Basic once again. Feline Totem with a bow. I...don't have anything special to say about this one, really. Stealth, Acrobatics. Kind of...it.

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Car Drivin' Badass


Power Level: 7; Power Points Spent: 105/105


STR: +2 (14), DEX: +3 (16), CON: +2 (14), INT: +2 (14), WIS: +3 (16), CHA: +2 (14)


Tough: +2/+5, Fort: +7, Ref: +8, Will: +7


Skills: Acrobatics 7 (+10), Bluff 6 (+8), Craft (electronic) 8 (+10), Craft (mechanical) 8 (+10), Diplomacy 6 (+8), Drive 12 (+15), Gather Information 8 (+10), Knowledge (physical sciences) 6 (+8), Knowledge (streetwise) 6 (+8), Knowledge (technology) 8 (+10), Medicine 2 (+5), Notice 5 (+8), Sense Motive 5 (+8), Stealth 7 (+10), Survival 2 (+5)


Feats: Attack Focus (melee) 6, Attack Specialization (Unarmed Attack), Defensive Roll, Dodge Focus 4, Equipment 7, Power Attack, Skill Mastery (Craft (mech), Drive, KN (tech), Survival), Takedown Attack, Uncanny Dodge (Auditory)



Collapsible Baton (Strike 2) (DC 19; Mighty, Subtle (subtle))

Discreet Body Armor (Protection 2) (+2 Toughness; Subtle (subtle))


Equipment: Badass Car, Collapsible Baton [Collapsible Baton (Strike 2), DC 19; Mighty, Subtle (subtle)], Discreet Body Armor [Discreet Body Armor (Protection 2), +2 Toughness; Subtle (subtle)], Toolkit (Basic), Video Camera


Attack Bonus: +4 (Ranged: +4, Melee: +10, Grapple: +12)


Attacks: Collapsible Baton (Strike 2), +10 (DC 19), Unarmed Attack, +12 (DC 17)


Defense: +8  (Flat-footed: +2), Knockback: -2


Initiative: +3


Languages: Native Language


Totals: Abilities 28 + Skills 24 (96 ranks) + Feats 23 + Powers 0 + Combat 16 + Saves 14 + Drawbacks 0 = 105



Badass Car


Power Level: 7; Equipment Points Spent: 25


STR: +12 (35)


Toughness: +12


Features: Alarm 1, Caltrops, Hidden Compartments 1, Navigation System 1, Oil Slick, Remote Control, Smokescreen



Speed 6 (Speed: 500 mph, 4400 ft./rnd)

Super-Senses 3 (direction sense, distance sense, time sense)


Defense: -1, Size: Large


Totals: Abilities 3 + Skills 0 (0 ranks) + Feats 0 + Features 7 + Powers 9 + Combat 1 + Saves 5 + Drawbacks 0 + Equipment 0 (0 ep) + Weapons & Armor 0 (0 ep) = 25



The Game with Gold for the first half of this month was Forza Horizon, and I've been playing it regularly. In that spirit, here's a guy whose gimmick is driving. His car is fast, powerful, and sturdy. His driving skills are almost without peer. He has the skill to fix his car when it is damaged. All that, and he's an expert martial artist and carrying a collapsible baton. I picture him as a racing champion (maybe of Freedom City's Horizon Festival expy?) who's turned to fighting for justice. Or just has a functioning conscience and the bad luck to keep finding himself in the wrong place at the right time.

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Aquarian Warrior


Power Level: 7; Power Points Spent: 105/105


STR: +7 (24), DEX: +2 (14), CON: +7 (24), INT: +0 (10), WIS: +1 (12), CHA: +0 (10)


Tough: +7, Fort: +7, Ref: +5, Will: +7


Skills: Bluff 5 (+5), Diplomacy 5 (+5), Gather Information 5 (+5), Knowledge (earth sciences) 5 (+5), Notice 6 (+7), Sense Motive 6 (+7), Swim 8 (+15)


Feats: Attack Focus (ranged) 4, Attack Specialization 2 (Unarmed Attack), Dodge Focus 4, Power Attack, Takedown Attack, Uncanny Dodge (Auditory)



Aquarian Might (Array 7) (default power: water control)

   Aquarian Blast (Blast 7) (Array; DC 22)

   Hard Water Constructs (Create Object 7) (Array; Max Size: 7x 5' cubes, DC 17)

   Water Control 7 (Default; Strength: 35, Carry: 1.1k / 2.1k / 3.2k / 3.2 tons)

   Water Prison (Snare 7) (Array; DC 17; Suffocating; Action (full))

Immunity 3 (environmental condition: Cold, environmental condition: Pressure, suffocation: Drowning)

Swimming 7 (Speed: 250 mph, 2200 ft./rnd)


Attack Bonus: +3 (Ranged: +7, Melee: +3, Grapple: +10)


Attacks: Aquarian Blast (Blast 7), +7 (DC 22), Unarmed Attack, +7 (DC 22), Water Prison (Snare 7), +7 (DC Ref/Staged 17)


Defense: +7  (Flat-footed: +2), Knockback: -3


Initiative: +2


Languages: Native Language


Totals: Abilities 34 + Skills 10 (40 ranks) + Feats 13 + Powers 27 + Combat 12 + Saves 9 + Drawbacks 0 = 105





So...pretty much a water controlling Atlantean. Yep. Swims fast, can't drown, punches hard. Simple enough. Wetsuit optional.

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Rock and Roll Queen


Power Level: 7; Power Points Spent: 105/105


STR: +0 (10), DEX: +1 (12), CON: +2 (14), INT: +2 (14), WIS: +1 (12), CHA: +2 (14)


Tough: +2/+7, Fort: +5, Ref: +5, Will: +8


Skills: Bluff 8 (+10), Craft (electronic) 10 (+12), Craft (mechanical) 10 (+12), Diplomacy 8 (+10), Gather Information 8 (+10), Knowledge (physical sciences) 10 (+12), Knowledge (technology) 10 (+12), Notice 6 (+7), Perform (singing) 10 (+12), Perform (stringed instruments) 10 (+12), Sense Motive 6 (+7)


Feats: Attack Focus (ranged) 4, Dodge Focus 4, Improvised Tools, Inventor, Uncanny Dodge (Auditory)



Costume (Device 1) (Hard to lose)

   Protection 5 (+5 Toughness)

Guitar (Device 5) (Easy to lose, Restricted use (Perform (strings) +12 and up))

   Array 11 (default power: sonic control; Custom (Array 10.5))

      Hard Sound Constructs (Create Object 7) (Array; Max Size: 7x 5' cubes, DC 17; Duration (continuous))

      Hard Sound Snare (Snare 7) (Array; DC 17; Regenerating)

      Nauseate 7 (Array; DC 17; Range (ranged))

      Sonic Blast (Blast 7) (Array; DC 22; Autofire (interval 2, max +5))

      Sonic Control 7 (Default; Radius: 35 ft., DC 17; Selective Attack)

Headset (Device 2) (Hard to lose)

   Sensory Shield 3 (sense: one sense - auditory, +6 to saves vs. Dazzle attacks)

   Super-Senses 7 (accurate (type): Auditory, analytical (type): Auditory, ultra-hearing)


Attack Bonus: +3 (Ranged: +7, Melee: +3, Grapple: +3)


Attacks: Hard Sound Snare (Snare 7), +7 (DC Ref/Staged 17), Nauseate 7, +7 (DC Fort/Staged 17), Sonic Blast (Blast 7), +7 (DC 22), Sonic Control 7 (DC Fort/Ref 17), Unarmed Attack, +3 (DC 15)


Defense: +7  (Flat-footed: +2), Knockback: -3


Initiative: +1


Languages: Native Language


Totals: Abilities 16 + Skills 24 (96 ranks) + Feats 11 + Powers 28 + Combat 12 + Saves 14 + Drawbacks 0 = 105



One of the licensed songs in Forza Horizon is Rock and Roll Queen, by The Subways. Sounded like an interesting build to me, so here it is.


Here we have an expert on sound and acoustics. Got a large amount of skill in technology, too. Yep, basically a Gadgeteer with a sonic focus. However, if a rock & roll performer is needed, she can fill the role. Her headset uses Sensory Shield, but you can swap it out for Immunity to Auditory Dazzles if you like. I think that costs the same. I just like Sensory Shield better. It just helps, so she can still be crushed by a flash bang or something.

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Property Locker


Power Level: 7; Power Points Spent: 105/105


STR: +7 (10/25), DEX: +1 (12), CON: +0 (10), INT: +0 (10), WIS: +2 (14), CHA: +0 (10)


Tough: +0/+12, Fort: +5, Ref: +5, Will: +7


Skills: Concentration 10 (+12), Knowledge (User's Choice) 8 (+8), Notice 5 (+7), Sense Motive 5 (+7)


Feats: Attack Specialization 2 (Unarmed Attack), Second Chance (Concentration checks to maintain powers)



Lockdown Effect (Array 14) (default power: create object)

   Flesh Lockdown (Paralyze 7) (Array; DC 17; Shapeable Area (7 cubes of 125 cu. ft. (5x5x5) - General), Selective Attack)

   Hardened Air (Create Object 7) (Default; Max Size: 7x 5' cubes, DC 17; Impervious, Independent, Range (perception), Total Fade; Action (full))

   Immutable Might (Linked)

      Enhanced Strength 15 (Linked; +15 STR, Feats: Attack Specialization 2 (Unarmed Attack))

      Immovable 3 (Linked; Resist Movement: +12, Resist Knockback: -3)

      Super-Strength 4 (Linked; +20 STR carry capacity, heavy load: 6.4 tons; +4 STR to some checks)

   Transform 7 (Array; affects: 1 thing > 1 thing - normal state into locked state, Transforms: 100 lbs., DC 17; Affects Objects)

Personal Seal (Linked)

   Force Field 12 (Linked; +12 Toughness; Impervious [7 ranks only])

   Immunity 17 (Linked; aging, alteration effects, life support, sleep, starvation & thirst; Duration (continuous); Duration (sustained))


Attack Bonus: +3 (Ranged: +3, Melee: +3, Grapple: +10/+14)


Attacks: Flesh Lockdown (Paralyze 7) (DC Staged/Will 17), Transform 7, +3 (DC Fort 17), Unarmed Attack, +7 (DC 22)


Defense: +2  (Flat-footed: +1), Knockback: -12


Initiative: +1


Languages: Native Language


Totals: Abilities 6 + Skills 7 (28 ranks) + Feats 1 + Powers 67 + Combat 10 + Saves 14 + Drawbacks 0 = 105





And now for something completely different. I suggest reading the link, then you'll understand what I was trying to do. I'm not sure how well it works, but I think it'd be interesting to play. I tell you, it doesn't lend itself well to a offensive powerset at all. Immutable Might is reaching, but the rest? Lock down the air, the flesh of your opposition, or even the very elements around you. Used creatively, even foes a few PLs up on you can be given a hard time.

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Fledgling Keymaster


Power Level: 7; Power Points Spent: 105/105


STR: +2 (14), DEX: +3 (16), CON: +2 (14), INT: +3 (16), WIS: +1 (12), CHA: +0 (10)


Tough: +2/+4, Fort: +5, Ref: +7, Will: +5


Skills: Acrobatics 2 (+5), Knowledge (arcane Lore) 2 (+5), Knowledge (technology) 2 (+5), Knowledge (theology & philosophy) 2 (+5), Notice 6 (+7), Sense Motive 6 (+7)


Feats: Attack Focus (melee) 2, Attack Specialization 2 (Keyblade Strike (Strike 3)), Defensive Roll 2, Dodge Focus 4, Improved Critical (Keyblade Strike (Strike 3)), Power Attack, Takedown Attack, Ultimate Effort (Disable Device checks), Ultimate Effort (Escape Artist checks), Uncanny Dodge (Auditory)



Create Object 1 (Max Size: 1x 5' cubes, DC 11; Limited (to keys), Permanent, Range (touch); Precise)

   Transform 1 (Alternate; affects: 1 thing > 1 thing - locked to unlocked, Transforms: 1 lbs., DC 11; Affects Objects (Only); Action (full), Range (touch))

Keyblade Strike (Strike 3) (DC 20, Feats: Improved Critical (Keyblade Strike (Strike 3)); Mighty)

Master of Locking and Unlocking (Enhanced Trait 8) (Traits: Disable Device +12 (+15), Escape Artist +12 (+15), Feats: Ultimate Effort (Disable Device checks), Ultimate Effort (Escape Artist checks))

Teleport 7 (700 ft. as move action, 200 miles as full action; Accurate; Easy, Turnabout)

   Super-Movement 6 (Alternate; dimensional 3 (any dimension), temporal move 3 (any time))


Attack Bonus: +3 (Ranged: +3, Melee: +5, Grapple: +7)


Attacks: Keyblade Strike (Strike 3), +9 (DC 20), Transform 1, +5 (DC Fort 11), Unarmed Attack, +5 (DC 17)


Defense: +8  (Flat-footed: +2), Knockback: -2


Initiative: +3


Languages: Native Language


Totals: Abilities 22 + Skills 5 (20 ranks) + Feats 13 + Powers 40 + Combat 14 + Saves 11 + Drawbacks 0 = 105





This one's another weird power. He unlocks things. Well, kind of. He's only entry level, really. Highly skilled, but only doing the impossible on a small scale. Got a bit of weaponmaster in him, though, with his Keyblade. It's not a Device because his power is literally key making. Ain't no rule that says he can't use one as a weapon.

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Frictionless Skin User


Power Level: 7; Power Points Spent: 105/105


STR: +2 (14), DEX: +3 (16), CON: +2 (14), INT: +0 (10), WIS: +2 (14), CHA: +2 (14)


Tough: +9, Fort: +5, Ref: +7, Will: +5


Skills: Bluff 2 (+4), Diplomacy 2 (+4), Knowledge (streetwise) 5 (+5), Language 1 (+1), Notice 5 (+7), Sense Motive 5 (+7)


Feats: All-Out Attack, Attack Focus (melee) 3, Attack Specialization (Greatclub (Strike 3)), Attractive (+4), Dodge Focus 3, Equipment 1, Move-by Action, Power Attack, Takedown Attack, Uncanny Dodge (Auditory)



Greatclub (Strike 3) (DC 20; Mighty)

Immunity 40 (lethal physical damage, nonlethal physical damage; Limited - Half Effect)

Immunity 5 (entrapment)

Protection 7 (+7 Toughness; Impervious)

Speed 3 (Speed: 50 mph, 440 ft./rnd)


Equipment: Greatclub [Greatclub (Strike 3), DC 20; Mighty]


Attack Bonus: +4 (Ranged: +4, Melee: +7, Grapple: +9)


Attacks: Greatclub (Strike 3), +9 (DC 20), Unarmed Attack, +7 (DC 17)


Defense: +5  (Flat-footed: +1), Knockback: -8


Initiative: +3


Languages: English, Spanish


Totals: Abilities 22 + Skills 5 (20 ranks) + Feats 14 + Powers 42 + Combat 12 + Saves 10 + Drawbacks 0 = 105





Super slippery. Can't be grappled or snared, and physical attacks of insufficient raw power slide right off. So...kind of tough, yeah. In battle she swings a big club around while sliding around the battlefield on her frictionless feet. So...yeah, basically One Piece's Alvida. Though she's probably got the full Immunity limited to against Haki users and another rank or two of Speed.

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Stone Heart


Power Level: 7; Power Points Spent: 105/105


STR: +7 (14/24), DEX: +2 (14), CON: +7 (14/24), INT: +0 (10), WIS: +2 (14), CHA: +0 (10)


Tough: +7, Fort: +10, Ref: +7, Will: +5


Skills: Acrobatics 5 (+7), Knowledge (arcane Lore) 8 (+8), Knowledge (streetwise) 8 (+8), Knowledge (theology & philosophy) 8 (+8), Notice 5 (+7), Sense Motive 5 (+7), Stealth 5 (+7)


Feats: Accurate Attack, Attack Focus (melee) 3, Dodge Focus 3, Power Attack, Ritualist, Ultimate Effort (Fort saves), Uncanny Dodge (Auditory)



Stone Heart (Container, Passive 8)

   Enhanced Constitution 10 (+10 CON)

   Enhanced Strength 10 (+10 STR)

   Immunity 30 (fortitude saves; Limited - Half Effect)

   Immunity 5 (interaction skills)


Attack Bonus: +4 (Ranged: +4, Melee: +7, Grapple: +14)


Attacks: Unarmed Attack, +7 (DC 22)


Defense: +7  (Flat-footed: +2), Knockback: -3


Initiative: +2


Languages: Native Language


Totals: Abilities 16 + Skills 11 (44 ranks) + Feats 11 + Powers 40 + Combat 16 + Saves 11 + Drawbacks 0 = 105





Esoteric power once again. She literally and figuratively has a heart of stone. Helps out with a few things, but the biggie is that half immunity to Fort saves. This is a PL 7 who can shrug off Fort effects that would drop higher PL characters. Of course, complete Immunity to interaction effects is nothing to sneeze at, either. Other than that, she's basically just a middling martial artist slash brick.

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Perfume Mage


Power Level: 7; Power Points Spent: 105/105


STR: +2 (14), DEX: +1 (12), CON: +4 (18), INT: +3 (16), WIS: +4 (18), CHA: +0 (10)


Tough: +7/+8, Fort: +7, Ref: +5, Will: +7


Skills: Acrobatics 4 (+5), Bluff 8 (+8), Gather Information 8 (+8), Knowledge (arcane Lore) 7 (+10), Knowledge (theology & philosophy) 7 (+10), Notice 3 (+7), Sense Motive 3 (+7)


Feats: Accurate Attack, Artificer, Attack Focus (melee) 2, Defensive Roll, Dodge Focus 2, Luck, Power Attack, Ritualist, Takedown Attack, Uncanny Dodge (Olfactory)



Perfume Vials (Device 7) (Hard to lose)

   Vials (Array 14) (default power: nauseate)

      Air Control 7 (Array; Strength: 35, Carry: 1.1k / 2.1k / 3.2k / 3.2 tons; Duration (continuous))

      Dazzle 7 (Array; affects: 1 sense type - olfactory, DC 17; Perception Area (General), Secondary Effect, Selective Attack; Range (touch))

      Fatigue 7 (Array; DC 17; Perception Area (General), Selective Attack; Sense-Dependent (Olfactory))

      Mind Control 7 (Array; DC 17; Perception Area (General), Conscious, Selective Attack; Range 2 (touch), Sense-Dependent (Olfactory))

      Nauseate 7 (Default; DC 17; Perception Area (General), Selective Attack; Sense-Dependent (Olfactory))

      Paralyze 7 (Array; DC 17; Perception Area (General), Selective Attack; Sense-Dependent (Olfactory))

      Strength Perfume (Linked)

         Enhanced Strength 14 (Linked; +14 STR)

         Super-Strength 4 (Linked; +20 STR carry capacity, heavy load: 2.8k lbs; +4 STR to some checks; Bracing, Countering Punch, Groundstrike (Radius: 20 ft., DC 12), Shockwave (+2, Cone: 20 ft., DC 12), Super-Breath (+2, Cone: 20 ft., DC 12), Thunderclap (Area: 10 ft., DC 12))

      Stun 7 (Array; DC 17; Perception Area (General), Selective Attack; Sense-Dependent (Olfactory))

Protection 3 (+3 Toughness)

Super-Senses 2 (awareness: Magical (olfactory), scent)


Attack Bonus: +3 (Ranged: +3, Melee: +5, Grapple: +7)


Attacks: Dazzle 7 (DC Fort/Ref 17), Fatigue 7 (DC Fort 17), Mind Control 7 (DC Will 17), Nauseate 7 (DC Fort/Staged 17), Paralyze 7 (DC Staged/Will 17), Stun 7 (DC Fort/Staged 17), Unarmed Attack, +5 (DC 17)


Defense: +5  (Flat-footed: +2), Knockback: -4


Initiative: +1


Languages: Native Language


Totals: Abilities 28 + Skills 10 (40 ranks) + Feats 12 + Powers 33 + Combat 12 + Saves 10 + Drawbacks 0 = 105





So...magical perfume. Yep. Fairly straightforward. If the enemy can smell, you can attack them. Failing that, there's always boosting your strength and punching away. He can smell magic, and uses olfactory for Uncanny Dodge. So...not too bad. Unfortunately, he is hideous to behold. ichiya. Shudder.

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Time Displacing Martial Artist


Power Level: 7; Power Points Spent: 105/105


STR: +4 (18), DEX: +4 (18), CON: +4 (18), INT: +0 (10), WIS: +2 (14), CHA: +0 (10)


Tough: +4/+5, Fort: +5, Ref: +7, Will: +5


Skills: Acrobatics 4 (+8), Concentration 6 (+8), Knowledge (streetwise) 8 (+8), Notice 5 (+7), Sense Motive 5 (+7)


Feats: Attack Focus (melee) 4, Attack Specialization (Unarmed Attack), Defensive Roll, Dodge Focus 4, Power Attack, Takedown Attack, Uncanny Dodge (Auditory)



Temporal Blurring (Concealment 10) (all senses; Limited (to miss chance))

Temporal Blurring (Insubstantial 4) (Incorporeal; Limited (to miss chance))

Temporal Sensing (Super-Senses 8) (postcognition, precognition; Uncontrolled)

Temporal Strike ((Strength Bonus) Strike 4) (Alternate Save (Fortitude))


Attack Bonus: +4 (Ranged: +4, Melee: +8, Grapple: +12)


Attacks: Unarmed Attack, +10 (DC 19)


Defense: +8  (Flat-footed: +2), Knockback: -2


Initiative: +4


Languages: Native Language


Totals: Abilities 28 + Skills 7 (28 ranks) + Feats 13 + Powers 34 + Combat 16 + Saves 7 + Drawbacks 0 = 105





Nothing too fancy here. Or anything that requires active thought. The idea here is that it's just a martial artist who's come just a little unstuck in time. As a result, he's vibrating through a short amount (say, six seconds?) of his own time stream. It makes him a lot harder to hit, and occasionally lends him flashes of insight into the past and future. It's...pretty cool, I think. Depending on how things go, Incorporeal might be ditchable. We'll see.

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Power Level: 7; Power Points Spent: 105/105


STR: +0 (10), DEX: +1 (12), CON: +2 (14), INT: +0 (10), WIS: +4 (18), CHA: +2 (14)


Tough: +2/+9, Fort: +5, Ref: +5, Will: +7


Skills: Bluff 6 (+8), Concentration 4 (+8), Diplomacy 6 (+8), Knowledge (life sciences) 8 (+8), Knowledge (theology & philosophy) 8 (+8), Medicine 4 (+8), Notice 4 (+8), Sense Motive 8 (+12)


Feats: Attractive (+4), Dodge Focus 3, Uncanny Dodge (Auditory)



Dream Power (Array 14) (default power: fatigue)

   Dream Control 7 (Array; DC 17)

   Dream Form (Insubstantial 4) (Array; Incorporeal)

   Dream Teleportation (Teleport 12) (Array; 1200 ft. as move action, 20 million miles as full action; Accurate; Medium (Dreaming Creatures); Change Direction, Change Velocity, Easy, Turnabout)

   Dream Travel 7 (Array; DC 17; Sensory Link)

   Sleep Waves (Fatigue 7) (Default; DC 17; Alternate Save (Will), Range 2 (perception), Sleep)

   Waking Nightmares (Mental Blast 7) (Array; DC 22)

Flight 3 (Speed: 50 mph, 440 ft./rnd)

Force Field 7 (+7 Toughness)

Super-Senses 4 (accurate: Mental, radius: Mental, ranged: Mental)


Attack Bonus: +3 (Ranged: +3, Melee: +3, Grapple: +3)


Attacks: Sleep Waves (Fatigue 7) (DC Will 17), Unarmed Attack, +3 (DC 15), Waking Nightmares (Mental Blast 7) (DC Will 22)


Defense: +5  (Flat-footed: +1), Knockback: -4


Initiative: +1


Languages: Native Language


Totals: Abilities 18 + Skills 12 (48 ranks) + Feats 5 + Powers 50 + Combat 10 + Saves 10 + Drawbacks 0 = 105





Did my best here. This one's not entirely human. Partly made of dreamstuff with powers from that arena. Pretty capable, but not invincible by any means. However, dominant in dreamland and very capable socially for a PL 7.

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Vehicle Mimic


Power Level: 7; Power Points Spent: 105/105


STR: +5 (20), DEX: +1 (12), CON: +5 (20), INT: +0 (10), WIS: +1 (12), CHA: +0 (10)


Tough: +5/+6, Fort: +7, Ref: +5, Will: +5


Skills: Concentration 9 (+10), Knowledge (streetwise) 5 (+5), Notice 7 (+8), Sense Motive 7 (+8)


Feats: Attack Specialization 2 (Unarmed Attack), Defensive Roll, Dodge Focus 2, Power Attack, Takedown Attack, Uncanny Dodge (Auditory)



Vehicle Mimicry (Variable 6) (acquire: all of (type) - vehicle powers, limited to: one vehicle at a time)


Power Settings:

Ambulance (Power Setting) (Powers: Masterwork Medical Kit (Features 1), Radio (Communication 4), Speed 5, Super-Strength 6, Medicine +8 (+9), Knowledge (life sciences) +8 (+8))

Jet (Power Setting) (Powers: Flight 7, Super-Senses 4, Super-Strength 6)

Submarine (Power Setting) (Powers: Immunity 3, Super-Senses 5, Super-Strength 6, Swimming 7, Swim +8 (+13))


Attack Bonus: +5 (Ranged: +5, Melee: +5, Grapple: +10)


Attacks: Unarmed Attack, +9 (DC 20)


Defense: +7  (Flat-footed: +3), Knockback: -3


Initiative: +1


Languages: Native Language


Totals: Abilities 24 + Skills 7 (28 ranks) + Feats 8 + Powers 36 + Combat 20 + Saves 10 + Drawbacks 0 = 105





Here's something different. Even if I keep saying that. Object mimics, animal mimics, and even power mimics are out there. This time, it's a vehicle mimic. Rookie level, so nothing violent or military. Still, generally very fast and very strong. You can easily do a Fire Engine, a Police Car, or a Helicopter. It's a pretty broad descriptor. Offense and defense are independent of his/her powers, but you can always change that.

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Bio-Metal Brick


Power Level: 7; Power Points Spent: 105/105


STR: +9 (14/28), DEX: +1 (12), CON: +2 (14), INT: +0 (10), WIS: +1 (12), CHA: +1 (12)


Tough: +9, Fort: +2/+12, Ref: +5, Will: +5


Skills: Diplomacy 4 (+5), Gather Information 4 (+5), Knowledge (User's Choice) 8 (+8), Notice 6 (+7), Sense Motive 6 (+7)


Feats: All-Out Attack, Attack Focus (melee), Attack Specialization (Unarmed Attack), Dodge Focus 3, Power Attack, Takedown Attack, Uncanny Dodge (Auditory)



Enhanced Strength 14 (+14 STR)

Enhanced Trait 10 (Traits: Fortitude +10 (+12))

Immunity 30 (fortitude saves; Limited - Half Effect)

Protection 7 (+7 Toughness; Impervious)

Super-Strength 2 (+10 STR carry capacity, heavy load: 4.8k lbs; +2 STR to some checks; Bracing)

   Elongation 5 (Alternate; Elongation: 100 ft., range incr 50 ft., +5 Escape & Grapple)


Attack Bonus: +2 (Ranged: +2, Melee: +3, Grapple: +12/+14)


Attacks: Unarmed Attack, +5 (DC 24)


Defense: +5  (Flat-footed: +1), Knockback: -8


Initiative: +1


Languages: Native Language


Totals: Abilities 14 + Skills 7 (28 ranks) + Feats 9 + Powers 59 + Combat 8 + Saves 8 + Drawbacks 0 = 105





Yeah, I know. Stone Heart's only but so different. However, it is a lot about the fluff. And this fluff is a person literally made out of organic metal. Strong, Impervious, capable of shrugging off pretty high level Fort effects...like I named it. Brick made out of bio-metal. No more, no less. Aside from the Elongation, anyway.

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Coin Kinetic


Power Level: 7; Power Points Spent: 105/105


STR: +0 (10), DEX: +1 (12), CON: +2 (14), INT: +0 (10), WIS: +2 (14), CHA: +2 (14)


Tough: +2/+9, Fort: +5, Ref: +5, Will: +7


Skills: Bluff 6 (+8), Concentration 6 (+8), Diplomacy 6 (+8), Gather Information 6 (+8), Knowledge (streetwise) 8 (+8), Notice 6 (+8), Sense Motive 6 (+8)


Feats: Accurate Attack, Attack Focus (ranged) 4, Dodge Focus 3, Power Attack, Uncanny Dodge (Auditory)



Coin Air (Flight 3) (Speed: 50 mph, 440 ft./rnd; Platform)

Coin Armor (Force Field 7) (+7 Toughness; Impervious)

Coin Control (Array 11) (default power: move object; Custom (Array 10.5))

   Coin Barrage (Blast 7) (Array; DC 22; Autofire (interval 2, max +5))

   Coin Control (Move Object 7) (Default; Strength: 35, Carry: 1.1k / 2.1k / 3.2k / 3.2 tons; Duration (continuous), Range (perception); Limited Material (Coins))

   Coin Wrapping (Snare 7) (Array; DC 17; Autofire (interval 2, max +5))

   Coinsplosion (Blast 7) (Array; DC 22; Burst Area (35 ft. radius - General))

   Power Coin (Blast 7) (Array; DC 22; Penetrating)

Super-Senses 6 (accurate: Coin Awareness, acute: Coin Awareness, awareness: Coin (mental), radius: Coin Awareness, ranged: Coin Awareness)


Attack Bonus: +3 (Ranged: +7, Melee: +3, Grapple: +3)


Attacks: Coin Barrage (Blast 7), +7 (DC 22), Coin Wrapping (Snare 7), +7 (DC Ref/Staged 17), Coinsplosion (Blast 7) (DC 22), Power Coin (Blast 7), +7 (DC 22), Unarmed Attack, +3 (DC 15)


Defense: +5  (Flat-footed: +1), Knockback: -8


Initiative: +1


Languages: Native Language


Totals: Abilities 14 + Skills 11 (44 ranks) + Feats 10 + Powers 48 + Combat 10 + Saves 12 + Drawbacks 0 = 105





And another odd power. Yes, he/she's essentially a magnetic controller, but with coins. The thing is, coins aren't necessarily made of ferrous metals, what a magnetic controller thrives on. So when Magneto is powerless in his plastic cell, this guy? Might be able to do something, depending on whether or not any of the guards are carrying something that can be considered a coin. Poker chips. Arcade tokens. Actual legal tender. Artifacts of a bygone era. Whatever. If it is a flattened circular object with some form of monentary value, he/she can use it.

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Power Level: 7; Power Points Spent: 105/105


STR: +0 (10), DEX: +1 (12), CON: +2 (14), INT: +4 (18), WIS: +2 (14), CHA: +0 (10)


Tough: +2/+7, Fort: +5, Ref: +5, Will: +7


Skills: Concentration 6 (+8), Craft (chemical) 8 (+12), Knowledge (physical sciences) 8 (+12), Knowledge (streetwise) 4 (+8), Notice 5 (+7), Sense Motive 5 (+7)


Feats: Accurate Attack, Attack Focus (ranged) 4, Improvised Tools, Inventor, Power Attack, Takedown Attack, Uncanny Dodge (Auditory)



Polish (Array 8) (default power: trip)

   Acid Polish (Strike 7) (Array; DC 22; Secondary Effect)

   Hardening Polish (Snare 7) (Array; DC 17; Transparent; Range (touch))

   Poison Polish (Strike 7) (Array; DC 22; Alternate Save (Fortitude))

   Polishing (Transform 7) (Array; affects: 1 thing > 1 thing - unpolished to polished, Transforms: 100 lbs., DC 17; Range (touch))

   Slippery Polish (Trip 7) (Default; Duration 2 (sustained), Independent; Range (touch); Improved Throw, Slow Fade (1 minute))

Polished Body (Linked)

   Force Field 5 (Linked; +5 Toughness; Impervious [1 extra rank])

   Immunity 5 (Linked; entrapment; Duration (continuous); Duration (sustained))


Attack Bonus: +3 (Ranged: +7, Melee: +3, Grapple: +3)


Attacks: Acid Polish (Strike 7), +3 (DC 22), Hardening Polish (Snare 7), +3 (DC Ref/Staged 17), Poison Polish (Strike 7), +3 (DC Fort 22), Polishing (Transform 7), +3 (DC Fort 17), Slippery Polish (Trip 7), +3 (DC 17), Unarmed Attack, +3 (DC 15)


Defense: +7  (Flat-footed: +4), Knockback: -6


Initiative: +1


Languages: Native Language


Totals: Abilities 18 + Skills 9 (36 ranks) + Feats 10 + Powers 36 + Combat 20 + Saves 12 + Drawbacks 0 = 105





Yes, I'm doing oddball superpowers. It's a whole thing now. This is someone who can generate different kinds of polish. Mostly likely did it to himself, as his skills display. At any rate, there's another one down.

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Psychometric Attention Diverter


Power Level: 7; Power Points Spent: 105/105


STR: +2 (14), DEX: +3 (16), CON: +2 (14), INT: +0 (10), WIS: +4 (18), CHA: +2 (14)


Tough: +2/+5, Fort: +5, Ref: +7, Will: +7


Skills: Acrobatics 5 (+8), Bluff 6 (+8), Concentration 4 (+8), Diplomacy 6 (+8), Knowledge (streetwise) 5 (+5), Notice 3 (+7), Sense Motive 3 (+7)


Feats: Attack Focus (melee) 5, Attack Specialization (Unarmed Attack), Defensive Roll, Dodge Focus 4, Equipment 2



Attention Manipulation (Array 7) (default power: mind control)

   Concealment 10 (Array; all senses; Phantasm)

   Mind Control 7 (Default; DC 17; Effortless; Limited (to directing attention))

Collapsible Baton (Strike 2) (DC 19; Mighty, Subtle (subtle))

Discreet Body Armor (Protection 2) (+2 Toughness; Subtle (subtle))

Psychometic Telepathy (Array 11) (default power: esp; Limited (Requires Object Target has touched); Custom (Array 10.5))

   ESP 7 (Default; affects: 2 types, inc. visual - auditory)

   Mental Blast 5 (Array; DC 20)

   Telepathy 7 (Array; DC 17, Adds: Communication 7, Mind Reading 7)

      Communication 7 (sense type: mental)

      Mind Reading 7 (DC 17)

Psychometry (Super-Senses 8) (postcognition, precognition; Limited (to Held Objects), Uncontrolled)


Equipment: Collapsible Baton [Collapsible Baton (Strike 2), DC 19; Mighty, Subtle (subtle)], Discreet Body Armor [Discreet Body Armor (Protection 2), +2 Toughness; Subtle (subtle)]


Attack Bonus: +5 (Ranged: +5, Melee: +10, Grapple: +12)


Attacks: Collapsible Baton (Strike 2), +10 (DC 19), Mental Blast 5 (DC Will 20), Mind Control 7 (DC Will 17), Mind Reading 7 (DC Will 17), Telepathy 7 (DC Will 17), Unarmed Attack, +12 (DC 17)


Defense: +8  (Flat-footed: +2), Knockback: -2


Initiative: +3


Languages: Native Language


Totals: Abilities 26 + Skills 8 (32 ranks) + Feats 13 + Powers 30 + Combat 18 + Saves 10 + Drawbacks 0 = 105







Two for one special here. Telepathic pre and post cognitive, but with some restrictions. Skilled at hand to hand and melee. And tough to pay attention to if she doesn't want you to. Neat concept, I think.

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Pure Soul


Power Level: 7; Power Points Spent: 105/105


STR: +2 (14), DEX: +1 (12), CON: +7 (16/24), INT: +2 (14), WIS: +8 (18/26), CHA: +2 (14)


Tough: +7, Fort: +7, Ref: +5, Will: +12


Skills: Diplomacy 8 (+10), Gather Information 8 (+10), Knowledge (arcane Lore) 8 (+10), Knowledge (theology & philosophy) 8 (+10), Notice 2 (+10), Sense Motive 2 (+10)


Feats: Accurate Attack, Attack Focus (ranged) 4, Dodge Focus 4, Power Attack, Takedown Attack, Uncanny Dodge (Auditory)



Enhanced Constitution 8 (+8 CON)

Enhanced Wisdom 8 (+8 WIS)

Purity (Array 7) (default power: environmental control)

   Darkness Purge (Nullify 7) (Array; counters: all powers of (type) - darkness/shadow, DC 17; Burst Area (35 ft. radius - General); Range (touch))

   Hard Light Weapons (Strike 7) (Array; DC 22; Accurate 2 (+4))

   Light Control (Environmental Control 7) (Default; light (bright), Radius: 500 ft.; Selective Attack; Range (touch))

   Purification Blast (Blast 7) (Array; DC 22)

   Unholy Purge (Nullify 7) (Array; counters: all powers of (type) - demonic/hellfire/infernal, DC 17; Burst Area (35 ft. radius - General); Range (touch))

Super-Senses 2 (darkvision)


Attack Bonus: +3 (Ranged: +7, Melee: +3, Grapple: +5)


Attacks: Darkness Purge (Nullify 7) (DC Will 17), Hard Light Weapons (Strike 7), +7 (DC 22), Purification Blast (Blast 7), +7 (DC 22), Unarmed Attack, +3 (DC 17), Unholy Purge (Nullify 7) (DC Will 17)


Defense: +7  (Flat-footed: +2), Knockback: -3


Initiative: +1


Languages: Native Language


Totals: Abilities 28 + Skills 9 (36 ranks) + Feats 12 + Powers 36 + Combat 12 + Saves 8 + Drawbacks 0 = 105





Purity. Don't see too much of that as a power source. Not talking about virginity, either. Though it can be one source. This one, however, is purity of soul. Purify the darkness or the unholy. Skillful diplomat. And of course, she can fight. Not immune to darkness or unholy yet, but rookie level. Things will come later.

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Psionic Warrior


Power Level: 7; Power Points Spent: 105/105


STR: +0 (10), DEX: +1 (12), CON: +2 (14), INT: +0 (10), WIS: +4 (18), CHA: +1 (12)


Tough: +2/+9, Fort: +5, Ref: +5, Will: +7


Skills: Concentration 8 (+12), Diplomacy 6 (+7), Gather Information 6 (+7), Knowledge (User's Choice) 8 (+8), Notice 4 (+8), Sense Motive 8 (+12)


Feats: Accurate Attack, Attack Focus (melee) 4, Dodge Focus 3, Power Attack, Takedown Attack, Uncanny Dodge (Auditory)



Energy Aura 7 (energy type: psionic, DC 22; Alternate Save (Will))

Flight 3 (Speed: 50 mph, 440 ft./rnd)

Force Field 7 (+7 Toughness)


Attack Bonus: +3 (Ranged: +3, Melee: +7, Grapple: +7)


Attacks: Energy Aura 7, +7 (DC Will 22), Unarmed Attack, +7 (DC 15)


Defense: +5  (Flat-footed: +1), Knockback: -4


Initiative: +1


Languages: Native Language


Totals: Abilities 16 + Skills 10 (40 ranks) + Feats 11 + Powers 48 + Combat 10 + Saves 10 + Drawbacks 0 = 105





As straightforward as it gets. Psionic energy aura, force field, flight. Fight, fight, and fight some more. Fry their brains.

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Magical Energy Being


Power Level: 7; Power Points Spent: 105/105


STR: +0 (10), DEX: +1 (12), CON: +0 (-), INT: +1 (12), WIS: +2 (14), CHA: +0 (10)


Tough: +9, Fort: Immune, Ref: +5, Will: +5


Skills: Knowledge (arcane Lore) 4 (+5), Knowledge (theology & philosophy) 4 (+5), Notice 5 (+7), Sense Motive 5 (+7)


Feats: Accurate Attack, Attack Focus (ranged) 2, Dodge Focus 2, Power Attack, Uncanny Dodge (Auditory)



Immunity 30 (fortitude saves)

Magical Energy Being (Insubstantial 3) (Energy; Permanent; Innate)

Magical Energy Emission (Array 9) (default power: blast)

   Ley Line Draw (Healing 9) (Array; Restoration; Personal)

   Magic Purge (Nullify 9) (Array; counters: all powers of (type) - magic, DC 19)

   Magical Energy Blast (Blast 9) (Default; DC 24)

   Telekinesis (Move Object 9) (Array; Strength: 45, Carry: 4.3k / 4.3 tons / 6.4 tons / 12.8 tons)

Protection 9 (+9 Toughness)


Attack Bonus: +3 (Ranged: +5, Melee: +3, Grapple: +3)


Attacks: Magic Purge (Nullify 9), +5 (DC Will 19), Magical Energy Blast (Blast 9), +5 (DC 24), Unarmed Attack, +3 (DC 15)


Defense: +5  (Flat-footed: +2), Knockback: -4


Initiative: +1


Languages: Native Language


Totals: Abilities -2 + Skills 5 (18 ranks) + Feats 7 + Powers 76 + Combat 12 + Saves 7 + Drawbacks 0 = 105





Here we are. The last one. And unlike all the rest, a Construct. Magical energy. It's about as simple as the last one, though. Blast, absorb magic (nullify, technically), heal up (between adventures, presumably), and move things with your mind. Because every mage needs to do that trick.

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  • 7 months later...

Spider Totem Mystic


Power Level: 10; Power Points Spent: 150/150


STR: +8 (18/26), DEX: +8 (18/26), CON: +8 (18/26), INT: +0 (10), WIS: +5 (20), CHA: +0 (10)


Tough: +8/+12, Fort: +8, Ref: +8, Will: +10


Skills: Acrobatics 7 (+15), Concentration 5 (+10), Knowledge (arcane Lore) 10 (+10), Knowledge (current events) 10 (+10), Knowledge (streetwise) 8 (+8), Knowledge (theology & philosophy) 10 (+10), Notice 5 (+10), Sense Motive 5 (+10)


Feats: Accurate Attack, Acrobatic Bluff, Artificer, Attack Focus (ranged) 4, Attack Specialization 2 (Unarmed Attack), Dodge Focus 4, Power Attack, Takedown Attack, Uncanny Dodge (Auditory)



Enhanced Constitution 8 (+8 CON)

Enhanced Dexterity 8 (+8 DEX)

Enhanced Strength 8 (+8 STR)

Force Field 4 (+4 Toughness)

Super-Movement 2 (wall-crawling 2 (full speed))

Super-Senses 1 (danger sense: Mental)

Support Magic (Array 2) (default power: elongation)

   Dimensional Pocket 4 (Array; Capacity: 1000 lbs., DC 14; Storage Only)

   Elongation 2 (Default; Elongation: 10 ft., range incr 20 ft., +2 Escape & Grapple; Projection)

   Environmental Control 2 (Array; light (bright), Radius: 10 ft.; Selective Attack; Range (touch))

   Healing 1 (Array; DC 11; Restoration; Limited to Others; Persistent, Regrowth)

Web Shooters (Device 4) (Hard to lose)

   Array 9 (default power: snare)

      Swingline (Linked)

         Speed 3 (Linked; Speed: 50 mph, 440 ft./rnd)

         Super-Movement 2 (Linked; slow fall, swinging)

      Web Objects (Create Object 8) (Array; Max Size: 8x 5' cubes, DC 18; Independent; Slow Fade 2 (5 minutes))

      Web Snare (Snare 8) (Default; DC 18; Obscure Sense (Visual), Tether (800 ft.))


Attack Bonus: +8 (Ranged: +12, Melee: +8, Grapple: +16)


Attacks: Dimensional Pocket 4, +8 (DC Ref/Will 14), Unarmed Attack, +12 (DC 23), Web Snare (Snare 8), +12 (DC Ref/Staged 18)


Defense: +8  (Flat-footed: +2), Knockback: -6


Initiative: +8


Languages: Native Language


Totals: Abilities 34 + Skills 15 (60 ranks) + Feats 16 + Powers 56 + Combat 24 + Saves 5 + Drawbacks 0 = 150


The plan was to make Spiderman on the cheap and then throw in a magic array and the requisite skills and feats a mystic requires. Turns out, Spiderman is expensive. So...this is Spiderman with a small magic array and a fraction of the skills and feats. I've worked it and worked it, and I can't do any better without compromising the Spiderman portion too badly in my view. So this is what you get.


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Blind Mystic


Power Level: 10; Power Points Spent: 150/150


STR: +4 (18), DEX: +4 (18), CON: +4 (18), INT: +3 (16), WIS: +5 (20), CHA: +0 (10)


Tough: +4/+10, Fort: +8, Ref: +10, Will: +10


Skills: Acrobatics 11 (+15), Concentration 10 (+15), Intimidate 12 (+12), Knowledge (arcane Lore) 7 (+10), Knowledge (civics) 12 (+15), Knowledge (theology & philosophy) 7 (+10), Notice 10 (+15), Sense Motive 10 (+15), Stealth 11 (+15)


Feats: Attack Focus (melee) 4, Attack Specialization (Billy Club (Device 1)), Defensive Attack, Defensive Roll 2, Dodge Focus 4, Evasion, Improved Disarm, Power Attack, Takedown Attack, Uncanny Dodge (Auditory)



Billy Club (Device 1) (Easy to lose)

   Billy Club Strike (Strike 2) (DC 21, Feats: Improved Disarm; Mighty)

      Swingline (Super-Movement 2) (Alternate; slow fall, swinging)

Force Field 4 (+4 Toughness)

Ninja Magic (Array 5) (default power: concealment)

   Dark Shroud (Obscure 4) (Array; affects: visual senses, Radius: 50 ft.; Selective Attack; Range (touch); Subtle 2 (unnoticable))

   One With Shadow (Concealment 10) (Default; all senses; Blending)

   Persuasion (Emotion Control 10) (Array; DC 20; Limited (to First Degree of Effect))

   Shadow Teleport (Teleport 8) (Array; 800 ft. as move action; Accurate; Medium (Shadows), Short-Range; Change Direction, Change Velocity)

Super-Senses 13 (accurate: Olfactory, accurate (type): Auditory, acute: Olfactory, analytical: Auditory, analytical: Olfactory, extended: Olfactory 1 (-1 per 100 ft), extended (type): Auditory 1 (-1 per 100 ft), ultra-hearing)


Attack Bonus: +8 (Ranged: +8, Melee: +12, Grapple: +16)


Attacks: Billy Club Strike (Strike 2), +14 (DC 21), Persuasion (Emotion Control 10) (DC Staged/Will 20), Unarmed Attack, +12 (DC 19)


Defense: +8  (Flat-footed: +2), Knockback: -5


Initiative: +4


Drawbacks: Disability, uncommon, minor, Blindness


Languages: Native Language


Totals: Abilities 40 + Skills 23 (90 ranks) + Feats 16 + Powers 33 + Combat 24 + Saves 15 - Drawbacks 1 = 150


Now, Daredevil, on the other hand, was a bit easier. Still not a top class mystic, but instead his magic supplements what he's already good at. He's a perfectly functional PL 8 cap unarmed combatant, but throw in the magic and his Billy Club, and he's Daredevil the Magic Ninja. So...yeah, pretty much good here.

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Scion of Hephaestus


Power Level: 10; Power Points Spent: 150/150


STR: +2 (14), DEX: +1 (12), CON: +2 (14), INT: +0 (10), WIS: +2 (14), CHA: +0 (10)


Tough: +2/+12, Fort: +8, Ref: +5, Will: +8


Skills: Acrobatics 4 (+5), Craft (mechanical) 15 (+15), Craft (structural) 15 (+15), Diplomacy 8 (+8), Gather Information 10 (+10), Intimidate 10 (+10), Knowledge (arcane Lore) 5 (+5), Knowledge (theology & philosophy) 5 (+5), Notice 8 (+10), Sense Motive 8 (+10)


Feats: All-Out Attack, Attack Focus (melee) 3, Attack Specialization 3 (Omni-Weapon (Device 5)), Dodge Focus 4, Improvised Tools, Inventor, Power Attack, Startle, Takedown Attack, Uncanny Dodge (Auditory)



Invincible Armor (Device 12) (Hard to lose)

   Immunity 80 (lethal energy damage, lethal physical damage, nonlethal energy damage, nonlethal physical damage; Limited - Half Effect)

   Protection 10 (+10 Toughness; Impervious)

Omni-Weapon (Device 5) (Easy to lose)

   Omni Weapon Strike (Strike 4) (DC 21; Autofire (interval 2, max +5) [2 extra ranks], Penetrating [2 extra ranks], Secondary Effect [2 extra ranks]; Mighty, Variable Descriptor 2 (Broad group - Any Physical))


Attack Bonus: +5 (Ranged: +5, Melee: +8, Grapple: +10)


Attacks: Omni Weapon Strike (Strike 4), +14 (DC 21), Unarmed Attack, +8 (DC 17)


Defense: +8  (Flat-footed: +2), Knockback: -11


Initiative: +1


Languages: Native Language


Totals: Abilities 14 + Skills 22 (88 ranks) + Feats 17 + Powers 63 + Combat 18 + Saves 16 + Drawbacks 0 = 150


I have been reading Robert Graves's The Greek Myths as The Folio Society republished them a while back. The Greek gods are just the worst people. Just the worst. But you know, they're not all bad. Hephaestus doesn't really seem like that bad of a guy. Keeps his pants on, doesn't get murdery, and not known to lie more than a sleeping dog. He just makes stuff. So, here's a worshipper. Or a modern son. Or the god himself, born into mortal flesh for a reason only you can devise. As far as Toughness saves go, you'd have to drop a nuke on him in his armor to get him to notice, and even then he's got a shot at making the save. Highly skilled craftsman with Inventor and Improvised Tools. And of course, his Omni Weapon, which can be pretty much any melee weapon he wants. I think it's pretty neat, anyway.


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